Thanks to the people in my first writing group, Alice Levine, Joseph Weisberg, Joyce Cash, Howard Gleichenhaus, Martha Moffet, Judith Slater, Bilha Ron, who had been very attentive listeners and objective critics every step of the way.
My thanks go to Harry Haika who introduced me to Arab customs and helped with the Arabic translation; also to my friend Ruth Guttman Ben Zvi, Israeli music critic and historian for the information about the Palestine Philharmonic concerts during the Mandate.
I am grateful to my friends, Rabbi Bruce Warshal, his wife Lynne and to the poet and mentor, Janice Indeck for their enthusiasm and support.
Historical facts are authentic. All main characters in the story are fictional.
A: Arabic G: German H: Hebrew Y: Yiddish
Adon (H) Mister
Al Kiddush Hashem (H) For the Sanctification of God
Al Shahada (A) Oath converting to Islam
Allah Ackbar (A) Mighty God
Allah Harachaman (A) Allah the compassionate
Arrack (A) Arab alcoholic drink
Baladia (A) City Hall
Bashert (Y) Predestined
Beit kafe (H) Coffee house
Beit Yaakov school (H) Religious school for girls
Benti Al-Azeeza (A) My dear daughter
Bubba meisses (Y) Old wives’ tales
Chaikhana (A) Tea house
Chalas (A) Out
Chametz (H) Not kosher for Passover
Chasana (Y) Wedding
Chussens (Y) Grooms
Debka (A) Arab patriotic dance
Effendi (A) Mister
Epicorsim (Y) Atheists
Eretz Israel (H) The Land of Israel
Erev Shabbos (Y) Shabbat eve
Etzel (H) Right wing Jewish military organization during the British mandate
Eumi (A) Mother
Fatma (A) Destiny
Fedayeen (A) Palestinian militant groups fighting Israel
Garin (H) A young group settling in or creating a kibbutz
G’veret (H) Lady
Hada (A) Dear
Hamsin (A) hot dry wind
Hashem (Y) G-d
Hashomer Hatzair (H) Socialist Zionist youth movement during the British mandate
Heder (Y) Religious kindergarten for boys
Hevra (H) Friends
Hob Rachmoones (Y) Have pity!
Ialda (H) Girl
Ibni (A) My son
Idul Fitri (A) The feast of breaking the Ramadan fast
Iftar (A) The evening meal, the daily meal during Ramadan fast
Ima, Aba (H) Mother, Father
Imam (A) Cleric
Inshallah (A) With God’s help
Is nicht war? (G) Isn’t that so?
Jedatha A) Your grandmother
Jedati (A) My grandmother
Jedi (A) My grandfather
Jelebia (A) Traditional woman’s dress
Jugend Gruppe Kommandant (G) Youth group commander
Kafia (A) Man’s head dress
Khan (A) Hostel
Kipa (H) Yarmulke
Klezmer (Y) Popular musician
Kol Nidrei (H) Holiest Prayer on the Eve of Yom Kippur
Kol Zion Halochemet (H) Jewish Radio Station during the British Mandate
Koran (A) Muslims’ holy Book
Kova tembel (H) Pioneers’ hat - (slang)
Lehi (H) Freedom fighters (the Stern Gang)
Leikeh (Y) Cake
Ma’asef (H) Local Bus
Mamzer (H) Bastard
Mavrook Wa-barak Allah Fecum (A) Congratulations and God Blessings
Mehitze (Y) Division between men and women in orthodox synagogues
Meine kinder, tiere kinder (Y) My children, dear children
Mezuzah (H) Encassed prayer on door posts
Mikve (H) Ritual bath
Mischling (G) Crossbreed
Mitzvah (H) Good deed
Morabia (A) Nursemaid
Mukhtar (A) Mayor
Mutter (G) Mother
Naches (Y) Satisfaction
Nackba (A) Disaster
Nargilea (A) Smoking water pipe
Neft (H) Kerosene
Nishtvisendick (Y) Making the impression of not being aware
Oud (A) Bazooka
Palmach (H) The elite fighting force of the haganah, the Jewish Paramilitary during the British Mandate
Prosit (G) here is to you, cheers!
Rabbanut (H) The Organization of Rabbis
Sabras (H) Israeli-born children
Salaam Aleikum (A) Peace be with you
Sayyid (A) Mister
Shaitels (Y) Wigs
Shalom Bait (H) Peace at home
Sharbat (A) Sorbet
Sheinele (Y) Pretty one
Shesh-besh (A) Backgammon
Shiva (H) Mourning
Shmurot Hateva (H) Nature Reserves
Shmus (Y) Gossip
Shtetl (Y) Small town
Shukran (A) Thank you
Shul (Y) Temple
Simchas (Y) Joyous events
Sit, Sitat (A) Lady, Ladies
Souk (A) Market
Tanur (H) Stove
Thobe (A) Ceremonial wedding dress
Tzitzis (Y) Fringed garment worn by orthodox Jews
Yahud (A) Jewish man
Yahudia (A) Jewish woman
Yekim (H) German Jews – nickname given by Israelis
Yetzer hara (H) evil instinct
Jaffa Beach: Historical Fiction Page 39