You've Got My Number: Warm your heart this winter with this uplifting and deliciously romantic story!

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You've Got My Number: Warm your heart this winter with this uplifting and deliciously romantic story! Page 14

by Angela Barton

  ‘Darling, are you listening?’ Simon touched her hand and brought her out of her reverie.

  ‘I’m sorry to be giving you this news, but the outcome should be very positive. You were very wise to have the lump checked in its early stages. The lump is small and there’s an excellent chance it hasn’t spread. We can arrange for an operation next week to remove it. We’ll take a little extra tissue from all around the lump, which will then be examined. If there are some cancerous cells in this tissue, we’ll have to remove a little more until the microscope sees only healthy cells. Because you detected the lump so quickly, I’m optimistic that it won’t be necessary for further surgery. I know there’s a lot to take in, but do you have any questions I can help with?’

  Denise sat numbly, still trying to take in the fact that she had cancer at thirty-two.

  Simon gently squeezed her hand. ‘Honey, do you have any questions?’

  She blinked. ‘How long will I be in hospital for? I have two little boys.’

  ‘It should only be an overnight stay.’

  ‘What are the chances it might have spread?’

  ‘We won’t know until we test the area around the lump. However, as I said, you caught it early and it’s a small lump.’

  ‘Who will do the operation?’

  ‘I will, with my team.’

  Denise looked down at her hands and fiddled with her wedding ring. ‘How long will I have to wait to find out if it’s spread?’

  ‘It’s usually quite quick. I’m afraid I can’t give an exact time because it depends on how busy the pathology lab is.’

  Simon shifted in his seat and asked, ‘If the surrounding tissue is clear, is Denise cured?’

  ‘There are no definite answers with cancer – for any of us. As an added precaution, even when the surrounding tissues are clear of cancerous cells, Denise would receive six to eight sessions of chemotherapy and a course of radiotherapy.’

  ‘Will I lose my hair?’

  ‘It’s likely you will. You’ll also feel very tired and you’ll need a lot of family support.’

  She didn’t care about losing her hair. Not much anyway. All that was important was that she recovered for her boys. She thought of her mother, wishing she were here with her.

  ‘What do I do now?’

  ‘Go home and try hard to relax and take in what’s happened. Sometimes it takes a while to sink in. The nurse will give you some printed information about what to bring in with you, and about not eating after six o’clock the night before your operation. She will also give you a leaflet about the actual surgery and recovery time. You’ll need to have a blood test first which I’ll book in for early next week. Is there anything else I can help you with?’

  Denise shook her head.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Tess was in the kitchen adding the final touches to her finger buffet. She had worked on this trial run all day and was just thinking that she must have a quick shower and change out of her food splattered clothes, when there was a knock on the front door.

  ‘Come in, it’s open,’ she called.

  After a few seconds, Holly poked her head around the kitchen door. ‘It’s only me.’

  ‘Hello.’ Tess turned to greet Holly and gasped, ‘You look amazing.’

  Holly was dressed in a black sequined vest top and a pair of skin-tight dark jeans that looked like they’d been spray-painted onto her slim legs. She’d had her hair cut into an even shorter bob, which she’d then painstakingly straightened. Her make-up was more glamorous than usual and she wore some strappy stilettos on her painted toes. It also looked suspiciously like she’d had a spray tan.

  ‘You look like you’re expecting Prince Charming to appear.’ Tess laughed. ‘You can’t have gone to that much trouble for me and Blake.’

  Holly shifted guiltily. ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I have invited someone to join us. I didn’t want to play gooseberry to you two, as usual.’

  ‘Of course I don’t mind. We could do with another dozen people to eat all this food,’ she said, sweeping her arm sideways to reveal worktops laden with platefuls of food. ‘Who’ve you invited?’

  ‘It’s a surprise. Someone I’ve had my eye on.’

  ‘Ooh! How exciting. Is it Doug the delivery bloke you keep going on about?’

  ‘Doug? No. I think he’s dating. He says “we” a lot when we talk about what we’ve done during the week. But if my date turns up, he’ll more than make up for Doug.’

