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Initiation Page 22

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Braden’s eyes softened, and he too backed off. “I love her, Erik.”

  “I know.” He saw it in his friend’s face and heard it in his voice. Braden and Alexa would make a good couple. He had no doubt about that. After watching how they were with each other, he knew they’d last a lifetime.

  Quiet settled around them. Erik understood the dynamics of their friendship would change with Braden’s commitment to Alexa. But it was time. Braden needed someone like Alexa in his life to ground him. Erik doubted they’d be initiating any more women together. Alexa would never allow it, and Braden felt so emotionally attached to her that he probably had no desire to fill his needs elsewhere. Just as he was going to ask Braden about his physical involvement with her, the door slid open.

  Alexa rushed in. “Oh! You’re both here. Good. I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “What’s wrong?” Erik asked. He could see more than a slight disturbance in her eyes and concern filled him.

  “Kam left. He wouldn’t tell me what’s going on, but something’s definitely wrong. He took a transport-connector from the medical supply room and materialized out.”

  “Shit!” Braden responded. “He picked a hell of a time to disappear. We should have put security on him.”

  “Security?” Her eyes widened, and she looked from Braden to Erik and back again. “So something is going on. I knew it.”

  Braden stalked over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt. He tossed the garment at her. “Put this on, Alexa. That one you’re wearing is too short. You shouldn’t be roaming the corridors alone in it. You’re too much of a temptation. Where’s Leila?”

  “I don’t know.” Alexa slipped the longer button-down shirt on over the one she had on. “She went to get me some clothes, but never came back. What’s going on?”

  A bad feeling struck Erik about Kam disappearing without a word. Especially now. This whole situation had a foul smell to it. Leila might be right after all. “I’ll find her. You’ll have decent clothes available in no time.”

  “I’m not concerned about my clothes, for crying out loud.”

  “I know. You don’t need to worry about Kam. He can take care of himself.” Better than he normally let on.

  “He’s still hurt.”

  “He’ll be fine, Alexa,” Braden replied. “Erik will handle this for the moment. I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes. Right now.”

  “Later, guys.” Erik headed for the door. Time to find the worm in the hole.

  Alexa didn’t like the feel of things. Something was definitely going on. And nobody was letting her in on it. Braden, Erik, and Kam were too protective of her. Or too secretive. She wasn’t sure which it was.

  She fluctuated from fear to anger to frustration to more than extreme wariness, to say the least. “I’m getting scared, Braden.” An understatement if there ever was one. “Please tell me what’s happening.”

  Braden pulled her down to the couch with him and settled her on his lap. “You’re safe.”

  “I’m not worried about myself.” Well, obviously that wasn’t true, since she’d just confessed her fear, but it went deeper than that, and she was tired of him putting her off. “I’m worried about Kam.” And that was the truth. He’d grabbed a special place in her heart, and she couldn’t just dismiss what was happening with him. “Why would he take off?”

  “Kam’s always been like that. He gets headaches and goes off.”


  “He’s half-Tamarian. Tamara is a planet in a nearby star system. His mother is from there. Their genetics don’t always work well with Xylon biology. It creates some health problems.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “Not for the most part.”

  “For the most part?”

  He patted her leg. “He’s fine. Leila keeps a close watch.”

  “How can she keep a watch when he’s gone, and no one knows where he is?”

  “Don’t worry about him, Alexa.”

  “He’s my brother.”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you about his health.”

  Braden looked sincere, but she wasn’t so sure about the explanation, and concern filled her. If it were so simple, why wouldn’t Kam just have told her? There had to be more to it. Her brother had been too secretive about leaving, as if he didn’t want anyone to know…or anyone to stop him. She tried to read between Braden’s words, but his hand rubbing her thigh caused her thought processes to go all haywire, and she couldn’t concentrate, as she should.

  “I want to talk to you about something. Please hear me out on it.”

  Uh, oh. That didn’t sound good either. What had she gotten herself into by coming to this alien planet? “All…right,” she replied, drawing out the words, not sure that she really wanted to hear what he had to say.

  “I want to Brand you, Alexa. Wait, now,” he added quickly when she stiffened. “Let me explain what that means.”

  His fingers gripped her leg tighter, and his other arm wrapped around her waist, so she couldn’t go anywhere. He’d trapped her. She took a deep breath and nodded. She knew he wouldn’t actually detain her against her will if she insisted on getting up, so she supposed it wouldn’t hurt to just stay put and listen.

  “Okay. I’ll listen.” Maybe Branding wasn’t as barbaric as it sounded. And maybe in the telling he’d reveal more about the new life she found herself a part of. She felt very lacking in information at the moment.

  Braden relaxed. She hadn’t protested…yet. He eased his grip on her, but kept her on his lap. He wanted her close. He felt more centered when she was near. “Branding will completely protect you from the Egesa.”

  When she shuddered, a heavy weight settled upon him. He wished he could take away all her fear. He only hoped he could convince her to go through with the Branding. It’s not the way he would have planned what was supposed to be a private, intimate act. But, once again, her pivotal position held their future in her hands.

