Taken by Moonlight

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Taken by Moonlight Page 1

by Violette Dubrinsky

  Copyright © 2012 by Violette Dubrinsky (Library of Congress)

  All rights reserved. The illegal distribution of this book by any entity (individual, corporation or robot) will be deemed fraudulent.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

  Editor: Erica Langdon (Erica Langdon Editing Services)

  Cover Artist: Renee Flowers (Renee Flowers Deviant Art)

  Any resemblance of characters to people, living or deceased is unintentional. All trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners and used only for the sake of creating a believable work of fiction.


  To my Readers.

  Thank you for your continuous and unwavering support. You waited for a long time for this story, and I hope it’s everything you expected.

  Glossary of Terms

  Alpha: The leader of a werewolf pack.

  Beta: The second-in-command of a werewolf pack.

  Changeling: A vampire who was not born, but created; changelings are rare as the process is illegal.

  Council: An interspecies committee consisting of the heads of different immortal groups.

  Coven: A group of vampires under one coven leader.

  Coven leader: The head of a coven; usually the strongest vampire in the coven.

  Covenant: A group of witches under the leadership of a grand wizard.

  Druid: Direct descendant of a god. Druids are the most powerful immortals to walk the earth.

  Elder: A title of respect given to the oldest members of any immortal group.

  Grand Wizard: The leader of a covenant, usually the most powerful member.

  Hybrid: Half-breed immortals.

  Rogue: A loner or a group of loners; outsiders.

  Vampire: Immortal creations of Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty.

  Werewolf: Also known as ‘weres’ or ‘wolves’. Immortal creations of Luna, goddess of the Moon and Hunt.

  Witch: Immortal creations of Luna, goddess of the Moon and Hunt.

  Warlock: The hybrid mix of a vampire and a witch.

  Chapter One

  October, 2008

  “Oh God, please don’t let me die.”

  It had started innocently enough, with Vivienne stooped behind a swarm of bushes five minutes away from the campsite, her panties and gray sweats tugged to where her knees extended as she balanced herself on the tips of her gray sneakers. If not for the fact that she absolutely had to go, she would have held it until tomorrow. One night. That was what she’d stupidly agreed to when her sister had told her that she would be celebrating their birthday by going camping. Vivienne had other ways she wished to celebrate, ways that had nothing to do with dying off the side of a mountain that was also a camping site, or getting flayed alive by a hungry bear or a mountain lion.

  From the moment of their simultaneous conception, Vivienne and Cassandre Bordeaux had been different. Although they mirrored each other, with the same long and slender physique that had been gangly and awkward at first but had eventually turned graceful and attractive, the same small, heart-shaped face that fit two honey-colored eyes, and the same rich butterscotch-almond brown complexion that usually made it difficult to select a shade of makeup, their similarities ended there. Cassie loved adventure, had welcomed it from the time she was six and had discovered insects in their backyard. In contrast, Vivienne preferred the more mellow life, her nine-to-five, her work rituals, and she hated nature!

  Okay, that was a gross exaggeration brought on by potential West Nile. She didn’t hate nature. She actually found it quite beautiful, but she disliked camping, and she’d only done it for a few hours. There were bite marks on her legs, arms, and face, from the millions of possibly infected mosquitoes that lived in these parts, and she wasn’t assured by Cassie or any of her friends that something wouldn’t bite her down there as she attempted to relieve herself.

  A sigh exploded from Vivienne’s chest when she was finally through, and she shook herself, much as she’d shaken herself when she was a child and her father had pulled over at the side of a highway because his two little girls couldn’t hold it, before standing and pulling her sweats and underwear up. She shuddered.

  Shower. That was first on her list of things to do when she arrived back at her apartment. A long, thorough shower.

  Turning in the direction of the campsite her sister had set up, Vivienne put one foot before the other, intent on heading back and humoring her sister before going to sleep. Tomorrow was their birthday after all, and she loved her twin. But for love, she wouldn’t have even contemplated this madness.

  Because it was dark, the only thing illuminating the tall trees and shrubs in the area was the full moon. From this higher altitude, it even seemed larger, brighter. She’d taken a few steps when the snapping of branches and the sound of a soft whine alerted her she was no longer alone.

  Halting, Vivienne shook her head. “Seriously, Cassie. Aren’t we too old for these games?”

  She referred to the countless times Cassie had scared her within an inch of life. As she grew older, she came to expect attacks from her sister. When there was no telltale sign of muffled laughter, Vivienne felt the chill of the night air seep into her bones. Normally, when she was called out, Cassie usually laughed and made a witty comment. Maybe she was with her friends and they were keeping her from doing so?

  “Simmer, simmer, children. You’ve watched me pee. Fun’s over.” She said in the most mocking way possible, hoping to rile them into confronting her.

  Only silence greeted her taunting. But for the rustling of leaves on tall tree branches, everything seemed still. Before she could ponder it further, twigs began to snap rapidly. As the sound raced closer Vivienne realized someone was coming at her at full speed. Her sister and her friends could not move like that. No human could move like that. It was an animal! Oh sweet beautiful Jesus, she was being chased by an animal!

