A Time Apart: Time Travel Historical Highlander Romance

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A Time Apart: Time Travel Historical Highlander Romance Page 7

by London, Lolita

  Donald looked at Jenny and she saw straight away that he wasn’t going to do it.

  “NO,” he cried. “How many of our compatriots have died today because of her? How much suffering has she caused to our clan? She must pay the price.”

  “She had nothing to do with this,” James replied. “The feud with the Glennet clan was always going to spill over to war.”

  “NO,” Donald shouted again. “If she lives it will only be a matter of time before they return for her. She dies today to end it.”

  “Killing her won’t end anything,” James said. “Your paranoia just won’t let you admit you were wrong to think she was a spy or anything to do with the Glennet clan at all.”

  “She’s tricked you, bewitched you,” Donald accused his brother. “She’s in league with our enemies and we need to kill her.”

  James slowly drew his sword and held it at the side of his leg. It was an ominous sign that the day’s fighting might not be over. He took a deep breath then lifted the sword to point it directly at his brother.

  “Let her go,” he said. “NOW.”

  “You’re going to fight me?” Donald said in an incredulous voice. “Over a spying witch that isn’t fit to wear our tartan.”

  His attention was focused on his younger brother and his grip loosened even more on Jenny’s hair. She knew she needed to do something to help save herself and wrenched herself away from him. Her scream pierced the still air as she threw herself to the side to avoid the violent swing of Donald’s sword and she desperately tried to roll away from him. He came after her and swung his sword again, but it clashed against metal as James came to her rescue. He battered his shoulder against his older brother’s chest to knock him away and they faced up to each other with swords outstretched in front of them.

  Jenny sprang to her feet and backed away from them, but kept James between her and Donald. The two brothers circled around slowly as they sized each other up and she moved towards the door that led back to the lower floors. It was her way to escape and the impulse to run filled her mind, but she couldn’t do it. She shouted to James, but he ignored her call as he continued to move his feet and watch the sword of his brother.

  “I’m going to kill that bitch,” Donald said.

  “Then you need to kill me first,” James replied quietly.

  “Get out of my way,” Donald threatened.

  James simply shook his head. Jenny recoiled at the loud sound of the clash of steel as Donald lunged forward then backed off.

  “I’m serious,” Donald went on. “You need to get out of my way right now or I’ll take it that you are conspiring against the clan.”

  “Listen to yourself,” James accused him. “You think you’re the only one with the best interests of the clan at heart, but you’re going too far.”

  “I won’t hesitate to kill you to get to her,” Donald warned.

  He lunged for a second time, but James was ready and their swords clashed again before they backed off.

  “A similar comment was made to me not long ago,” James said. “But when Cameron Glennet tried to come through me to get to father, he found it wasn’t so easy.”

  “You killed Cameron?” Donald asked.

  “Someone needed to since you ran from the battlefield,” James taunted his brother.

  “I was injured,” Donald roared.

  “So was I,” James went on. “But I didn’t run like a coward.”

  Donald’s cry of anger was loud as he threw himself forward to a furious assault. His heavy blade slashed through the air time and again, but James managed to parry the blows as they rained down on him. The power of them made him back off and he was forced towards the wall that circled the turret. There was nowhere else for him to go when he banged against it, but he continued to defend himself as his brother’s onslaught became more intense.

  “James,” Jenny screamed as the fight seemed to go against him.

  She watched as Donald lifted his sword high and crashed it down. James managed to get his own blade in the way just in time, but it was close to his chest and as the weapons remained locked together they were forced nearer to his body. He used all his strength in an attempt to repel the attack and just about managed to do it as he shoved his brother back a few feet.

  There was no respite as Donald’s blade crashed down again and the struggle for supremacy continued. Jenny heard the sound of footsteps and panicked as someone else came up the stairs. She moved away from the door in fear for her life and saw the clan chief burst through it.

