The Time Hunters and the Lost City (The Final Chapter in the Time Hunters Saga Book 5)

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The Time Hunters and the Lost City (The Final Chapter in the Time Hunters Saga Book 5) Page 21

by carl ashmore

  With a series of loud cracks, explosions blazed the air. The light faded to reveal people, robots and animals standing in its wake: Kenneth, Barbie, Milly, Gump, Bruce Westbrook, who was sitting astride his Harley Davidson, Charlie Millport and ten Trackers, all of whom were fully armed with guns and Tracker packs. Another ball of light popped up beside them, growing in size and exploding in a blinding flash.

  It was then Becky heard a voice she recognised.

  ‘Lordy, Lordy, so this is England? It’s cold enough to chill the hemblams off my knockles.’

  She spun around to see Edgar, his plate-sized hand waving at them.

  ‘Hellooooo, Perce, Will, Joe and Becky,’ Edgar said. He was standing beside a considerably larger Minotaur.

  ‘Edgar?’ Becky gasped. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I heard you needed help,’ Edgar replied. ‘Where else did you think I’d be?’

  Further explosions heralded the arrival of more people. This time a line of thirty Greek Warriors materialised, all of whom Becky recognised as members of Edgar’s community from the subterranean lair beneath Knossos. They wore plumed helmets, bronze breastplates and carried circular shields and short swords. As she scanned them, her gaze came to rest on the four men at the end of the line, who looked much less imposing than the others.

  The Argonauts.

  ‘Thank you for coming everyone,’ Uncle Percy said. ‘Particularly Jason, Phineas, Theseus and Hercules.’ He turned back to Drake. ‘This is precisely my point, Emerson - even Hercules came to help Becky and Joe and he’s a devout coward. Aren’t you, Hercules?’

  Trembling from top to bottom, Hercules nodded and then threw up down himself.

  Another explosion of light and eleven elderly pirates appeared from nowhere. Becky’s heart flipped. It was the crew of the Black Head: Short Jack Copper, William Turnip, Hairy Harry Hooper, Jedidiah Quint, Windy Pete McGuiness, Elbert Fridge, Burly Bill Brundle, Hunchback Henry Brody, Alf ‘Lockjaw’ Morgan, Skinny John Prinny, and One Toe Tom.

  Uncle Percy flashed them all a smile. ‘Welcome, gentlemen.’

  ‘Mighty fine ter be ‘ere, Mister Halifax,’ Hairy Harry Hooper yelled. ‘Ain’t it, boys?’

  As one, the Black Head’s crew raised their cutlasses and gave a resounding ‘Aaarrrrr’.

  ‘Now where be the scoundrels we’re fightin’?’ Short Jack Copper bellowed.

  ‘Over there,’ Uncle Percy said, pointing at Attila the Hun’s army.

  Grasping the sheer size of the opposition, Short Jack Copper’s face dropped. ‘The odds may be against us ‘ere, lads!’ he muttered. Then an eager smile exposed the three black teeth left in his mouth. ‘But when’s tha’ ever stopped us? Let’s have at ‘em, me buckos!’

  The Black Head’s crew cheered.

  Just behind, a loud BANG signalled another arrival

  Dazed and overwhelmed, Becky saw the outline of eight enormous creatures, each one at least two feet taller than any human. One of the creatures stood out from the rest. Tall and majestic, his large oval head was crowned with a thick clump of bright orange hair. But it was the necklace he wore, replete with a shimmering emerald stone that struck a chord deep within her. The Suman Stone. In that moment, she was taken back seven months as she recalled the tiny Yeti she’d given it to. ‘Orff?’ she breathed.

  Orff’s shimmering blue eyes looked down at Becky and a gentle smile appeared on his mouth. ‘Beckee Mellor,’ he said in a deep, rich tone. ‘It hass been many yeers but Orff is pleeezed to seeh you ‘gain … Umgala!’

  ‘And I you, Orff,’ Becky replied.

  ‘And hello, Gimbeldok,’ Uncle Percy said to the older Yeti at Orff’s side. ‘Thanks for joining us.’

  ‘Me want be ‘ere,’ Gimbeldok said. ‘His clan happee to figgght with Perthee Ha’fax.’

  ‘I’m still hoping we can avoid that, Gimbeldok.’

  Uncle Percy’s words were followed by another series of light bursts, which revealed a group of men on horseback, each wielding a long bow and a quiver of arrows.

