“I guess with the runway destroyed they can’t deploy any aircraft.” Says Fox two. “One less thing to worry about.”
“That’s correct. Ok, anymore questions…?” Asks Jeremy. “Then let’s get ready. Wheels up in 30 minutes.”
40 minutes later the strike team at 30,000 feet is about to cross the border into the CEA. Well out of range of the border defence platforms, the team is about to start their descent with a cloaked Phoenix leading the charge 50kms ahead.
Cory outlines the game plan one last time with Ben and Techy…
“Ok guys.” Says Cory. “Here’s the plan. I’ll bring us down to hover 100 feet just north of the base. We’ll take out turrets one, two and three then scout round to the south side and take out the remaining two before the K-18’s arrive. Got it!”
“Roger that.” Says Ben. “Let’s just hope the cammo doesn’t shit itself again.”
“Hey!” Says Techy. “I spent all week running checks and I still don’t know what the problem is.”
“Let’s not worry about that now.” Says Cory. “Anyway, it seems to be working at the moment, right?”
“All good here.” Replies Ben.
“All systems normal.” Says Techy.
“We got 12 Sky-Reapers locked and loaded.” Says Cory. “Let’s try and make them count. Ben, weapons check?”
“All Reapers armed and ready. 340 rounds in the front guns and 280 in the rear.”
“Ok, two minutes to target.” Says Cory. “Keep your heads on a swivel guys. I don’t want any surprises.”
Two minutes later the Phoenix is in position to take out the first of three northern turrets.
“When you’re ready Ben!” Says Cory.
“I got a lock on target one! Firing!
The first Sky-reaper screams toward its target. Turret one is obliterated in a cloud of red lightning.”
“That’s a hit!” Says Ben.
“Nice shot.” Says Cory. “Maneuvering to turret two.”
“I got a lock, and firing!”
Turret two is taken out in similar fashion as personnel run around the base in all directions unsure where they’re being attacked from
“Two from two.” Says Cory. “Maneuvering to turret three.”
Suddenly the cloak failure alarm sounds once more.
“Techy… what the fuck!” Yells Ben.
“Stay on mission Ben.” Says Cory. “Turret three in line now.”
“This thing is doing my head in!” Says Techy.
Turret three swings around and has a lock on the Phoenix just as Ben fires the 3rd Sky-reaper. High caliber bullets are flying right past the window when the missile hits its target.
“That’s a hit!” Says Ben.
“Let’s get in position for the last two.” Says Cory.
The personnel on the base can see the Phoenix turning in the near distance and start firing at her, when the cloak fail alarm suddenly switches off yet again.
“What’s going on Techy?” Asks Ben.
“All systems are reporting normal. It seems to be working again.”
“I not sure we should hang around while the cloak isn’t working properly.” Says Cory. “What do you guys think?”
“We should at least try to complete the mission.” Says Ben. “The strike team won’t stand much of a chance with those last two installations still operational.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Ben.” Says Techy. I got the strike team on radar now. ETA in two minutes.”
“Shit!” Says Cory as he takes a moment to decide. “Ben, radio Command and tell them the northern defences are down but the southern turrets are still active. Let’s go finish the job.”
“Roger that.”
Out of weapon range and with the cloak system working, the Phoenix approaches the last two installations as the strike team come in for attack.
“Lining up turret four.” Says Cory.
“Target locked.” Says Ben. “Firing!”
Turret four is destroyed as the strike team are about to deliver their payload, but Fox Two and Delta four are destroyed on approach.
“Shit… we just lost two birds.” Says Techy.
“Coming around to the last target now.” Says Cory.
The strike team unload their ordinance on the base, destroying the runway and control tower, but only four of the seven aircraft hangers. Delta One and Fox three are destroyed by the remaining installation on departure.
As the Phoenix maneuvers into position to eliminate the remaining turret, suddenly the cloak fail alarm sounds once again!
“Son of a bitch!” Says Cory.
“I don’t think this ones worth it Cory.” Says Ben.