  “But I’m safe just being here, aren’t I? They can’t get to me.”

  “Theoretically. But we have reason to believe that they’ve found a way to monitor our activity, and might even be able to get a man past our defenses and infiltrate The Lair.”

  She glanced around the room. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. She looked so vulnerable and uncertain. He rubbed her thigh—a light caress.

  “These quarters are secure. At least of listening devices. Erik and I checked. We’ll do a sweep for video later today. We need to be sure you’re protected as much as possible. It’s not over yet, Alexa. But I’ll be right here with you all the way.”

  She sat silent another moment before speaking. “How does Branding protect me, exactly?”

  He let out the breath he’d been holding. Good. She really was willing to listen. “After it’s over, no one but a Xylon Warrior, can touch you sexually. If they try, a poison will seep into their system, and they’ll die a very agonizing death.”

  “How does the poison get into them?”

  “Through the sweat glands, from yours into theirs. If the body chemistry is not compatible, the poison activates.”

  “Hmm, okay. But, um…why the heck did I go through the Initiation, if I could have just done this Branding thing?”

  “The Initiation protects you from sterilization and poisons being transmitted sexually and non-sexually through torture. It also includes the self-healing element and prepares your body for breeding. A person must be initiated first, before they can be Branded.”

  “I don’t know, Braden. It sounds creepy. And how does that protect me more anyhow? The Egesa could still kill me. Or imprison me.”

  “You’re a super breeder. They won’t kill you. Your genetics are too valuable. After the Branding, your body locks, is the best way that I can think to describe it, with mine. They won’t imprison you, unless they can find a way around the properties of the Brand, because we’ll be connected. We’ll know
, internally, where the other is at all times.”

  “At all times?” Her eyes widened. “So much for privacy. I’m not sure I like that idea. How long does this Branding last?”


  She glanced away, and her fingers tangled. Her gaze slowly returned to his. “There’s no way to reverse it? I mean, what if we hate each other in six months? It’s possible, you know.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll have to work it out.” He pulled her closer, so her thighs were now straddling him. “It’s for the best, Alexa.” Time for the absolute truth. He couldn’t expose his feelings any more than what he was about to do right now. He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “I love you, Alexa. I will always love you. And I want you with me forever.”

  “You love me?” Her voice cracked.

  “I love you.”

  Alexa’s heart took off at breakneck speed. No man had ever said those words to her and meant them. And she believed Braden meant them. The look in his eyes revealed his feelings. She chewed at her bottom lip. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I see.” A sad smile tugged at his lips. “Well, that’s too bad.” His fingers tangled in her hair. “Regardless, let me Brand you. Please. I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy. That’s a promise, Alexa. I’ll see to it you never regret your decision.”

  She wanted to say that she loved him too, and she knew that’s what he’d wanted to hear, but those words and the permanence of the Branding scared her. She’d seen so many couples break up. Her parents included. In fact, from what Kam had said, their joining was a complete lie. She hated lies, and forever was a jail sentence if a relationship developed problems.

  She’d already promised Braden, in the elevator, that she would stay. But that promise had been given in the heat of the moment. Now, she was able to think more clearly. “Would that mean we were married?”

  He grazed his fingers down her arms and shrugged. “Basically. We can have an Earth ceremony, too, if you like.”

  Basically? She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that, or the way he said it. She did believe in his love. And if he was willing to go through a regular ceremony for her, that meant he respected her feelings on the matter. But commitment was hard. She touched her stomach.

  “Don’t worry. You’re not pregnant.”

  “I know. I’m protected. I was just thinking about it.” She wondered why he would say that though, as if he was certain that she wasn’t. She cocked her head. “You can’t?” That couldn’t possibly be true, given all she knew.

  He laughed. “Yes. I can get you pregnant. But only during a Breeder Release. All Warriors are sterile, except during those specific times. You are now, too, and don’t need any artificial means of protection anymore. It’ll all be explained to you in more detail as you learn about life here.”

  “Seems strange for a society desperate for Warrior children. You fight so hard to stop the Egesa from sterilizing your people, then you make them sterile yourselves.”

  “Ours is temporary. Theirs is permanent. It’s to control the strength of the species, and the timing of births. I know it’s a little confusing.”

  She rubbed her arms. Everything about Xylon society was confusing to her. “I’m still concerned about this Branding, Braden.” And not convinced that she should go through with it. “Does it hurt?”

  “Not if done correctly. All male breeders have an implant in their mouths, along the inner portion of the lips. A corresponding chip in the brain activates the device at the proper time. I place a round mark on the back of your neck, at the moment that we both orgasm, and this will bind us as mates.”

  Her thighs clenched. “Orgasm?”

  “Yes. The sexual act is the strongest, most intimate, and oldest bond. Our society is based on that, as are most of our rites. Each Brand is unique. Everyone will know you’re mine.”