  Joe glanced at Will, and they shared a smile as the Merry Men lined up before them, all of them staring at Will, incredulous expressions on their faces.

  No one said a word.

  Little John dismounted and walked up to Will. ‘Even tho’ I was forewarned, I still cannot trust mine own eyes.’ His voice was soft, brittle, as if sorrow and delight fuelled his every word. ‘Will Shakelock hath truly returned from the grave.’

  Will flashed him a gentle smile and gripped his arm warmly. ‘‘Tis a place I have not visited yet, John, but I shall do soon enough. And I shall do so willingly.’

  Little John turned his head away, keen to conceal his watering eyes. ‘Then we shall fight side by side once more, my brother, and endeth the tyranny that puts you in that cold, damp, worm-ridden bed.’

  ‘That we shall, old friend.’

  Little John turned to the Merry Men and punched the air with his bow. ‘Men of Sherwood, bold and brave … Will Shakelock leads us once more. And I for one shall happily drench this field with my own blood for this righteous cause. ‘Tis a fine day to die!’

  The Merry Men roared their agreement.

  When their voices waned, Uncle Percy approached Drake and said, ‘Surely you can see my point, Emerson? We have Argonauts, Cretan Warriors, Pirates, Minotaurs, Yetis and the legendary Merry Men of Sherwood Forest… all of them here without payment, all of them willing to give their lives for people and a cause they believe in.’

  Drake gave a contemptuous shrug. ‘Your numbers are certainly larger than expected, but not nearly as great as the barbarian horde that will tear your paltry group apart limb from limb and wear their intestines as their spoils of war.’ He chuckled nastily. ‘All you will have done today, Percy, is sign the death warrant of those you supposedly care about. Congratulations, I think that makes you a far colder murderer than I could ever hope to be.’

  Uncle Percy smiled. ‘I would agree with you if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re just plain wrong.’ His voice suddenly brimmed with menace. ‘Did you really think I’d be stupid enough to come here today, put all of my friends, my family at risk … if I didn’t think we’d win?’

  For the first time uncertainty flickered in Drake’s eyes.

  Uncle Percy noticed. ‘Yes, you should be concerned. What you don’t know, Emerson, is that at Christmas we encountered a young girl in Ancient Egypt. Her name was Layla. Now Layla’s father, Hannu, had been kidnapped by your Associates and Becky made it her mission to reunite them … and you know what - she did it! Anyway, Becky left such an impression on that young girl that Layla would never forget her. Now, as I said, we first knew that little girl as Layla, but that wasn’t her actual name - no, her real name was Nefertiti, and she would grow up to be Queen Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaten, the Egyptian Pharaoh, and together they commanded the most powerful army in the Ancient world.’

  Uncle Percy hit six large buttons on the Maxidizor. ‘Emerson,’ he said. ‘You really did mess with the wrong two girls…’

  At that moment, six huge orbs of light, like small moons, appeared on the horizon.

  ‘What’s goin’ on?’ Joe whispered to Becky.

  Becky couldn’t answer, but for the first time she felt a glimmer of hope. ‘I pray that’s what I think it is.’

  Uncle Percy looked at Becky and Joe, a glint in his eye. ‘Becky, Joe, I give you Henry’s six wives!’

  With a series of ear-splitting BOOMS that shook the earth, the six balls of light exploded, like supernovas, sending great bolts of lightning across the land, illuminating everything and everyone.

  Heart pounding, Becky received the shock of her life.

  Six colossal flat bottomed container ships, the biggest she’d ever seen, filled the skyline. Giant ramps angled down to the ground and thousands upon thousands of Egyptian soldiers, some on foot, others on horseback, some riding horse-drawn chariots were exiting the boats, filing into great columns and marching in formation toward
Attila the Hun’s army.

  No one was in any doubt, the Egyptian Army outnumbered the Huns by at least three to one.

  It took all of Becky’s resolve not to faint on the spot. She stared at Drake and was surprised to see he was smiling.

  Uncle Percy was clearly surprised, too. ‘Now is that a smile of resignation at your defeat, Emerson? Because your army can’t win. You must know that.’

  ‘But I don’t need to win, Percy,’ Drake purred. ‘I just need some time.’ He paused, enjoying the confusion that lined Uncle Percy’s face. ‘As ever, your arrogance makes you forget a few things: I have the Eden Relics … I have the Sword of Ages – the invincibility relic. And, furthermore, all I have to do is recite a single prayer and the power of the relics, the very power of God will be imbued within me. Yes, Percy, you have produced quite an army, and there shall be a battle, but the outcome matters not.’ He looked over as the two great armies inched ever closer. ‘And the many deaths that shall follow are on your head … remember that.’ He inhaled deeply. ‘No, for all the thousands you’ve brought here today, there is only one that concerns me, only one I believe powerful enough to challenge me.’