“I recon you’re right mate. The strike teams left, there’s no point hanging around getting shot at. Let’s bug out.”
“I’m all for bugging!” Says Techy. “Let’s bug! Now!”
Just as the Phoenix maneuvers for its departure, the last turret acquires a lock and starts firing. Several bullets damage the left aileron.
“Damn it, I think we’ve been hit!” Cory says. “She’s feeling a bit sluggish. Techy what’s going on back there?”
“We got a hydraulic leak from the rear elevators. The left one. It’s nothing serious at this stage but I think we better fix it pretty quick or we’re gonna run out of fluid.”
“Ben I need a landing spot. What good.”
“We got a clearing up ahead in 5ks.
“Roger that. Techy get the equipment ready.”
“On it.”
“Command this is ‘VH-771’.” Says Cory. “We have to put down for urgent repairs. How many birds made it back? Over.”
“Three returned but we lost four Phoenix.”
“Roger that command.”
The Phoenix lands in a clearing still behind enemy lines. The crew exit and survey the damage.
“Ok it’s not that bad.” Says Ben. “Slight damage to the aileron but nothing serious.”
“Here’s the fluid leak.” Says Cory. “Techy can you repair it?”
“A bit of super-tape and we should be back in business. Give me a minute or two.”
“Good… Make it snappy, and top the fluid up too please mate.” Says Cory. “Ben what do you think?”
“Some tape here as well to cover the holes and we should be ok.”
“Good work guys. I’ll check for any other damage.”
As Cory searches for any more damage, he comes across another bullet hole in the landing gear hatch.
“Ben… we got a hole here too mate. Better bring the tape.”
“Doesn’t look serious.” Says Ben as he scans the landing gear internals. “I can’t see any damage inside.”
“Tape it up mate and let’s get going. Techy how’s it looking.”
“All done.”
“Righto, on board guys.”
Cory runs through the rapid-take-off check list while Ben scans the radar and weapons screen. Suddenly the enemy incoming warning sounds as CEA fighter jets close in over the horizon.
“Cory…get us outa here.” Says Ben. “We got two, no wait, make that four JSF’s inbound from the north-west at 20 clicks.”
“I know I know…I’m on it. Ben, lift thrusters now. Techy, engage camo”
“The thrusters are diverting power from the cloak generator.” Yells Techy. “I’m guessing they can see us.”
“It gets worse.” Says Ben. “They got a missile lock on us. We got incoming times two.”
“Strap in guys, we’re outa here!” Cory says as he pushes the engines to full power. “Ben, get ready to launch counter flares on my mark… three, two, one, Launch!”
“Flares launched.”
As the Phoenix reaches take-off speed both missiles hit the counter flares sending shrapnel into the top right engine.
“We’ve been hit.” Cory shouts. “Ben…shut down engine four and close the lift thrusters. Raise the gear and back off to 80% on the left engines, she�
��s pushing us hard to the right.”
“Roger that. Gears up… thrusters closed… 80 on the left”
Another warning sounds. Techy turns to the avionics display panel.
“Guys… its doing that thing again”
“I still can’t believe you haven’t worked that out yet Techy!” Says Ben.”
“I know right! Wait… Cory… Turn to heading 330”
“330 roger that” Says Cory as the Phoenix reaches half speed and rises into the air.
“Give it a sec!” Says Techy. “Ben is the cloak working?”
“Yeah it’s working…kinda.”
“She won’t hit Mach1 guys.” Cory says. “We’re draining too much power. I can’t lose em.”
“Cory now turn to heading 270. Ben is it working”
“It’s off… and on again. What are you doing Techy?” Says Ben.
“Crap, I’m so stupid. Cory!”
“I know what you’re thinking Techy.” Says Cory. “Ben, get that rear gun warmed up. They’re gaining on us.”
“Cory turn heading 360 again.”
“Roger Wilco…360.”
“Techy I hope you know what you’re doing?” Asks Ben.
“The lines of flux.” Says Techy.
“The magnetic field lines that cross the earth from north to south. What about them?” Ben asks.