  His. Her mind was spinning. She wasn’t sure she was even taking in everything he was saying. She hadn’t really thought that she’d be marked like some dang herd animal. “I suppose we need an audience for this Branding?”

  He cocked an eyebrow, not having expected that question from her. Had she overheard something? “Why do you ask?”

  “We have yet to have sex in private. Not totally, anyhow.”

  “Oh.” He chuckled. “Sorry about that. And, yes, we need an audience for this.” It was just a little lie, but necessary for the safety of them both, and to finish the trap.


  “Well…” He didn’t want to frighten her any further, so he skirted the issue, and decided to tell her something that at least sounded right. “Since this is a permanent thing, it’s required to make sure that you’re not forced. Especially if you change your mind at the last minute.” That actually wouldn’t be a bad policy to put into place, now that he thought about it.

  “You’d never force me.”

  “No. Of course not. But it’s still required.”

  “Who would be there? Erik?”

  “Yes. I’d like it to be him. Do you mind?”

  “He’s becoming a permanent fixture in our sex lives.”

  “It just seems that way, because of the circumstances.”

  “Well…I’d rather have him there than anyone else, I suppose. I trust him. I think he has a good heart, even though he tries to cover it up.”

  She was right about Erik, but he didn’t really know how he felt about her getting comfortable with his friend’s presence during their joinings.

  Sex had always just been sex. And group sex was no big deal. It was normal, even expected, though a few Warriors still declined to participate, with the exception of the Initiation.

  Their entire way of life revolved around the joining of bodies and souls. But then, he’d never been in love before, not like this. Even his first love, destroyed compliments of his brother, hadn’t been this powerful.

  The intimate act had now become something else to him—something more. Alexa had become more.

  * * * * *

  When he materialized into her quarters, Leila spun around. She dropped the clothes in her arms.

  “What the hell are you doing? You scared me to death.”

  Erik studied her flushed features. So beautiful. Fury exploded inside him, thinking about how she’d been hurt, physically and emotionally. When he’d had the chance, he should have killed Rave and the masked man with her. It would have been easy while they’d been unconscious. It would have also been in cold blood. That didn’t set well. Looking into Leila’s sad eyes almost convinced him that he should have made an exception. It might have solved more than one problem, given their current situation.

  “You know you’re not supposed to materialize into someone’s quarters without permission. It’s a major offense. I could have you thrown out of The Lair.”

  “Yeah. But you won’t. The Council asked me to go through the rooms, so we can account for everyone. Make sure everyone who’s still here has reported in.” Not really, but he didn’t want to agitate her by telling her that he was looking for hidden surveillance equipment. Any of their rooms, even hers, could be bugged.


  “Are those for Alexa?” he asked, indicating the clothes on the floor.

  “Yes. Did she agree to the Branding?”

  “Braden’s talking to her now. Kam’s disappeared.”

  She sank down to the couch. “Oh, no.”

  “It could just be one of his temporary departures.”

  “Is that what you believe?”

  “No. Not really. The timing was too convenient for it to have been one of his headaches. He would have told one of us.”

  “I want to be there.”

  “There?” He’d been staring at her mouth—full and lush. He gave himself a mental shake. “Where?”

  “At the Branding. I have to know. See for myself.”

  “I don’t think Alexa would be comfortable with you there.”

  She stared at him in silence a
moment. “Alexa? Or you?”

  Oh, boy. Better not answer that one. Not directly. Besides, until he checked her room, they needed to be careful what they said. He turned and pretended to study one of her pink and silver snow-capped picturescapes, while checking the monitor he’d brought with him. No indication of any listening devices. He almost wished it were otherwise. It would give him an excuse not to talk about things. He wouldn’t be able to check for video until she left.

  “You’re going to need help. Braden won’t be in the best position to do that, not if he wants to concentrate on the act. I’m assuming he’s going to do it for real this time, not pretend. Egesa and Pain Masters are more easily fooled than those we’re up against now.”

  He discreetly pocketed the palm-sized monitor. “It’ll be real.” He turned toward her. “Braden wants her protected and joined to him as quickly as possible.”

  “Then let me help.”


  “I’m not a totally defenseless female, Erik. I do have training.”

  He stalked over to her and pulled her off the couch. He dragged her against his chest. “Fine. Show me what you can do, right now.”

  She pushed against him. “Don’t be stupid. Let me go.”

  “Make me, Leila. Take me down.” The feel of her against him was pure ecstasy, and his body immediately hardened.

  “You’re being an ass.”

  “And you’re being unrealistic.” Regretfully, knowing now was not the time, he released her and stepped back. The look of rejection in her eyes, almost permanently in her eyes since the incident on the Marid ship, was too much. “I’ll see what I can arrange. If someone gets hurt, we’ll need a Healer fast. It might as well be you.” It was the most he could do, for now.

  * * * * *

  Kam turned to Laszlo. “Have you told me everything?”

  “Of course.” Laszlo watched the monitors. Each displayed a different area in The Lair. “What are they planning?”

  “What makes you think they’re planning anything?”


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