  ‘I’m intrigued.’ Tess looked down at her messy jeans. ‘I must run upstairs for a quick shower and change. Blake shouldn’t be long. He’s just popped out to Jackson’s to buy some more tonic water. I shan’t be more than ten minutes.’ Tess ran upstairs, before stopping halfway to shout, ‘Sorry, I forgot to say help yourself to a drink.’

  Tess continued up the stairs and ran into the bathroom. What she would give for a long soak in Radox bubbles. Instead she turned the shower on and jumped backwards before the jets of water sprayed her hair. She peeled off her clothes and threw them all into the wicker linen bin. After the quickest shower she’d ever had, she was rubbing in her Sanctuary Body Souffle when she heard Blake let himself in.

  ‘Tezza, I’m back. Where are you? I’ve… bloody hell, Holly! You look fantastic. Come here for a hug.’

  Holly squealed. ‘Not so tight.’

  ‘But I’ve never seen such tight jeans before. How did you get them on, and how will you get them off? You can give me a demonstration if you like. Just wait while I get a gin and tonic.’

  Tess smiled and crossed the landing to her bedroom. He was incorrigible, but she was pleased her best friend and boyfriend got on well. She hadn’t got time to wash her hair so she pulled off her shower cap and brushed her hair into a ponytail. She wrapped it into a bun and pulled some strands of hair out of the elastic in different directions. She left her eye make-up on because the steam of the shower had smudged it slightly, making her eyes appear sexily smoky. Having smeared some pink gloss across her lips, she pulled on some clean jeans and a pale pink angora mix jumper. Next she sprayed Jo Malone’s Pomegranate Noir into the air and stood under the falling mist. She’d read in a magazine once that it was a good way to smell lovely without suffocating your guests.

  Tess was walking along the landing listening to Blake and Holly singing along to Madonna, when she heard a knock at the door. She was hoping to nip into the bathroom before going downstairs, but they obviously couldn’t hear the knock with all the noise they were making. Still, it was a good opportunity to get a look at Holly’s new man before she whisked him into a corner to chat. Tess ran downstairs and jumped the last two steps before opening the door with a welcoming smile.

  It was Daniel.

  He was holding a bottle of wine and a small bunch of flowers. He wore loose jeans and a black jumper. His hair, which was still slightly damp, had been pushed back away from his face and curled onto his collar. His eyes twinkled cheekily as he held out the flowers and wine.

  ‘Hello, Noah. I come bearing gifts… although I think I’m mixing up my Bible stories.’

  ‘Hi. How…?’

  ‘Oh.’ He looked disappointed and dropped his gifts back down to his sides. ‘It wasn’t you who left the message on my voicemail, was it?’

  ‘No, but I have a sneaky feeling I know who did.’

  ‘This is awkward, sorry.’

  ‘No, don’t be silly. It’s great you’ve come. The food’s a trial run for your exhibition, after all. I should have invited you.’ Tess stood back. ‘Come in out of the cold.’

  Daniel and Tess stood facing each other in the hall. He smelt delicious and looked amazing. There was another uncomfortable pause, each standing wordlessly without moving. Daniel offered her the bottle and the flowers again.

  ‘Thank you. You shouldn’t have,’ said Tess. ‘Come through and I’ll introduce you to the mystery voice.’

  ‘Should I be afraid?’

  ‘I’ll let you be the judge of that.’<
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  Tess could have happily spent all evening with him standing by the hall radiator, but she turned and opened the lounge door.

  The first thing Daniel saw was the back of a bald, overweight man, dancing with a skinny girl. He recognised Blake but not his dance partner. Tess’s boyfriend had one arm on the girl’s hip and the other holding a drink that was splashing everywhere. The girl was wearing a lot of make-up and was dressed in painfully tight clothes. They were dancing suggestively to Madonna’s ‘Erotica’.

  After a few seconds, they noticed him and stopped dancing. The girl turned to him with a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Blake’s smile seemed to have disappeared. He turned the music off and an atmosphere descended like a winter fog.

  ‘Hello again.’ Daniel offered his hand to shake.

  Blake shook it limply. ‘Didn’t know Tess had invited you.’

  ‘I didn’t,’ said Tess. ‘But I should have. These recipes are all for Daniel’s exhibition so it makes perfect sense that someone invited him.’ Tess looked directly at her best friend.

