Tale of the Murda Mamas

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Tale of the Murda Mamas Page 19

by Ashley

  “I love you too Carter,” Miamor whispered back, while still in her sleep. It was obvious that Murder was not the man in her dreams. Hearing those words were like daggers through his heart, but he understood. He was just ready to end The Cartel and move Miamor back to Brooklyn, where she belonged.

  * * *

  Carter watched as the movers moved all of the expensive décor and statues from the Diamond Estate. The immaculate mansion didn’t even look the same now that it was half empty. Carter’s Phoenix venture was all in place. His partners were just waiting on his arrival to get the ball rolling. The Cartel was about to go legit and leave the entire street business behind. Carter possessed all of the business savvy his father once had, but never knew how much he was like him.

  He felt his BlackBerry vibrate and quickly pulled it off of his waist and looked at it. It was a text from Miamor, asking him to meet her somewhere so they could make things right between them. He quickly dismissed it and shook his head. He missed her dearly, but he hated her at the same time. She had betrayed him to the fullest extent, and in the process she broke his heart, making him feel like a fool. He knew that he should have killed her on behalf of The Cartel, but he could not pull the trigger. There was a small part in him that still loved her, even though she was responsible for the fall of his family. Why can’t I let her go? Carter asked himself as he slowly paced the room with his hands behind his back. The clicking sounds of his Mauri gators echoed throughout the house as he thought deeply about Miamor.

  Zyir walked in, interrupting his thoughts. “I’m all packed up and ready to leave this mu’fucka for good,” he said and his Jordan sneaks scuffed the marble floor. “Phoenix is a good look,” he said as he approached Carter and slapped hands while embracing him.

  “About that,” Carter said as he stepped back. “I want you to fall back for a month or two. Go back to Flint and I’ll send for you,” he said as he looked into Zyir’s eyes.

  “Wha… What? Why you want me to go back home, Carter?” Zyir asked, totally confused about Carter’s sudden change of heart.

  “Zyir, it’s not what you’re thinking. I am doing this to protect you. You are the only one that I fully trust on this earth. Mecca’s my brother, but his head isn’t always in the right place. He’s impulsive, while you are a thinker. You plan every move before you make it. You are like a little brother to me, and I just want you to be safe. I want to check out the new turf first, and then I’ll send for you. I need you out of harm’s way for a while, just in case something happens to me. If that day comes, you will know what to do. I’ve already made arrangements just in case you have to step into my shoes,” Carter said, thinking two steps ahead.

  “I don’t get it, fam,” Zyir said with a confused look on his face.

  “I’m taking a lot of money up there to get washed, feel me? I don’t know if I am dealing with undercover agents or what. If anything goes down, I want you to be safe and I want to leave my business in the hands of someone I trust. You all I got left, Zy,” Carter said as he put his hand on the back of Zyir’s neck. Carter knew that Zyir would not like the news, but it was something that he had to do. Zyir was exactly like him. He had the same swagger, same morals, and same thought process as he did. Carter practically built Zyir from the ground up to be a real nigga. He would never be able to forgive himself if Zyir got caught up in some bullshit on his account. Carter kissed the top of Zyir’s head and pulled him close. That was his lil’ man, and he had much love for him. He knew that Zyir was a boss in the making, but that was not the path he wanted for him. He had big plans for his little man that would introduce him to an entirely new world… the business world. All Zyir had to do was be patient. “Just trust me, family. Just trust me,” Carter said as he released Zyir.

  Zyir felt like his world had come crashing down. To not be with Carter was like taking his other half. Carter was his nigga, his father figure, and his only family. He wanted to protest, but Carter had yet to tell him anything wrong, so he nodded his head in agreement. “Okay,” he answered in reluctant agreement.

  “Cool. I got your plane tickets on the table in there. Your stuff will be sent to you when you get up there. You got your paper up, right?” Carter asked, referring to Zyir’s cash.

