Touched by Death

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Touched by Death Page 23

by Dale Mayer

He sighed heavily. "Yeah, I have to admit going home is looking pretty damn good from my perspective, too. I just can't leave John like this."

  "Is that place his?"

  "No, it's Peppe's and then Emile and Tasha's."

  "Except with Emile gone, it will be Tasha's and as long as she's incapacitated, it's still his place… Right? Meaning he still has a home?"

  "Oh yes. Look I'm just about ready to leave off work for the day. Are you at the hotel or at the lab?"

  "I'm still at the lab. We're almost ready to go home now. Meg is locking up." Meg did just that and then walked over to the reefer and checked the thermostat. She turned to face Jade, the SUV keys dangling in her hand, waiting for the call to finish.

  "Are we still on for dinner on Friday? And coffee any time between now and then would be great?" Dane asked.

  "Sounds perfect." Smiling, she hung up the phone and hopped into the SUV, feeling like a schoolgirl again. "Dinner is definite for Friday."

  "About time."


  He'd kept watch all week. Waiting. He had a place outside his house where he could keep an eye on everyone's comings and goings. Right now he was more interested in the lab trailer.

  He'd waited, but she hadn't been left alone. It's as if she knew. And maybe she did.

  Instincts had been bred out of most people – unless they were hunters like him. Peppe huddled deeper into the hollow. He'd kept an eye on the house, waiting for his kids. They hadn't come home. He didn't know where they were. He didn't know how to find them.

  John might tell him… And John might just laugh in his face and call him crazy.

  Maybe he was crazy. He couldn't remember anything straight. The days were mixed up. His wife's face swam through his mind. He thought he'd seen her yesterday but when he'd spoken to her she was gone again.

  Maybe he was crazy.

  But he had kids. Emile and Tasha. Emile and Tasha. He kept the mantra going over and over again. He had to believe they'd come home.

  If they didn't, then what? It was Tasha's house, but John and his brother lived there now. That wasn't right. It was still Peppe's house.

  They'd taken over. John was even driving his truck. At least he thought it was his truck. Except he didn't remember the last time he'd driven. He'd driven his wife to work sometimes. He remembered that. Then again, he remembered the farm full of healthy green trees and fruit pickers working the place too. Was that last year? He studied the dead trees, the cut off stumps and dead grass.

  Couldn't have been.

  He wiped his hand over his face. So many memories. So much time gone. All he wanted was to join his wife. But there was something he had to do first.

  John's truck – his truck – drove into the yard and parked outside the main house.

  Right. Now he remembered.

  He turned his attention back to the lab trailer.


  Friday dawned bright and clear. Jade couldn't be happier. She'd been focused and dedicated to getting the job done. The week had passed quickly. She'd spoken with Dane several times and he'd delivered coffee two mornings in a row. She'd come to love those little surprises. He kissed her when he saw her. He kissed her when he left her. She was coming to love those gestures too. She was coming to care for Dane – at least a little bit.

  Okay, more than a little.

  Emile had been buried in the family tomb on Wednesday. The team had been told on Thursday.

  She hadn't had a chance to call Dane all day as the pace had picked up and with Dr. Mike's help, they'd accomplished the workload of two days today. Now, walking into the lobby of the hotel with Meg at her side, Jade was looking forward to a hot shower and dressing up.

  "In a hurry I see." Meg grinned. "Finally it's Friday!"

  "Finally. We're going out on the water." Jade bounced as she raced to the stairs.

  "Ohhh. I am so jealous!" Meg's astonishment-turned-envy made Jade perk up.

  "What do I wear sailing?" Mentally, she ran through her minimal wardrobe. She'd done no shopping here other than in that first week and clothes for dating hadn't been on her list of priorities then.

  "Good question." Meg stared at Jade, "Pants, maybe? When is he coming?"

  Jade smiled, that's what she'd been thinking. "Fivish. So in an hour."

  Meg glanced down at her watch. "You mean in fifteen minutes."

