Mary had a little harem

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Mary had a little harem Page 9

by Arizona Tape

  The zipper shrieked as she pulled it down and carefully, Mary snaked her hand inside Noel’s pants.

  “Wait,” Noel suddenly said, grabbing hold of her wrist and halting her. Confused, Mary looked up in his warm brown eyes and wondered if she did something wrong. If she interpreted his signals and excitement wrong. Silently, she stared at her companion, debating whether she had enough courage to ask what was going through his head.

  “What’s wrong? You can tell me,” she smiled encouragingly, hoping to reassure Noel. Maybe she had been a little too forward after all. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “No!” Noel quickly shouted. “I mean… God, I want to. I do.”

  “You sure?” Mary asked.

  “Yes, believe me. I really, really want to. But I’m just… Okay, this is going to sound ridiculous.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  “I’m just… Not very… Umm…” He pointed to his downward region and scratched his jaw awkwardly. “I’ve seen Sam and Louis naked.”

  “Ooookay?” Mary trailed off, wondering what that had to do with anything or why he had seen his friends naked. A little light bulb went on. “Are you gay too?”

  “What? Gay? Me? No! No, of course not. I just meant… I know how big they are and from what I’ve heard, you have…. Ahem.. Made yourself familiar too?”

  “Ooooh… Noel, size doesn’t matter,” Mary smiled, hoping that didn’t seem condescending. She didn’t want him to feel insecure or that he had to measure up to his friends.

  He scoffed. “Yeah, sure. That’s what they all say but then it does end up mattering.”

  “I’m serious, it doesn’t. I mean… Big cocks, small cocks, no cocks… It’s all good.”

  “No cocks?” he repeated, pulling up an eyebrow . “You swing that way too?”

  “Yes… No. I don’t know.” Mary blushed, not sure why she actually said that out loud. “Not the point. It really doesn’t change a thing.”

  Hoping to distract him from her sort of coming out, she rubbed her palm over his bulging boxers. Noel softly groaned, his cock twitching from the sudden stimulation. It was always so different when a girl actually touched him, instead of the self-service.

  Mary carefully studied his face, hoping she wasn’t crossing a line, but from the lopsided grin on his face, he seemed okay. More than okay. With a little smirk, she tugged on the elastic in the waistband and Noel’s cock sprung free. He was right, he wasn’t as big as Louis or Sam, but what he lacked in length, he made up in girth. With a thick vein curled around his shaft and a nicely trimmed bush, she couldn’t wait to help him out.

  She moved her hand along his pulsating member and enjoyed the satisfied look appearing on Noel’s face. Kurt never really wanted her to. He much prefered to thrust his manhood in her mouth and take charge. And part of her liked being used, part of her enjoyed that he couldn’t control himself around her. But another part would’ve liked if every now and then, she could decide how and when and what they did. And with Noel, it seemed like she could. He certainly seemed quite happy to let her do her thing.

  And Mary loved it. The throbbing, the muffled groans he made, his sped-up breathing. The twitches, the drops of excitement, the tightening of his skin. The veins popping up in his arms as he clenched his hands, the soft gasp when she touched the head, and the lust clouding his eyes when he looked at her.

  With a grin, she licked her lips and let a string of spittle coat his shaft. She could only hope he understood what was coming next and that the anticipation would turn him on even more. She placed a soft kiss on his shaft, eliciting a moan from Noel. Encouraged, she brought her head down and engulfed his hardness as best as she could. Rather pleased, she realised she could fit him entirely in her mouth and enthusiastically, swirled her tongue around the throbbing head. He was surprisingly sweet and she didn’t mind swallowing his excitement.

  “Mary,” he moaned, his stomach tightening from the careful and persistent suction she used. If she kept going like this, he wouldn’t last very long.

