Inked Passions: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance)

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Inked Passions: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance) Page 16

by Amber Burns

  “No, she delivered quickly. Everyone is ok and downstairs resting.”

  “Oh good. At least she didn’t labor for hours and hours. When I was in labor with Tommy, it took almost three days to get him out. They even used this gas on me to make me sleepy and ease my pain. He was always so stubborn.”

  Her eyes glistened from the tears that threatened to form.

  “Well, it looks like little Ms. Cynthia took some of his stubbornness. She is a fighter.”

  Cade stuck his finger in her little hand and she gripped on tight. Seeing him with a baby, Cindy felt her chest tighten.

  “Would you like to hold her?” Mrs. Lane asked, offering the baby to Cade.

  “Uh, sure, is that ok?”

  Mrs. Lane chuckled and stood up. He looked nervous but once Mrs. Lane placed Cynthia in his arms, his shoulders relaxed and he looked so natural with that baby in his arms.

  “You know that you two are the godparents?”

  Cindy and Cade both jerked their heads at Mrs. Lane.

  “What?” They asked in unison.

  “Tommy and Heather had their suspicions about you two for some time. They added you guys to their will, as the godparents of their unborn children. They figured that one way or another, they would bring you two together. At first, Tommy was a little skeptical, but after you two started dating he and Heather knew you guys were perfect for each other. I think you two had better go finish those wedding vows.”

  She reached back over to collect Cynthia and Cade seemed almost hesitant to give her up. Cindy hugged Mrs. Lane and kissed Cynthia’s sweet head, inhaling her scent. Taking Cade by the arm, they left the hospital and made their way back to their wedding. Thankfully, the guests had just been eating in the dining hall when they arrived and the pastor was still available to finish the ceremony. What had started out ominous turned into a beautiful and happy wedding.

  They had written their own vows for the event and Cade’s voice and hands trembled as he read his own words aloud.

  “Cindy, it has been a long and interesting year. When I first saw you standing there in that purple number, my heart stopped and you were all I could see. I still remember holding you for the first time as we danced at our dear friend’s wedding and I knew I could hold you for the rest of my life. I promise to always love you, and to protect you, even if you are now strong enough to protect yourself. My past was rocky, but my future is bright, with you by my side as my loving, and beautiful wife.”

  He folded the paper back up and placed it in his pant pocket and slipped a shimmering band on her ring finger. She had memorized her lines, but still unfolded her paper. Looking him straight in those blue eyes, she began.

  “Cade, you are my balance beam. I have never felt more alive or free to be myself than when I am with you. You’re the most talented, adventurous, and handsome man I have ever known. Your kindhearted soul draws me in and holds me close. I promise to love you forever, to treat you with kindness, and hold you up when you are down. We have overcome so much together and I hope to overcome so much more by your side.”

  She placed his simple white gold band on his ring finger and they held hands, eyes locked on one another. Before the pastor could finish his words, Cade had pulled her close and kissed her softly. Everyone else in the room disappeared and it was just the two of them, standing there, enveloped in one another. He pulled back and smiled, then kissed her one more time. They turned to their laughing guests and walked out and to the dining hall. Everyone lined up to visit them and Cindy saw an older man walk up to Cade and place his hand on Cades shoulder.

  “Son, you done good.” He leaned in and hugged Cade.

  “Thanks Hank,” Cade smiled. “And thank you for coming.”

  Hank, leaned in and pointed his finger at Cindy.

  “I told him to go get his girl and he did just that!” He smiled and nodded, clearly satisfied with himself.

  “Yes, you did Hank. Thank you again. You have always been my life saver.”

  “Well, you better be turning to the Mrs. now kid, I am getting too old,” he huffed and with that made his way to help himself to more food.

  Next Annie stepped up and took Cade’s hand in hers, yanking him down to eye level.

  “Remember what I told you boy? About my special concoction?”

  Cindy rolled her eyes, but saw Cade nod, a smile twitching around the corners of his mouth. She saw slight stubble around his mouth and chin and smiled. Maybe after things settled down, she could convince him to grow his beard back out.

  “Well, it still stands that if you ever hurt this sweet young lady, I will bring down somethin’ truly sinister on ya’.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He entertained the old woman and Cindy just laughed.

  “Now, sug’, who is that fine man that was just talkin’ to you two?” Annie asked, looking straight at Hank.

  “Who, Hank?” Cade answered, and Annie’s eyes darted back to him.

  “I like the sound of that, Hank.”

  She rolled the name around as if she was trying it out and made her way to stand behind Hank. They watched as she pretended to bump into him as she reached to grab a new plate. At first he seemed a little confused and flustered, but after a few minutes and some obvious flirting they were laughing and clearly enjoying each other.

  “Isn’t that something?” Cindy asked and looked at Cade, who she found was staring at her.