  "Oh my God. No. That can't be." Jade grabbed Meg's watch and checked for herself. "Oh no. I'm so dead." She bolted up the remaining steps to her room. Where had the last hour gone? She'd have sworn she still had time. She glanced through her limited wardrobe. She really didn't have much choice. It would have to be layers. First she needed the fastest shower possible. Then she dressed in cotton pants, t-shirt with sweater and sandals. It might be warm out now but there could be a wind out on the water. She'd freeze within an hour if she didn't have something to cover up with. Her sweater would have to do.

  She grabbed her purse and raced down to the front door. Even as she stood and caught her breath, Dane drove up.

  "Perfect. Hop in."

  Jade opened the front door of the truck and waved good-bye to Bruce, driving up in the SUV. Dane honked as they left the drive and moved onto the main road.

  She glanced at him. Damn he looked good. "Are you doing okay?"

  He took his gaze off the road to send her a quizzical look. "Yes. I'm fine." He refocused on the road. After a moment he looked at her again. "Don't I look fine?"

  She studied his profile. This man always looked good. In a light teasing voice, she said, "Fishing for compliments?"

  "Hell, no." He grinned. "I don't have to fish, normally."

  It was her turn to grin. "No, I bet you don't."

  He reached across and caught her hand, squeezing gently. "Hey, I'm not a womanizer or anything like that."

  "Good. I don't do those." She'd said it flippantly, then realized how he might take it. She stared out the side window, feeling the heat climb up her throat.

  His gaze burned once and then twice. She refused to meet it. Damn her quick tongue.

  "I'm really enjoying our time together. We've known each other what...a month now. I'm serious about seeing you when we're back home."

  She flushed, smiled brilliantly at him yet responded shyly, "I'm serious, too."

  They drove in companionable silence for several miles. Jade sat up, realizing they were heading toward the water. "This town is so pretty. I never saw anything this nice when I was here last time. The architecture, the palm trees, the blue water..." She sighed happily as they drove along the streets.

  He pointed to a large marina she hadn't seen before. "Our boat is down here. I've booked a dinner tour. This sailing company was recommended by someone who works for me. This couple will take us out on the harbor and serve a full dinner while we get to enjoy the scenery." He drove the truck into a small lot and parked.

  She smiled with delight. "What a great idea."

  Laughing and holding hands, they ran the length of the big dock. The yacht was huge. White with golden trim, the name The Painted Lady was proudly proclaimed on the bow. It gleamed chrome and steel and quietly stated money – and class. At the ramp, they were greeted by the owners, a native Haitian husband and wife team sporting big smiles and friendly faces. As soon as Dane and Jade boarded, they were offered a choice of wine or coffee. Jade suggested coffee first and wine a bit later.

  Dane grinned. "She needs her caffeine fix." Up on the top deck there was a large couch in a brilliant white that almost blinded her in the sun. It was perfect. They had the space all to themselves, with their hosts staying below to give them privacy. Jade leaned back and sniffed the salty air. "Oh wow. Now this is nice."

  "Happy?" He wandered the small space looking at the activity going on around them as they slowly motored into the bay.

h yeah. It's a great way to end the week." She slumped lower and tilted her face to let the warm sun and the cool breeze waft across her face. It had been a long week. "I can't believe how much I needed this."

  "Now here's something to make it even better." Grace, the woman who'd initially greeted them arrived with coffee topped with whipping cream and cinnamon, in big Spanish mugs.

  "Thank you." Jade almost swooned at the rich coffee aroma hitting her nose. "I could take this every day."

  "Then we'll have to find time to repeat this."

  She settled back to enjoy the ride. Jade didn't know anything about boats, and this one was huge. They had perfect service. Small sailboats sauntered by with their cheeky brightly colored sails. The odd powerboat bounced across the water. The coastline drifted by. Jade just drifted.

  She asked Dane a ton of questions about Haiti and couldn't believe that he seemed to have most of the answers. When there were a couple he couldn't answer, he went and asked their hosts. Several times, Grace came up the stairs to ask if they wanted the tourist spiel for different attractions.