  Instinct kicked in, and she turned and bolted in the opposite direction. Vivienne was faster than the average person, as she’d run track most of her academic life, and she cleared a good distance the first minutes of running.

  Oh God, please, don’t let me die.

  The chant had begun in her mind as she raced through the moonlit forest and had gradually become words on her lips as she increased speed. She wasn’t a religious person but she vowed that if she survived this night, she would be. Why had she come out here, again? Why had she allowed Cassie to persuade her into this? Why the hell had she agreed to this? She’d seen horror movies and knew better!

  And now, something was chasing her and the campsite was in the opposite direction. Oh Jesus, if she survived the night, she was going in to be baptized, right after she murdered Cassie! Even in frantic fear, her mind managed to autocorrect her feelings. Seriously injure Cassie.

  The sound of a lone howl pierced the night and she almost fainted. She was being chased by a wolf. She was being chased by a big, hungry wolf that would probably kill her by holding on to her neck and suffocating her! Or was that lions?

  Branches slapped her face and arms as she flew past trees, but she felt no pain, just fear. She’d been tiring until she heard the howl, and now she felt as if she could run forever. Adrenaline was a beautiful thing. Vivienne saw a clearing in the distance, and looked over her shoulder. The one law of track was “Never look back” but most athletes weren�
�t being chased by something out to kill them, damn it! She saw nothing, just the black night, trees, branches—no scary animal chasing after her.

  Feeling a smidgen better that the wolf wasn’t making a running leap for her, Vivienne was contemplating slowing down when the decision was taken out of her hands. She collided with a tree and pitched backward, landing hard on her bottom. Being long, slender, and fit, Vivienne didn’t have the cushion that would have broken that fall, and she winced as pain shot from her tailbone up her spine, and seemed to vibrate through her entire body.

  “Ah God, damn it,” she whimpered slightly, looking back to see if the wolf had been waiting for her to fall so that he could pounce. As a child, she’d watched the Discovery Channel enough with Cassie to know that predators always struck when they saw weakness. No wolf was leaping or circling her. Vivienne slowly began to relax and was gingerly pushing herself up when hands wrapped around her waist, and an ear-splitting scream rent the air.

  Her eyes remained open, so she saw the look of pain that crossed the man’s features as he suffered through that assault on his ears. Vivienne cut her scream short and stared up at him in confusion.

  “Are you hurt?”

  His voice was deep and driven, like someone accustomed to getting his way. Vivienne’s vocal chords were paralyzed. It was too much. First, she was being chased by a wolf, and now some really large guy who hadn’t been there a few minutes ago was holding her and asking her about injuries. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to have a mellow night camping with her sister.

  Her last thought before her eyes rolled back in her head was “Please God, don’t let me die camping.” And then her legs turned to jelly, and she would have fallen if not for the arms keeping her steady.


  Conall Athelwulf stared down at the senseless female in his arms and shook his head. Humans, he thought with a hint of disgust, his nostrils filling with the scent of sunlight and peaches, of her mortality. Where did she belong, anyway? There were no campsites for miles, and yet a human female was in marked territory. Where were his betas? Why had she been allowed through? He had many questions, and no answers.

  The snapping of twigs notified him of his nephew’s presence before he smelled the boy. Eli’s naked and lanky body rushed into the clearing. He was breathing hard and looking around, obviously searching for the woman slumped in Conall’s arms. His eyes widened when he noticed her, and he forced a smile that did nothing to alleviate the look of guilt on his face.

  The young whelp, Conall thought, glaring at his nephew. The main reason the pack was in this state park for the week was to teach the younger werewolves the skills needed for hunting and fighting, something that could not be done in a city or even the makeshift forest in their gated community, due to its lack of wild prey, unless one counted humans. Since that type of hunting was strictly forbidden, this was the next best thing.

  Unable to keep her in her current position, Conall hoisted her into his arms. She weighed less than the average bitch in his pack, so it was no great task. Her head slumped back and he shifted her so that she rested against his chest.

  “Was she followed?” he demanded.

  Eli flinched, but shook his blond head and blinked quickly. Although he looked the part of a high school athlete, fresh-faced with some muscle tone, Eli was almost three decades old. Their breed was not the immortal of vampires, who could not die of “natural” causes, but of age. Werewolves lived for thousands of years before growing older and succumbing to death.

  “I didn’t mean—I didn’t know she’d run this way and I only wanted to play with her and she was so fast but…”

  Conall turned with the woman in his arms and set a brisk pace for the boy to match. Eli was silent as they made their way back to the pack. They were a ways down the mountain, next to the lake on the other side of the park, sheltered from the prying eyes of nosy humans, until now. They would have to change location after this night.

  When they reached the lake, the site that greeted them would have made the woman faint once more. Over ten large wolves, all of different hues and builds, were frolicking by the water’s edge. Some were sleeping further up, closer to the cave, while others leapt about, romping and flirting, eager for this night to mate. In all, over twenty wolves were present, and every wolf was part of his pack.