  For a moment, she stopped to reply. “It’s okay, Noel.” And with the same enthusiasm, she wrapped her lips back around his member. He twitched in her mouth and she curled her fingers around his base, urging him on. Feeling him tremble from her actions was delightful in all sorts of ways. She could feel the effect it had on her and the wetness it was drawing from her. It was amazingly good to be taken like Sam had taken her, but being in control and actually feeling the guy spasm and throb in her mouth was just as satisfying. She knew that when Noel reached his peak, when he unleashed his excitement, he would be thinking about her and only her. And that was exactly what she wanted. For his head to be clouded with just thoughts of her.

  “Ummm… I’m close,” he warned her, panic flashing through his mind. She hadn’t been at it for very long and if she wanted him to be useful later, she really should slow down or stop all together.

  Mary looked up at him, a sultry daze in her eyes. Gently, she squeezed his member and instead of stopping, flicked her tongue over the head. With a wink, she hoped to let him know it was okay.

  Noel squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to last a little longer. He certainly didn’t want to be the early bird, but at this rate, there wasn’t much he could do about it. No, with Mary’s unrelenting tongue, he had no hope of holding himself back. At least he warned her.

  The way he twitched in her mouth sent shivers down Mary’s spine. There was something exhilarating and sexy about tasting a guy as he came and Mary felt her own core spasm softly. She knew she was dripping wet just from feeling his release. She didn’t even mind the salty taste on her tongue and as far as she knew, Noel actually didn’t taste half-bad. Had he been eating pineapple in the winter?

  Whatever he did, there was a hint of sweetness to him and combined with the satisfied look on his face, Mary felt smug. Rather pleased with herself, she wiped her mouth and looked up at Noel. She really wanted to kiss him, but from experience, she knew men didn’t usually appreciate that. A little hypocritical, but Kurt had pointed out many times that it was disgusting.

  “That was amazing,” Noel sighed as soon as the haze disappeared. He pulled his boxers back up and smiled rather grateful at the beautiful brunette.

  Mary grinned back, noting that he had flecks of green in his brown eyes. He truly was beautiful and he had a tenderness about him that the other two didn’t have. Surprised, she found him leaning in for a kiss and she couldn’t but grin against his lips. Noel was far too fair and sweet to be weird about kissing her after. She really shouldn’t be comparing him to the asshole Kurt was.

  A loud, insistent knocking broke the spell they were under. “I’m coming in in five seconds! Cover all the naked parts!”

  “Sam…” Noel muttered, quickly zipping up his pants and adjusting his shirt. Not a moment too soon before his housemate burst through the door.

  “You won’t believe this,” he started, not batting an eye. “It’s the Maiden!”

  Noel perked up, his face flushed. “The Maiden?”

  A little jealous, Mary frowned at the word. “The Maiden? Who is she?”

  “Ummm, only the rarest boss in RIVER! We’ve been searching for her for years!” Sam shouted, jumping from one foot to the other. He seemed excited, but Mary didn’t really get why.

  “You mean in your video game?” she asked, frowning her eyebrows.

  “Yes, in our game. She only appears once every season!”

  “Ooookay…” Mary wiped her mouth and kissed Noel on the cheek. “You boys go play then.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? We were kind of in the middle here,” Noel protested a little, torn between two rare opportunities.

  “Yes, I’m sure. This Maiden only comes once a season, but I can come all year round,” she grinned, winking at the two men.

  Sam grinned wolfishly, his lips curling up in a smirk. “Oh, we’ll make sure about that.”

  “I’m counting on it!” Mary replied, turning back to No
el so he didn’t feel left out. “Thank you for inviting me over. Let’s do this again, yes?”

  “I’d love to,” he smiled, brushing his lips over hers again. Sam rudely shook him out of the lovely haze, but that didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate and love what Mary had done. And next time, he’d be repaying her favour. He couldn’t wait to properly dive into that.

  Mary moved downstairs to grab her coat. From the stumblings behind her, she could tell that the men were relocating but she’d find them to say bye anyway. The house wasn’t very big after all.

  “Are you leaving?” a warm voice asked as she entered the kitchen. Mary looked behind her, surprised that Nico actually bothered to come back upstairs.