  “No doubt,” Zyir confirmed as he thought about the half million dollars he had stashed away in a foreign account. The proceeds from the Miami drug game had done him lovely, and he had enough to be comfortable at that point. He walked into the room to retrieve his one-way ticket to the murder capital of Flint, Michigan. He knew something was wrong with Carter, but could not place his finger on it. In Zyir’s eyes it was as if Carter was telling him good bye.

  Carter’s flight was scheduled for that next morning, and he was ready to leave everything behind. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get his mind off of Miamor. He felt his phone buzz again and he looked at the screen. It was Miamor again. “Just leave me alone, Mia! You’re killing me!” he said in a low whisper as he dismissed the text.

  Zyir returned back to the front with his plane ticket in his hand. He saw the look in Carter’s eyes, and there was no mistaking that something was wrong.

  The Final Chapter

  The Cartel

  Carter, please respond. I miss you. I know you’re upset, but I need to see you. Love Always, Miamor.

  Young Carter read the words twice before deleting the message, just as he had done all the others. It had been seven days since he’d put Miamor out of his hotel room, and she was constantly on his mind. Every message she sent reminded him of what they both had lost. He hoped the relocation would help give him a fresh start.

  The Cartel no longer ran Miami. They were out of the drug business and moving on to new heights in a new environment. All of the death, destruction, and deception would be left behind. Miamor would be left behind. He wished that things could be different, but the truth of the matter was she was untrustworthy. He had done her one last favor by keeping Mecca off of her ass. He felt that he owed her that much. Although she had lied to him, everything that he had told her was the truth. He had indeed fallen in love with her, and because of that, he allowed her to live. Now he could skip town and forget that he ever knew her.

  The sound of a door opening and closing indicated Mecca’s arrival. He walked into the house. His long hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he wore a sad expression on his face. Carter had never seen Mecca so humble and serene.

  Melancholy filled the room as Mecca looked around at the nearly empty mansion. “I came up in this house,” he said. “I watched Poppa run his meetings out of this house. Me, Breeze and Money used to play in that backyard.” Mecca’s eyes had tears in them as he recalled the fond memories of his family, but he let none fall and kept his head held high, just as his father had taught him to do. He wished that he could rewind the clock to happier times, but nothing could erase the hollow feeling he felt. “I’m the last one standing.”

  Carter didn’t respond. He had never known the infamous man who had fathered him, but he respected him all the same. He had grown to love Taryn as much as his own mother, and the deaths of his siblings had destroyed him because he had been robbed of his time with his newfound family.

  “It doesn’t feel right leaving all this behind,” Mecca stated.

  “We have to,” Carter stated. He extended his hand to Mecca, and they embraced briefly. Carter picked up his Louis luggage, and they both headed toward the door. All of the other contents of the house had already been shipped to Arizona. A new house would be set up and waiting when they arrived.

  “Where is Zyir?” Mecca asked.

  “He has a couple stops to make, but he’ll be flying back to Flint tonight. The arrangements are already made for him,” Carter explained.

  Carter’s BlackBerry rang out loud, and he saw that Miamor had text him again.

  Carter, if you ever really loved me, please text me back. I’m sorry for everything. I don’t want to lose you.

  Mecca watch
ed Carter as he typed into his phone. I know this mu’fucka ain’t still in contact with that bitch, he thought. Mecca had a gut feeling that Carter was responding to Miamor, and although he had given his word to Carter that he wouldn’t touch her, he had lied. That was an itch that he was determined to scratch. He just couldn’t let his hatred for her go. He had a score to settle, and he had a good feeling that he was going to get a chance to do it before he left Miami. His brother was going to lead him right to her.

  Sorry’s not enough. I’m leaving town tonight. Good luck with your life, ma, Carter typed back.

  Within seconds, his phone was going off again with another message from Miamor.

  Carter, please do not leave me like this. At least give me a chance to say good-bye. Meet with me, Carter. Please. I won’t take up too much of your time. I just want to see you.

