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Score Page 8

by Mj Williamz

  “Oh, my God. This is awesome,” she said as she kissed Gayla’s neck.

  “Tell me about it.” Gayla wrapped her legs around Ronda’s hips.

  Ronda rocked against her, driving the toy deeper inside her.

  “I can’t take much more,” Gayla said.

  “Let it go, babe,” Ronda said. “Let go for me.”

  Gayla threw her head back and cried out as orgasm after orgasm coursed through her body.

  Ronda gave herself permission to come and held tight to Gayla as she climaxed one, two, three times.

  “Holy shit,” she said. She turned off the toy. “That was fucking amazing.”

  She withdrew the toy from inside her and rolled off Gayla. She slowly slid the other end out of her.

  “Wow,” Gayla said. “Just wow.”

  “I know, right? Who knew how much fun that would be? And you thought I was crazy for buying toys.”

  “Well, now I want to see what other toys you bought,” Gayla said.

  “Not right now. I can’t take any more right now.” She rolled over and pulled Gayla to her in a warm embrace.

  “Mm. That’s nice,” Gayla said.

  “Sh. Just go to sleep now. We’ll play more later.”

  They awoke two hours later.

  “Wow,” Ronda said. “We were wiped out.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever had as powerful orgasms as I had with that toy. Nothing personal.”

  “No. No worries. That thing rocked me to my very core, as well.”

  “I’m so glad you bought it. Now, are you going to show me what else you bought?”

  “All in due time, babe. All in due time. Now, I was contemplating grillin’ a couple of steaks. How does that sound?”

  “Oh, my God. After the brunch we had? I don’t think I should.”

  “Well, I’d feel weird eating in front of you, but I’m hungry.”

  “How about this, you eat a steak and a salad and I eat a salad?”

  “That sounds great.”

  They donned robes and Ronda worked the grill while Gayla made the salad. They sat on the deck and ate.

  “I should probably get going,” Gayla said after they’d cleaned up the dishes.

  “Nonsense. The evening is still young. Let’s enjoy the hot tub.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  They climbed in the tub and soaked for a few minutes.

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ about,” Ronda said.

  “Yes. It is very nice, but I still should get going.”

  “What’s your hurry?”

  “I don’t know. I just feel like I’ve been here too long. I don’t want to overstay my welcome, you know.”

  “You’re fine. Just relax.”

  “Okay. If you say so.”

  “I say so.”

  Ronda reached out of the tub and took something out of the pocket of her robe.

  “What’s that?” Gayla said.

  “It’s yet another toy.”

  “Oh, jeez. I don’t know if I can take another toy.”

  “You’re going to love this. Trust me.”

  She managed to get it out of its package. It was a doughnut-looking toy.

  “That doesn’t look like much fun,” Gayla said.

  “Oh, ye of little faith. You just spread those legs and we’ll see how fun it is.”

  “What’s it supposed to do?”

  “It’s supposed to replicate oral sex. Only by like a professional.”

  “Baby, you know you rock my world. I doubt this toy can do me any better.”

  “Well, let’s try.”

  She placed the toy between Gayla’s legs and pressed the control button.

  “Oh, wow,” Gayla said. “That’s nice.”

  “Just nice?”

  “Yeah, it feels good.”

  Ronda adjusted the control.

  “Oh.” Gayla spread her legs wider and sat up straighter. “Oh, my.”


  “Oh, yeah.”

  Ronda adjusted the controls again and this time Gayla closed her eyes.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, God, yes. Oh, please. Don’t stop.”

  Ronda moved the toy slowly from one end to another and back again.

  “Oh, baby. Oh, shit. That feels so good.”

  “Come for me, Gayla. Show me how good it feels.”

  “Oh, dear God, baby. Oh, sweet Jesus.” She reached down and grabbed Ronda’s wrist. “Oh, yeah, baby. Don’t stop.”

  “I’m not going to. Tell me what you need.”

