Angel of Ash

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Angel of Ash Page 6

by Law, Josephine

  Angel woke up well before six, dimly she heard a grandfather clock chime six hours and unable to sleep anymore, even though she’d barely had a decent night, she excitedly got up, wanting to look her best for Asher and feeling once more like a young girl instead of a woman.

  Lighting candles in her now cool room, she opened her trunk, pulling out a light blue day dress with a bodice lower than was usual for her and the required undergarments. The gown was high waist and over the light blue cotton a white lace over garment was placed, adding a delicacy to the already beautiful fabric. With that came a bonnet also. Smiling, she turned on the spigot, giving herself a leisurely wash up, scrubbing herself with her own scented soap before slowly combing, her teeth with baking soda and peroxide, and then brushing her hair until it lay in luxurious waves down to her waist, before slowly dressing it, pinning it low and allowing a small bang to escape before sweeping that slightly to the side and allowing loose tendrils to frame her face. She glossed her lips lightly and got dressed rolling on her silk stockings, telling herself she wanted to look presentable for Hunter’s family, but knowing that was a load of crock even her inner self refused to believe. Finally dressed, she repacked her items and straightened her room, lugging the small trunk to the door when someone knocked just as the grandfather clocked chimed five.

  “Come in,” Angel called, her back to the door as she pulled the heavy trunk, wanting to be ready for Asher once she would meet him downstairs in the kitchen.

  Asher opened the door, having intersected Mrs. Beatrice, and sent her to the kitchens so she could hurriedly fix his company breakfast. He hadn’t expected Angel to be up, instead, hoping to find her still abed, her hair long and flowing around her lithe form teasing himself relentlessly.

  Instead, he was met with her adorable backside as she tried dragging her large trunk towards the door, and for a moment, he paused a wide smile breaking his features, making his dimples deep heart stoppers, before getting himself under control.

  “Dressed, already,” he said, walking inside her brightly lit room. “And here I thought you would still be a sleeping beauty, waiting for the kiss of your prince.”

  “Oh, sir, you tease so,” she said, before giving up her struggles and standing tall, staring into his feline eyes as a punch of emotion hit her deep in the stomach. Nearly flinching, she could do nothing except stare at awe on the countenance of his handsome form, more handsome today than he had been yesterday, if that was at all possible. His hair lay in riotous waves and curls upon his head, his smile was deep as his dimples creased his cheeks heavily, and since he was so close, she could smell the mint he used upon his breath, its sweet scent sending shivers of pleasure straight to her toes as his white teeth flashed in amusement.

  Asher was just as pleased by her appearance as she happened to be by his. Her face was fresh, beguiling, lit up like the stars, her eyes smoke darkened by some emotion he refused to name as of yet, her lips plump, shiny and he wanted so much to taste them, taste her, in that beautiful day dress in which she wore, a ribbon tied beneath her breast, pushing her full breasts up for his viewing enjoyment.

  It would be hell, today, he swore to himself, sitting so close to her and not being able to touch what she so freely showed him. It was with little wonder as distracted as they were with each other’s presence time seemed to still before them as Angel’s breath became more shallow and then in short gasps for breath, her chest rising rapidly, and Asher could take no more, he would taste her lips and brought his hand up, placing it on the side of her neck to tilt her head ever so slightly, stepping closer to her, not yet allowing his body to touch hers as he watched her eyes flutter close, her tongue snake out to touch her lips, making it shinier, and with a muffled moan, he brought his lips to hers, fitting his mouth against hers, hearing her answering moan as he moved his lips, unbelievably, she seemed a novice and so he taught her just how to move them, and when he opened his mouth and silently teased hers open, he felt her breath constrict, hands touch his arms blindly, holding him tightly and then forgetting all else.

  He could stand there forever, molding her to him, her body now fitting perfectly against his, her arms still clutching his shoulders as if for dear life, while his own moved to caress her waist, pulling her closer to him, before, finally and regretfully, they had to come up for air, Asher nuzzling the soft skin under her ear, kissing it and licking it lightly, smiling when he felt her answering shiver.

