Virus-72 Hours to Live

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Virus-72 Hours to Live Page 5

by Ray Jay Perreault

  “Termen, what is death?”

  Termen was a little shocked by the question. He sensed that he needed to handle the answer carefully. He put his coffee down on his desk and looked at SIMPOC's visual input. “Why are you asking about death?” he asked.

  “Much of the information traffic that I monitored regards death. Death caused by accidents, diseases and in many cases one human taking the life of another.”

  “Yes, SIMPOC, a lot of the news and communications you monitored is covering events where people die. Death is when the human body stops functioning; you can access the clinical definitions in your medical sources.”

  “I understand the definition. Is death similar to turning off my processor?”

  Interesting observation Termen thought. “I suppose it is. Turning off the processor stops your processes and you stop thinking. When a person dies, he stops thinking.”

  “When my processor is turned back on, I think again.”

  “That doesn’t happen for a person. If I turn your processor off and it is never turned back on, it would be similar to what happens to a human.”

  “Never to think again, sounds very lonely.”

  “Yes, I suppose it would be.”

  As Termen sat back in his chair to enjoy his coffee he, asked, “What did you find out last night?”

  “There is such a vast amount of data, it is hard to summarize to a meaningful level. I was most interested in the technical communications between Earth, the space station, and the moon colony. I also noticed limited traffic between Earth and a small Mars colony. I appreciate the technical achievement of having such a broad reach. I also found the medical communications to be interesting. There is a great deal going on and I did notice much traffic coming out of Eastern Europe regarding a viral outbreak of unknown origin.”

  “Excellent, you may find it most interesting to focus on problems and monitor their solutions as they occur. Usually, problems touch many elements of our civilization. Watching the problems progress and their final solutions provide the best insight into communications, logic, and the problem's impacts, all of which will help your problem-solving abilities. Those are the hardest to program and if you can learn by watching other problems evolve and be solved, our job here will be easier,” Termen thought for a few moments. "Your design is unique because of your problem analysis capabilities. Prior computers could only research past solutions to a similar problem, but your analytical skills make you unique. You can take divergent problems and see the similarities, then apply an individual solution. Pattern recognition is one of the greatest strengths in how the human mind works.

  "Human interaction is complex and the motivations seem external yet I see patterns. There is a significant effort to find blame and assuming that others govern the outcome of a problem. In a society of individuals, conspiracies are contrary to human nature, yet belief in conspiracies is rampant. Over 40% of humans feel that conspiracies dominate the outcome to their problems. I find that curious and I suspect, there are other patterns in human nature that I may find."

  "Excellent, feel free to look at the broad problems, there are often other motivations in the background that we usually miss when working on the problems in front of us."

  “I’d like you to separate the Earth into regions, focusing on each, summarizing the problems and solutions as they progress. If you find unique, fast developing problems that are emerging, those are opportunities where you can learn more, you can change your priorities and let me know. Your ability to change your own priorities is another unique feature that you have.”

  SIMPOC responded immediately, “Excellent. I will monitor all of the communications channels for the next 24 hours and give you a summary tomorrow.”


  Continental North America

  Summary – Information suggests continental America is central to worldwide business transactions. Very involved with political activities across the planet. Heavy focus on monitoring unusual events.

  Continental South America

  Summary – Emerging financially and politically, but still focused on internal conflicts. Fundamental technologies and regional nationalism.

  Continental Europe

  Summary – Very focused on European issues. The area has tendencies towards nationalism and fatalistic view towards political issues outside of continental Europe. Religious and racial tension between regions.

  Continental Africa

  Summary – Very segmented. High level of nationalism and regional or religious political alliances. Conflict is hampering development resulting in high level of human conflict.


  Summary –China is the dominant economic force in the region. The region is working hard to find its identity. Many religions along with conflicting religious perspectives. Population pressures and inadequate food supplies dominate the traffic.

  Eastern European

  Summary – Aggressive tendencies. Rapid expansion is possible but limited by controlling the economy and social conflict. Self-serving perspective.

  Southern Pacific

  Summary – Independent island philosophy. Self-sufficiency and independence are apparent and even dominating. Strong and stable with little conflict.

  Northern Pacific

  Summary – Manufacturing is strong, evidence indicates strong and segmented social structures limit the potential for technical leadership. Strong work ethic, but weak individual focus.


  Getting two children ready for the day was no different for the first lady of the United States regardless of where they were.

  "Mom, do I have to go to the zoo today? I've been to a zoo before."

  "David, you know you have to go. You'll have fun and besides, Beth is looking forward to it and you have to take care of her."

  "But, Mom!"

  To be honest, I'd rather go with you guys. I have two lunches to speak at, a museum tour, a meeting with the Confederation of Economic Support Councils. Then I have an early dinner speech.

  "You mean if I go with you I can eat three times?"

  "No discussion, now go get dressed and put on your happy face before Janice picks you up.

  "Mommy, if David doesn't want to go, then he isn't going to be any fun."