“It’s working now right?”
“Yeah… are you going somewhere with this?”
“If we fly parallel to, or across them…..it works fine.” Techy says as he swipes between various diagnostic screens. “But if we travel diagonally, the cloak generator is receiving interference from the C.P.G. for some reason.”
“So what’s the fix?” Asks Ben.
“For now, fly due west or due north.” Techy says. “I need to mount it on a gyroscopic compass so it’s always facing a cardinal heading. That should fix it. Cory, stay on this course.”
Although the Phoenix is mostly cloaked, a light stream of smoke is drifting off the right wing, giving away their position. Ben brings up the rear guns screen and starts firing at the CEA jets as they close in.
“I got a lock” Says Ben as he sprays bullets at the closing jets. “Gotcha!” He yells as the nearest jet is taken out. “Cory… get us low and see if we can out maneuver them through those canyons.”
“Will do.” Says Cory as he heads the phoenix towards the desert gullies below.
“We got incoming again.” Ben says. “Just one this time.” Ben shoots the missile out in mid-air.
“Nice shooting Ben.” Techy says. “Shame you can’t get you’re washing in the basket with that much precision.”
“Really Techy! You’re gonna go there now!”
Ben takes aim at another incoming jet as the Phoenix weaves through the chasms.
“I got a lock.” Ben shoots another jet out of the air. “Woo hoooo… two from two! Glad I had breakfast.”
The smoke has all but stopped from engine 4 and the CEA jets have lost visual contact with the Phoenix.
“We’re all clear guys.” Says Ben. “Looks like they’ve lost us.”
“That’s good news” Cory says as yet another warning buzzer sounds! “Ummm Ben. Did you raise the landing gear?”
“Yeah…” Says Ben. “Techy what’s the problem?”
“Aaah… looks like the left gear hatch is stuck open. I’ll close it manually.”
Techy opens a floor panel and winds the hatch shut. The buzzer goes silent.
“All good.” He yells.
“Roger that.” Says Cory. “Let’s get back to base.”
In his office at Parliament House, an angry PM Garrett Cameron is holding a meeting with Commodore Nelson and Minister Slattery to discuss the recent failures…
“I’m getting fairly agitated Commodore to say the least. It looks like we’ve lost Trivett City and our base in Alice Springs is lying in ruins! They are undermining us at every turn!”
“With all due respect Sir,” Replies Nelson. “We had the situation in hand until the Air strike.”
“Fuck the air strike!” Yells Garrett as a deafening silence falls over the room.
“Prime Minister,” Says Slattery. “We can’t reason with them, perhaps military action is the only course of action.”
“In retrospect, my predecessors should never have allowed the republic to form.” Says Cameron. “I’m not losing the Rock or Trivett City to those red-neck bogans. So exactly how do you intend to rebalance the… ‘Situation’ Commodore?”
“Sir, perhaps it’s time for something… a little more dramatic!”
“Go on.”
“We have 15 mobile missile launchers at the ready.”
“Keep talking.”
In retaliation for the Alice Spring Airbase attack, the Commonwealth is about to launch a long range missile strike on Orion. 15 Taipan missile launchers are awaiting orders from random mobile sites along the border.
In the O.T.D.F. General Harrison Ross and Commander Dany Carter are in Commander Atherton’s office next to the ‘War Room’ discussing the fallout from the base attack…
“I’m not saying it was a complete success by any means,” Says Dany. “But we’ve managed to cripple their ability to launch aircraft for now.”
“We can’t afford to keep losing our birds…”
Suddenly the phone rings.
“Excuse me General. Yes Major.” Says Jeremy.
“Sir you should get to the War Room immediately. We have a situation.”
“I’ll be one minute. General, we need to go!”
Jeremy and Harrison enter the war room.
“What is it Major?”
“Sir, Aus-Watch has detected 12… no make that 15 mobile launch sites on the CEA side of the border. Our ground radar confirms the same thing.”
“Is Itus at the ready?” Asks General Ross.