  “Yes, I’m going. There is a Maiden or something that’s drawing all the boys attention and I know when I’m beat,” she smiled, not as upset as she thought she would be. They loved their game so why would she deny them the opportunity to catch the Maiden? Or battle her or breed her. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was for, but she knew they were excited for her appearance.

  “You know you could stay and watch,” Nico said, sounding a little odd to Mary. She wasn’t entirely sure if the pixie just invited her or scolded her. She was so hard to figure out and it was annoying her.

  “I’ll pass, I think. All this gaming stuff isn’t really for me,” she argued, not sure what made the game so cool.

  “It takes a bit to get into but it’s really fun. You should play with us again,” Nico added and this time, Mary was sure it was an invite.

  “Maybe another time.”

  “If you’re sure,” the pixie shrugged, grabbing Mary’s coat and tugging open the kitchen door. “I’ll see you out.”

  “I was actually going to say goodbye to the guys first,” Mary protested, confused about Nico again. First she invited her and now she was trying to usher her out of the door? This girl was all over the place and she couldn’t get a read on her.

  “Suit yourself,” Nico nodded, stepping aside so Mary could descend into the basement. The telltale noises of magic sparks and sword swishing reached her before the flickering computer screens did.

  “Guys, I’m leaving,” she announced a bit awkwardly, not sure how to actually say goodbye to them given the circumstances.

  “Are you sure?” Louis asked, briefly looking up from his screen to throw her a lopsided smile.

  “You are more than welcome to stay,” Sam added, flicking his mouse harshly to the left and lighting up the dimly lit room with bright green.

  “I think I’ll pass,” Mary said again, tiptoeing to Louis’ side. Since she was actually dating him, it seemed appropriate to kiss him first. Quickly, as not to disturb his stream, she pecked him on the lips and ran a hand through his hair. “Call me?” she asked, trying not to sound too needy or hopeful, but she couldn’t deny that she wanted to see him again. She glanced at Sam, just catching him leering at her. Them. She wanted to see them again.

  “Have fun with the Maiden,” she smiled, quickly kissing Sam before he engaged in another battle again. He grinned against her lips and dipped his head back to steal a second kiss from her lips.

  “Oh we’ll have fun. Just not as much as with you,” he winked, temporarily distracted from his game. Blood splattered against the screen as a lone goblin attacked him, but he had another moment to spare on Mary. The Maiden wasn’t here yet, but she was.

  “I would hope not,” Mary teased back, slinging her scarf over her shoulder so she could head into the night. She passed Noel on the way up and lovingly pressed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled tenderly, in a way she hadn’t been looked at for a long time, and with a little fire burning bright inside of her, she left the three men behind.

  “So you’re really leaving?”

  Mary turned, wondering why Nico was lurking around her still. She seemed to be silently stalking her throughout the house and she wasn’t quite sure why. Was she pissed that the men were distracted by her presence? Although earlier, she didn’t seem to mind talking to her. No, she seemed even… Flirty?

  God, women were confusing.

  “See you around,” Mary said simply, refusing to participate in Nico’s weird mind games. Whatever her deal was, she’d just try and ignore the nice-smelling girl with her piercing eyes.

  Yes, ignoring Nico was probably for the best before she did something stupid. Like hit her. Or kiss her.


  Mary quickly waved goodbye before she acted upon one of her urges. Whichever she picked, she was sure Nico would slap her in the face and she didn’t think getting into a cat fight was a good thing when the men wanted to play their game. Maybe another time, when they weren’t too preoccupied to find it hot. Maybe one of them could ravish her after.

  Or she could ravish Nico.

  Damn it! She scolded herself, mentally slapping herself on the wrist. She shouldn’t be thinking those kind of things.

  She glanced at the pixie, momentarily getting lost in her deep eyes.

  No! Bad Mary.

  The door slammed shut behind her and a gust of wind played with the frills of her scarf. It was a cold night, but it was a nice change in temperature. After all, the four people in the house were heating her up and she wasn’t sure if she could do anything to stop that.

  She didn’t even know if she wanted to.

