All the Way

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All the Way Page 16

by Kristen Proby

  “The movies might be fun.”

  He bursts out laughing. “What’s up with all of the women in my life wanting to go to the movies all of a sudden?”

  “Who else are you taking to the movies? Be very careful with that answer.”

  He shakes his head. “My mother asked me to take her the other night.”

  “That’s sweet. What did you see?”


  I stare at him in horror. “You took your mom to Deadpool?”

  “It was that or some scary alien shit, and I knew she’d have none of that. Aside from the language, I think she enjoyed it. She laughed a lot, and she said that Ryan Reynolds is a looker.”

  “Well, he is.”

  “Even with the scars?”

  “We all know the scars are makeup.” I shrug and then laugh when he just stares at me. “What? It’s Ryan Reynolds.”

  “Good to know that you and my mom like the same celebrities. Wait. Does this mean you might work with him one day?”

  “He does mostly action and romantic comedy. I’m a musical girl, so probably not.”

  He hitches a hip against the countertop, pointing a spatula at me. “What if you got a call from your agent that he wants you to read for a part with him?”


  “Just humor me.”

  I pop a strawberry in my mouth and think it over. “Well, I’d probably do it.”

  He frowns.

  “Unless you’d rather I didn’t. You have seen how in love he is with his wife, right? They have, like, twelve kids. He can’t keep his hands off her.”

  “I know that feeling,” Finn replies as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me close. “Can I have a veto in those things?”

  “In the jobs I take?” I stare up at him in horror. “Do I get a say in the jobs you take?”

  “Trust me when I say I don’t work with sexy celebrities.”

  “You get one veto.”

  “Ryan Reynolds,” he says with a satisfied smile. “He’s the veto.”

  “You’re weird.” I laugh and then grab my phone when it rings. “This is Sasha. Hello?”

  “I did it,” she says.

  “What did you do?”

  “I went out on a date with him.”

  “Wait. We just had this conversation yesterday, and you already changed your mind and went out with him?”

  “He was persuasive.”

  “So how was it? Did it ruin the fuck life?”

  “It didn’t suck,” she says.

  “Be more specific.”

  “Okay, I had fun. He’s way nicer than I thought. It seems like he has an ego the size of Alaska, but really he’s just shy.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Yeah. And then we did the hookup thing after the date, and it didn’t ruin it.”

  “So the sex was still on point?”

  Finn glances over, raising a brow, and I throw him a kiss.

  “Totally on point,” she confirms. “In fact, we’re going on a picnic in Central Park today after class.”

  “I won’t be in class today,” I warn her. “I’m hanging out with Finn.”

  “Tell him I said hi.”

  “I will. And, Sasha, I’m happy for you.”


  She hangs up and Finn passes me a plate with an omelet and fresh fruit.

  “Yum,” I say, and kiss him in thanks.

  “What’s up with Sasha?”

  I give him the rundown from yesterday. “So, it sounds like they’ve moved past fuck life and into dating material.”

  “Gotcha.” He nods, but then frowns.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Did you describe us as a fuck life?”

  “No. I described us as a love life.”

  He grins. “Good girl.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  “This line feels weird,” I mutter, and highlight it in orange. I write a reminder to talk to Gerald about it when I see him. I’ve been running lines alone in my condo all morning, trying to memorize them.

  It’s a slow process.

  My phone rings at my elbow, and I answer without looking at it. “Hello.”

  “Hey there, London Bridge.”

  “Kyle.” I look up and check the time, then rub my eyes. I’ve been at this for about three hours already. “How are you?”

  “I’m doing pretty well,” he says, and I’m waiting for the but.

  But I could use some money.

  But I need . . .

  But I don’t want to check into rehab.

  What’s it going to be this time?

  “But I could use your help.”

  Here we go.

  “What do you need?”

  “Well, I’m kind of nervous to check into this place down here in North Carolina. To be honest, it’s a scary thing, London.”

  “I can see that.” My voice sounds distant and cold, and part of me hates that, but the other part of me knows that it’s just how I have to be where Kyle is concerned.

  “It would help so much if you could come down here and be with me when I check in.”

  I frown and pull the phone away to look at it and then press it back to my ear. “You want me to come there?”

  “Yeah, I really do,” he says.

  “I don’t think that’s possible, Kyle. I’m gearing up for a new job, and I don’t think I can get away to come down there.”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” he says. “I know that I’m not your favorite person. But will you please just think about it? It would make it a lot easier for me, not that you owe me anything.”

  I want to say, I’m sorry, is this my brother?

  But I know that’ll just start a fight, so I keep my mouth shut.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” he continues. “With Mom and Dad gone, you’re all I have, and you’re my baby sister. I should have done a better job of taking care of you. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you, and I’m especially sorry for the way I acted after they died. You didn’t deserve that.

  “I love you a lot, and I want us to have a relationship.”