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Ronda didn’t believe her. She thought she needed something different to get her off, so she switched the controls again.

  “Oh, Ronda!” Gayla cried out as she came. “Oh, my God. That was amazing.”

  “Yeah? Good to know.”

  “No way. You’re not just going to take my word for it. You’re going to try it out.”

  “I’m good, Gayla. Thanks though.”

  “Please? It’s really something else, Ronda.”

  “Okay.” She explained to Gayla how to use the controller.

  “That explains it,” Gayla said. “You were controlling swirls, licks, and flicks.”

  Ronda smiled.

  “Guilty as charged.”

  “Well, now you spread those gorgeous legs of yours and let me at you.”

  Ronda happily obliged. She spread her legs as wide as she could and relaxed while Gayla familiarized herself with the toy. When Gayla touched it to Ronda’s clit, she jumped.

  “Oh, wow,” Ronda said.


  “Oh, yeah.”

  Gayla adjusted the controls.

  “Holy shit, Gayla. Oh, God. That’s perfect. Oh, shit. Oh, yes.” She tensed up and then relaxed, feeling relieved after the orgasms had washed over her. “Damn, Gayla.”

  “I told you. That toy is out of control.”

  “Yeah, it is. It’s fuckin’ amazing.”

  Ronda took the toy from Gayla and put it back in the pocket of her robe.

  “Dare I ask what else you bought?” Gayla said.

  “Nothing major. It’s just for fun. We’ll use it at bedtime tonight.”

  “So I’m staying the night? That’s good to know.”

  “Why wouldn’t you?” Ronda asked. “Do you have somewhere to go?”

  “No. I have no plans. It’s Sunday night, for crying out loud. Who does anything on a Sunday night?”

  “Speaking of it being Sunday night, we should probably go over my schedule for the week.

  “Well, since Coach only has you down for one practice a day, I thought I’d load up your afternoons with showings.”

  “Good. Let’s make some money this week.”

  “That would be the plan.”

  Ronda nuzzled Gayla’s neck.

  “You taste so good.”

  “I’m turning into a prune.”

  “Aw. Does that mean we’ve got to get out?”

  “Yes, it does.”

  They got out and were drying off.

  “Hey,” Ronda said. “Do I have anything going on Saturday night?”

  “Sorry, hon. You’ve got a political fundraiser Friday night and a medical center gig Saturday.”

  “Oh, man. Those sound thrilling. Not.”

  “Why? Were you planning on doing something Saturday?”

  “No. Just hoping for a night off. Will I ever have one?”

  “Sure. As soon as the season starts. You’ll play games on Saturday and I promise not to set you up with any commitments Saturday nights.”

  “Well, thank God for that.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take me home?” Gayla asked.

  “Look, if you don’t want to stay, you don’t have to. But I’d like for you to. You said you have nothing going on.”

  “No, not for my sake. I’m fine with it. But I thought you’d want to have your place to yourself. You’re not one for repeat performa

  “But I’m in the mood for one tonight. It’s been a fun twenty-four hours, hasn’t it?”

  “It really has.”

  “Great,” Ronda said. She pulled Gayla to her “Then let’s get to bed.”

  “Right now?” Gayla placed her hands on Ronda’s chest.

  “Yes. I want you right now.”

  “Mm. Lead the way.”

  Ronda took Gayla’s hand and led her to the bedroom. She reached into her bag from the toy store and pulled out one more item. She set it on the bedside table.

  “Are you going to tell me what it is?” Gayla said.

  “Not yet. You’ll see soon enough.”

  She climbed on top of Gayla and kissed her. She felt the kiss deep in her center. There was something powerful about Gayla’s kisses. Ronda couldn’t get enough of them. Sure, she had kissed her fair share of women in her life, but none of them compared to Gayla.

  She ground her hips into Gayla, who wrapped her legs around her. Ronda kissed down Gayla’s neck and chest until she got to her breasts. She sucked one and then the other.

  “Oh, yes,” Gayla said. “That feels so good.”