  Both of them said 'yes' and stood while she pointed out the various highlights as they cruised slowly through the water.

  The magic continued with the delivery of the promised red wine, followed by a dinner of fresh fish. Jade had no idea what kind but it was wrapped in large green leaves and baked on coals in a brazier. There were bowls of rice and veggies to go with it. The smells were heavenly, the taste divine. The longer they cruised the lower the sun slipped. Deep oranges and pinks blanketed the evening in a peaceful, intimate cover. Replete, and caught up in the enchantment of the evening, Jade settled back onto the couch with another glass of red wine while Grace efficiently cleared their table.

  Dane sat down beside her. He lifted one arm, and she slid over to cuddle closer. A wonderful meal, gorgeous scenery, company that made her heart lift – it was magical.

  Hours later, the cruise returned to port. Not ready for the evening to end, they stood and watched the lights flash on the rippling water. "We'll do this again. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

  "I more than enjoyed tonight. It was perfect."

  Dane slung is arm over her shoulder. "It's only eleven. Bedtime? Or sit by the water?"

  "Oh let's sit by the water. I don't want the night to end."

  "Hmmm." Dane, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders tugged her in the direction of a large circular dock with benches all around. They walked past many other couples. At the end, they sat on a small bench they had all to themselves.

  "There's a lot to be said for moonlight on the water." She smiled, laughing lightly at the waves smacking up against the docks all around them. The moonlight danced on the ripples. "There's no visible current, or not much of one, yet the water is so alive."

  "There's lots of activity going on here, just on a smaller scale than Port-au-Prince.'"

  Her voice sobered. "Now that wasn't my favorite place."

  He caught her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I can imagine. We'll fix that one of these days."

  "Is it obvious that my experiences there still haunt me?" She watched an expression flit across his face. It was hard to get a clear look in the dim light.

  "No, not really" he said slowly. "However, I also know what I've seen and heard from John and he barely speaks of it."

  "I think everyone who was here was affected, changed by the experience. My fiancée wanted the old me back and she was gone." Said so simply, it was the first time Jade realized how true it was. Her life had changed at that point. "He wasn't able to handle it."

  Dane lifted her hand to drop a kiss on the back of it. "I'm sorry for you. It must have been traumatizing. I still wish John would talk about his experiences. I think it would help him."

  "And here I thought men didn't like to talk."

  A wry smile slipped out. "Maybe. This is different. He's holding so much in, I can't help but think that all that emotion needs an outlet. It's like he's two different people. The one he keeps locked up and the one he lets the world see."

  She could understand that. "I needed to be alone yet at the same time, I needed support. And it was tough for Duncan to recognize that fine line – it was all about balance." She gazed up at Dane, concerned by the darkness in his warm gaze. He cared about his brother so much. "Does John have friends, other family members who'd understand? Has he bonded with any of Tasha's family?"

  "No. He only tolerated Peppe and Emile."

  "Too bad. He has to be feeling isolated, lonely even. He's lucky to have you." She studied the moonlight. "It's beautiful out…an incredibly romantic setting and we're discussing problems."

  He laughed, caught her hand in his left hand so he could drape his right arm around her shoulders. "So what would you like to talk about?"

  She cuddled in closer and laughed lightly. "You. Tell me about the rest of your family. What's your life like in Seattle? How old are you? How come you're not married with the requisite two-and-a-half kids?"

  Laughing, he filled in the details of his life. She listened, enthralled.

  Jade turned slightly to watch a small cruiser move smoothly through the water. Its cheerful lights shone and danced on its bow, reflected on the dark water. "This area is very beautiful."

  "Not as beautiful as you."

  Jade shivered unexpectedly. Was it from the evening air? The magic of the moment? Or his unexpected flattery and the obvious sincerity behind it? He really thought she was beautiful.

