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Plunder by Knight: A Pirates of Britannia World Novel

Page 14

by Pride, Mia

  Her wounds had all but healed with the four days of doing nothing but lying around the cabin. She was not allowed to go on deck, as it was considered bad luck for her to even be here and these men seemed to have many superstitions where women were concerned. She scoffed at that, considering these were Grace’s men, and hopped off the bed, the faded green wool of her borrowed… or stolen dress swishing around her legs. Whoever had owned this garment before was similar in height but much smaller in the bust. She feared she would spill forth if not for her chemise… which only helped slightly.

  Anxiety niggled at the back of her mind. What would Thomas do with her once all this was done? Why had he demanded she accompany him? Most pirates never married and if they did, their wives did not regularly travel with them. Had he feared for her safety? She was unwelcome around the O’Malleys swarming Clew Bay and feared what her father would do if he got his hands on her after this. She supposed she was safer here with Thomas. That made her chuckle. She was surrounded by outlaws and still safer than she was with her father. How had her life come to this point? The unwanted wife and the tarnished daughter.

  The cabin door swung open suddenly, Thomas’s large, imposing body filling the small space as he stepped inside. She stopped pacing and looked at him, sending him a scowl so he would feel her ire. “We approach Scarba. This is the stronghold of the Devils of the Deep, Kat, and I expect ye to stay with me at all times. Have no doubt that these men are dangerous and take what they want,” he warned. Her skin flushed, and she crossed her arms.

  “Then I can stay here.”

  “Nay! Ye cannae. Ye come with me, where I can keep ye safe.”

  “Is that all I am to ye, Thomas? An obligation? Another person to keep safe?”

  He scowled at her. “Right now? Aye. Come.” He grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the door, down the few steps leading to the main deck and past several men who looked at her warily. Juan bowed his head to her and she smiled. The sole survivor of her father’s attack, she was quite fond of the Spaniard who also was the only man aboard who seemed to have any manners, including her brute of a husband. It appeared he had charmed her just enough to convince her to marry him, then decided he wanted nothing to do with her. Now, she was to be dragged into a den of sinners, where he would what? Pretend to like her enough to keep the others away?

  Looking around, she saw that they were anchored, and the gangplank was down as Thomas’s crew scuttled about. Ahead, a large castle loomed so high she had to crane her neck to see the top. It was evening now, the sky lit up in a brilliant orange just behind the formidable fortress. Her jaw dropped. The only way to get inside the waterfront fortress was through the open portcullis that created a walkway where it met up with the gangplank.

  She felt Thomas’s fingers digging into her lower back, urging her forward. Juan, coming up beside her, bowed before taking her hand and guiding her. Sending him a tentative smile, she turned to scowl at her husband who should have been the one to consider her trepidation about walking over a narrow walkway, nothing but water below.

  Once they had crossed into what must have been the inner bailey, a large man with dark hair and matching dark eyes awaited them with huge arms crossed over his chest. He wore a plain white tunic and black breeches with a black leather jerkin, and Katherine felt her heart beating wildly. He looked every inch a pirate with a sword and gun tucked into his belt.

  “Niall,” Thomas said as he put his hand out. The man stepped forward and clasped forearms with Thomas. “My thanks for allowing us entrance into Castle Dheomhan.”

  “Ye are the grandson of the Pirate Queen and great-great-grandson to a Pirate Prince. When we saw Grace’s flag in the distance, we assumed yer business was of great import?” The man cocked a dark brow just before finally acknowledging Katherine. His face, handsome as it was, shifted into one of interest as he none too discreetly scrolled her length with a dark gaze, clearly noticing her breasts pushing over the low-cut bodice of her green dress. “Och, and who is this bonny wee lass? Ye have brought me a wench in payment for our hospitality, aye?” He reached out to grab her, and she gasped just as Thomas pulled her back and growled.

  “She is my wife. No man touches her! This is Katherine. Katherine, this is Niall MacDougall, Captain and Pirate Prince of the Devils of the Deep. He is also, apparently, my cousin.