  “Yes. Now, may I have this dance, Mrs. Winters?”

  She felt her heart pick up in pace. She was married. Her. She was really married, and to Cade.


  They moved to the middle of the dance floor and he wrapped his arms around her as they swayed to the music. As she rested her head against him, her mind drifted to the events that had led to this moment. She had not thought about Spencer in some time, too busy with funerals and work. Thoughts of that day in captivity would always be with her, but the pain and trauma had faded. Her heart still ached for Heather and her baby who would never know her mother, a raw ache in her chest and sadness for the loss of her best friend. At the same time, joy warred with the grief as she thought about Alex and Cadence and their new bundle of joy. On top of it all, she was dancing with her husband.


  “Yes my love.”

  “We have never talked about this before, and now may not be the best time…but, well,” Cindy paused as they sway for a few moments. “Never mind.”

  “What is it? You can ask me anything.” His green eyes stared into her own blue’s.

  “Well, I was wondering if you wanted children?”

  She felt his grip tighten around her and he was silent for a moment.

  “I do want children. I am scared to death of the parent I will be, but yes, I want children, with you. As a matter of fact, I would love to get started right away.”

  She could see the desire in his half-closed eyes and felt him growing hard against her. Despite how many times she had been with Cade, his lust for her and her own arousal at just his touch surprised her.

  She was breathtaking, even though he had already seen her in her dress, when Cindy had walked down the aisle towards him, Cade stopped breathing for a moment. She was full of confidence, which when he had first seen her in that purple dress at Tommy’s wedding, she seemed the complete opposite. Her confidence made her radiate warmth and joy and he was happily drowning in it. Now he held her in his arms on the dance floor, his mind busy with the idea of children. He had always wanted children, but had never found someone to share his life or heart with until her. Imagining her belly round with his child excited him and now that he had admitted to wanting to start right away, it was all he could do to not skip the rest of this wedding ritual and get to work practicing with her.

  Seeing the lust form in her eyes, he decided he would tease her the rest of the night until they tumbled in the sheets as husband and wife. He wanted to see what she would do if he teased her for an extended time. Bending down, he lightly
kissed her neck and then moved back to her.

  “I can’t wait to get you naked tonight and have my way with you,” he whispered beside her ear.

  He heard her suck air between those perfect pink lips and kissed her ear. She pressed into him, her hips ever so discreetly rubbing against him.

  This is going to be fun.

  When the song stopped, he pulled back and headed for food, leaving her dazed. They set down to eat, he placed his hand on her thigh and slowly inched up between her legs. Her dress was too thick for him to tease her as much as he wanted, but he could tell that just touching her was driving her crazy. She playfully slapped at his hand away and he smiled.

  His last attempt to make Cindy crazy was when he went searching for her garter. He moved his hand up the length of her leg and feeling the lacey garter, moved passed it just a little higher. His fingers grazed her and she slightly squeezed her thighs together, warning him he would be in big trouble if he didn’t get that garter and go. Her eyes were narrowed at him, but lust raged behind them.

  “You just wait Mr. Winters.”

  “Oh, I can’t.”

  He smiled wide and she blushed. Not wanting to prolong their evening, they rushed the rest of the usual activities and headed to the decorated bike. A can had been lost on the way to the hospital, and the just married sign was now crooked, but Cindy was still excited to hop on and hug her husband.

  “Take me home, now,” she whispered in his ear, before he started the loud engine and they waved goodbye to their family and friends.

  They had decided to stay in her condo, which was a hard decision. They loved his apartment in the city, but the condo had space for them to grow in that the apartment did not. When they parked the bike, Cade scooped Cindy up and carried her through the front door of their home. They didn’t made it up the stairs.

  He carefully pulled her gown from her body and undressed himself. Cade wanted to be deep inside of her, but teasing her had proven to be so fun earlier that he wanted to continue what he started. He kissed and caressed her all over, toying with the sensitive spots that are meant to drive a woman wild until he felt her body quake.

  “Cade, I need you inside me now!”

  “No. Not yet.”

  He was enjoying this too much. Her body squirmed and trembled and he brought her to the edge over and over.

  “Please,” she begged, her voice was strained and frantic with desire.

  When he brought her to the edge for the last time, he slammed deep inside of her and relished the waves of orgasm that swept through her and over him. That night, he made love to her until she physically couldn’t go anymore.

  He kissed her and pulled her exhausted body against his own. He wouldn’t let her know just how spent he was. When they woke the next morning, their legs were intertwined and he was spooning her naked body. He stretched and felt the muscles in his legs and core scream from the excessive use that night. Slowly, trying not to wake her, he slipped his arm out from under her and moved to the kitchen for coffee. Walking on shaking legs, he felt off balanced. Cindy woke up to the smell of coffee and he smiled. She was clearly on auto pilot as he watched her pull her medicine pouch from the cabinet and fill a glass with water. Before she got the pill to her mouth, she stopped and looked at Cade. Realizing that she wasn’t going to take those anymore, she smiled and threw the pill in the trash.