  Holly hunched her shoulders, looking embarrassed and flustered.

  ‘Thanks for the invite,’ said Daniel.

  Holly blinked her eyelids rapidly. ‘Sorry, I hate leaving voice messages. I’m not good at it.’ She grinned, coquettishly.

  ‘Well, this is nice,’ said Tess, trying to act as if this was all very normal and pretending she hadn’t noticed her boyfriend’s rudeness or her best friend making a very obvious play for Daniel. It made her stomach churn with jealousy.

  ‘Any more drinks?’

  ‘Could you top up my glass with tonic please, it’s a bit strong,’ asked Holly, passing her glass to Tess.

  Tess took the glass and smiled at Daniel. ‘What would you like?’

  ‘If you’ve got a bottle of red open, that’ll be great thanks.’

  Tess sensed Daniel following her into the kitchen. She put the flowers and bottle of wine on the table and turned towards him.

  ‘I’m sorry he was rude. Remember I told you about the court case? He’s been given a date now, so he’s a bit jumpy.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ said Daniel. ‘Stop frowning.’ He raised his hand and stroked her forehead with his thumb. ‘It’ll give you wrinkles.’

  Tess caught her breath at his touch. ‘I just want you to feel welcome here.’

  ‘Tess, you worry too much.’

  She loved hearing him say her name. It felt intimate. They were standing facing each other, close enough for her to reach out and touch him. She clenched her fists by her side to stop herself from doing just that. She picked up the flowers and began to unwrap them in order to keep her hands busy.

  ‘Look at all this! It’s amazing,’ said Daniel, turning towards the food on the counter. ‘It’s just what I’d hoped for. What are these called?’

  ‘They’re blinis with smoked salmon and crème fraiche. This is halloumi with chilli. Try some.’

  Daniel chose the smoked salmon appetiser. Tess watched his mouth open and close as he took a bite, noticing how his lips shone with crème fraiche as he chewed. She imagined the smooth soft sensation of kissing them. With a quick movement he licked his top lip, the sight of his glistening pink tongue quickening her pulse.

  ‘That’s delicious,’ he groaned. ‘My guests won’t leave the food table. They’ll have no interest in my paintings.’

  Tess glowed with pleasure and pointed to a few more dishes. ‘These are chicken tikka, mango and coriander on sticks and those over there are crispy vegetable spring rolls with pickled lemon salsa. Remember you asked me about filo cigars when you came for coffee? These are they! I’ve filled them with feta and cranberries.’

  ‘May I?’

  ‘Of course.’

  He picked one up and closed his eyes momentarily as he swallowed. ‘And what are those little beauties called?’ Daniel pointed to a tray.

  ‘They’re called, one-bite Bloody Mary cherry tomatoes.’

  ‘Tess, you’re amazing. Would you like to move in and become my resident chef?’

  ‘Sorry, am I interrupting something?’ Blake was leaning against the doorway.

  Tess blushed. ‘I’m showing Daniel the food.’

  ‘Really? I thought he’d brought you flowers and was asking you to move in with him.’

  Daniel held up his hands as if he’d had a gun pointed at him. ‘Hey, I was just complimenting Tess on this amazing food.’

  Blake said nothing.

  ‘Daniel was joking. And it’s just a polite tradition to take flowers for the hostess.’

  Blake stood up straight. ‘Holly is wondering where the tonic water is.’

  ‘Daniel, do you mind?’ asked Tess, handing him Holly’s glass and a bottle of tonic water.

  ‘Of course not.’ He took them from her and left the kitchen.

  ‘How dare you?’ she hissed. ‘How do you think that made Daniel feel? That was so embarrassing.’ Tess sunk her face into her hands and groaned.

  Blake stepped closer to her. ‘I don’t like him and I don’t trust him. I can see what he’s doing. I’m not blind – just sick.’

  Tess was silenced by Blake’s metaphorical slap. Hadn’t she been enjoying every second of Daniel’s conversation? Hadn’t she almost physically swooned at Daniel’s touch? She reached out and rubbed Blake’s arm.

