Unbroken (Unarmed Trilogy #2)

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Unbroken (Unarmed Trilogy #2) Page 12

by Nina Monroe

  "I suppose," Will teased as he handed the arrow to her next. "Inspect the arrow, now. Different arrowheads are used to pierce different things. For example, this arrow will easily pierce clothes and skin, along with the target, but probably wouldn't scratch my armor. However, some arrows could dent my armor, while other arrows are designed to be a clean shot through skin, while others purposely become lodged in skin."

  "I have had to remove arrows as a healer," Tamzin said as she looked at the small arrow. "Is this a child's arrow?"

  "You learn to walk before you run," Will replied as he watched her inspect it with a scrunched nose. "Show me the proper stance again."

  "Will, we have been doing this for nearly an hour now!" Tamzin cried as she let her hands drop to her side; her fist still gripped the arrow. "Am I not a Roth girl? Shooting arrows is in my blood."

  "I'm a better shot than your father, so you can discard that argument," Will teased as he held up the bow, straightened his back and shoulders, and released a breath. "Shooting a bow and arrow is a difficult task. Taking a man's life is a difficult task."

  "It's a task I know too well," Tamzin replied solemnly as she let her eyes focus on the target. "Do you ever imagine someone is the target when you shoot?"

  "Every time," Will replied. "Who do you see?"

  "Douglas Johansson mostly, but sometimes Junior. I know I killed him, but I wish I made him suffer. I held Kendall as she died. If he was to kill her, why couldn't he make it quick?" Tamzin asked as she looked to him, her brown eyes framed by unshed tears. "What kind of man kills women and children?"

  "A coward," Will replied without a beat. He reached out and touched her shoulder gently. "We will kill them all, my love. We will kill them for Kendall and every person they harmed or murdered." Realization flickered on Will's face as his fingers slid down her bare arm. "That's why you want to learn how to shoot..."

  "It's agreed upon that it was nothing but luck when I killed Junior. That won't happen again. I'm going to be a mother soon, and I'm going to protect our child. No one will hurt my family again," Tamzin said with the thick tone of vengeance. "I'm going to burn Johansson Territory to the ground, if it's the last thing I do."

  "Then show me the proper stance again, Your Grace," Will ordered her like she were a soldier. With an imaginary bow in her hand, Tamzin mimicked the stance Will had shown her. "Very good, my sweet."

  "Kendall and I wanted to learn how to shoot when we were younger. Lucy wanted to get to know one of the soldiers better, so she joined us," Tamzin laughed as she felt Will come to stand behind her, where he adjusted her posture a bit. "Kendall was the only one of us to hit on the target. I think she was a natural."

  "Why don't you talk about her? It's not good to keep your emotions bottled up," Will said as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder blade. His beard scratched her sensitive skin and Tamzin felt a chill go down her spine. "I would listen."

  "I talk to my mother during our daily tea. It's hard to talk to you about her because you didn't know her well. She and I were supposed to do many things together. We got married together, we should have had our babies together. When she married Garrett, it was like something out of a fairy tale. Childhood best friends marry childhood best friends. I thought our children would be best friends and maybe if she had a girl, our boy could have..."

  Will listened to this story with a heavy heart as he was reminded of Garrett's betrayal. One of his men had told him that Quincy, Turner’s bodyguard, had interrogated Seraphina, after he saw her acting odd. She had snuck away in the middle of the night and she claimed that all she tried to do was send a letter. Will had begged Quincy to forget about the incident and to not tell Tamzin. He vouched for Seraphina being a Northern girl, but he could tell that Quincy was observant for signs that she may be Will's mistress.

  The townspeople talked about how odd it was to have a comfort girl continue to travel with an army after the war was over, but it was only gossip. Tamzin rarely put stock into most gossip and she hadn't brought it up to him at any point.

  "Will? Will?" Tamzin said as she tapped his shoulder. "Were you listening to me?" she asked with slight irritation before she crossed her arms over her chest.