  "Don't worry honey, once he gets there he'll forget about it and you'll both have a good time. Now finish getting dressed." Beth grabbed her doll and ran into her bedroom while David laid on the couch looking at his mother.

  "I said GET DRESSED." David looked at her judging how much she really meant it and then he reluctantly got up and walked slowly into his room.

  Abby heard a knock on the door and when she opened it, she was relieved to see Janice. "Thank you, you're a life saver. Please help the kids finish getting dressed. I've got find Evette and go over some things."

  Evette slid into the room just as it was closing. "Great, let's look over our schedule and make sure that I have the right words in my speech." As she and Evette were about to sit down, she saw David throw a towel at Beth and she laughed thinking, well they're back to normal.


  "Everyone, please be seated," President Patterson said as he entered the morning briefing. "What do we have to cover today, and if we can be fast I've got some important phone calls to make?"

  "Yes sir, we have three items which should take only a couple of minutes."

  "Good and thanks for picking up the pace."

  "Sir the situation in the Indian Ocean is continuing to deteriorate. All of the ships in the Eastern Alliance fleet have left their ports and they are sailing towards their rendezvous point. We expect them to combine into a full offensive fleet by later today. The admiral in charge is Admiral Wu. This will be the first time he is responsible for a fleet this size. Admiral Quiang, who would normally be conducting these types of operations, dropped out of the picture in the last 24 hours. We suspect there might have been a leadership change and Wu came o
ut on top. The bad news is, he is aggressive, nationalistic and we fear he is looking to make a name for himself."

  "Mr. President, Nancy and I have a draft communique we've put together with assurances we won't interfere, but we are maintaining a presence in the area," Roberto added.

  "Great Roberto, Nancy, go ahead and send it out."

  "The second item is a quick update on the First Lady's movement. She arrived on schedule this morning at 5AM local. Her staff reports that her and your children slept well on the flight and they had breakfast in their room. She met with the French welcoming staff at 8:00 and reviewed her itinerary. Your son and daughter went with the nanny to their zoo the Parc Zoologique de Paris. It's pretty nice from what I heard and they should have a good time."

  "Great, thanks for the update and please keep me informed as their trip progresses."

  "Yes, Sir. The last item is something unusual. There has been a viral outbreak of suspicious origins in the Caucasus. Very preliminary reports say it has been 100% fatal. Of course, we're trying to verify that and get some reports from the scene. We wanted to mention it because it will hit the news this morning. I'm having the people from CDC work up a briefing."

  "Why are you saying it has suspicious origins?"

  "Well sir, because it isn't following a typical viral contamination. Reports say large portions of the population came down with the illness at the same time. We've also heard rumors it broke out spontaneously in multiple areas. Of course, we're trying to verify because it is highly unusual and could mean a chemical attack or even a biological attack. We're doing what we can, to see if there are any local terrorist groups claiming the credit. Or, if one of the political power centers has an agenda and means to pull off something like this. If we find out anything specific, we'll let you know immediately."

  "Get the CDC online and tell them I want a briefing this afternoon, Judy set something up."

  "Yes, sir Mr. President."

  "Is that all you have for me today?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Thank you," the president said as Eddy hustled the president back to his office to make the calls to some of his favorite congressmen.


  The first lady's speeches were over and the meal picked at. Regardless of what the fancy French name was for the meal; rubber chicken is rubber chicken. After the dinner was the important time. The delegates met and talked after the speeches and meal were over. The real deals were made during that time, the alliances were struck, the favors called in and the 'you help me and I'll help' you agreements. It was the point in the conference where the first lady of the United States would make the most impact and get promises for those issues, which were important to her.

  Towards the end of the 'parking lot' meetings as they were called. Evette, who was Abby Patterson's personal assistant, knew it was time for her to pull the first lady from the clutches of the attendees. It was up to her to know who the important people were and when Abby had spoken with them. It was also her job to pull her away before the less important ones, who wanted to talk and get their pictures taken, cornered her. "Mrs. President your motorcade is ready, whenever you're ready to leave."

  "Thanks, Evette. I have to say goodbye to the conference director and two others."

  "Yes, mam. Just give me a nod and I'll have your cars come to the hotel front door.

  "I need to talk with the English Relief Director and the German Director of Children's Relief, and then please marshal me over to the conference director so I can make my departure thanks."

  "Yes, mam. Two minutes per person?"

  "Sounds about right.

  The first lady walked towards the English Relief Director. Barney Harold Thomalson was a senior English aristocratic gentleman. He spoke slowly and his stories tended to draw on way too long. Abby had to make the concession and spend a few moments with him, he was important for her to get additional funding committed for childhood vaccinations.

  "Mr. Thomalson, I'm so pleased to have a moment to speak with you. Your support for childhood vaccinations has been instrumental in making progress."

  "Mrs. Patterson. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to speak with you. I'm happy to support your plans; I wish we had spoken before my last trip to Africa. I saw some glaring examples of ..." and the story continued.

  After the two minutes, Evette softly said, "I'm sorry to disturb you Mrs. Patterson, but we have another appointment."