  His gaze locked on Becky.

  ‘And that is you, my dear. I simply cannot trust you not to use your strange and wonderful talents to stop me. Therefore, you’re the only one I’m thinking about incapacitating.’ From nowhere, he produced a pistol and targeted Becky’s head. ‘But I simply can’t have you thinking straight.’

  Orff roared loudly and made to leap at Drake.

  Gimbeldok held him back.

  Joe’s fingers inched toward his quiver.

  ‘NO ONE MOVE!’ Drake shouted.

  ‘Put the gun down, Emerson,’ Uncle Percy said, flustered.

  ‘For once, Percy, just shut your mouth!’

  But these words gave Becky the time she needed. She focussed on the gun. Instantly, the watery feeling swept her skull as her powers took effect and she knew she had control over it. The bullet would never leave the barrel. ‘Go on then,’ she said. ‘Shoot me.’

  ‘But I don’t really want to shoot you, Rebecca,’ Drake replied. ‘I admire you. I really do. Still, I do have to debilitate you somehow.’

  Concentrating on the gun directed at her, Becky didn’t notice the glint of metal from the pistol in his other hand.


  Showering Becky’s face with blood, a bullet tore into her father’s shoulder.

  Chapter 33

  The Becoming

  Pain creasing his face, John Mellor clutched his wound and collapsed to his knees as Drake turned and disappeared into Stonehenge.

  Becky screamed and dropped to his side. ‘Dad…’ Tears flooded her eyes. ‘DAAAD!’

  In a flash, Uncle Percy had joined her on the ground and was examining the gunshot. ‘BARBIE. OVER HERE!’ he yelled.

  ‘I-I’m fine,’ John Mellor rasped, wincing.

  ‘You’re really not,’ Uncle Percy replied.

  Barbie flew over and landed beside him. ‘Sir?’

  ‘You know the coordinates for the medical units we’ve set up,’ Uncle Percy said. ‘Get John to Facility A. Doctor Aziz and his team are already there and awaiting casualties. He’ll be prepared.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  Wincing, John Mellor’s gripped Uncle Percy’s hand. ‘Percy,’ he rasped. ‘Whatever happens … protect Becky and Joe.’ He sucked in the deepest breath he could. ‘… And stop Drake…’

  ‘I will.’

  As dazzling light surrounded her, Barbie grasped John Mellor’s arm. With a pop, they vanished.

  Composing himself, Uncle Percy saw Becky’s face had frozen with a mixture of shock and horror. ‘Becky… Your father will be fine. Trust me. It’s not a life threatening wound.’

  ‘B-but he’s so weak anyway.’

  ‘And he’s in the very best hands. We’ve been preparing these medical facilities for quite some time. He’ll be fine. I swear.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘Because I do. But he’s right about one thing … we must stop Drake.’

  ‘You mean I must stop him,’ Becky replied darkly. ‘You once told me I was the most powerful human being on the face of the planet … well I am. And Drake’s right to be worried about me. Because the way I feel right now I’d kill him in a heartbeat.’

  Just then, amplified a thousand fold, Drake’s voice boomed out of the monument, reaching the ears of everyone on the battlefield.

  ‘My supporters, my Associates … Your time has come. Those that would thwart us have assembled in great numbers like flies on dead flesh. It is you I turn to for protection. Protect me …. Protect the Henge.’ His voice rose to a deafening shout. AND LET BATTLE COMMENCE … KILL THEM ALL!’

  With a shriek as loud as thunder, the Hun Army charged. Hooves pounded the earth; arrows fogged the air. Seconds later, both armies clashed in a chaotic scene. Soon, screams of agony mingled with the thunderous roars of the dinosaur Cyrobots, which attacked the Egyptian army mercilessly.

  Will turned to the Merry Men and shouted, ‘Men of Sherwood, the dragons may seem fearsome, but a single arrow to their right eye stops them as dead as the grave. So ride like the wind, and let your aim be true...’

  The Merry Men steered their horses toward the fray.

  Becky watched as Uncle Percy pulled out his sword, and joined Will and Joe who were fighting off a throng of incoming Hun soldiers. From all around Stonehenge, the horrific sounds of battle slashed at her ears. It was then a strange sensation filled her. She’s seen all this before.

