Inked Passions: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance)

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Inked Passions: (A Love Struck Bad Boys Romance) Page 31

by Amber Burns

  As I stood there with the curry-comb in my hand and reached for her mane, my heart started pounding in my throat. I leaned against the side of the horse and smelled her soft horsy scent, my body feeling as though it was going completely nuts. Annabelle was pregnant, and I was going to be a father whether I was ready or not. I felt dizzy leaning against her, and she turned to nudge me. The next thing I knew I was sitting on the ground with a horse nose in my face and tears on my own cheeks.

  “Men don’t cry,” I said to myself, and stood, continuing to carefully comb knots from the horse’s mane.

  I spoke to her softly while I worked.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, I don’t want to mess this up for Annabelle, what if I hurt her and hurt the baby?”

  I turned and looked into the soulful brown eyes. I realized I hadn’t yet named the horses, and looking at her then I knew she was meant to be called Angel. So I told her.

  “Your name is Angel, what do you think of that beautiful girl?”

  She dipped her head and neighed. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. By the time I had brushed all the knots from the hair the shakes had stopped and my nerves had calmed a bit, but I still felt heart-sore and doubtful about whether I could do this. I was scared to go back to the house and face my brand new wife, and the very real and imminent prospect of a baby.


  Annabelle cradled the cup of tea in her hands, and drank it slowly. An hour passed and still Michel didn’t come back to the house, and she knew it was fear. He was scared to show her how terrified he was of the fact that she was pregnant.

  On a whim she decided to go and find him, and knew instinctively to go and look where the horses were being kept. She stopped a few meters away from the paddock, and stood watching him as he leaned against his mare’s neck. She saw his mouth move as he spoke to the horse, and smiled. She loved that he was kind to animals, and that he came here when he was stressed. She quietly entered the paddock and stood next to him.

  “She’s a beauty,” Annabelle said softly, laying a hand on the horse’s flank.

  Michel turned to her smiling.

  “I named her Angel.” He spoke softly, and then he turned away from the horse and pulled her into a tight hug, “I am so sorry that I have had such mixed responses to news that is so happy, I know this can’t be easy for you my love.”

  She leaned into him and breathed deeply, enjoying the scent of him, horse and his cologne.

  “Michel, baby, you can do this. Our pasts do not define who we end up being in our own lives, and sometimes leave us being better people. Just because you never had a good father figure or role model, doesn’t mean you will be a bad father.”

  She looked up at him, and he smiled at her.

  “Anna, I am happy, I am just scared. Thank you for believing in me,” he said, kissing her hair and simply holding her in his arms.

  They stood there in the horse paddock for a while, and eventually Annabelle felt a nose nudge her in the middle of the back. Michel chuckled.

  “I think somebody else decided they want some attention.”

  The big black stallion stood behind her and softly snorted, stomped his hoof and nudged her again. She turned to face the large horse and as he pushed at her chest, she put her arms around his large head, and lay her face against his cheek.

  “I haven’t named you yet big boy, guess now that Angel has a name you best have one too,” she said, her eyes closed against him.

  “I think Gabe is a good name, Gabe and Angel. Both angelic creatures with angelic names.”

  She looked to Michel, who stood smiling.

  “I think that’s perfect,” he said.

  Annabelle released his head and walked all the way around Gabe, running her hand over his body and watching his skin ripple under her touch. He didn’t move when she stood right behind him, a true show of good schooling and mild temperament. She eventually came back to where Michel stood, and picked up a brush. They groomed the horses in peace for an hour, both lost in their own thoughts. Annabelle glanced up at Michel at one stage.

  “We have their tack don’t we?” She asked.

  He nodded, she smiled, “Why don’t we go for a ride tomorrow?”

  Eva and Art were still on the farm visiting, and Michel would ask Art for a few lessons with the tack. The couple had been staying with Roy and keeping away from the main house to give Anna and Michel a bit of a honeymoon period.

  Michel and Annabelle walked back to the house feeling much more relaxed and calm. They resolved to make a doctor’s appointment to confirm the pregnancy, and move on from there. In the meantime life had to go on, and there were things to do. When Annabelle disappeared off into the house to go and occupy herself in the kitchen, Michel went to quiz Art about the horses.

  Annabelle found herself digging around in the kitchen cupboards, and a few minutes later had all the ingredients set out to bake chocolate chip cookies. She melted butter, added sugar and eggs, and as she stood there with the scent of the butter and vanilla extract in her nose she stood imagining whether in nine months she would have a little girl to hold while doing this. Then she imagined a small toddler standing at the very same counter with bouncy dark curls like Michel’s, and little hands covered in chocolate.