  “Well, maybe once you’re out of rehab, we can work on that.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I want.” His voice is full of excitement now, rather than the resentment I’m expecting. “That’s all I want, London. It would mean a lot to me if we could have a relationship, and if I have to get through rehab to make that happen, I’m all for it.”

  “I hope this works for you, Kyle. I mean that.”

  “Thanks, sis. I’ll keep you posted.”

  He hangs up, and I just sit and stare at my phone in complete shock. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that was someone else’s brother.

  Because it sure as fuck didn’t sound like mine.

  And suddenly the tears begin, and I can’t stop them. How many years have I lived my life wishing that my brother were different? Praying for him to see that the drugs were killing him, and that he would want to get help?

  I never dared wish for an apology.

  Not to mention, until today, I don’t remember Kyle ever telling me that he loved me.

  I’m a sobbing mess, letting all of the hurt that I’ve kept inside for so long come out of me. I wish my parents were still here to see this. They’d be ecstatic.

  Maybe I should take some time to go down there with him. I’m sure I could move some things around and make it work.

  Finn walks through my door, sees me crying, and immediately runs over, cupping my face in his hands.

  “What is it? Are you hurt?”

  I shake my head, unable to answer him, and he pulls me against him, rocking me back and forth for a long few minutes, letting me get it all out.

  When I’ve calmed down, he hands me a tissue.

  “What’s going on, baby?”

  “Kyle called.”

  “He decided against rehab?”

  “No.” I shake my head and wipe
the tears from my cheeks. “He asked if I could come down with him when he checks in. I told him no, and rather than blow up at me, he said he understands.”


  “And then he apologized.” I begin to cry again. “He said he was sorry for everything, and that he hasn’t been a better brother to me. He told me he loves me, and, Finn, he’s never said that to me.”

  “Wow,” he says with a sigh, and pulls me back against him for a hug. “What did you say?”

  “I said that if he completes rehab and gets it together, we might be able to start some kind of relationship.”

  “Did that make him mad?”

  “I thought it would, but no. He said if that’s what it takes, he’d make it happen. I’m so afraid to believe him, but I think he really means it this time.”

  “It sounds like it.”

  “And just before you arrived, I was thinking that maybe I should shift things around a bit and make the time to go down there. Maybe it would make a difference.”

  “London,” he says, and shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let him earn it. Let him complete the program, and then you can pursue it.”

  “It just sounds so harsh.”

  “I know. If you really want to go, I’ll go with you. But I don’t think it’s a bad idea to wait it out and see what happens.”

  “You’re right.” I sigh and set my soaking tissues aside. “Thanks.”

  “You scared me,” he says. “I walked in and you were a mess, and the first thing that came to mind was that someone was hurt.”

  “I think I was purging some pent-up emotions.”

  He smiles and drags his fingers down my cheek, then leans in to kiss me. “You’re a beautiful person, London Watson.”

  “Thanks for meeting with me,” Quinn says the next day. We’re in Central Park, which is an easy walk from my place.

  “No problem.” We’re walking around the reservoir, through thick trees. If you didn’t know better, you’d think you were in the woods. “What’s up?”

  “Well, I wanted to talk about Finn’s party tomorrow night. I know it’s not a surprise, but we’re going to need him to get there by a certain time. He’s not usually late, but it will help if I have you helping make sure he doesn’t procrastinate, given how excited he is about the party.”

  “I think he’s going to have a good time,” I reply with a laugh. “He just thinks a party is silly.”

  “Okay, now I’m going to cut to the chase.”

  I catch my toe on something and trip forward, and Quinn quickly catches me, scooping me up around the waist and righting me.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Uh, yeah. Thanks for catching me. It was quite chivalrous of you. You’ll make an excellent husband one day.”

  “Did my mother pay you to say that?”

  “No.” I laugh again and pat his shoulder. “She’s on you about that, is she?”

  “Every day of my damn life. And she can harp all she wants, but it isn’t going to happen.”


  “No way.”

  “Why not?”

  He glances down at me. “I don’t have time for a woman and a family. I work long hours, I take care of Mom, and honestly, I like to play around a bit.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-eight. Why?”

  “Just curious. I guess as long as you’re safe, you can do whatever you want.”

  “Safe is my middle name.”

  “Quinn Safe Cavanaugh. Has a ring to it.”

  “Now I know what my brother sees in you. You’re a smartass.”

  “That’s not all he sees in me.” I wink at him, making him laugh now. “So why did you really ask to meet me here? We both know you could have told me what time to have him there over e-mail or text.”

  “You’re smart too,” he says, and rubs his hand across the back of his neck. “I really want to know what your intentions are with my brother.”

  I stop walking and prop my hands on my hips.

  “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were the older brother. You’re so protective.”

  “It’s a valid question,” he replies. “My brother is a wealthy, well-known attorney. You’re not the first woman to be swept up in all of that.”

  “Do you really think I’m swept up in his money and affluence?”

  He shrugs, as if to say, If the shoe fits.

  “Do you have any idea who I am?” I ask him.

  “London Watson. Beyond that, I have no idea.”

