Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

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Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Page 5

by Ann Jacobs

  “Oh, my lord. I ache.”

  “No more than I, my Meggie.” Will lifted her slightly, then lowered her again. He tried to concentrate not on the incredibly tight channel that gripped his cock but on the sensation of the wet, warm bath water sloshing over his thighs with every gentle motion he made. Her moans dissolved into breathy whimpers, and her nipples hardened further when he plucked them gently between his thumbs and forefingers.

  Pressure built in his balls, made them tighten and throb more as her ass contracted around him and her whimpers became entreaties for him to fuck her, relieve the need she could no longer ignore. In answer, he lifted her higher, brought her down hard on his throbbing shaft. Again and again, until she resisted his effort to withdraw and clamped down on his cock.

  “Oh, yesss. More, my lord. Oh God.”

  Her screams of satisfaction sent him over the edge, and he joined her with a shout of his own as hot semen erupted from his body in hard, fast bursts.

  “My lord?” she asked sleepily a few minutes later. “Does it feel this good with any man, or is it that what we just shared was special—that shining, breathtaking feeling the bards say come only between one man, one woman?”

  “‘Tis special, Meggie. Very special.” For the first time in his twenty-one years, Will felt as though he might mean the reply he’d given countless lovers as a sop to their woman’s need to make something special of an act that was as natural as breathing.

  Chapter Six

  Evelyn surveyed the bountiful feast laid before them at the high table but doubted she could eat a bite. Would that she’d not been so impulsive. If she had resisted the urge to learn if Gavin would desire her, she and her betrothed might be laughing and teasing each other now, instead of sitting silently now. As it was, she worried that any minute he might lash out at her again as he had many times since discovering her unwise deception.

  Gavin’s twin seemed besotted over the Scots lass. The two seemed unable to keep their hands off each other. Now Will leaned over and spoke to Gavin. What did he say?

  Again Evelyn’s cheeks grew hot. Mayhaps she could distract Gavin ere he could remind her again of her transgressions. “My lord, I’d give you a token this day, the first of the Christmas season.”

  Frowning, Gavin turned to her, took the small gold key she handed him. “‘Tis a partridge etched upon a pear. Clever. I thank you, Madame.” He dropped it into the pocket of the black velvet tunic he wore—a rich garment with the deVere device embroidered in brilliant tones of gold, red and purple.

  “Do you not wish to know what it opens?” Evelyn asked.

  “I’m certain you will enlighten me when it suits your purposes. Here. Eat some of the swan. I’ve never liked it.” He paused, stared at her side of the silver plate they shared. “You’ve eaten hardly a bite.”

  “I’m not hungry.” How could she have been, when it was so evident she inspired naught but disgust in the man who last night had practically drooled over her when he’d thought her one of the castle’s whores. “Fret not. I’ll not waste away from missing one or two meals.”

  “I mind not that you’ve got healthy curves. Besides, I’d not have you sicken. For better or worse, you’ll be my wife. I’d have you healthy enough to bear my sons. Eat.” Because his tone did not invite disobedience, Evelyn picked up a leg of swan. The savory treat might as well have been stale bread for all the enjoyment she took from eating it.

  Later, while the Summerfield villeins trekked into the castle in small groups to pay their rents, partaking of mince pies and leftovers from the Christmas feast, Gavin directed the guests to sing, dance, and generally make a mockery of civilized rules of behavior. Evelyn loved it. He might hate her, but he had a rather large cock and an obvious appetite for humor as well as fucking. Fortunately the merrymaking seemed to have taken the edge off his fury with her, or at least given him something more pleasant to do than ruminate about it.

  After Will whispered something to Gavin, Gavin turned to her. “On the morrow we will join the Boxing Day hunt. Lady Margaret and Will wish to join us for another round of carnal play. Do not think of demurring.”

  Evelyn’s cunt lips clenched, and her juices began to flow. “My lord—”

  “Save the protests, Madame. You’ve proven well that you like your lovers in pairs. Be in the hall to break the fast, prepared to ride.” He turned, but looked back at her when she laid a hand on his thigh. “Yes?”

  If he wanted to humiliate her, he apparently had found just the way to do it. The thought of parading naked before the lords and ladies of the castle made Evelyn cringe. “Please, do not say we are to fuck outside, where any member of the hunting party might ride by and see? My lord, if you care not for me, give a care to what will be said of you.”