  “What’s up, fam?” Mecca inquired, trying to sound casual.

  Carter looked up at him. “Oh, ain’t shit. Just a little something I forgot to take care of. What time does the private jet take off?”

  “Six o’clock,” Mecca replied.

  Carter looked at his watch. It was only 3 p.m. That left him with three hours to spare. He thought about never seeing Miamor again, and his stomach turned over. She was right. They did need to see each other face to face before he left. They needed closure.

  There’s a warehouse in Opalocka on 27th Ave. Meet me there in an hour.

  Carter instructed Mecca to meet him at the landing strip, and the two parted ways.

  * * *

  “It’s about fucking time!” Robyn yelled out as she flipped Miamor’s Sidekick closed. She looked at Aries and Murder. “He responded. He thinks he’s meeting her in Opalocka in an hour.”

  Murder was about to put his game down like only he could do, and a devilish leer spread across his face. He went into the closet and put on black gloves and grabbed a black.45. He tucked it into his waistline.

  “We should come with chu,” Aries stated as she stood.

  Murder shook his head. “Aries, you stay here with Miamor. Robyn, you come with me. I’ma personally rock this nigga to sleep. When Miamor comes out of the shower, get her ready to go. Pack up all our shit and wipe the room down. We I get back, we’re out,” he explained.

  * * *

  Miamor closed her eyes as the stream of shower water licked her wounds. She was still not at full health, but was grateful for the little bit of strength that was returning to her limbs. At least I can stand up and walk around without passing out, she thought as she washed her body.

  A part of her was happy to be getting out of Miami. She had too many bad memories here. It was where her sister had been killed, where she had almost been killed, and where she had lost the man she loved. Fuck Miami! she thought bitterly. She was trying to rebuild her callous attitude. Being tough had stopped her from being hurt in the past. She had built walls around herself that only Carter had been able to scale. Forget about him. He doesn’t want you. It’s over, she said to herself.

  She got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. Green bruises covered her everywhere, but her body was healing and she was grateful for that. If only her heart would heal as well.

  She walked out into the room and saw Aries packing up their things. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Nothing, Mia. Get dressed. When Murder and Robyn come back, we’re leaving,” Aries stated.

  “For New York?” Miamor asked.

  “Yeah.” “Tonight?”

  “Yeah, Mia, we are leaving tonight,” Aries said as she looked on in sympathy. She knew that Miamor was mourning over losing Carter.

  When all of their bags were by the door, Aries turned and said, “Me will go fill up the tank at the station on the corner. Mia, chu need anything while I’m out?”

  Miamor shook her head no as she stepped into a pair of Robyn’s Juicy Couture sweat pants and put on a wife beater and sneakers. “Nah, go ahead. I’m good.”

  Aries shrugged. “Alright. Me will be right back. By the time they get back, we’ll be ready to dip.”

  Aries left out, and Miamor locked the door behind her. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes, when her phone began to ring. She walked over to the dresser where her phone lay. She hadn’t checked it since she had been there. She had forgotten that she even had it. The name “Carter Jones” appeared on her screen, and butterflies instantly appeared in her stomach. She flipped open her PDA and saw that she had an unread text message:

  I’m on my way

  She frowned when she read the message. “On your way where?” she asked aloud. Miamor searched the outbox of her phone, and her eyes widened in shock. I didn’t send these, she thought as she read through every one. They are going to set him up! Carter’s going to walk right into a trap! She put her hands over her mouth and speed dialed his number. Her anxious heart felt as if it would explode. She tapped her fingers impatiently against the desk as the phone rang in her ear. The voicemail popped on and she hung up to dial him again.

