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Score Page 5

by Mj Williamz

  Ronda took her fingers out and rubbed Mallory’s clit until Mallory grabbed her wrist.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s it. Oh, God. Oh, yes. Oh, Ronda. Oh, yes.”

  Ronda buried her face in Mallory’s neck to hide her smile. She was so damned cute when she came.

  Mallory wasted no time assuming her position between Ronda’s legs. She lazily dragged her tongue over every inch of her.

  “You taste so damned good,” she said.

  Ronda placed her hand on the back of Mallory’s head to encourage her. Mallory licked inside her before moving her tongue to Ronda’s swollen clit. She licked and flicked it and soon Ronda could hold out no longer. She closed her eyes tight. The bright colors began to shoot behind her eyelids just as she reached her powerful orgasm.

  “You sure know how to use your tongue,” Ronda said.

  “Yeah?” Mallory looked cocky. “Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I’m inexperienced.”

  Ronda laughed.

  “Yeah? So I’m not the biggest player in the league?”

  “Oh,” Mallory said. “I think you are. Hands down.”

  “I can own that.”

  “Now, about that swim?” Mallory said.

  Chapter Five

  The swim? Ronda barely had the energy to lie there, much less get up and get in the pool.

  “Ah, yes. I do believe I promised you skinny-dipping, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did. And as hot as you got me, I’m thinking that’s just what I’ll need to cool down. At least a little.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They walked out to the pool. Ronda draped her arm around Mallory’s shoulders. They were much lower than Gayla’s.

  Gayla? What the hell was she doing in Ronda’s mind when Ronda had another lover over?

  She shook it off and dove into the pool.

  “Are you coming?” she asked when she surfaced.

  “I just did.”

  “Ha. You’re a funny girl.”

  “I like to think so. I’m also not the kind to dive right in. I like to ease into it.”

  “That’s not how you played it with me.” Ronda swam to the edge of the pool.

  “You’re different,” Mallory said.

  “How so?”

  “I can’t explain it. I guess because I knew of you. I knew your reputation. I didn’t have to worry about having an escape plan ready. I knew I wouldn’t need one with you.”

  “I guess I see that.”

  Mallory walked down to the steps at the shallow end of the pool. She took one step in, then two. The water teased her just where her legs met. The light shown on her, and Ronda was wet with need again.

  “How’s that water feel?” she said.

  “Feels good.”

  “Yeah? I bet. I wouldn’t mind being that water right now.”

  “Come on over.”

  Ronda swam over and knelt on one of the stairs. She eased Mallory down on the top step.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Mallory said.

  “What do you think?”

  She spread Mallory’s legs and placed them over her shoulders. She moved her tongue all over. She licked and sucked and lapped and flicked. Then she slipped her fingers inside and waited to hear the usual from her.

  “Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. Sweet Jesus. Oh, Ronda. Oh, Ronda.”

  This time Ronda had nowhere to hide her smile. She just beamed at how cute Mallory was.

  “What?” Mallory said.

  “What what?”

  “You’re all smiles. Are you proud of yourself?”

  “No.” Ronda laughed. “It’s just that you’re so fucking cute when you come.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “Just what I said.”

  “I don’t get it. Damn it. Now I’m going to be all self-conscious when I come. With whoever I come with. Damn you, Meyers.”

  “Meyers, huh? What happened to Ronda?”

  “I’m mad at you.”

  “No, you’re not. You have a thing when you come. It’s cute. Don’t change. Please? I really like it.”

  “I’m not sure what to make of this.”

  “Nothing. Really. I shouldn’t have said anything. Except I like it so much. I love to hear you come. Honest.”

  “Okay, Ronda. I guess I’ll believe that you’re not making fun of me.”

  “Not at all.”

  Ronda sat next to her on the top step and kissed her, softly at first and then harder. She was beginning to get her juices running again after their little disagreement.

  “Come on in,” she said. “The water’s fine.”