  Ronda rolled off of her and, with shaky hands, tried to open the third toy package.

  “Do you need help?” Gayla was out of breath.

  “No. I got it.” She wasn’t sure how true that was, but she was determined to try. She finally ripped the package open and took out a funky shaped toy. It was another U-shaped toy, but this time the U was practically closed.

  “How does this one work?” Gayla said.

  “Apparently, this longer end goes inside you and the slightly shorter, thinner one goes outside against your lips and clit.”

  “It looks like it would be painful.”

  “It’s supposed to be wonderful. Now, come on, baby. Spread those legs for me.”

  Ronda guided the toy inside Gayla. She gently placed the outer piece against her sensitive spots.

  “Oh, yeah. That feels good,” Gayla said. “That’s really awesome.”

  “Good, baby. What do I need to do differently?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. Just keep it where it is. Oh, God, Ronda.”

  “Yeah? You like it? It feels good? Show me. Show me, Gayla. Come for me, babe.”

  “Oh, shit, Ronda. I’m gonna come. Oh, God yes. Oh, God yes.”

  She pulled Ronda to her and held her close as she rode out the orgasms.

  Chapter Nine

  Monday morning came way too early for Ronda. She wanted to sleep some more but knew she had to take Gayla home and then get to practice. At least they only had one practice a day now that the season was so close.

  She got to the gym early and got started lifting. She was almost halfway through with her routine when the rest of the team showed up. They moved through their rotations until Coach Poehl came in and gathered them for their meeting.

  Ronda sat in the front so she wouldn’t miss anything. She took in everything Coach had to say. Then they watched films of Saturday’s practice. Ronda sat forward, elbows on knees, and watched every play she was in. Could she have made her hits faster, harder? There were a few passes she could have picked, she thought. She needed to work on her timing.

  By the time they were through watching the films, Ronda was itching to get onto the field. She lined up and waited for the offense to call the play. It was a lateral to Mallory. She broke through the line and tried to move away from Ronda, but Ronda tackled her. Hard.

  She helped her up.

  “You okay?”


  “Good. No hard feelings?”


  That was awkward, Ronda thought, then pushed it out of her head and readied herself for the next play.

  Coach Hindley pulled her out at halftime.

  “You’ve played enough today. I don’t want to see any injuries. Now, go hit the bath and then the showers.”

  Ronda soaked in ice until her trainer told her she’d had enough. Then she hit the shower and dressed. She walked back onto the field to catch the rest of the scrimmage. She noticed Mallory was sitting on the bench.

  “That was some run you made earlier,” Ronda said.

  “I want the job. I’ve got to do my best.”

  “I guess you want it. That was fairly obvious.”

  “Good. Now if only the coaches can see it.”

  “I’m sure they can. Hey, you want to grab a bite to eat tonight?”

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  “What? What’s up?” Ronda was dying to know if she was seeing Canfield.

  “I’m kind of seeing someone now.”

  “Very cool. Anybody I know?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” Mallory said.

  “Fair enough. Well, good luck.”

  Ronda walked down the sideline and stood next to Coach Hindley. She pointed out areas she thought they could tighten up and what areas looked sharp. She and Coach chatted while the players moved off the field. Practice was over.

  Ronda glanced at her watch. Her first showing was in an hour. She’d better hurry up to make it with enough time to keep Gayla happy. Ronda grinned to herself as she crossed the parking lot to her car. So Canfield and Mallory were seeing each other, huh? Well, what about seeing Canfield with Carleen? That didn’t make any sense. She’d have to dig deeper, but not now. She had work to do.

  As she drove to the house she was showing, she thought about what Mallory dating Canfield really meant to her. It wasn’t a no biggie. It was significant. Now that she’d crossed Carleen off her sleep partner list, Mallory and Gayla were all she had left. If Mallory wasn’t available, what was Ronda going to do? She’d have to get out and meet some people. And soon.