  Gavin laughed. “While I’ve fucked whores against handy trees, that’s hardly what my lord brother and I have in mind for you. ‘Tis too cold to disrobe out of doors, so we will use a hunting lodge secreted deep within the woods. I’d not have all know I’m taking a whore to wife. Go on now. The ladies have long since retired to their beds, ‘tis time you do the same.”

  She’d been summarily dismissed, but she didn’t mind. On the morrow Evelyn would turn the tables on her arrogant future husband who saw no problem in his constant debauchery while he roundly condemned her for the only slip in her own ladylike behavior—the only one he knew about, in any case.

  * * * * *

  The morn of Boxing Day broke clear and cold. Perfect for a hunt. Evelyn drew her deep-blue cloak around herself when a blast of frigid wind swept through the bailey, but her nether parts were warm, already damp with anticipation. Gavin might be intending to humiliate her by forcing her to re-enact her performance as Evie, but truth be known, the idea aroused her. She supposed she should be scandalized at the way her nipples puckered and her quim twitched for her handsome betrothed and his identical brother. Mayhaps she was as he said, the veriest of whores disguised in a lady’s raiment.

  She watched from her vantage point on the stair to the great hall as Lord William dragged Margaret of Clan MacFarlane up before him in the saddle. Looking at the assembled horseflesh, she singled out the great black destrier as Gavin’s. Her own chestnut palfrey was nowhere to be found. Oh, no. Surely he did not intend to toss her up with him as his brother had the Scots wench.

  “Good morning, Evie,” Gavin whispered when he came up behind her and lowered her cape. His breath felt warm on her earlobe, exposed now to the chilly wind. “Do you not think it strange that a peasant wench would mount her own fine steed?”

  “I-I suppose.”

  His big hands grasped her at the waist. “You will ride with me. As my whore would do.”

  Evelyn held her breath when he lifted her, but he tossed her up onto the back of his horse as though she weighed no more than a babe. Only the way his muscles bunched beneath his fingers hinted at the slightest strain. When he mounted behind her, his rock-hard cock throbbed against the crack of her ass.

  “We go first. They will follow.” Gavin then lifted his hand, and the herald blew his horn. The hunt had begun.

  Gavin wore no armor, only a leather gambeson Evelyn felt beneath the soft velvet of his tunic. When she leaned against his chest, the fabric caressed her cheek. And the bulk of his muscular body shielded her back from the wind. Her bottom ached from the enthusiastic loveplay during her role as Evie. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. More an arousing one.

  Her sire, were he alive, would not approve of the heat that bubbled in her belly or the strange light feeling she got in her belly when she looked upon her betrothed husband. She wished she knew whether he wanted her to be as wanton as she’d been as Evie, or if she should somehow demonstrate her loyalty by appearing uninterested in the sex play. Was he playing with her mind, enjoying her discomfort? What if she misread his signals, played the lady when expected the whore? Worse, what if she thought he wanted a wanton wench when he expected a highborn lady?

  Evelyn settled back ag
ainst his massive chest, praying she’d make the right decision. Gavin led the party from the bailey, then dropped back to ride beside Will and the Scots lass once they’d clattered over the massive wooden drawbridge.

  The wind chilled her, but Gavin warmed her with his body heat. Evelyn held tight when he spurred his mount and distanced them from the crowd. “Were it not so cold, my wanton bitch, I’d be fucking you now. ‘Tis good, rocking in a woman while my warhorse rocks me.”

  “Surely you jest.” Gavin certainly would not fuck her before an audience of all in Lord Rolfe’s court. In front of his lady mother. Or would he? From the way he fondled her mound through her gown, Evelyn was none too sure.

  “Nay. I could put my cock in your sweet cunt and none would know but you…unless the pleasure was so great it would make you cry out for more. I warrant I can make you beg for it.”

  Just then three staccato notes burst out from somewhere behind them. “Evie.”

  Gavin’s deep voice poured over her like honey. Yes, she liked him calling her that, even though he did it to humiliate her, remind her of her sin. “Mmmm?”

  “The huntsman has cornered a boar. Wish you to be in on the kill, or shall we rest awhile in yonder hunting lodge?”