  She swam back out to the center of the pool. She watched Mallory walk down the steps and swim out to join her.

  “So I’m a cute comer, huh?”

  “Yeah. You really are. And that’s nothing to hate me for.”

  “But I don’t know what I do.”

  “You just come. And that’s all you need to do. Now come here.”

  Ronda wrapped her arms around Mallory and pressed their bodies together. She kissed her full on the mouth and felt her nipples tighten. When the kiss ended, they stayed holding on to each other.

  “I guess it’s a good thing we’re a couple of athletes in great shape,” Mallory said.

  “No doubt. Normal people would probably have drowned right there.”

  They frolicked in the pool together. They took turns diving to the bottom of the pool and using the diving board. They were relaxed and easygoing. It was a great evening.

  “I have a hot tub, if you’re interested,” Ronda said.

  “Sure,” Mallory said. “Let’s go turn into prunes.”

  “Bubbles on or off?”

  “Off. I want to see you in the water.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They climbed into the warm water. Ronda watched Mallory’s breasts float above the water and was sure she’d have to have her again.

  “Damn,” Mallory said.


  “As fine and tight as you look normally, you look twice as hot when you’re wet.”

  “Thank you,” Ronda said. She slid into the tub and tried to relax. She was keyed up wanting Mallory again.

  Mallory climbed into Ronda’s lap.

  “Well, hello there,” Ronda said. She ran her hands up Mallory’s thighs.

  Mallory leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth. There was no pretense of gentleness. It was filled with need. Ronda pulled her to her. She pressed their bodies together.

  “Damn, woman,” she said. “I do like the feel of your body.”

  “Me, too.”

  Mallory kissed her again. This time all thoughts left Ronda’s mind except pleasing her again. And being pleased by her. She was throbbing and needed release.

  She moved her hands farther up Mallory’s thighs. Soon they were between her legs. She closed her thumbs over her hard clit.

  “Oh, yes,” Mallory said. She threw her head back and moved against Ronda’s thumbs.

  “Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, Ronda. Oh, Ronda!”

  Again, Ronda buried her face in Mallory’s neck so she couldn’t see her smile. She was so damned cute when she came.

  “Your turn,” Mallory said.

  She climbed off Ronda and turned to face her on the shelf. She pried her legs open and ran her fingers over her. She dipped them inside as far as they could go. She stroked her inner walls. Then she moved to her clit.

  “That’s it, baby,” Ronda said. “That’s the spot. Oh, yeah. Give it to me. God yes. Oh, yes. Oh, God.”

  Every muscle in her body tensed until she felt the nerves unwinding and sending light throughout her body. She fought to stay upright in the tub.

  “Damn, Mallory. You know how to please me. That’s for sure.”

  “It’s fun. I’ll admit it. I really like getting you off. Almost as much as I like you getting me off.”

  “Come on. We should get some sleep. First practice is at eight tomorrow.�

  * * *

  The week was good for Ronda. She got through her two practices a day and still managed to show houses that Gayla had scheduled. She sold three houses that week, and she made some killer tackles and got five picks. It was a great week.

  She was feeling pretty lucky, so Wednesday night, she called the number on the back of Carleen’s business card.

  “Hello?” the woman on the other end said.

  “Hi. May I speak to Carleen Brynes?”

  “Speaking. How may I help you?”

  “Hi, Carleen. This is Ronda Meyers.”

  “Oh, hi, Ronda. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “I was calling to see if you’d like to go out to dinner Friday night?”

  “I’d love it.”

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven?”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  They worked out the details and Ronda sat down with a glass of scotch. Excellent. A date with Carleen. She could still see those sapphire blue eyes staring into hers. She could see the twinkle in them as she accused Ronda of being one of Houston’s most eligible bachelorettes.

  Yes. They would have fun Friday night. Of this, Ronda was sure.