  “Oh, my,” she whispered breathily and he wanted to laugh at her innocent remark. Could she really be an innocent in matters of the heart, she had not known how to kiss, until he’d shown her how. It seemed to unbelievable to disbelieve.

  Yet, Asher, being the more experienced of the two, stepped back, his hands still lingering at her waist and staring down into her now opened eyes that looked at him with shock, amusement and desire. She wouldn’t tell him it was her first kiss, however, and hoped he hadn’t realized it, knowing a man such as Asher would enjoy someone more experienced and worldly than she herself was.

  But she could not stop the tingling sensation from coursing through her body and with a heated blushed realized she was still clutching his shoulders tightly, like a maddened wanton, before hurriedly bringing them down, dropping her eyes to the floor and one hand unconsciously placed upon her lips, as if trying to keep the imprint of that kiss upon her mind forever.

  It took Asher every ounce of will power he had not to kiss her again, instead, he held her hand tightly, lifting her chin to meet his eyes and smiling deeply Angel,” he said and Angel nodded almost absentmindedly, before hurriedly dropping her eyes away from his.

  How he must think of me as a wanton, she thought to herself and felt a deep shame for allowing him to kiss her after they known each other for less than one full day. She wanted to apologize for her behavior but that would be just as worse and so instead, made motions to leave, his hands, now removed, forever burned upon her flesh. “I-I, yes, of course, sir,” she said moving away as she watched him squat to pick up her chest, the muscles of his arms flexing beneath his jacket and suddenly she felt a rush of desire so strong she nearly wilted at the spot.

  “Um…um, I will be, down, momentarily, alright?” She managed to stutter whirling away from him before turning back, backing away. “Just a moment,” she said and watched as he left before slamming the door behind him and falling to her bed in amazement. She had never felt such desire, had never even thought about such things until she had laid eyes upon Asher Davis. Oh, Lord, she got up, using the discarded small towel she had used for her face and placing it upon her cheeks to cool the hot flush. Finished washing, she rinsed her hands, blew the candles and fled downstairs, her stomach in knots. And as she walked down, she kept getting little shivers of pleasure which would course through her very body.

  She prayed valiantly that they would pass, but knew that if she stayed much longer in his presence she would have a hard time getting herself under control. And she really didn’t want to. She wanted to feel that course of pleasure as his lips upon hers, once more, no many times more, wanted to feel his tongue and hers dueling gently as he’d shown her. Oh, the horror, she was a wanton slut, she should have felt guilty, but did not, should have felt shame but could not bring said emotion to the forefront of her mind. Instead, she walked briskly outside where Asher had just finished tying her case to the rest of the luggage on the back of the carriage.

  Standing there and staring at him, she had eyes for no other man, as a thick lock of hair fell over his forehead and her hands itched to move it back, in fact, her feet had inexplicably started walking towards him, before stopping, he impatiently shoving the hair back before glancing up and seeing her stare at him oh, so hungrily.

  “Are you ready, Angel?” He asked and watched her nod, a short jacket now upon her, covering up the beautiful cleavage she had showed him earlier. But he was glad for that one thing, glad that no other man could see what he had seen and intensely aware that if he were to see it himself,
one more time, ravishing her would be upon the uppermost things to do today.

  Escorting her inside the waiting carriage, he quickly followed, closing the door behind them as they waved Oswald and his wife away, Beatrice, who’d packed the couple and his men large lunches.

  “Are you ready for a brief respite, Beatrice packed bread and apples and cheese for breakfast, cold chicken and meat pies for lunch.”

  “Yes, please, just an apple, however,” she said, aware of the tension in the carriage.

  He dug into the said basket, holding out a shiny red apple for her whom she reached for before he pulled his hands away slightly, hers within an inch of touching the apple. “But first, I must ask a boon of you,” he whispered deliciously.

  Her lips started trembling…again; she nodded, slightly, meeting his eyes. “Yes?”

  He didn’t say anything for a long, pregnant pause. “A kiss,” he finally told her, watching the blush overtake her cheeks as her eyes dropped. He saw the struggle within herself, smiling slightly before she met his eyes, a challenging dare in them that took him by surprise.