  ‘It’s not what you think. He was just pleased with the food and relieved that I’ve actually got round to sorting it out. He’s waited a long time for me to finally put this menu together.’

  ‘But why did he have to come over?’

  ‘Holly invited him.’

  ‘But you invited him in for coffee a few weeks ago.’

  ‘Blake, he’s asked me to do a job for him and you know I need the extra cash. He’ll write me a good reference that will come in handy one day when I’ve saved enough to open my own little teashop. It’s called networking. I know you wouldn’t have this problem if a woman had asked me to cook for them.’

  ‘Of course that would be different.’

  Holly popped her head into the kitchen. ‘What’s going on?’

  Tess smiled. ‘Nothing. Just chatting.’

  ‘We can’t work the CD player and the music’s stopped.’

  ‘Blake will have a look. I’ll just get a glass for Daniel.’

  Blake opened his mouth as if to say something further, but stopped. He followed Holly into the lounge, leaving Tess alone in the kitchen. She looked at the ceiling, closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. Why was everything so stressful? Couldn’t she just enjoy a new friendship? After all, she’d decided to stay with Blake instead of relishing freedom, hadn’t she?

  Alicia Keys’s voice drifted into the kitchen, giving her the impetus to reach for the bottle of red wine. She took a glass out of the cupboard, pushed escaping tendrils of hair behind her ears and went into the lounge. Jealousy zipped through her body like an electric current when she saw Daniel and Holly deep in conversation. Holly was sitting on the floor leaning against Daniel’s knee. She was gazing up into his face.

  ‘I think you’re right,’ whispered Blake. ‘He may have only come for the food, but I bet you a fiver Holly goes home with him tonight.’

  Tess gave a stiff smile and placed the glass on the coffee table before pouring the wine. She crossed the room and handed it to Daniel, making him sit forwards and forcing Holly to sit up without the support of his leg. Daniel took the glass.

  ‘Thank you. I hope you don’t mind, I put another log on the fire before it went out.’

  ‘Of course not. I’m always forgetting.’ Tess made a show of warming her hands against the fire while she listened to their conversation.

  ‘So who trained you?’ Holly asked Daniel.

  ‘Trained me?’

  ‘You bring flowers, you make a good waiter and you stoke the fire.’

  Tess couldn’t bear it. She turned her back on them, missing his response to Holly’s flirting. She couldn’t help but feel resentful
that her best friend was holding Daniel’s attention and being brazen enough to lean against him. Tess knew that her secret infatuation was just that – a secret. Maybe if Holly knew how she felt about Daniel, she wouldn’t be making such a play for his attentions. It was a strange emotion. Not only feeling jealous, but feeling jealous of her closest friend. Tess looked over at the sound of their laughter. Another tight knot of jealousy wound around her stomach. Could she bear it if he dated Holly?

  Tess knew without a shadow of doubt that her and Blake’s relationship was floundering. She still loved him, but it was more the love of a concerned sister. Her passion for him had died and this was underlined whenever she looked at Daniel. She had never experienced such a powerful emotion before and it made her feel considerably out of control. However, she couldn’t face the guilt of leaving Blake in a heap when he needed her so badly. How would she feel if he became sicker because she’d left him just when he needed some emotional support? Didn’t they say that a positive frame of mind helps you to recover? She had no real option. She had to stay with him until he was better. She surely owed him that much after two years. If Daniel were still single in six months, a year – however long it took for Blake to recover – she’d let him know how she felt.

  Considering the way the evening had started, the next hour passed amicably. Daniel spoke about his travels and Blake regaled the room with some stories about characters at his office. The food had been brought through and lay depleted on several plates. A steady flow of alcohol had mellowed the atmosphere and soothed Blake’s mood considerably. Just before nine o’clock, Daniel’s mobile buzzed. He excused himself and walked into the kitchen to take the call.

  ‘Probably his secret wife,’ said Blake.

  The girls ignored him. A few minutes later, Daniel came back into the lounge looking pale and shaken. ‘Thank you for a lovely evening but I’ve had some bad news and have to go.’

  Tess noticed his eyes sparkling with tears. She longed to comfort him.

  He cleared his throat. ‘Sorry to dash. The food is perfect for the exhibition, Tess. Thanks.’


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