  After the showings, she told Gayla she had someplace to be. It wasn’t exactly a lie. She did have to meet people and she figured a bar might be a good idea. She decided to check the clubs to see which ones might be hopping on a Monday night. Though she didn’t hold out much hope. She kept her fingers crossed. She wanted to meet someone new. She just had to. She needed a repertoire. How had she ended up with only one playmate?

  She went home and changed her slacks and donned a white button-down long sleeved shirt. She left it open at the collar and put on her lucky gold chain. She spritzed on a bit of cologne and called it good. She was ready to seduce some poor, unsuspecting hotty.

  She laughed. She would be lucky to find a hotty on a Monday night, but she had to try. She went to The V, a popular lesbian club. She walked in and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. The place was empty. Maybe it was too early. She crossed over to the bar and ordered a bourbon on the rocks.

  “So, is this place gonna pick up at all, or am I looking at a typical Monday night?” Ronda asked the bartender.

  “You’re looking at typical Monday night. We might get a handful of people, but not many people come in.”

  “Bummer. Where does everyone go on a Monday night?”

  “Home to rest up after their weekend and to start planning their Friday nights.”

  “Yeah. That’s kind of what I was afraid of.”

  “I mean, you can check Rizzo’s, but I don’t think you’ll have much more luck there.”

  “Maybe I will. Thanks.”

  Ronda finished her drink and left the bar. She sat in her truck contemplating going home. She wanted to check out Rizzo’s, but knew it would be dead as well. She wished she had Friday night off so she could make the rounds and meet someone. She went home and went to bed, discouraged.

  The next day was a repeat of the day before. Practice and showings. She said good night to Gayla and drove to Rizzo’s. She just thought she’d take a chance and see if anything was going on. The parking lot was crowded. That was a good sign. She walked in and saw the place was packed. She walked up to the bar and ordered her drink.

  “I didn’t expect this place to be so crowded on a Tuesday night.”

  “It’s Trivia Night,” the bartender said
. “We always get a good crowd for it. If you want to play and don’t have a team, you can go sit over there.”

  She motioned to a table against the wall.

  “If a team needs a substitute player, they call someone from that table.”

  “Good to know. Thanks.”

  Ronda took her drink over to the table. She didn’t really want to get picked for a team, but she noticed a couple of nice looking ladies sitting there. She sat down.

  “I’m Ronda,” she said to the table in general.

  A few women shook her hand. One stood up and screamed.

  “Oh, my God! You’re Ronda Meyers!”

  Ronda looked around to make sure the whole bar wasn’t staring at her. They weren’t, so she simply shook the nice looking lady’s hand.

  “Yes. I’m Ronda Meyers. And who might you be?”

  “I’m Miranda. Oh, my God. It’s so amazing. I can’t believe you’re here. I’m a huge fan.”

  “Well, thank you, Miranda. Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Oh, I don’t drink. But thank you.”

  “So you a big fan of the Stars?” Ronda said.

  “Huge,” Miranda said. “Like mondo fan.”

  “That’s great. I love to meet new fans.”

  “Oh, my God. I can’t believe you’re sitting here. Do you mind if I get a picture with you?”

  “Not at all.”

  Ronda draped her arm across Miranda’s shoulders while they had another woman at the table take their picture.

  “Thank you,” Miranda said. “Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure. So do you come here every Tuesday?”

  “Not every Tuesday. We used to have a team and we’d come, but the team broke up so I only come once in a while in case someone needs an extra player.”

  “Okay. Do you get picked often?”

  “It’s hit and miss. But I don’t mind just watching and guessing the answers in my head. You’ve never been here before have you?”

  Ronda shook her head.

  “I didn’t think so. I’d totally remember you.”

  Ronda smiled.

  “You’re really good for my ego.”

  Miranda blushed.


  “You sure you don’t want something to drink? A lemonade? Something?”

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

  Ronda felt weird. She knew she could take Miranda home and have her eight ways to Sunday, but it seemed too easy. She felt like she would be taking advantage of her.


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