ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club: (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4)

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ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club: (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4) Page 21

by Cooke, Jessie

  Mack started sensuously sliding her body against his, rubbing her breasts up and down his hard chest and sliding her legs up and down against his. Those soft, sexy caresses were enough to drive all other thoughts out of his head. He moved his lips from her mouth and as they panted and gasped to get air back into their lungs, he slid his mouth down to her neck. She gasped loudly as he bit onto her neck and he felt her fingernails dig into his scalp, which she was still holding onto. He kissed down to her collarbone...and across it...and then slid his mouth down to her gorgeous breasts. He licked her nipples, roughly rolling them around in his mouth, listening to her moan and whimper under his assault. His cock was aching so badly that suddenly he couldn’t even imagine taking the time to make it to the bedroom. Instead, he turned her around so she had her back to the little wooden table and he picked her up slightly and sat her down on it. She giggled when she realized what he intended to do, but she didn’t object. Ash reached down and pushed her knees apart and positioned himself in between them. Mack reached down and took his throbbing cock in her hand. It felt hot in her grasp, like it was about to combust into flames.

  Ash pushed her back so she was lying on the table with her legs dangling off the edge. She was still holding onto his cock and as soon as she was in position she pressed him into her sopping-wet pussy at the same time as he flexed his hips, and they both cried out as he was suddenly buried inside her and filling up her delicious pussy. He began moving in and out of her, and Mack held onto his shoulders with her hands and pressed into his backside with her calves and feet, urging him to go faster and fuck her harder. She was a little minx when she got going...and he fucking loved it.

  “You need more, baby?”


  “How much more?”

  “I want it all,” she said, breathlessly. Ash pulled out of her and she let out a little whine. He smiled and pulled her up to her feet and turned her so she was facing the table. He wrapped his arms around her again and let his hands explore her from between her thighs all the way up to her breasts. She moaned loudly and rubbed her butt against his rock-hard erection. He bit down on her neck again, sucking a piece of it in between his teeth and putting his mark on her, again, like a horny teenager. He couldn’t help it. She was too fucking sexy, and he wanted to taste every inch of her. When he finished with her neck he stood up straight and pushed her forward so her hands were on the table with her palms pressing into it. Her back was arched, and he ran his hands over the curves of it and down across the cheeks of her perfect butt. He bent down again and kissed her shoulders and then let his tongue trace a path down her back to the top of her crack. She shuddered when his tongue dipped in between her cheeks and he licked her all the way down, lapping at her pussy for a second before licking his way back up and standing up straight behind her once again.

  He took his cock into his hand and used it to slap her on the ass a few times before finally finding her soaked slit and rubbing the tip of his cock up and down. She whined and in a raspy voice she said, “Ash, please, baby.”

  “Please what?”

  “Fuck me. Please. I need you inside of”

  He entered her then from behind, just letting the tip go in and then pulling it back out. He did that a few times, but the last time Mack was ready for him. As soon as he slid the tip into her she used her arms and pushed back into him hard enough to take in half of his shaft. Ash didn’t have the willpower to pull it back out again. He let it fill her up once more, hitting bottom this time. They both groaned, and he reached down and took her ass cheeks into his hands, holding them tightly and massaging with his fingers as he began to pound into her. Mack was like a wildcat, impaling herself back on him each time he pulled back. He gave her what she needed...what they both needed. He fucked her, hard, right there against the table in the kitchen and once she came he spun her around and fucked her against the refrigerator. He fucked her once more against the kitchen counter, and he was about to pick her up and move her again when he felt the earth tremble and he exploded with an orgasm for the books.

  By the time Charlie got home from her date they had cleaned up their mess in the kitchen and taken a wild shower together. By the time they went to bed together, they were both exhausted. Mack snuggled into him and in minutes she was purring like a kitten. It took him forever to fall asleep thanks to the rampant thoughts in his head. He didn’t want to leave his brothers, but it was his only choice, and he made up his mind that as soon as he got home he was going to talk to Wolf about it. The sooner they could make it happen, the sooner he and Mack could start to make up for lost time.



  “Did you see this?” Mack and Ash were sitting side by side at the airport. He and Charlie would have to check in with TSA any minute and get on a plane and leave her. Ash couldn’t stop thinking about that and how the three thousand miles between them were going to feel like a million.

  “What’s that, baby?” She was looking at the New York Times. She handed it to him and he saw the headline she was pointing at.

  “That’s him. I think I’m in shock.”

  The headline read: Man Found Dead in Steam Room at Manhattan South Country Club. The article went on to mention Phil’s name and say that it appeared he had slipped and fallen into the hot rocks in the center of the room. He struck his head on one of them and that was what killed him. The article went on then to talk about all of Phil’s charitable donations over the years, thanks to his wife’s money and the money he’d managed to end up with even after the divorce. They made him out to be some kind of philanthropist with a kind heart. It almost made Ash angry. He wished that the obituary could talk about what a disgusting human being he was and mention that he was a sexual predator. But...he would have to be satisfied with knowing the man couldn’t ever hurt Mack or anyone else again...and he had died knowing why.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Yeah, baby, it’s him. I’m not going to act like I feel bad.”