  “STOP,” he shouted, but his cry had no effect.

  He moved in the direction of his two sons as Donald raised his sword again. James was almost hanging over the turret wall as the blade swung at his chest. He managed to move enough to the side to deflect the blow and it caused his brother to lose his balance and topple forward.

  Donald crashed against the wall and his momentum carried him over it. He reached out desperately with his damaged arm and his fingers grasped at stone in a desperate attempt to stop himself from falling to the ground below. The pain of the injury shot through his body as his weight pulled him down.

  “Donald,” James yelled as he reached out…, but it was too late.

  Donald lost his grip and the fear showed on his face as he started to fall. He let go of his sword as he tried to grab at the wall, but it was useless and in seconds he crashed to the ground. His father looked over the wall and put his head in his hands as he saw his elder son’s dead body.

  Jenny raced across to James and threw herself in his arms.

  “I thought you were dead,” she cried as she pressed her head against his chest.

  “I said you wouldn’t lose me” he replied.

  They looked at each other and there was no stopping their lips coming together as their relief and passion for each other welled up. They held in a tight embrace until the sound of the voice came to them.


  He looked to his father, who moved towards them

  “I’m sorry for what’s happened,” he said.

  “Donald brought it on himself,” his father replied and the two men embraced.

  Jenny looked over the wall and down to the broken body of Donald lying far below. A cold shudder ran through her at the thought of how easily it could have been her in his place. She took no satisfaction from his death, but felt no sympathy towards him either. He deserved what he got.

  “Let’s go,” James said as he put an arm around her shoulder.

  “Your head,” she let out as she looked at the blood on his face and shoulder.

  “It’s OK,” he told her and smiled. “Everything’s going to be OK.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Are your ready?” Aggie asked.

  Jenny looked nervously at her reflection in the mirror being held in front of her before meeting the older woman’s gaze.

  “No,” she said and a smile broke out across her face.

  It was only a couple of days since the battle took place, but it already seemed like a lifetime away. When they came down from the turret, it was to the sight of the victorious clansmen that just saw off the Glennet army. There was shock to learn that Donald was dead, but celebrations that it left James the next in line to become clan chief. He was lifted on the men’s shoulders as they saluted him for killing Cameron Glennet and saving his father. The hope was that it meant the end of the war, but only time would tell if that was really the case. When he was finally lowered to the floor again in the Great Hall, he came to Jenny.

  “I can’t become the chief of the clan if I’m a single man,” he told her.

  “Umm…, what exactly do you mean?” she replied.

  A space opened up around them as James dropped to his knees. There was a murmur of expectation and she looked around at the faces surrounding them, before bringing her gaze back to the man at her feet.

  “I need a wife,” he said as he smiled up at her. “Will you marry me?”

shock of the proposal turned to a growing happiness.

  “Yes,” she agreed.

  A loud cheer echoed around the hall when she gave her answer and that one word turned her from a relative outcast to a trusted member of the clan.

  It led her to be sitting looking in the mirror that Aggie was holding as she contemplated what she was about to do. She fussed with the flowers in her hair and laughed as the old woman gently smacked her hand.

  “Stop it,” Aggie said with a smile. “You look perfect.”

  Jenny stared at the tartan dress that hugged her curves and her mind went back to the smart blouse and skirt she was wearing on the day she arrived. It reminded her of the life she was taken from, but she knew there was no going back to it now. Even if she found a way that she could, she knew she wouldn’t do it. Her place was at the side of James and marrying him was going to ensure that.

  “Are you ready?” Aggie repeated.

  Jenny reached for the flowers in her hair and laughed as she saw the glare aimed at her. She dropped her hand back to her side.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I’m ready.”

  She followed out of the room and walked down the steps towards the ground floor. They came out in the large courtyard to the bright sunlight of a beautiful Scottish morning. The piper started playing as they walked in the direction of the castle chapel and Jenny couldn’t hold down her nerves. The music signaled her approach and she saw everyone stand as she got to the door of the small building. Her gaze went down the aisle to the handsome man standing in front of the altar. A smile spread across his face and their eyes remained locked together as she walked slowly towards him.