  As Conall passed with the woman in his arms, the wolves growled softly, not a challenge, but a question. He ignored them, making his way to the cave. As alpha, Conall answered to no one, but he would tell them later, after leading the pack run.

  “Conall, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Samia stood as she heard the commotion at the cave’s mouth, and allowed the quilt covering the voluptuousness of her naked body to slide to the floor. She was among the most beautiful in his pack, and she craved the title of alpha bitch. She was also strong, a good fighter, and from what he’d seen in the past years, loyal. He’d taken her numerous times. In fact, she was his most consistent female, but there was something about Samia that gave his wolf pause, and Conall always listened to the animal.

  “Who is she?” Her brown eyes flashed yellow and she bared sharp, white teeth.

  “Are you questioning me?” Conall’s voice was soft steel. Samia immediately shook her head before lowering her eyes. Their pack operated by hierarchy and while she was top bitch for the females, he was alpha. “Eli, spread the quilt properly.” Eli, who’d been walking silently beside him, leapt into action, going about his task with gusto. Samia glared at Eli, and the quilt, before demurely lifting her eyes to Conall.

  “Will you take me after the run tonight?” Her voice was low, suggestive.

  Kneeling beside the quilt, Conall carefully lowered the human female onto it. Turning to Eli, he noticed that the boy had a look of fascination about him. So, that was how she’d gotten into his territory. His nephew had been distracted and as a result, had failed to drive her in the other direction. By Luna, if not for the fact that he had loved his brother, loved his nephew, he would have Eli’s hide.

  “Samia, leave us.” With that dismissal, he returned his attention to the unconscious woman on his quilt. He didn’t need to look at Samia to know she was displeased. She always was when he sent her away, and Conall was growing to dislike it.

  “Tell me what happened and start at the beginning.”

  Eli’s eyes bulged and a fierce blush stained his cheeks. Conall suppressed the urge to groan, knowing Eli had been somewhere he shouldn’t have been, doing something he shouldn’t have done.

  “Tell me everything, Eli. If I’m to figure this out, you must leave nothing out.”

  Conall learned that the woman had been with four friends, who would miss her, and Eli had sneaked up on her after watching her in the bushes. Conall hadn’t needed his nephew to explain that he’d been spying on a urinating woman to know that he had. It was written all over Eli’s now splotchy-red face, beet-red ears, and downcast eyes.

  “Where is their camp?”

  “About four miles northeast. I can take her back—”

  At Conall’s glare, Eli snapped his teeth together.

  “You’ll stay here with her.” He paused and shook his head when Eli made to interrupt. “Find something to cover her eyes and make sure that if she wakes up, she doesn’t make too much noise. When I return, I’ll take her back. I’m sure her friends are searching for her by now.”

  Eli nodded, and from the look on his face, Conall knew his nephew was slightly disappointed he wasn’t going to be able to take part in the run. As Conall removed his clothing, he studied her features. The dim light of the moon barely spilled into the cave but his sight was powerful. Long, coal black lashes fanned a pale brown cheek that, despite a few red scratches, looked soft to touch. He couldn’t tell the length of her hair, because it was pulled away from her face in an untidy and puffy bun, and although she was dressed in overly large clothing, he could see that she was very slender.

  He frowned. Wa
s she one of those anorexic human females? He returned his gaze to her face and he dismissed that thought. While thin, she wasn’t the skeletal, unappetizing thin he’d seen on some women. The fact that human men found skin and bones attractive only reaffirmed his belief in their stupidity. After his thorough appraisal, Conall decided that the woman was pretty. Pretty enough to make a puberty-stricken pup lead her right into their lair.

  Turning to Eli, Conall scowled. His nephew was staring at her with a silly smile on his face. Conall briefly contemplated leaving one of his betas, Sloan or Raoul, to ensure that nothing went wrong. Shaking his head, he dismissed the idea. Eli would have to prove himself soon, and the pup needed to feel the weight of responsibility. As Gregory, his blood brother, lay dying, Conall had given his word to raise his only surviving pup to be strong and fair. It was a promise he intended to keep.

  “Eli, I’m leaving you to watch her. She will be your responsibility. Do you understand?”

  Eli nodded immediately. “Yes.”

  While he was unsure the young werewolf understood the extent of the question, Conall was pleased with his answer. “Good.” Even if something happened, and the human managed to escape Eli, she would be unable to go very far.

  He made his way from the cave, into the midst of the wolves and humans alike, swarming together near the water’s edge. As soon as he joined them, howls went up, and they began to nip playfully at each other. He released his beast, called it to the forefront and felt the pleasure-mixed-pain as his limbs both stretched and contorted, until he was no longer man but a large, black wolf in the midst of smaller wolves. His size and brute strength had allowed him to take and retain the title of alpha when Gregory had died. As was their way, many had challenged him. All had lost.

  Lifting his head, Conall sent a call to the moon. As his howl permeated the air, his pack grew silent, allowing his plea for a safe and fruitful run to travel to Luna. Pushing through the throng surrounding him, he began to run, feeling the wind as it ruffled his fur and scenting the smaller creatures that would soon become meals for him and his pack.


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