  “If you wish it,” she returned, looking at him from the corners of her eyes, her lashes hiding most of her silver coloring.

  “Oh, yes, I wish more than just a kiss…but for now, I shall start off, slowly,” he said and with his unencumbered hand, eased his arm around her slight waist, pulling her towards him until she was on the edge of her seat, her legs between his out sprawled ones. “A kiss, sleeping beauty, the second of what I hope to be many more.”

  Breathing, she closed her eyes again and felt that ache began within her as before and this time she did not scurry away from it, but hoped that he would somehow ease it since he was the cause of such an effect he had upon her body.

  This second kiss was even more delightful than before because she know knew how to fit her mouth and head against his, now knew that opening her mouth would only add pleasurable intensity to the kiss, the feel of his teeth, lips and mouth against her, caused Angel to moan low in her throat and wrap her arms around Asher’s thick neck, her mind unfocused on nothing except his touch, his kiss, his lips, his hand making slow circles upon her back, underneath her jacket.

  This man’s touch should be outlawed, he should be outlawed. He was too beautiful for his own good. She kept kissing him, not caring or caring and wanting more when his hands touched her softly, hesitantly, and the ache that began there was incredible, while suddenly she found herself upon his lap, turned sideways, still kissing, her hands delved deep into his thick hair, making noises she’d never made before, as he held her tightly to his body, gripping her with power, her desire inevitable.

  “Please…” she cried, her hips thrusting, ever so slightly, before she stilled, the sound of her own voice and the motions of her body a slap upon her face a douse of cold water, as she instantly opened her eyes, pulling away from Asher. “Oh,” she cried out, struggling from his grip, which he immediately released as she scampered back to her seat, avoiding his stare. “No, we mustn’t,” she stated firmly, trying her best to regulate her breathing, but the feel of his hands were imprinted upon her body, her waist, back, and arms. She refused to look at him as her heated face stared at her tightly clenched hands upon her lap more embarrassed by her horribly wanton responses that she knew was a sin she could not afford to commit.

  He didn’t speak, simply staring at her in first bewildered confusion before his muddled mind cleared and the lust within his body, started slowly to recede until he could look at her without wanting to tear her clothes off. Angel looked visibly shaken; to keep her hands from trembling they were clenched tightly onto her lap. Asher reached out to touch them lightly, comfort her, before she backed away like a skittish colt shaking her head and meeting his eyes.

  “No, please, don’t touch me,” she cried softly, biting her bottom lip again in worry, not wanting to have to battle with the lustful wanton creature she had become. “I have never, never,” she began to say before stopping hurriedly. “Please.” She said again but this time not as a plea for sexual pleasure but as a plea for the end of this temptation which he was serving her mightily.

  Closing her eyes, she blocked out his troubled vision from her mind, breathing in and out deeply before she opened them, staring at him, feeling a calmness overtake her senses, she would be honest with him, because Angel prided herself on her honesty, wanting him to know her limited background with men. “Asher, I have, never, kissed anyone, before this morning, before you, what you make me feel is wonderful…but wrong. I cannot continue what you…and I would wish were so, I fear. We dare not venture down such a dark road.”

  Asher was at a loss for words, the first time ever, even though her sexual vulnerability tugged at him he still wanted to push aside her words and claim her for his own. He knew what she asked, secretly, fearfully deep inside and knew he could deliver her unspoken request, but at what cost? Would she resent him for doing the thing she so claimed was not to be, and if so, could he afford possibly alienating herself from him upon once lying in bed with him. He decided not to push her, for now, and nodded, smiling slightly. “You are right, my lady,” he said.

  Angel shook her head a pleading look in her eyes. “And no more, endearments, please, Asher, treat me as if you would, your sister-”

  It was his snort that interrupted her and caused her to laugh softly self-consciously. “Alright, a female relative, then, sir.”

  “I will treat you as a dear and treasured friend, Angel, something in which I now hope you think of me?” He asked, as his own hint of vulnerability showed through his face, an unwanted emotion he squashed instantly, before smiling widely once again in an endearing way, the dimples deepening in his cheeks.