  “No, I don’t feel bad,” Mack said, “but maybe that’s why I feel so strange and tingly all over. Maybe it’s guilt for not feeling bad.”

  “Or maybe it’s just relief that the monster is dead. No one would fault you for that, baby.”

  She nodded. “I am relieved. I still have nightmares about him.”

  Ash tossed the paper aside and put his arm around her. Pulling her in so that she could put her head against his shoulder, he held her and said, “You can let those go now, baby...he’s never going to hurt you again. Nobody is...I promise you that.” Mack snuggled into his side just as Charlie came back over. She’d been off on her phone, “handling business” she’d said.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Everything’s fine,” Mack told her, sitting upright. “I’m just going to miss you guys.”

  Charlie smiled. “I’m not a little kid. I know it’s mostly him you’re going to miss.”

  “That’s not true. I’m going to miss you too. But you and I Skype at least once a week, so I do get to see your pretty face,” Mack said with a smile.

  “Yeah, about that...I don’t think we’ll have to do that much longer.”

  “Why not?” Mack asked with a frown.

  “Because...if you accept, I have another job offer for you.”

  “Excuse me? You don’t want me to be CEO of Bennett Textiles any longer?”

  “I do. I wouldn’t have anyone else do that job...except maybe me someday,” she told Mack with a wink. “But I was thinking...Bennett has been on the East Coast for a hell of a long time. What if we moved it, to the west?”

  Mack and Ash looked at each other. Ash leaned forward in his chair and said, “We’re listening.”

  “Well, I’d have to get all kinds of input from accounting, marketing, and legal and I’d have to discuss it with my CEO, but if we can swing it, I think we should. I like California and at least while I’m in college, I’d like to stay there. two should be in the same state so you
can start making me some nieces and nephews.”

  Ash chuckled. “You have all kinds of plans for our lives, don’t you?”

  “I do, actually. I had one more if you’re interested in hearing it. And they’re ideas, not plans. You can always say no.”

  “I want to be closer to Ash, and you,” Mack said. “And you know what...I think we could make it work. I mean, we couldn’t do it right away and you’re right, we’d have to get everyone’s input...but I could just kiss you for even thinking of it.”

  Charlie laughed. “I love you, Mack...but not that way. Kiss him.” She pointed at Ash. Ash grinned and said:

  “Yes, please.”

  “Okay you two, not in front of the children,” Charlie said. “About that other thing I wanted to bring up. I just got off the phone with the lawyer. Our money should be available by Friday and I’ve already asked him to make an offer on a piece of property I looked at last week and fell in love with.”

  Ash raised an eyebrow. “A piece of property? Where?”

  “It’s out in the country on the southwest edge of Fresno. It’s ten acres and it’s zoned for residential houses.”

  “Damn, ten acres?” Ash said. “Do you plan on renting it out, or what?”

  “Not exactly. I was thinking I’d give it know, gift deed it, or whatever it’s called.”

  “No fucking way. Who would you give it to anyway? Come on, honey, you just got your inheritance, you don’t want to give it away. People will come out of the woodwork asking for it for themselves if they hear that you’re just giving things away.”

  “Think about how much more comfortable the club and the people who live there would be on ten acres.”

  “Oh my God, Charlie! You’re thinking of giving it to the Skulls?”

  “Sure, why not?” she said. “Everyone there has been good to me. They treat me like I’m family and let me live there rent-free. I’d like to give something back...and come on, brother, you have to know that I’m going to have plenty to give.”

  “I know you have plenty to give, honey. I just want you to be sure.”

  “I’m sure,” she said.

  Ash stood up and with a big smile and pulled his sister in for a hug. Wolf was going to lose his mind when he heard about the ten acres. And the idea she had about the company...brilliant, but most of all, sweet. As they stood there, the announcement overhead urged them to check in with TSA and their flight, which would be leaving in half an hour. When Ash let his sister go he looked at Mack and said:

  “I’ll be back, very soon. Until we work out this permanent solution, I’ll be here so much that you’ll get sick of me, and I might get me one of those Brooklyn accents that we thought we were too good for as kids.”

  She laughed. “That would be so hot.”

  “Ew, get a room, you two.”

  “We’ll do better than that,” Ash said. “If you’re going to use your money to buy land for the club, I’m going to use mine to build those houses that it’s zoned for...and one of them will be for us and all of those nieces and nephews of yours, Charlie. What do you think?”

  “I think you need to build me one too,” Charlie said.

  Ash chuckled. “You got it, kid.” Charlie took hold of her bag on wheels with one hand, gave Mack one last hug with the other, and went toward security check-in. Alone, Ash took Mack’s face in between his hands and said, “Don’t forget how much I love you.”

  She smiled up at him. “Never. Did I tell you that Sledge called me?”

  He smiled but shook his head. “What did he say?”

  “He just wanted to know what happened back then. I think he was hurt that I didn’t call him. But he did say he still loves me and we can still be friends, so I was excited about that. I suddenly have everything I ever wanted. I have you, my love. I have my BFF Sledge back. I have a great job, a sister. I’m so happy Ash...thank you. I love you.”