  She smiled to herself as she finished mixing the dough, rolling it out and cutting star shapes. By the time Eva walked into the house later the entire place smelled of cookies. She came straight to the kitchen where Annabelle sat at the counter with a pile of cookies and a pot of coffee in front of her.

  “Good morning Mrs. Deverroux,” she said with a smile.

  Annabelle looked across at her and returned the greeting.

  “Morning, you and Art have been a bit scarce these past few days.”

  Eva shrugged, “We wanted to give the two of you some space, newlyweds and all.”

  Annabelle poured her a mug of coffee and they both sat at the counter, Eva spoke first.

  “The boys have all gone off to the horses, Michel needed some help with sorting out the tack for Angel and Gabe, he said you want to take them for a ride later.”

  Annabelle nodded, “We do… “Eva, do you have the details for any good doctors in Beaumont?”

  Eva frowned, “I do, are you okay?”

  Annabelle nodded, “I am, um, this is kind of confidential, but I think I’m pregnant and I need to go and have a blood test to confirm it. Michel knows but we are trying not to get excited or stressed until we know for sure.”

  Eva picked up a cookie and patted Annabelle on the shoulder.

  “No problem, I’ll write down the details for you,” she said, biting into the soft confection.

  Annabelle shook her head.

  “Can we just call now? I want to get an appointment as soon as possible.”

  They made the call, and Annabelle was set to be off to a local Beaumont doctor the very next morning. When Michel came back into the house an hour later full of smiles, she told him the good news, and he seemed to exhale in relief. It would be good to simply know. He came and put his arms around her.

  “Do you feel like taking the horses out? Art gave me a few pointers.”

  Angel and Gabe took the inexperienced riders on a gentle walk around the periphery of the property after a very interesting time had by both Michel and Annabelle putting on their saddles and reigns. Many giggles were had, and Annabelle laughed so hard at Angel holding her breath when Michel tried to tighten the saddle girth she nearly ended up on the floor under Gabe’s hooves.

  Annabelle eventually lay down flat along Gabe’s back stroking his neck as they plodded and ran her fingers through his mane. When they returned to the barn they unsaddled the horses and brushed them down. They fed each one with a bag of oats soaked in honey, and then walked back to the house. They found Art and Eva on Roy’s porch having tea with him, and stopped to say hello. It ended up being a goodbye meeting, as they were heading back to the coast the next day. Eva pulled An
nabelle aside and gave her a tight hug, and wishing her all the best for the upcoming appointment.

  “I hope you feel comfortable with calling me and letting me know how things go Anna? I will be thinking of you,” she said kindly, patting Annabelle on the back.

  Anna nodded, and pulled away sniffling, “Don’t make me cry, I’m so emotional.”

  The next day Annabelle nervously made the drive to the doctor’s rooms alone, and when she parked in the lot, had to take a moment to calm herself. She walked in and introduced herself to the young blonde receptionist, taking the clipboard to fill in the paperwork. By the time she walked through to the actual doctor, her hands were shaking.

  Annabelle was surprised to find Dr. Adrian Smith was a woman, and her loud exhale must have given away something of her state of mind, because the white-coated woman stood, held out a hand and smiled.

  “I hope I can calm you, my name is Adrian. What can I do for you?” She asked in a strong yet distinctly female voice.

  Annabelle blushed.

  “I think I’m pregnant,” She simply blurted out.

  Dr. Smith sat down and leaned back in her chair.

  “How do you feel about the possibility of being pregnant Mrs. Deverroux?” She asked.

  Annabelle sat in silence for quite a while before answering.

  “I don’t know. My husband is scared, but I think we will be okay,” she said softly, her hands on her knees.

  “Well, let’s get a blood sample and confirm the pregnancy, and if you’ll step into the exam room I’ll do a basic pelvic exam to make sure you are all good on that front.”

  Annabelle gritted her teeth and followed the doctor…


  I had gone out to run errands, picking up feed for the horses and paying a few bills. When I came back I found Annabelle behind the main house in a patch of garden. She was dirty to her elbows with sod, and packets of pumpkin seeds lay next to her. I looked around.

  “Hey, how did this morning go with the doctor?” I asked, sinking to my knees next to her in the freshly turned soil.

  She fell flat onto her butt with her hands next to her in the dirt.

  “I’m definitely pregnant Michel,” she said, and summarily burst into tears.

  When she wiped her face she left dirt streaks down her cheeks, and I didn’t know what to do. I moved closer and pulled her to me.

  “Hey, hey now. I’m the one who’s supposed to not know how to do this, we will be fine. You will be an amazing mother and you can teach me how to do this,” I said calmly, while I had a heart attack internally.