  Katherine looked up at the man, whose interest in her had only intensified since the introduction. “Ye have been in Ireland less than a fortnight and already ye have married yerself the bonniest of lassies. I dinnae know if I envy ye, or pity ye. But ye should no have brought her here, mate. Not into this den of sin.” He quirked a brow. “Especially dressed like that,” he waved a hand over her breasts. “She looks like a bloody wench!” he laughed.

  “She had no dress. We borrowed this one,” Thomas scowled in warning.

  Niall shook his head and shrugged. “’Tis none of my concern, but if she were my wife, she would be dripping in jewels and wearing only the finest of silks.” Katherine blushed while the man looked directly at her, as if Thomas was nowhere near. “Would ye like that, Katherine? I can make it happen.”

  Her heart rate picked up and she gripped tightly to Thomas’s upper arm. She felt his muscles flexing beneath her hand and knew he was struggling for control. “Niall, I came here to seek safe passage through Scottish waters as I search for something of grave importance. If ye grant me that, ye shall have yer cut of the gold. I ask nothing more of ye.”

  “Mayhap I wish for something more in payment,” he said while he rubbed his hand through his short, thick beard and looked at Katherine again. “Ye ken we all share our women in this castle. Ye can have another for tonight. I’ll take Katherine. ‘Tis my only offer.”

  Thomas’s silence frightened her more than if he had begun to brawl with the man. Was he actually considering it? She knew he had no interest in her and desired the treasure beyond anything else, yet he had vowed to protect her. Would he give her over to this man in exchange for a chance to search the coasts of Scotland for a treasure? One night with Niall would also save Thomas on the gold.

  Her blood boiled over. How dare the man think he could bargain for her body! “Excuse me, but I am not interested in a night in yer bed,” she scowled at the infuriating man, putting her hands on her hips. “I would sooner jump into the sea!”

  Looking up at Thomas, she saw a smirk slide across his face at her boldness and his green gaze locked on hers before he gave her a playful wink. “Ye heard the lass, Niall. Accept the gold. Ye have but to offer us one night of hospitality for yer troubles and ye will gain handsomely.”

  With a booming laugh, Niall tilted his head back and slapped his thigh. “I like a lass who speaks her mind. All right. Though I am no used to being turned away by a bonny face, I accept her lack of interest. I offer ye my hospitality, but ye willnae find the Treasure of Danu on Scottish soil.”

  “How did ye know—”

  “Och, Thomas. Do ye really believe ye are the first man to come looking for the cursed treasure in fifteen hundred years? No cave nor cove nor a scrap of this coast has not been searched. It is not here, brother. Come,” he flagged them further into the bailey, walking toward the large wooden door leading to the castle. “Share an evening meal with me and we will talk more. I ken yer people have suffered enough at the hands of that bastard Bingham. If I can help ye in any way, I will.”

  Katherine’s heart beat wildly at the disgust in the man’s voice. Even the Scots hated her father. Pursing her lips, she looked away from the man, hoping Thomas would keep her identity quiet.

  Entering the great hall, she looked around in wonder. Never had she been inside a building so large. The gray stones of the structure were nothing to marvel at, but the sheer height and size of the place made her gawk in awe. Men sat at tables already, laughing loudly as women, some with their breasts fully exposed, sat on laps and laughed with the men. No wonder Niall had thought her a wench. One man sucked on a woman’s breast in fr
ont of everyone and nobody seemed to notice or care. That same needy sensation flooded her core. How she wished Thomas would so much as kiss her again. What she would not do for more.

  “Follow me,” Niall said, and he found a smaller, private table to the side of the room, hidden in the shadows. Katherine intentionally sat with her back to the debauchery. It was not so much that it bothered her. It was the thought that she rather enjoyed it that startled her and made her feel slightly ashamed.

  Niall snapped his fingers and a beautiful dark-haired woman sauntered over, carrying a jug of mead to fill their goblets. “Bring us our meal,” he ordered abruptly to the lass, but she only nodded and walked away.

  Warily, Katherine took her very first sip of mead in all her life and smiled as the sweet liquid slid down her throat. Her father never allowed to her drink it and kept none in the house. She rather enjoyed the taste. Mayhap she was meant for the life of a pirate’s wife more than she thought… if only he would pay her the slightest attention. With a shrug, she drank down more mead.