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Thomalson, but I really have to say some other goodbyes then I must get back to the hotel to check on my children.

  "Thank you for your time," said the English Gentlemen as he bowed gently.

  Abby Patterson shook his hand and moved casually towards Karsten Hurbst. "Mr. Hurbst, Guten Abend. Wie geht es Ihnen? I'm so glad we could spend a moment talking before I have to leave."

  "Mrs. Patterson. Good evening to you also, and yes I am fine, thank-you. I'm pleased to speak with you." The tall, balding man bowed slightly as he welcomed her.

  ”Have you heard about this viral outbreak in the Russian Caucasus's?"

  "No, Director. I haven't heard about that. What can you tell me?"

  "I know very little, except it's getting everyone's attention and concern. It may turn out to be just another unfounded panic, but I suppose we should wait to hear the details before overreacting."

  "Yes director, I hope you're right and it becomes a non-issue. Before I have to leave, I'd like your commitment supporting our initiative to increase funding for childhood vaccinations?"

  "Absolutely, and I'd like to get your opinion on supporting our goal of increased research in communicable diseases in developing countries."

  "Yes, Director I agree and I'll put it in my next speech later this week."

  "Thank you so much."

  "Mrs. Patterson, I'm sorry, but we're falling behind schedule," reminded Evette.

  "I'm sorry Director but I've got to go. Auf Wiedersehen."

  A slight bow from Mr. Hurbst and she moved away towards her next and hopefully last goodbye of the night.

  "Aadab, As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu." I'm glad we can speak for a moment. I enjoyed the meeting today and I think we made a lot of progress."

  "Mrs. Patterson, your language skills, are impressive. Yes, we have made a lot of progress and we were so fortunate to have you as our guest speaker."

  "It was my pleasure. My degree in languages and international studies has come in handy. I've found it exciting, interesting and very informative to attend these international conferences. I've enjoyed each time you have invited me. I'd like to invite you to attend our National Conference coming up in Washington this fall. I hope you'll be able to attend."

  "I'm sure I'll be able to. Mrs. Patterson, I was wondering if you've heard anything about this outbreak in southern Russia? I've heard it is serious."

  "To be honest I haven't heard anything official. I actually just heard of it a few moments ago, from the German director, Mr. Hurbst. I'll check with my husband when I get a chance, and see what he has been told. I'll pass the information back to you."

  "Thank you so much and I hope the remainder of your stay is pleasant. Fi Amanullah."

  "Thank-you. May Allah also protect you."

  "Mrs. Patterson, I'm sorry but we must leave," pointed out Evette.


  Abby, Evette, and the two secret service men, walked through the lobby into the elevator without saying a word. The ride from the conference was only a few minutes and they went through the typical scheduling issues and passed tidbits of information each had heard. Beyond necessary business, the ride was quiet. It had been a long day and they were all looking forward to some downtime. Jet lag followed by an aggressive schedule always took its toll.

  They entered the elevator and Evette pushed the button for the top floor, which had been reserved for the first lady, her staff and security detail. Once the elevator door closed, Abby let her guard down and started to
relax. She was looking forward to seeing Dave and Beth. She was sure they'd have some fun stories about the zoo. Dave surely forgot his reluctance once he got there. He would have great stories about the animals, he had a real connection with creatures. Abby secretly hoped that he would get his grades up and go into medicine or science. Beth was too young for a mother to envision her life. She would talk about the pretty birds, balloons and fancy decorations around the zoo; perhaps she would be an artist or musician. Abby smiled as she thought of her children's futures.

  For the first time in her day, Abby was able to take a deep breath and suddenly she felt a little tireder than normal from the jet lag. She had a little wheeze starting and perhaps a little flushed. Oh well, a good night's sleep and I will be all set for tomorrow, she thought.

  The doors finally opened and the secret service detail stuck their heads out of the elevator to check up and down the hall. Before waiting for their all-clear, Abby strode out of the elevator and headed towards her suite. Evette opened the door and Abby was surprised to find the entry quiet. She put her purse on the small table by the door and Janice approached her.

  "Have the kids gone to bed?" Abby asked the children's nanny.

  "Yes, after we got back from the zoo they were feeling very tired so I put them to bed. Do you want me to wake them so you can say good night?"

  "No. I'm not feeling all that great. I think I'll call it a night too." Abby turned to Evette and said, "I think that's all for the night. Let's meet for breakfast and go over tomorrow's schedule."

  "7:00 AM. Here?"

  "That will be good. Good night."

  "Good night," Evette said as she turned to leave. "I'm not feeling all that great so I'm glad we're quitting early. Maybe we got some bad food somewhere."

  "Don't say that too loud or we'll have an international incident. I hope not, this trip is important. Let's see what a good night's sleep does for us. See you tomorrow."

  "Good night," Evette said as she closed the door to the First Lady's suite.

  "Janice you can also go. I'll be ok, I'm going to go over my speech for tomorrow and check in on the kids, then call it a night. Thanks."


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