  Friday evening arrived and Ronda was whipped. She had played hard and worked hard and all she wanted to do was go to sleep. Especially because she had practice at ten the next morning and then a showing and then a fundraiser.

  But she dressed and sat down with a scotch to mentally prepare herself for her date. She called for a car and waited. When it arrived, she gave the driver the address and off they went. Carleen lived in the Memorial area of Houston. The car pulled up in front of a mammoth two-story house. It covered half a city block. Ronda was impressed.

  Ronda knocked on the door and there stood Carleen, looking much more casual than she had at the fundraiser. Of course, Ronda was more casual, as well. Instead of a suit, she was wearing gray slacks and a green golf shirt. Carleen wore a blue pantsuit that showed off her eyes.

  “You look great,” Ronda said. She bent to kiss her cheek.

  “So do you.”

  “Shall we?” She offered her elbow. Carleen took it and they walked to the car. Ronda held the door while Carleen slid in. She slipped in after her.

  “You smell amazing,” Carleen said.

  “Thanks. It’s a cologne I first bought in Jamaica. I found it online when I ran out.”

  “Jamaica, huh? So, you travel?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please don’t call me ma’am. I’m already aware I’m old enough to be your mother. I don’t need to be reminded.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t think of you as a mother figure at all.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing.”

  Ronda placed her arm across Carleen’s shoulders.

  “Nope. Not at all.”

  Carleen looked up at Ronda and Ronda saw the same yearning in her gaze that she’d seen outside at the museum. She wondered for a moment if she should kiss her. She wasn’t sure, but thought Carleen was arching into her. She started to lower her mouth.

  “We’re here, ma’am,” the driver said.

  Ronda snapped out of it and sat up straight. Carleen looked down and smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle in her slacks. Ronda climbed out of the car and took Carleen’s hand to help her out.

  The aromas that hit her nose when they entered the Italian restaurant made Ronda’s mouth water.

  “My God, it smells good in here,” she said.

  “It does. It’s my favorite Italian restaurant in town.”

  “I’ve actually never been here before.”

  “Well, love, prepare to be impressed.”

  Love? Ronda wasn’t sure she was comfortable with that term of endearment. Especially on the first date. But she reasoned it was just Carleen’s way, so let it go.

  They approached the maître d’ and Ronda gave her name.

  “Of course, Ms. Meyers. Your table is ready. Right this way.”

  Ronda stepped back to let Carleen follow directly behind him. They were stopped twice by people who asked for Ronda’s autograph.

  When they were finally seated, Ronda apologized.

  “I’m sorry. That’s always a chance you take.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried,” Carleen said. “I know who I’m out with. I’m patient.”

  “How patient?” Ronda leaned on her elbows and stared hard at Carleen.

  “As patient as I need to be.” Carleen casually put her napkin in her lap. Ronda did the same.

  The tension between them was palpable. Ronda wished they could blow off dinner and go back to her place. She wanted to see what all Carleen had to offer. But she knew that denying herself Carleen would only make it better when she finally got her. And she planned to have her that night.

  “So, what’s good here?” Ronda said.

  “Anything. I hear the veal parmesan is delicious, but I don’t eat veal.”

  “Neither do I. What do you normally have?”

  “I usually get the fettuccine, but I’m sure everything is delicious.”

  They decided on their meals and sipped wine while they waited.

  “So, what’s a fundraising pioneer for children do with herself when she’s not crusading?” Ronda asked.

  Carleen smiled and her eyes twinkled.

  “A little of this. A little of that.”

  “Well, that’s a definitive answer.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I tend to keep myself busy, so I’m never not crusading.”

  “Well, I’m glad you could take time out of your busy schedule to have dinner with me tonight,” Ronda said.

  “Oh, the pleasure is all mine, I’m sure.”

  “We’ll see,” Ronda said just as the waiter brought their dinner.

  After dinner and another bottle of wine, Ronda was feeling quite amorous.