  Angel wanted to touch those dimples, hold his face lightly in her hands and trace every curve and line upon it; she fisted her hands even tighter, something which did not go unnoticed by Asher. “Angel, do you not hurt your hands?” he commented.

  She dropped her eyes to her lap, making a painful effort to release the grip before placing her palms flat upon her lap and then glancing up, but instead of staring at her hands, he was staring at her face and smiled. “That is better, here, your apple,” he said, handing her the large, red apple.

  She reached for it, her hands stopping within inches of the apple. “And so shall we claim a truce? No more,” blushing she glanced up and met his eyes. “Kisses or whispered endearments?”

  Asher paused, a wicked grin on her face that raked Angel once more in desire. “Truce,” he finally said while inwardly, he thought, ‘for now.’

  Smiling, he handed her the apple, which she gratefully took and watched as she took a bite out of the succulent fruit, seconds later, he had to turn away from the pretty picture she presented to look outside the carriage window at the still dark morning sky. “With much luck, we shall reach the estate quickly, but the horses will have to stop during the trip to rest and feed. If you are tired, feel free to sleep…against my shoulder if you wish, I shall be the perfect gentleman.”

  Angel stopped chewing staring at him warily. “I am not tired,” she quipped, sitting up even straighter in her seat and opening her eyes even wider, the very epitome of a bright eyed and bushy tailed squirrel.

  He couldn’t help smiling, feeling at once relaxed and tense, his manner easy at her gentle nature which he still doubted, underneath he knew, was a vixen, cold blooded, who would take him for everything he was worth if he allowed her to. He would play her games of innocence for now, until he would lay claim upon her body and give them both pleasure untold. He calculated her seduction, the thought of his sisters’ wishes pushed to the furthest recesses of his mind.

  “And what if I perchance were to grow sleepy, would you accommodate my weak nature and allow me to rest my head upon your shoulder or perhaps even your lap?” He asked.

  She couldn’t help but burst out with a startled and embarrassed laugh at the picture he presented, his eyes closed with their thick black and l
uscious lashes, fanned upon his cheeks as he feigned sleep. “I trust your nature to be strong, sir; I do not think you will need any respite. You appear quite healthy.”

  “Oh, I am, dea-Ms. Angel, of course. But that is something that should never cross the mind of an innocent young miss such as yourself?” He asked.

  Angel did not like the tone of his voice as if he were secretly amused with her naivety and closed her lips sharply. She did not like to be on the receiving end of such condescension and not especially after his gentle teasing of before. Wary of further words he would say, Angel dropped her eyes back to her lap, slightly hurt and bit into her apple again, even though she was far from hungry. As a novice in lover’s affairs she floundered dismally in the deep end of ignorance and therefore had no remark to say that would not allow him to further peek into her sea of innocence and inexperience.

  Asher regretted his terse words immediately when he saw her face drop in hurt. But, oh, how well she played the innocent. He had known a woman like her before, who played a sweet virgin so convincingly until she’d gotten him into her clutches, and how could he have thought that Angel was different, even for a moment. No, women were all the same, conniving and deceitful; Angel was no different from the many other women he had crossed paths with. She played her innocence very well, he knew that with a flick of his hand, he could have her do his bidding, panting and moaning in his mouth, but chose not to, he would see this game of hers played out and know she would lose in the end, and he would win the spoils.

  But Asher was also not a man prone to apologize for his actions, so he made no excuse for the words he spoke, instead pretending to ignore her hurt face, pushing the emotions down within him that would rear up as they had once did so very long ago. Those emotions had done him no good then, except show him for the green fool he had once been a long, time ago. He’d not play the vulnerable fool for another such as she. Instead, feeling self-righteous at his thoughts, he turned away from Angel, his gaze upon the passing countryside which was lightning up every minute that passed, as Angel, no longer pretending to be hungry, sat the apple next to her and stared out of her own window, not understanding how the light mood of moments earlier had become so dark and how the mild mannered and teasing Asher had caustic.


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