  Her vision.

  Knowing what was to come, she spied a hulking figure charging through a gap in the warring mass – a Minotaur. She didn’t even have time to scream when its enormous hand grasped her throat, fingers digging in hard, nearly puncturing skin, throttling the air from her lungs.

  With incredible strength, the Minotaur lifted her off her feet.

  Fighting the excruciating pain, Becky knew her life depended on the next few seconds. She focussed on the Minotaur’s hand, immediately feeling Telekinetic power surge through her. Prising its massive fingers open with a powerful unseen force, she fell hard to the ground, landing on her back, pain wracking her body.

  Bewildered, the Minotaur primed itself for a second attack when -

  A massive fist slammed into its snout, knocking it backwards three feet, momentarily dazing it.

  Relief engulfed Becky.

  Edgar was standing there, his eyes ablaze with rage. ‘Kraven,’ he bellowed. ‘You have harmed my good friend. You shall not do so again.’

  Recovering quickly, Kraven glared at Edgar. ‘And who is the wide-horn that would help this human?’ he snarled.

  ‘I am Edgar, son of Brethan, Grandson of Krasius. And you are the thief that stole the Spear of Fate from Atlantis. You caused the destruction of my homeland, the deaths of many of my Atlantean brethren. And today you will pay for your crimes…’

  Kraven stood to his full height and ballooned out his gigantic chest. He was considerably taller and wider than Edgar with muscular arms the size of trees. ‘You are no match for me, wide horn,’ he growled, his scarred face teeming with hatred. ‘You are no warrior. Your eyes shimmer with fear like a Calfan’s.’

  Edgar didn’t seem intimidated at all. ‘I have never claimed to be a warrior,’ he replied steadily. ‘In fact, I consider myself a lover, not a fighter. Still, when I learned Emerson Drake had engaged you as his underling, I tracked down an acquaintance of yours and brought him here today. And, Lordy, he is most certainly a warrior. In fact, most Minotaurs consider him the greatest warrior to have lived.’

  Edgar flashed Kraven a crooked smile before stepping aside to reveal the largest Minotaur Becky had ever seen. ‘I believe, Kraven, you’ve met Thoth.’

  As big as a mountain, Thoth stepped forward, his towering horns imposing against the silvery sky. He had a kindly yet determined face that simply radiated power. ‘Kraven,’ he said in a booming voi
ce. ‘I, Thoth, son of Zeagan, have pursued you through the very fabric of time itself. You stole the Spear of Fate, you banished our homeland to the ocean’s depths, and in doing so you killed many of our kind. It is my sworn duty to serve the justice that befits your crimes.’ He lunged forward and seized Kraven’s head in a mighty headlock. ‘My only regret is the swiftness with which I shall deliver your judgement, but there is a greater war to win.’ His giant arm tightened around Kraven’s neck and with a stomach-churning snap, he broke it like a twig. Kraven’s dead body sank onto the grass

  Becky got to her feet. ‘Thank you, Edgar,’ she said. ‘Thank you, Thoth.’

  Thoth bowed deeply. ‘I have been told of your greatness, Becky Mellor, and all you have done for the children of Atlantis. I am your faithful servant.’

  ‘Err, cheers,’ Becky replied.

  ‘Miss Becky,’ Edgar said. ‘What must be done to gain victory?’

  ‘We need to get the Palal Stone from Drake. And we’re running out of time.’

  Joe, Will and Uncle Percy raced up to her. Will’s face was bleeding badly from a series of cuts and abrasions.

  ‘Are you okay, Becks?’ Joe asked. ‘I saw that Minotaur attack you, but was fighting off a load of Attila’s goons and couldn’t get to you.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ Becky replied. ‘But –’ She was stopped in full flow by the sound of machine gun fire ripping the air. She glanced back at the henge to see Associates and Trackers locked in a ferocious gun battle. The Trackers were hopelessly outnumbered. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. ‘Edgar, Thoth,’ she said. ‘Your skin is tougher than bullets. Can you get into Stonehenge and deal with as many Associates as you can?’

  ‘As you know, Miss Becky, I loathe violence,’ Edgar replied. ‘But today I shall make an exception. After all, those Associates are really very naughty.’ Together, he and Thoth charged off toward the monument.

  This triggered something in Uncle Percy. He raised a transceiver to his mouth and spoke into it, ‘Kenneth, can you get over here?’


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