  Evelyn shuddered at the thought of witnessing the gory battle between man and beast. And she sensed he wanted her to opt for him, and sex. Briefly she considered saying she wished to watch the kill, but she wanted to please him more. “I want to be with you.”

  He pinched her nipple through the layers of her clothes, then bent and whispered in her ear. “And Will. Don’t forget Will. The one whose cock you took up the ass.”

  “Are you comfortable sharing your wife with your brother?

  “As we shared our mother’s womb, we share everything.”

  “Everything, m’lord?”

  “Everything. And you like having two mouths, four hands on your body, caressing all your secret places. Two almost identical hard, randy cocks heating you, reaming your pretty mouth, cunt and ass, bringing you to pleasure beyond any you’ve known before.”

  ‘Twas wicked. Deliciously wicked. Evelyn’s cream flowed, drenching her slit and dampening her quivering thighs as Gavin guided their mount to the secluded lodge. “That it provided pleasure does not make what we did less wrong. In truth, I find it hard to imagine greater joy than you gave me before.” Difficult but not impossible. “How will I tell you and your brother apart? I swear, when I saw you both this morn I had no idea which one was you. Even though I’ve fucked with both of you,” she added before he could remind her of that shameful fact.

  “I guess you didn’t see us together, did you?” He laughed. “‘Tis said it’s impossible to distinguish us but by the piercings of our cocks, though I am a bit taller…and some of our lovers have noted, a mite larger in the ballocks. You’ll see the differences soon enough. I can tell by the sweet musk of sex that surrounds you that the idea of taking us both excites you.”

  Yes, it did, though Evelyn figured on rotting in hell for her wanton ways. Her nipples prickled in the morning chill when Gavin lifted her down from the saddle.

  “Come, we’ll not wait for my brother. I’m hot to fuck you now.”

  * * * * *

  “Quiet. ‘Twould seem Gavin’s not alone.” In truth Will was glad, for though he’d suggested the foursome to take his brother’s mind off Lady Evelyn’s deception, he was loath to share Meggie even with his twin. He also wondered at Gavin’s uncharacteristic ire, wondered if he might have been stung by the same jealousy that now had him considering ways to keep Meggie to himself. “Come, let us not make our presence known. I’d introduce you to the pleasure of watching…seeing others find their pleasure.”

  “His cock looks more than ready, m’lord. Is yours?” Boldly Meggie reached inside Will’s chausses, grasped his hardening shaft. “Oh, yes. ‘Tis wakening in my hand.”

  God’s truth, the wench would kill him if she didn’t stop rubbing her finger over his slit as she slowly rotated the thick gold bar that pierced his cockhead. “Cease, my sweet Meggie. I’d have you watch my twin and the buxom wench who sucks his cock so sweetly.” He delved beneath her skirt and tugged gently at the ring in her clit.

  “She strokes his ballocks. Look.” Meggie sounded excited as she described what she saw.

  “He likes it. Watch. His eyelids close. See how the sweat beads on his brow. I can practically feel him gasping for breath, fighting to hold in his seed. Watch. The wench torments him further.”

  Meggie gasped. “She put her finger up his bum, as ye did with me last night.”

  “It brings him pleasure. See. His cheeks flush. He can no longer stay still. Watch. He pulls away.” Will pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger, and her honey gushed around the shield that imprisoned her cunt. “Like that, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yessss.”

  “Would you like to suck my cock?”


  “Gavin would not mind. “

  She squeezed his balls, shot him a saucy grin. “Did I suck yer cock, m’lord, I’d not be able to watch your brother fuck his wench.”

  “All right. I’ll suck your pretty clit, then, whilst you tell me all Gavin does to the fair Evie.”

  “Evie? Lady Evelyn? It sounds as though ye know her well.”

  Did Will not know better, he’d have said Meggie’d been bitten by the green-eyed monster of jealousy. Or…mayhaps she had. “Intimately.” Lowering his voice to a deep, soft rumble, he added, “Very, very intimately indeed. My brother and I made a fucking sandwich of her yestereve, ere I sent for you.”