  Chapter 11: Knock My Door

  “Mary? What a coincidence!”

  Mary turned at the sound of her name and groaned internally at the sight of the pixie who she’d been thinking about quite a lot. And not always in a positive way.

  The last time she visited her guys, Nico kind of interrupted her date and stole Sam and Louis away for gaming. Not that she minded them gaming, but she didn’t particularly like having another female around.

  Well… She did, in some aspects. Nico smelled really nice and when she wasn’t confusing her, she gave off sweet and reassuring vibes.

  Argh, everything about her was confusing and Mary couldn’t wrap her head around it. And she certainly hadn’t expected to find the pixie in the middle of a rather flashy clothes store. Nico didn’t really seem like the kind of girl who cared what she wore, a trait Mary wasn’t sure if she loathed or admired.

  “Nico. How…” Mary paused for a moment, racking her brain to find a word that suited her sentiment without offending the beautiful brunette in front of her. “Surprising.”

  She smiled, not unkindly, and pointed at one of the shirts Mary was holding. “Pretty.”

  “Oh, I’m not buying it,” Mary quickly said, not sure why. She actually was planning on getting it, but that felt like an awkward thing to admit even if Nico just complimented it. Then it felt like she was buying it just because Nico liked it and she certainly didn’t want the other woman to think she wanted to please her.

  Which she did.

  And didn’t.

  God, this whole thing was complicated and infuriating. Even more so than the three-men situation, which she solved pretty quickly.

  “Ah shame, I’m sure you’d look really beautiful in that,” Nico said, brushing her hand through a sea of shirts.

  “You think?” Mary asked before she could stop herself, cringing at herself for the blatant request of approval. What did she care if Nico liked it? She didn’t care.

  Oh, who was she kidding. She did. But she just wasn’t sure why.

  “You’re pretty stunning, you could pull anything off,” she added.

  “Thank you… I think?” Mary replied, staring at the pixie. She was giving a lot of compliments today, maybe she wanted something of her. Maybe this was to soften the blow when she demanded that she stayed away from the three men.

  Hah, as if. No, not even this beautiful woman could convince her to leave Noel, Sam, or Louis behind. It took her long enough to find them, she wasn’t about to give them up.

  “Do you think this would suit me?” Nico asked, holding up a navy blue shirt with white ships. Now that was a great excuse to check her out under the pretence o
f judging her style.

  As I stared her up and down, I wondered if this was how guys felt when they checked out women. But then again, would they care about how her red blouse clung around her every curve?

  Yeah, they probably would, actually. Nico was stunning, there was no denying it. And the little ships would be a great match for the playful side of her. Or at least, what Mary guessed was her ‘playful’ side.

  “I’m not sure, maybe you should try it on?” She heard herself say. Why did she say that? She knew it would look good on her and now Nico would drag her to the changing room. And realistically, she really couldn’t get out of that, it was her suggestion after all.

  “I guess so.” Without waiting, the pixie made her way through the endless racks of clothes towards the cabinets in the back. She didn’t even look backwards to check if Mary followed, but she didn’t need to.

  Like a little lamb, Mary trotted behind her, wondering if she’d get a glance inside the changing cabinet. She was well aware how creepy that sounded, but she couldn’t contain herself. She wasn’t sure whether she liked Nico or if Nico even liked her, but she knew one thing for certain. This short-haired devil was doing something to her that she hadn’t experienced before and she sure as hell wanted to find out what that was. After all, the guys had said before that if she wanted Nico, she could. And as it went, Mary realised she wanted the fourth of the group too.

  “What are you looking at? Get inside,” Nico bossed, holding open the curtain to the small changing room.

  She didn’t have to ask Mary twice. Without hesitating, she followed the pixie and firmly pulled the heavy curtain shut. She didn’t want anyone else seeing what she was about to see.

  Without a second thought, Nico tugged the shirt over her head. She tossed it to the side, revealing a lacy black bra. One with a little bow in the middle, which seemed like a perfect place to kiss.


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