  “I guess I won’t be needing those anymore,” she purred to her lover.



  As their first week of post-marital bliss came to a close, Cade stretched and prepared to head into the shop.

  “Do you have to go to work today?” She pouted her lip and batted those beautiful eyes at him.

  “Sadly, yes. I need to swing by the shop and see how things have been going while I have been away.”

  “Well, just hurry back home so we can have a repeat of last night.”

  With that, she turned and slowly walked away with her cup of coffee. Before disappearing around the corner, he saw her pull off her robe and look back at him. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He forced himself to leave and made his way downtown to his business.

  Cade walked into the front doors and found his new hires busy working on customer’s tattoos and piercings. Two were adding the finishing touches to their customer’s tattoos and another one was preparing to pierce a lip. He missed Alex and Cadence and wondered what they were up to.

  Cade: Hey Cadence, how have you been? How is the baby?

  Cadence: Hey boss, we are great. Look behind you.

  Cadence and Alex approached him with a car seat in tow. He saw how big their baby had gotten in such a short time and was shocked at the sight of all that hair.

  “We named him Oliver,” Cadence beamed.

  “Hi Oliver,” Cade said with a smile.

  He reached down and touched the soft black hair on the baby’s head. Oliver stretched and yawned, but didn’t wake.

  “Is there anything we can do today?” Alex inquired.

  “You came to work, with your baby?” Cade asked, one eyebrow raised and Cadence just stared at him.

  “Yea. He just sleeps and when he cries I just stick a boob I his mouth,” Cadence laughed. “It’s ok. He’ll be fine.”

  She seemed so comfortable as a new mom. Cade just laughed and shrugged.

  “Look at the schedule if you want.”

  Since they moved to the bigger building, they had also upgraded to a new scheduling system. They still kept ledgers in case their systems were down, but preferred to use the computer scheduling program.

  “Sweet. There are tons of piercing requests for today. I got this.”

  She began typing away, confirming appointment times. Alex leaned against the counter, never one for many words.

  “So, how is married life?” Alex inquired.

  “Pretty awesome, I mean it has only been a week.”

  He grinned and they shared a look.

  “Are you going to be adding one of these to your family soon?” Alex pointed at his chubby little sleeping baby.

  “We shall see.”

  “Well good luck. So far, Ollie man has been awesome. He sleeps through the night most nights and is happy for the most part. He craps a lot and spits up on everything, but he is pretty chill.”


  Cade and Cindy had tried for a few months to get pregnant with no luck. Reluctantly, Cindy went to see the doctor. They ran labs on her and checked her out, but didn’t find anything wrong with her. As they sat in the examination room, Cade watched the doctor go over various options for conceiving.

  “You have to be trying for a year or more before we begin injections or pills to increase fertility. Since you have only been trying for a few months and Cindy, you have been on the pill for years, it is possible it will take some time to clear your system so you can become pregnant.”

  She just nodded her head.

  “What about me?” Cade asked the doctor as the doctor turned to leave the room.


  “Don’t I need to be tested? It could be me shooting blanks,” Cade sighed.

  “We can definitely test your count, but I really think we need to first see what the results of Cindy’s examination are, and give her time to completely remove the birth control from her system.”


  Leaving the doctor’s office, they were still hopeful that they would successfully conceive. Cade’s phone buzzed in his pocket and Mrs. Lane’s number flashed on the screen.

  “Hey Cade, how are you doing?” She asked with a baby crying in the background.

  “Doing well and you?”

  “We are fine. Sleep deprived, but fine.”

  “Can I help you with anything Mrs. Lane?”

  “Well, we were hoping to discuss some things with you and Cindy this weekend. Heather’s parent’s will be there too. Can you be at our house around six on Sunday?”


g up, Cade wondered what it could possibly be that they needed Cindy and him over for dinner.

  “What was that about?” Cindy asked.

  “Apparently, we are having dinner with Heather and Tommy’s parents this weekend.”

  He was ok with it, but also wondering what they could possibly need. He instantly felt a stab of worry streak across his chest. Maybe something was wrong with Cynthia. He shook his head and figured they would have called him if there was anything like that wrong.

  That weekend, they made their way to Tommy’s parent’s house. Once there, Cindy scooped up Cynthia and sat down her and a warm bottle of milk. Humming, she lightly tapped on Cynthia’s bottom as she swayed back and forth. Cynthia fell fast asleep for Cindy and Mr. and Mrs. Lane just looked at each other, both with bags under their eyes and stains on their shirts. As Cindy swayed with Cynthia Mrs. Lane approached Cade and pulled him in close.


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