  He nuzzled her smooth mound with his nose, then met her gaze. “We fucked her the way I thought we’d do this day with you, sweeting. Me in her ass, Gavin in her mouth…and her tight, wet cunt. She’s not trussed up the way you are. I can tell imagining us fucking you in tandem makes you wet. Hot.” He stroked her clit, exerting pressure on the shield with its built-in dildo. “I’d taste your sweet honey now.”

  Will’s tongue snaked out, flailed her ringed clit. “Tell me, Meggie. What does my brother do now?” he asked, the vibration tickling her clit and making her strain to thrust her flesh back into his mouth.

  “He digs his fingers into the blond wench’s hair and draws her face to his. Oooh. Do not stop, m’lord. Now he takes her mouth with his own, as though he’s starvin’ to taste himself on her reddened lips.” She gasped as her cunt clenched, whimpering a little when Will pressed harder on her love button. “Yesss. That feels…so good. Makes me hot. Ye’ve got a magic touch.”

  He pulled away and blew on her swollen slit, sending shards of sensation down her quivering thighs. “Surely he doesn’t stop there. If he does mayhaps he needs my help.”

  “He needs nothing, I swear. Evie straddles Gavin now. She’s taking his big, beautiful ringed cock and stuffin’ it in her cunt. She moans and whimpers, as though she’s in delicious pain as she sinks on his shaft clear up to his balls. My God, the jewels in his ballocks are winking at us now from between her splayed thighs. His smooth pink ball sac glistens with her juices.”

  “You like looking at my brother’s balls? They’ll be tickling your asshole soon enough.” Reaching up, Will tweaked Meggie’s nipples, making her gasp with delight-and longing. “Go on. Surely they’ve not gone to sleep.”

  “Nay. He moves on her, harder and faster. Now he raises his body off her, cups her plump pale breasts. Oh, yesss, my lord. Do not stop.” She paused, breathing hard as delicious sensations flowed through her aching body. “Now he takes them in his mouth. First one, then the other of her dark, distended nipples disappear between his lips. His cheeks draw inward as he sucks upon them.”

  What delight the wench must be experiencing. Meggie tried to imagine the pleasure she’d feel if she had Will’s huge, hard cock in her cunt and his soft, voracious mouth upon her less generous breasts.

  Her nipples tingled. Her clit felt as though thousands of tiny needl
es danced within its tight confines and collided with the warm metal of the ring that held it. Her asshole twitched, as though telling her it was ready to take what was forbidden to her dripping cunt.

  “Fuck me, m’lord. Rip away this cruel belt and put yer huge, hard cock inside me. I want what Sir Gavin’s lover now so obviously enjoys.”

  Will raised his head but stroked Meggie’s swollen slit with both his callused hands. “I’d not hurt you. Do you want it, I will summon the armorer and have him free you. If he does, though, you must pay me a forfeit.”


  “Wed with me. Wed with me knowing I intend to destroy Clan MacFarlane, make its lands my own. Give the rotting castle you call home to my brother, that he may have holdings within a day’s ride…that we may share you and share his bride as we’ve shared all since we were babes.”

  Will knew the price he asked was high. He realized full well that Meggie had likely been sent to spy on Summerfield. Still his blood boiled for the hot-blooded Scots lass. Nothing kept him from making a match for himself, now that his betrothed had died of a fever nearly a year ago. “What say you? Would you be my English baroness now, and someday my countess, pray God that time comes not for many years?”

  “You would slay my sire?”

  “Not apurpose. I’d chase him back to the highlands from whence he came.”

  Meggie looked up at Will. “I canna ask more than that of ye, m’lord. Yes, if I be what you want, I’ll be yer bride.”

  “Good. I’ll order our priest to waive the banns, and we can wed and share the bridal bed with Gavin and his heiress. ‘Tis what we’ve planned for all our lives-two compliant wenches to fuck us, together as well as separately.”

  “God forgive me for it’s a heinous sin, but the thought of having ye both take me makes me hot and wet. I want ye so much it scares me.”

  “When we return to the castle, I will find the armorer.” Will knelt at Meggie’s feet and ran a finger under the shield of the gold belt. Carefully, he slipped it inside her dripping cunt beside the tongue-like plug. “He will remove this. ‘Twill be your gift of gold to me this holiday season. Do you wish it, you may reinsert the ring and he can weld it shut. I wager it gives you great pleasure.”


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