  “Pick up the phone!” she urged nervously, knowing that Carter’s life rested in her hands. If Carter arrives at that warehouse, he’s dead, she thought. It wasn’t that she thought Carter was a punk, but she knew Murder would expire Carter on sight. When she received his voicemail again, she screamed in frustration. “Answer the fucking phone!” She tried to reach him once more, but to no avail. Either he wasn’t taking her calls, or Murder’s job was already complete.

  She looked to see what time he had texted her last. I still have a half an hour, she thought. She was so overwhelmed that she wanted to cry, but now was not the time for her to bitch up. I have to get to him, she thought. I’m the only person who can stop Murder. I’m the only person who he won’t kill. It had been a long time since she had prayed, or since she had even believed in God, but for this, she raised her head to the sky and closed her eyes. Please don’t let Carter die. I need him.

  She paced back and forth until finally Aries came back. Aries instantly recognized the fire in Miamor’s eyes. Miamor tossed the phone at Aries.

  “How could you do this?” Miamor asked.

  The look on Aries’ face established her guilt, but she responded, “We’ve done this a thousand times.”

  “I love him!” Miamor yelled. “This time is different!” She took a deep breath, not wanting to overexert herself. She could feel the room start to spin. “Give me the keys,” she demanded.

  Aries hesitated, but then handed them over without contest

  She removed a chrome.45 from her waistline and passed it to Miamor as well.

  Miamor brushed past her, and just before she exited the room, Aries called her name. “Mia!”

  Miamor turned around and stared at her friend.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Miamor didn’t respond. She knew that if something happened to Carter, that her relationship with her girls would never be the same. She stormed out of the room, hopped into the rental car and sped off recklessly, praying that she was able to stop the madness before it was too late.

  * * *

  Carter pulled up to the vacant warehouse. It was one of the many stash spots that he had used to store guns and drugs. He sat in the car for a few minutes, trying to gain his composure. No matter what she says, it’s over. I can’t trust her, he told himself. He knew that once he saw her face, his emotions would try and override his intellect. He could not allow that to happen. A beautiful woman had been the downfall of many men. He refused to allow Miamor to lead him to a premature demise. She had showed shade. There was larceny in her heart, and because of that, he had to make a clean break.

  He exited his vehicle and activated his car alarm, then proceeded into the building. He stopped walking in mid-step and turned around to return to his car. He popped the trunk and hit a button that caused the floor of the trunk to slide back, revealing an arsenal of weapons. He had to remember that he was no longer dealing with the woman he loved. He was dealing with a Murder M
ama, and although he did not truly believe that Miamor would harm him, he was not about to walk in unstrapped and chance it. After Miamor’s confession, he had done his research on the Murder Mamas, and found out they were more treacherous than he could have imagined. Their work was exquisite, precise, and professional. Carter couldn’t imagine Miamor doing some of the jobs that he had heard she had pulled off, and a part of him was intrigued by the mystique of it all. The other part of him was enraged, because she had been hired to take down his family, including him. That put them at odds in a territory where love couldn’t exist. He had gone over all the possibilities in his head. There was no way under any circumstances that he would ever be with her.

  * * *

  “He’s here,” Robyn whispered down to Murder from the second floor. She had a perfect view of the parking lot, and from where she stood, she could easily shoot anything moving on the floor below. She would let Murder handle his business, but if things went awry, she would kill Carter. Robyn watched Carter walk up to the building, then all of the sudden he disappeared.

  Murder waited behind the front entrance to sneak him from behind. After five minutes passed, Carter still hadn’t walked through the door.

  “Yo, what the fuck the nigga doing?” Murder asked, trying to keep his voice low so that his presence wouldn’t be known in the warehouse.

  “I don’t know. I can’t see him. He walked right up to the front door, then I lost sight-”

  Robyn stopped speaking abruptly when she felt the cold kiss of death. Carter was standing behind her with his pistol to her neck. He wasn’t a fool, and he didn’t run the largest drug operation in Florida for nothing. He didn’t trust Miamor, and he was glad he had followed his gut instincts and entered the building through the secret entrance on the side of the building.


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