  “You must not go to the theater with your mother,” I mutter, and walk up to him so I’m barely a foot away. “I’m London Watson, the Tony Award–winning actress, you nitwit. I’ve been working in theater for years, and I’m about to star in a movie with Jeffrey Cameron.”

  “The movie star?”

  “And stage actor,” I add, and thrust my finger in his face. “I’m wealthy without your brother. I might even guess that I’m wealthier than your brother. And you know what? I give zero fucks about that. I have a sweet condo in Manhattan, right next to Central Park, as a matter of fact, and a house on Martha’s Vineyard worth millions. I know famous people.

  “But you know what, Quinn?”

  “What’s that, London?”

  “Your brother is so much more than the dollar signs you seem to associate with him. He’s a kind, funny, generous, and loving man.”

  “I know.”

  “And he is certainly man enough to know when a woman is with him for the money, and when she’s with him because she loves him.”

  “You’re right.”

  I’m breathing hard, still seeing red.

  “That was a shitty thing to do,” I say at last.

  “Well, you passed that test,” he says with a wide smile. “And for the record? I knew who you are. I’m not an idiot.”

  “You sound like one,” I counter, making him toss his head back and laugh like a loon.

  “I like you, London.”

  “You’ll grow on me,” I reply. “And let me warn you. Accuse me of being a leech one more time, and I’ll take your fucking testicles off.”

  “I like a woman with gumption,” he says, but he brushes his hand over his crotch, as if he’s protecting himself from a surprise blow.

  “I’ve got more than gumption,” I reply easily. “I love your brother, and when someone, even you, talks about him like that, it pisses me off. I have no problem kicking your ass.”

  “Okay, okay.” He holds his hands up in surrender and his face sobers. “I apologize. I admit, I was trying to offend you. If I didn’t offend you, I’d know you were here for the wrong reasons, and no one wants that.”

  “Has he had a lot of that in his past?” I ask.

  “We’ve all had a few women come and go who were more interested in the name and the money than in us.”

  “That’s not me.”

  “Point taken.” He clears his throat. “I have to say, I’ve never seen my brother quite like this. I mean, he’s looking at more real estate, for God’s sake.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “All I’m saying is, he’s way into this with you. I don’t think there’s much that he wouldn’t do for you, and it makes me feel better to see that you feel the same way.”

  I want to ask him more about the real estate comment, but I leave it be for now. Could Finn be looking into a different place in the city? Maybe he wants something bigger? Although that would just be ridiculous, because as far as Manhattan homes go, he’s got the cream of the crop.

  We finish our walk, and Quinn gives me a one-armed, totally appropriate hug.

  “Thanks for the talk,” he says.

  “I threatened to take your balls off,” I say. “I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone thank me for that before.”

  He shrugs. “You love him. That’s all I needed to know.”

  “You probably could have asked me that over t
he phone as well.”

  “This was definitely more fun.” He winks and walks away and I begin walking down the street, in the opposite direction of my condo. The city is beautiful in the summer, and it’s not too hot out today, so the walk feels nice.

  Not to mention, my leg hasn’t bothered me in a couple of weeks now, which makes me feel like turning cartwheels.

  Not that I will.

  I’m restless, and I have another appointment to get to before I see Finn later.

  I call Sasha, but it goes to voice mail. She’s probably in rehearsal, but I can’t help but be disappointed that I can’t tell her about today’s meeting.

  I glance across the street, and would swear that I see Kyle. A big truck drives by, blocking my view, and when it’s gone, Kyle’s not there.

  “Don’t be stupid,” I mutter to myself. “He’s in North Carolina. Someone just looked a lot like him.”

  I shrug and continue down the street to my favorite deli for a sandwich, and for my meeting, which is still a good fifteen minutes away.

  I sit outside and enjoy it, watching dance videos on YouTube. Dance videos that I happen to be in, studying my form.

  Damn, I was good.

  My phone rings, making me grin.

  “Hey girlfriend.”

  “You sound chipper today,” Sasha says, breathing hard. “The call must not have been urgent.”

  “Not at all, I was just wondering if you were busy, which you clearly are.”

  “Rehearsal,” she says. “What are you doing?”

  “I met with Finn’s brother, Quinn, who wanted to grill me about my intentions with his brother.”

  “That sounds like fun,” she says dryly.

  “Actually, I threatened his manhood, and assured him that I’m not with Finn for his money.”

  “Let’s be honest, the money doesn’t hurt,” Sasha says.

  “Shut up, I am not with him for his money.”

  “Okay, what else is up?”

  “I’m meeting with Fiona Masterson in just a few minutes.” The idea sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “I’m going to ask her about the project you told me about.”

  “That’s so amazing, London. Seriously. And we need to get together soon so you can fill me in.”

  “Well, tomorrow is Finn’s birthday, so I’ll be with him all day, but after that, I’m flexible.”

  “Okay, I’ll text you and we’ll set something up. Good luck with Fiona.”


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