  "I am sorry, love, I was thinking about what you were saying. It would have been a good match, our boy and if Kendall and Garrett had a girl." Will frowned slightly before he looked back at the target. "When you shoot at a target, you shoot at something small on the target. For example, if you wish to hit the red, look for something smaller, like the very center where it is slightly redder. If it were a person, try to shoot for a button or a brooch. Do that and you will hit the larger target." Will reached out and held out her arms again before he slid the bow into her arms. The arrow rested uneasily across the bow and he felt her exhale as she shot.

  The arrow landed at her feet.

  "It's alright," Will soothed as he kissed her shoulder. "It is difficult to learn how to shoot. With practice, you will do very well, I think."

  "Or it's just another reason why she should go put her feet up," Rolf said as he approached the couple from behind. "Teaching your swelling wife how to shoot? That doesn't sound dangerous at all," Rolf said sarcastically.

  "Maybe you should mind your own business," Tamzin spat as she lowered the bow and turned to look at him. "If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it."

  "Princess! Those aren't kind words. If you weren't swelling, I would dismiss it as your womanly time of the month," Rolf said as he took the bow from her arms. "A child's bow as well?"

  "She has never shot before. It is normal protocol, as you know," Will said as he leaned forward and grabbed the bow from Rolf. "Where I come from, nobles don't insult royalty like you just did."

  "I also heard that you rarely use utensils where you come from," Rolf said as he eyed Tamzin's chest in her dress. "You are looking lovely today, Your Grace."

  "I am much lovelier when I am smiling, something I cannot seem to do with you around," Tamzin bit back like a ferocious dog before she turned back to Will. "Will, help me with my stance again, please?" she asked sweetly. Will nodded as he took her arms and extended them again. With her in the correct position, Will leaned down and grabbed the arrow before he placed them between her fingers.

  "Breathe out," Will said as he felt her exhale and released the arrow. It went a bit further than before, but still not close enough to the target. "You've already improved. Very good, sweetness." Will kissed her cheek and felt Tamzin smile. That was before Will and Tamzin heard Rolf's slightly asthmatic laugh.

  "Are you sure you killed Junior Johansson?" Rolf asked before he doubled over with laugh. "I couldn't imagine you wielding a dagger when you can't have enough strength to send an arrow into the target!"

  "You're on thin ice," Tamzin warned as she lowered the bow. Will thought about intervening further, but mostly he was happy to see Tamzin standing up for herself again. The frightened little girl was melting away.

  "Thin ice?' That must be a Northern saying you've picked up. I hope Kendall didn't dumb herself down before she was stabbed," Rolf said, before his lips drew thin. Even he knew he had gone too far with that comment. Tamzin had looked down at her bow before she looked back to Rolf. Will couldn't see her eyes or much of her expression, but he watched as she threw down the bow. With her hand fisted in her dress, Tamzin approached Rolf with rapid steps before she raised her arm, his hand in a fist, and connected it with Rolf's nose.

  The shock of it sent Rolf stumbling back, his hands clutching his nose as blood poured down the lower half of his face. Will felt complete shock overcome him, before it was replaced with a slight bit of pride. Tamzin stood over Rolf briefly before she clutched her fist.

  "My God!" She screeched. "Was your face made of steel? Oh my god," she cried as she turned around to look at Will, where she held up her fist. "I think he broke my hand!" Tamzin continued to approach Will and winced when he took her hand in his.

  "What's going on here?" Garrett's voice boomed as he
came across the situation. Rolf's shirt was now stained with blood and various people tended to him as Roth soldiers approached Tamzin and requested to take her to Jacque.