  “Shall we have the car drop you off at your house or…” she said as they walked toward the car.

  “Is that a classy way of saying ‘your place or mine?’”

  “I suppose it was.”

  “Your place would be wonderful,” Carleen said.

  They sat together in the back of the car. Ronda had her arm around Carleen’s shoulders. She realized she had no idea what kind of body Carleen was hiding under her clothes. She always wore loose clothing. And Ronda had certainly never been with anyone her age before. Oh, well, she told herself. She wanted Carleen and was going to have her.

  They arrived at the house and Ronda got out and held Carleen’s hand to guide her out.

  “Wow, Ronda. This is a lovely house,” Carleen said.

  “Thanks. It’s home. Come on in.”

  She ran her hand down Carleen’s back as they walked through the front door. She brought it to rest on her backside. It wasn’t the tightest she’d ever felt, but it wasn’t bad. Carleen reached around and took her hand.

  “There’ll be time for that later.”


  “Don’t be. Just keep the suspense there, love.”

  Ronda closed the door and turned Carleen to face her. She took her other hand. She looked into Carleen’s eyes and saw that same spark. She knew she was wanted. But she felt shy. What was up with that? Ronda was never shy.

  She lifted a hand and caressed Carleen’s cheek. It was not as smooth as she was used to, but the wrinkles were light. They told of a life well lived. Ronda slipped her hand behind her neck and held her still as she lowered her mouth to taste Carleen’s.

  She tasted of the wine they had shared. Ronda moved to stand up from the kiss, but Carleen kept her arms wrapped around Ronda’s neck. She pulled Ronda back to her and this time, she opened her mouth for Ronda’s tongue to enter. Ronda was happy to oblige and felt the tightening in her gut as she became more aroused.

  The kiss finally ended.

  “What happened to the suspense?” Ronda smiled.

  “Don’t you worry. We’ll keep it going. We’ll just expose a little bit at a time.

  “You’re going to make me crazy.”

  “That’s my goal.”

  “Fair enough. May I offer you a drink?”

  “More wine would be lovely.”

  “Coming right up. Go ahead and have a seat anywhere you’d like.”

  She poured Carleen a glass of wine and herself a scotch and then joined Carleen on the couch.

  “You really have a beautiful house. Do you have a maid?”

  Ronda laughed. She supposed that’s what you could call Marie, but she felt more like a housemother to her.

  “I have a housekeeper.”

  “Yes. I can’t imagine you’d have time to keep your house up between football and real estate.”

  “It does get challenging.” Ronda was bored with the conversation. She wanted Carleen. But she also knew she wasn’t going to have her until she was ready, so she eased back against the couch and rested her hand on Carleen’s thigh.

  “I have to say, I’m as nervous as a schoolgirl,” Carleen said.

  “Why’s that?”

  “I told you before. You’re Houston’s most eligible bachelorette. And I’m sitting with you here, after dinner. All alone with you in your house.”

  “Are you uncomfortable?” Ronda said.

  “Not really. Just nervous.”

  “I could always take you home.”

  “No.” She placed her hand over Ronda’s. “That won’t be necessary. I’m a big girl, Ronda. Ronda. Wow. I still can’t believe I’m sitting here with Ronda Meyers. The Ronda Meyers.”

  “Easy there, Carleen. I’m just me. Don’t make me into some superhero.”

  “But don’t you see? For women in Houston especially, you are a hero.”

  “I don’t need that kind of pressure. How about for tonight we’re just two women who find each other attractive?”

  “It’s not going anywhere after tonight, then, is it?”

  “I don’t know. So far it’s been nice. I might like to go out with you again. But I’m not looking for a relationship, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Fair enough. Besides, you’re already in a relationship.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Gayla Adkins.”

  “Gayla is my assistant. She takes care of me. We don’t have anything extracurricular going on.” Ronda knew that wasn’t the whole truth, but it was close enough.


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