  * * *

  Thomas listened intently while Niall spoke about the treasure. He had been so sure his ancestors hid it in Scotland during their wars, to keep it far from the enemy. Yet, according to Niall, the land had been thoroughly picked over and nothing found. However, mayhap nobody found it because it had not wanted to be found. With a grunt of frustration, Thomas tugged on his short beard and took another gulp of the fine whiskey Niall had shared with him. Looking over to his left, he watched Katherine from the corner of his eye. Her cheeks were pink and she seemed to be overindulging in her mead. Reaching over, he grabbed it from her hand just before she went to take another sip.

  “Hey!” she scowled. “Ye are a brute. Ye know that, husband?” she emphasized that last word, her meaning more than clear. He had not been acting a husband at all, at least not a kind one. He had treated her like an obligation, confirming her accusation. But, she was an obligation, and at every turn he had to make sure Niall did not tempt her into his bed, that she did not notice the man lapping at the nipples of the wench in the corner, that she did not over drink… Devil’s bollocks! Why had he brought her here? She looked beautiful even in those old, ill-fitting rags and her fiery temper had enthralled him when she stood up to Niall. She was a brave lass. He admired her, wanted her with every part of him. Avoiding her while at sea had been easy enough, but now they would most assuredly share a room and a bed here. There was no way he was allowing her out of his sight with all these pirates skulking about. He had seen more than a few appreciative glances her way and he had to tamp down a sense of possession that struggled to consume him.

  With a wink, he downed her mead in one gulp and slammed it down in front of her. The lass needed no more beverages. With a look of pure mischief in her eyes, she reached over and grabbed his goblet, downing his whiskey all at once, then sputtered and coughed, no doubt feeling its burn as it slid down her throat and into her belly. “Blah! That drink is awful! How do ye stand it?”

  Niall laughed at her, a twinkle of something in his eye that Thomas did not at all like. He needed to get Katherine away from here for the night. Niall must have read his mind, for he pushed his empty trencher aside, stood and stretched, taking one more lingering look at Katherine’s breasts. With all the bared breasts in this hall, couldn’t the man leer elsewhere? Thomas gritted his teeth and clenched one fist at his side, putting his other hand around Katherine, pulling her in much closer than he meant to. With a squeal, she stumbled into him, laughing when her hand collided with his chest. The lass was intoxicated, that much was certain.

  “Allow me to show ye and yer wife to yer room. I think ye will find it more than accommodating.” Thomas stood behind Katherine and held her around the waist while they followed Niall up a stone staircase. He could not risk having her take a tumble and feeling her backside sway with every step had his cock begging for release once more. How would he survive such torment? Even if she attempted to seduce him, which he doubted after the way he had been treating her, he could not make love to her while she was not in her right mind. Besides, was this not supposed to be temporary? As much as he tried to treat her as an obligation, he found he rather enjoyed her constant presence and yearned to know her on a more personal level. There was more to Katherine Bingham than the world could see.

  As they reached the third floor and Niall guided them down a narrow, darkened hallway, torches lining the walls flickered, casting ominous light to guide their way. A portrait on the stone wall made Thomas stop in his tracks. It was a man with dark hair and dark features, with light colored eyes. Though he looked formidable, he held a beautiful light-haired woman beside him, a small child in her arms.

  “Ah. Ye see why I ken ye were his great-great-grandson. That is Shaw the ‘Savage’ MacDougall and his wife Jane. In her arms is their first son. Ye and I both descend from his line. Ye look just like Shaw, Thomas, only ye have the green eyes of the O’Malleys… the legendary green eyes of the descendants of the Sisters of Danu. Great blood runs through yer veins. ‘Tis the only reason I allowed ye hospitality here for no fee. I always collect, even from yer grandmother. We are pirates, after all. But I ken ye fight between two worlds. English and Irish. Knight and pirate.”

  “I am no pirate, Niall. I have a ship and a crew at the mercy of my grandmother. I am certain Queen Elizabeth would see fit to hang me as a pirate for all she will likely hear of me, but what I seek is for the benefit of my people. I plan to take enough to pay my crew and nothing more.”