  Dane hugged her tighter. Jade leaned her head against his cotton shirt. She loved the ripple of muscles and the steady beat of his heart. There was something very sexy about a man who could take control – and not abuse it. Someone like Dane.

  She would like to see where this relationship would go.

  Starting with tonight.

  He'd said she could set the pace.

  "Are you okay?" His arm tightened around her shoulders.

  Tilting her back, she murmured, "Just thinking about how much I like being with you."

  His arms tightened and he cuddled her close. "Good. I'm very glad to hear that. I miss this."

  Tilting her head back so she could look up at him, she studied the warm look in his eyes. "The closeness? The hugs? Or the hopeful prelude to so much more?"

  A rumble of laughter rolled through his chest. "All three?"

  She giggled, her mind taking that next leap.

  Was she ready? Did she still want to wait? She'd lost most of this last year. She hadn't expected her recuperation to take so long. But it had. She didn't want to lose any opportunity to regain a full and happy life. Now that she was back to the land of the living, she wanted to live. Before it was too late.

  Look at Tasha and Emile. Both young and both had lost everything. Look at John. He'd suffered so much.

  And then there was Dane…

  She wanted to celebrate what was building between them. Revel in the fact that her body was reawakening, her heart reopening, her emotions rejoicing because these feelings coursed through her.

  Dane gently grasped her chin between his fingers, titling her head so he could see her face, a puzzled look his face. "Heavy thoughts?"

  "No," she murmured, "Light thoughts. Thoughts of joy, peace, satisfaction." She lifted her face to his, sighing against his lips. "Definitely of satisfaction."

  His eyes suddenly widened in understanding. She felt a shudder ripple through his body. "What are you saying? Be very clear here." His eyes darkened to almost black. His lips brushed gently across her lips. Once. Twice. Waiting.

  Jade smiled, held his head firmly and kissed him. Heat seared between them as she laid the hottest kiss she'd ever laid on a man. She burned through her own reserves and burned through his in a greedy, all-consuming lust-filled kiss that left them both gasping.

  "Sleep with me tonight?" she murmured a
gainst his lips.

  He groaned, his lips feathering across her cheek to whisper against her ear. Shivers raced down her spine as his husky voice said, "I'll stay...but...we won't sleep."

  He turned his head and sealed his promise with his lips.


  There was a sense of urgency now. He grabbed her hand and they ran laughing to the truck. She'd jumped into the passenger side, but Dane dragged her across the seat to sit snugged up against him. She could damn near drive the truck herself, she sat so close. And it was perfect.

  She cuddled closer, her hand on his thigh.

  He covered her hand with his much bigger one. "Happy?"

  She could hear the tinge of worry that had crept into his voice. "Very."

  Her hand was squeezed tight, then he relaxed. "Good. Cause it would be better if you back out now – not later..."

  In the darkness of the truck, with only the headlights for light, the air had a sultry mysteriousness to it. Jade was loving this. The last thing on her mind was to retreat. "I'm not backing out. I'm wishing you'd drive a little faster."

  He gave a shout of laughter and hit the gas.

  The trip back to the hotel was fast and furious, steeped in sensuality and promise Jade swore she'd never felt before. She wanted Dane something fierce.

  They arrived in the hotel parking lot ten minutes later. Most of the lights were off – given the hour, almost everyone should have gone to bed. Jade didn't want to meet anyone on their way up to her room, not because it was a secret; she just didn't want the intrusion. She was selfish. There was magic in the air. She wanted to keep it to herself – and Dane.

  At her hotel room, she unlocked the door and walked over to close the curtains. Twisting back, she dropped her key and purse on the small dresser and turned to face him. It suddenly struck her how unbelievably far she'd come this last month. With much of that distance due to this man. Oh, she'd agree that returning to Haiti had been the best thing she could have done for herself, but mostly because it had brought Dane into her life.

  He stood in the middle of the room studying her, a slight frown furrowing his forehead. Waiting. She smiled, slowly, sensually. "I'm not going to change my mind."


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