  Ash grinned at her and said, “I would do anything to see you smile, Mack. Remember, you’re my world. I love you...more.”

  Excerpt from Sledge


  New York City - 2007

  “Baby, why aren’t you dressed? You’re going to be late.”

  Steve sat on the edge of his bed, dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans with holes in the knees. It was his “uniform” at home, much more comfortable than the button-down white shirt, blue tie, and blue slacks he had to wear to school five days a week. It was Friday night...homecoming...and Steve had been voted homecoming king.

  “I’m not going, Mom.”

  “What? You have to go! You’re homecoming king!” She beamed with so much pride that Steve was surprised she didn’t actually light up the room. It was going to break his heart to tell her...but he couldn’t have her sitting in the bleachers and watching his humiliation from the sidelines. He’d put it off as long as he could.

  “Mom...I’m pretty sure it’s a joke.”

  She pulled her brows together. “A joke? I don’t understand.”

  “Mom...they wouldn’t have voted me homecoming king on purpose, unless it was a joke. They’re going to do something to embarrass me, and I don’t want you there, watching. I don’t want to be there. I give them enough ammo at school every day.”

  His mother looked crushed and it made his heart hurt. She sat down next to him on the bed and after a few silent moments she said, “Have you been getting bullied?” Steve had been bullied since the day he started middle school. He was from a whole different world than the rest of the students at the private school he attended. The neighborhood he lived in was an old one, the houses were run-down, the yards unkempt, and most people worked two jobs, or twelve-hour shifts, to support their families and still couldn’t make ends meet. The other students lived in high-rise penthouses in Manhattan, or old mansions in Chelsea. They were kids who had never known what it felt like to want anything. Steve had grown up wanting so many things...but mostly, just to be accepted.

  He wasn’t completely alone any longer. He had two really good friends and he didn’t think he could have done any better than his mother for a things weren’t all that bad. But the rich kids found some kind of sick pleasure in constantly reminding him that he didn’t fit in...and he’d managed to keep that from his mother the whole time. That was the one advantage to having to take two buses to get across town to school every morning, and having a mother who usually couldn’t take off work to come to school events. She was so proud of him for his achievements, and he wanted to keep it that way. He never wanted her to know what an outcast he was...but if she was going to find out, it wasn’t going to be by watching her son get humiliated.

  “No, Mom, they don’t bully me,” he lied. “Look at me, I’m huge. They’d be stupid to start anything with me.”

  She put her hand on his big arm. He was huge. He was a senior in high school and already six-foot-three and over two hundred pounds of muscle. A lot of his time was spent working out with some old weights his brother’d left in the basement. It helped clear his head and it was how he got rid of the aggression that built up throughout the day. “But you’d never hurt anyone, and they can probably sense that. Steve, please talk to me.”

  “I am talking to you, Mom. Things are okay. Mostly they leave me alone, but I’m different from them, you know that. I’m not even a little bit popular. I know this is a joke and I’d rather just stay home and skip the humiliation, okay?”

  She nodded. “Of course. I’d never want to see you hurt like that. But please promise me you’ll let me know if there’s more going on, okay? I just get the feeling...”

  “Nothing more is going on, Mom, really.” The phone began to ring, and he was relieved when his mom got up to answer it. They had a home phone and she had a cell phone, but Steve didn’t have one now. He had...he’d had a phone that his mother probably worked forty hours of overtime to buy for him. It had been tossed in the toilet at school by some of those kids who “didn’t” bully him. His best friend had
kicked the guy’s ass and gotten suspended from school for three days because of it. Steve was called a coward by everyone else for not fighting for himself. He wasn’t a coward. He was afraid, though. He was afraid that if he threw that first punch, he wouldn’t be able to stop. He was afraid of killing someone.

  His mother appeared in the doorway a few seconds later and said, “That was the school principal, Mr. Gamble.”

  “What did he want?” Gamble was old money and he looked down on Steve as much as the other kids did. As part of his scholarship agreement, Steve had to work in the school office ten hours a week. Between that and the two-hour bus ride each way, he wasn’t even able to get a job after school and help his mother out. He couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of that school and out of New York, away from all the hateful, snobby people.

  She sat down next to him again and she looked like she was going to cry. Laying her head over on his big shoulder she said, “You are so good. You know that? No matter what anyone tells you, you’re pure goodness, and if they treat you badly it’s because they’re jealous of your intelligence and your heart...”

  “Mom, I love that you’re trying not to hurt me, but I’m a big boy. Just give it to me straight...what did he say?”

  “The girl...the one who was supposed to be homecoming queen...she told the principal that you’ve made inappropriate advances toward her, and she wasn’t comfortable being queen to your kind.” Before Steve could say anything she quickly said, “I know it’s a lie. I told him, that’s not you. He said that without proof he couldn’t really punish you in any’s a ‘he said, she said’ situation. But in light of what she did say, he had to disqualify you from being homecoming king.”


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