  "He insulted Kendall!" Tamzin said as she pointed to Rolf with her uninjured finger. "I am going to strip you of all your lands and titles! You have no right to speak that way of a heroine." Tamzin's warning fell on deaf ears as Will noted Seraphina standing behind Garrett. She wore a loose fitting dress, but he could see the slight protrusion of her belly beneath the dress. Had Tamzin noticed her yet? No, she couldn't have as Garrett lunged for Rolf and threw him to the ground. As Will nursed Tamzin's hand, he watched his best friend pound Rolf's face in with his fists.

  "Garrett!" Will called out as he ran from Tamzin's side and to Garrett. He grabbed his friend by the shoulders and pulled him off of Rolf, whose face was bloodied and bruised. Garrett's fists were bloodied around the knuckles as he struggled against Will's restraint. "What are you doing?" Will whispered furiously as he watched Tamzin focus on Seraphina, who was left out in the open. "Did you want to bring attention to yourself and Seraphina? I cannot think of a better way!" It was then that Will saw Garrett turn to look at him. Garrett had tears in his eyes, which he wiped away with his sore knuckles. "Garrett?"

  "Don't say it," Garrett responded as he looked up, where his eye caught Tamzin.

  "You're hiding something from me," Will said absentmindedly as he focused on Seraphina. "What is it, exactly?"

  "Do you trust me?" Garrett asked as he reached out and clasped his hand in Will's. "Do you?"

  "You know I do. I trust you with my life," Will said as he looked down at their hands. Garrett was like his brother, the small bit of family he had.

  "Then understand that me and my need to protect this girl. I can't tell you everything because I don't know it, but when I do, I will tell you everything. Do you trust that?" Garrett asked as he pulled his hand away. "I have to go," he said as he looked back to Seraphina, who was disappearing into a hut. "I will speak with you soon."

  With that, Garrett pulled away completely and disappeared into the crowd that approached to see what the commotion was about. Roth soldiers had lifted Rolf up and held his arms over their shoulders as Will listened to the angry yells of Turner Roth.

  "You two!" Turner screamed at Tamzin and Will. "In my study, now!"

  Tamzin turned to look at Will as she nursed her bruised and slightly bloodied hand. Will approached her and laced her arm through his as he escorted Tamzin back into the palace. Turner was angry, but he had never heard that type of rage before. From the look on Tamzin's face, it appeared that she had not as well. Her arm slightly shook in his. Inside the palace, there were soldiers running about frantically, all of them in their battle armor as Tamzin took a sharp left and down a rarely used hallway.

  "My father keeps two studies. He uses this one when things are very bad," Tamzin whispered as fear began to rise in her throat. The corridor was empty, save for a few servants clearing out rooms that were used for guests.

  "What is happening?" Will asked as his hand touched her uninjured hand. Their fingers laced together.

  "Something very bad," Tamzin replied as she stopped at the third door, curled her hand, and knocked. A stern 'come in' came from the other side and Tamzin reached for the handle and opened it. Will and Tamzin entered the windowless room, which was kept lit by a large candle chandelier on the ceiling.

  Turner sat behind a large oak desk, which was covered in various parchments and quills. One of his advisors sat on the other side and it appeared that they had just finished an argument from before.

  "Father?" Tamzin questioned before Turner shooed his advisor away.

  "Sit down, both of you," Turner said as he glared at Will, who pulled out the chair for Tamzin as he brushed past the advisor. As Tamzin sat in the chair, Turner began to sign more papers and his irritation was evident on his face. "We have a problem."

  "I gathered as much," Will replied sarcastically before he felt Tamzin slap his arm.

  "Stop," she warned before she turned her attention back to her father. "Father, what is wrong?"

  "Your brother's tournament is tomorrow, and after that, I must ask you and your men to leave," Turner said before he sighed and rested his head in his hand. "The roads farther south have not been safe, so I have ordered more patrols. Towns that lie outside the major territories in the south have been attacked by what we thought were bandits..."

  "Johansson men?" Will asked as he felt Tamzin's fingers grasp his arm tighter.

  "Johansson men with Northern weapons," Turner replied before he looked up to face Will. "Has your father been sending them weapons?"