“Yes sir.” Says Major Callan.
“What the hell are they thinking?” Says General Ross.
“Surely they’re not thinking of striking Trivett City, or Ayres Rock!” Says Jeremy. “That only leaves one possible target!”
“Us.” Says General Ross. “Major, give the order to evacuate all non-essential personnel from the base and activate the air raid sirens! Commander, call Governor Travers and let him know the situation.”
“I think we might be too late General!” Says Major Callan.
15 Taipans are launched and are en-route to Orion. The Itus defence turrets lock onto the incoming missiles and send a hail of bullets, plasma shots and anti-air rockets to intercept.
One by one the missiles are shot out of the air, but with each passing second the remaining Taipans close in on Orion and the O.T.D.F…
“Sir we need to get out of here and head to the bunker!” Says Jeremy.”
“Major Callan, get your staff to the bunker ASAP.” Says General Ross.
Meanwhile over in hanger ‘Echo’, Techy is on the phone to Ben.
“Hey babe.” Says Techy. “I’m just finishing up here and I’ll be heading home.”
“Take your time.” Says Ben. “I ordered in but it won’t get here for 40 minutes or so.”
“Ok no worries… hey there seems to be a lot of commotion outside over here.” Says Techy, when suddenly the air-raid sirens are activated. “Ben, somethings wrong!”
Itus has shot down most of the incoming Taipans but four missiles have intruded beyond the defence ring. One missile is destroyed two kilometers above Orion and another directly above the O.T.D.F. but the remaining two missiles are about to find their targets.
“Techy… you need to get the hell out of there!” Yells Ben as the connection drops. “I can see… Techy? Techy!”
General Ross and Major Callan are the last personnel remaining in the war room when the missile strikes the side of the O.T.D.F. Glass, bricks and framework fly across the room as they both disappear in a cloud of debris and dust, while Hanger Echo suffers a similar fate.
nbsp; 20% of the Orion Tactical Defence Facility and part of the financial district on Darwin Street in the city have been destroyed. Ben tries repeatedly to get Techy back on the line but there is no ring tone on the other end.
From his apartment in North Orion, Cory calls Ben…
“Ben! What the hell’s going on?”
“I got no idea. I was just talking to Techy when the air-raid sirens went off in the background. I think I saw explosions outside the window near the O.T.D.F.”
“I’ve heard at least 3 explosions and I can’t get dad on the line. Mate I think we’re under attack.”
“I gotta get to the hanger and find Techy!” Says Ben.
“I’ll see you there.”
15 minutes later Cory arrives at the O.T.D.F. dumbfounded at the devastation in front of him. Fire trucks, police and ambulances are all swamping the scene while fire and smoke billow at every turn.
Outside hanger Echo, Cory finds Ben on a mission to find Techy…
“Ben!” Yells Cory. “You can’t go in there… It’s not safe!”
“I don’t give a shit! Techy’s in there somewhere and I’m getting him out!”
“Fuck!” Says Cory. “Wait for me!”
They both enter the hanger, but through the smoke they can’t see any sign of Techy anywhere.
“Mate,” Says Cory. “I don’t think he’s in here. Maybe he went to the bunker.”
“He’s a smart guy right?” Asks Ben. “That’s where I’d go. Wouldn’t you?”
“Yep. That’s where I’d go.”
They both head over to the bunker under the O.T.D.F. when through the smoke they find General Ross and Major Callan.
“Dad!” Yells Cory. “Are you ok?”
“I think so.”
“I found Major Callan.” Says Ben as the paramedics arrive. “There’s no pulse.”
“Give us some space.” Says one of the paramedics. “You guys need to get out of here. This building could come down any minute.”
“General.” Says Ben. “Have you seen Techy?”
“I haven’t sorry Ben. I wasn’t even aware he was on the base.”
“He was in hanger Echo. We searched it but we couldn’t find him.”
“Blond haired guy about six foot? Asks the paramedic.
“Yeah that’s him.” Says Ben. “Where is he?”
Red Gold: The Australian Civil War Page 8