  She arrived home, and could not concentrate on anything at all. The only option was manual and physical activity. She walked to the barn, found seeds for pumpkin and then picked up a spade, large fork and set of clippers, and walked to a patch of soil behind the kitchen. It had already previously been used as a vegetable patch, so she neatened the edges close to the little picket fence, leaving a pile of clippings and a perfect border.

  Next she loosened the soil, pulling up any weeds that had sprung up. She turned compost into the freshly turned soil and then placed pumpkin seeds. This is where Michel found her when he returned from running errands, in the middle of her future pumpkin patch.

  He picked her up out of the dirt and took her inside, sat her at the kitchen table and made her a cup of tea.

  “Baby, you’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”

  He came and sat down next to her and held her hand, “We can do this thing.”

  They had picked a room at the back of the house to paint and decorate as a nursery, and after the riding, they spent the afternoons up to their elbows in lime green paint. Michel stopped mid-stroke up the window facing wall and came to kiss her.

  “You are looking amazing Mrs. Deverroux, I especially like this.”

  He patted her small belly, only just beginning to show. Time passed fluidly, and Michel and Annabelle harvested their pumpkins, they completed the painting of the nursery, and they acquired a flock of chickens. The house was beautiful, Roy was in heaven and had started spending his days on a tractor in new cornfields.

  Art and Eva sent pictures of the yacht Michel had not completed, that Art had finished and was now sailing. They were leaving soon on a coastal trip and didn’t know when they’d be back. Life was looking good on all fronts.


  Michel took the tiny baby in his arms as the doctor handed her to him.

  “Your daughter, Mr. Deverroux.”

  The little one was wrapped in sterile drapes and still had the surgical green scrub material around her. She let out another lusty cry in her father’s arms as he smiled down at her with tears in his eyes.

  He came to stand at Annabelle’s side as she sat back, her brow coated in sweat and her hair plastered to her forehead. He put one arm around her shoulders tenderly, and leaned close to her.

  “You did it, look at this perfect little person you made Annabelle.”

  She started sobbing.

  “I am so sore and so terrified and still not sure this is real.”

  She gasped in his arms. He kissed her, and they clung to each other.

  “We did it Michel, we managed our very own happy ending,” she said, still crying as she took the baby from him.

  He laughed, “This is not the end of our story Annabelle, we have only just begun…”

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  “Ryker,” her breathy moan driving me crazy.

  She tilts her chest towards my seeking mouth, arching for the closer nipple to settle between my lips. I suck happily, releasing with a pop. Her other tit is a bit of stretching on my part and hers.

  Under her butt I feel my cock lengthening, engorging with blood.

  “Again, please,” Astra frees her nipple from my mouth. Her cheeks are flushed, and I’d worry that her cold resurfaced if we weren’t about to go horizontal for the third time. “Please, Ryker, again.”

  Her begging is helping revive me.

  She takes charge of her own destiny. Her wetness brushing my dick as she shifts, wrapping her legs around me, her beautiful large breasts swaying in my face in the seconds it takes for her to settle in her new position.

  “Baby, yes,” I massage her legs, keeping still over her fleshy hips at her teasing rubbing. Not to be outdone I thrust back against her.

  Astra aids me by bending back. Her hips are gyrating, saying much more than she’s able to. I dig into her hip bones and settle her core over my renewed erection. I’m holding on tighter, gritting my tight at the beautiful friction.

  She feels so fucking good. Her cunt hugs me, her body welcoming me home as I lift her up, take her to my tip and expose myself to the contrast of the cool air in the room and her hot, hot body before plunging back in.

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  Allie stared up at me, her eyes showing excitement and fear with a touch of desire mixed in. I bit my lip, moving down to kiss her deeply. The hand that wasn’t resting on my stomach went to my hair, pulling at it and playing with the strands. I kissed the beautiful woman below me as if the only oxygen left in the universe was in her lungs.

  After several minutes of gentle moaning and lack of oxygen, I forced myself to pull away. Allie panted for breath staring up at me with wide eyes. Her fingers reached down towards my belt, obviously unsure of herself. I frowned shaking my head.

  “If y
ou’re not ready, you’re not ready. All I want is for you to feel good.”

  Allie seemed to be considering it so I made the decision for her. I moved down her body, kissing every inch of skin I could reach. At her panties, I diverged, kissing her left thigh gently. I then moved to the right, anything but what I could see she wanted.

  “Chase, please, please. I-I want it so bad,” my lover whimpered, “Please don’t make me beg.”

  I grinned and moved inwards, moving her panties aside and slowly breathing onto her already aroused pussy.


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