  "Perhaps they are rebels?" Tamzin offered before her arm covered her stomach protectively. "Maybe they are against Douglas Johansson's regime and Gregory Thurston is helping them?"

  "They're burning entire villages to the ground, Tamzin," Turner exasperated as he shoved his papers off his desk. "Gregory Thurston is helping my enemy..."

  With those words, Will stood up defensively and reached for the dagger on his hip.

  "My father is not helping the enemy," Will growled as he slid the dagger out of its sheath. "Because Southern rebels got their hands on Northern weapons does not mean my father supplied them. The rebels could have attacked and raided a delivery caravan?" Will suggested as he looked at Tamzin's frightened face. Slowly, he slid the dagger back into the sheath.

  "Tell me, William, do you know where your father is?" Turner asked as he placed his hand on the back of his neck, where he massaged the muscle. "Tamzin told me he was to travel North with your Aunt, but have you received word of them arriving?"

  "What are you suggesting?" Will asked gravely. His chest suddenly felt constricted, as he hadn't heard from his aunt in the weeks he had been staying in Roth. How had he not noticed?

  "What I'm telling you is that family means nothing if you can have a crown," Turner said as he walked from behind his desk, approached Will and took him by his shoulder. "You're heir to Bradford, as well as Thurston, and your Aunt's territory if something were to happen to her and her children..."

  "My father is not bloodthirsty like you think..." Will tried to plead as the realization slowly came to him. Tamzin's hand reached out and curled around his hand.

  "He is, Will," Turner frowned as he placed both hands on Will's shoulders to steady him. "He couldn't take my land by conquering me, so he had you marry my daughter. I thought it would settle him, as he would have a family member be in every Northern-leaning territory. He wanted Tamzin for himself, to make his claim to my throne stronger, but I told him no and he reluctantly allowed you to marry her..."

  "My Aunt, how do you know about her?" Will asked as he angrily wiped away the tears. He was ashamed that he allowed Turner Roth to see him so vulnerable.

  "I don't know, but I know it is possible," Turner said as he gently swept the tears off Will's cheek. "I know she is your family and I know why this upsets you. You will leave tomorrow night, in the middle of the night, with your men and my daughter. You will take some of my best archers as well for further protection. Will, you need to understand that one of two things is going to happen on the road to Bradford: you are going to meet the men you have trained or you are going to meet angry Southerners with similar weapons. When you make it to Bradford, you are not moving until I come for you two."

  "Do they know we're coming?" Tamzin asked before she brought Will's hand to her lips.

  "No," Turner replied. "I don't trust sending a message on these roads. Will, you are going to face something out there. You have to be sure of that," Turner continued as he returned to sit behind his desk. "I don't know how else to say this, but your father cannot be trusted."

  "He is my father," Will said as he placed his hands over his eyes in frustration. "Why would he burn his own territory to the ground? Why would he murder his own people? Why?"

  "To blame you. To kill her," Turner pointed to Tamzin. "It hasn't all come to my attention,
but the more clues that come my way, the more they point to your father. Your answers are in Bradford. That, I know for sure."

  "The only proof you have is that Southern rebels may or may not have Northern weapons," Will replied grimly. "That's not proof enough for anything."

  "But it is enough to make you wonder, doesn't it?" Turner said as he dipped his quill into the inkwell. "I have told Rolf and his men to pack up, before you punched him in the face."

  "Not him. Anyone but him," Will almost pleaded. Tamzin's hand tightened around his.

  "You may not like him, but he is the best that I can spare. The point is that I left you alone with her and this is where it has gotten me. If you think you're competent enough to be a King, you are wrong," Turner scolded Will like a child as he signed his final paper. "Somehow, by fate, you can become heir to the entire North if the correct people die in the right order. The same can be said of your father if you and others die. Tomorrow night, you have one job and that is to get her, yourself, and your men, as well as mine, to Bradford. I don't know what will be waiting."


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