  Katherine scoffed and slapped his arm. “Ye stole me from my home. I wore nothing more than my nightclothes. Ye ruined me, Thomas. Ye are more pirate than knight,” she chuckled and swayed into him. He scowled down at her, but could not argue the point. Mayhap she was not a treasure in the usual sense, but something told him Katherine may just be the greatest treasure in all the land, though he would keep that thought to himself.

  With a low whistle, Niall waggled his brows at Thomas. “That be Shaw’s blood in ye. We take what we want, whether it be gold or women,” Niall laughed, and looked down at Katherine. “’Tis a shame ye found her first. Knight or Pirate, ye have me respect.” Thomas felt a sense of pride for his heritage and though he did indeed feel torn between two roles, he decided to simply embrace what came, never minding what titles others gave him.

  Niall extended his hand and Thomas clasped forearms with him. “Yer hospitality is appreciated. We will be on our way come the morn.”

  “Very well. Safe travels and I wish ye good fortune on yer hunt. My men said they saw the bastard Bingham upon the seas only yesterday, so ye may have a battle on yer hands.”

  A smile spread across Thomas’s face and he could not help but grip Katherine closer to his side. “I relish the thought. Nothing would please me more than to take that sorry sack of shite out of this world.” Katherine stayed quiet and he wondered what she was thinking. Her husband wished her father dead and he was certain she would fight him on it eventually. For now, he knew she stayed quiet so Niall did not learn her identity. Smart lass, even when deep in her cups.

  With a nod, Niall pushed a door open on the right and walked away, his footsteps echoing down the hall. Katherine stepped in first, Thomas right behind her. The room already had a fire burning in the hearth. Niall must have made certain to ready their rooms a while ago, for it was surprisingly warm. A large four-poster bed took up much of the room, elegant red silk drapes hanging from the ceiling and trailing down the posts of the bed. It was beyond sumptuous. The sheets were also of crimson silk and Katherine stepped forward, running her hands along the soft coverlet with a purr.

  “I have never felt anything so lovely,” she whispered.

  “Ye are a lady. Have ye nay silk fabrics?” he asked, stepping closer to her, drawn to her for some inexplicable reason. The fire cast shadows across the room, settling in the overflow of her bosom. He licked his bottom lip and urged his eager cock to behave. Being alone with her in this room… a room Thomas
was most certain had been meant for pleasure, was pure torture.

  “Nay. I never accepted such things from my papa. I always told him to use his coins to help his people. I always thought he did. I wonder what he did with all that money.”

  Thomas knew exactly what he did with it. He sent some back to England to appease his queen, and the rest likely was sent to his wife and daughter for safe keeping. But that would hurt Katherine to hear, so he said nothing on the matter. He did not wish to speak of her father or to even remember she was his blood.

  Her body swayed slightly and he watched her, wondering what she was thinking. “This dress…” she murmured, reaching around to loosen her laces, “is much too confining. I feel as if my breasts have been crushed by a wall all day.” Her fingers continued to fumble with the laces, but he resisted the urge to help her. She seemed to be doing a fine enough job of removing it herself. Soon the fabric was loose enough, and she pushed it down her shoulders, creamy skin becoming exposed inch by inch.

  Her breasts sprang free and Thomas caught his breath. “Kat… yer underdress. Ye are removing it along with yer gown…”

  “I know,” she giggled, shimmying her hips as her garments slid over her waist and down her legs, pooling on the floor. She sighed, then turned away from him. Her perfect, heart-shaped arse glimmered in the firelight and he cursed himself for not being able to look away.

  “What are ye doin’, Kat?” he grumbled, watching as she climbed onto the bed. The pink petals of her womanhood showed through her thighs when she bent over and climbed up and he groaned, finally looking away. The lass was sotted. “Katherine. Are ye out of yer mind?”

  “Nay!” she rolled over onto the bed, running her arms and legs over the sheets. “I have always wanted to feel silk against my bare flesh. It feels so wondrous. Ye should try it, Thomas.” He blinked rapidly, watching her spread her legs open and closed repeatedly, her arms above her head, pushing her breasts up higher. Her tight nipples begged to be in his mouth. He cursed again. What was he supposed to do with this lass? She was his wife. He could remove all his clothes right now, climb on top of her and take from her what he knew she would willingly give… and then what? They would awaken at dawn and she would hate him for taking her innocence while she had mead and whiskey in her veins.


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