  James took her hand as she got to his side and they turned towards the castle chaplain. The next few minutes raced past as she first listened to the words that the chaplain got James to say before it was her turn. She tried to keep her voice loud and clear as she repeated her vows for all to hear and they kissed after they were named man and wife.

  The joyful sound of the bagpipes greeted them as they walked back out the chapel and the man playing the instrument led the way as they and the entire congregation made their way to the Great Hall. It was set out for a celebration and Jenny smiled as she was led to the top table. She held the hand of James’s father as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

  “My son picked a good wife,” he whispered in her ear afterwards.

  It was encouraging to hear considering what was said to her only weeks before in the same place. Then she was viewed with suspicion, but that wasn’t the case any more. Now she was being accepted into the clan.

  “Thank you,” she replied as she squeezed his hand.

  It was the start of many congratulations to the happy couple and by the time they were finished a huge feast was being served on the tables in the hall. She and James watched as the entire clan sat down to eat.

  “Feel at home?” he asked her.

  Jenny nodded her head.

  “This is my home,” she replied and meant it.

  He leaned in to pull her to an embrace and kissed her.

  “So…, let’s eat,” he said with a grin when their lips parted.

  They moved to the table at which James’s parents were sitting and squeezed in to enjoy the feasting. Some of the tables were moved aside in the hours after and the bagpipes were joined by more instruments as the partying really got started. Jenny was whisked up to join in the dancing and found herself being taught a number of Scottish reels and dances by James and his father. She was breathless by the time she got back off the dance floor and for a while she just watched the partying to celebrate her wedding way.

  The entertainment was still going on late in the evening, but by then Jenny was sitting at a table with James and they were left alone to enjoy the start of married life. They watched the action of the people dancing as they sat chatting.

  “So…, what now?” she eventually asked.

  “Well tomorrow you need to get back to your maid duties,” he teased her as a grin flashed across his face.

  “Is that a fitting occupation for the lady of the house?” she shot back at him.

  “You don’t want Aggie doing it all do you?” he went on.

  “She shouldn’t be doing any of it at her age,” Jenny told him.

  “Uh huh,” he let out. “Well, you can be the one to tell her that.”

  “Is the future chief of the clan scared of an old lady?” she joked.

  “No,” James answered and laughed. “The future clan chief is wary of the wrath of an Aggie. She’ll outlast us all and never stop.”

  Jenny joined in the laughter, but it ended as their eyes met.

  “Are you tired yet?” he asked her.

  She was about to say no until she saw the smirk on his face. It was an expression she coming to know well. He was hinting that they should make their way up to his bedroom, but it wasn’t because he wanted them to sleep. She nodded her head and the quickening of her pulse was unstoppable.

  The drinking and dancing around them meant that they were largely ignored as they made their way to the entrance of the Great Hall and left the huge room. James took her hand to lead her out of the main castle and through the small passageway to their building.

  The sense of excitement grew as they entered it. The place was quiet and they hurried up the stairs to get to the bedroom. The door slammed to give them the privacy they craved and they stood for a second or two just staring at each other. Jenny was then backed against the wall by her new husband and he entwined his fingers with hers to pin her hands in place above her head. It wasn’t only her touch on the cool stone that made her shiver.

  “So now that you have me trapped here,” she said in hushed voice. “What are you planning to do with me?”

  “Oh…, I have some ideas,” he murmured as he nuzzled his lips against her cheek.

  The soft touch sent more shivers racing through her and she closed her eyes as soft kisses brushed across her skin. She tilted her head up as they came to her mouth and the gentle first touch became more urgent as the passion flared between them. Their bodies came together as the kiss continued and strong muscles pressed on Jenny’s soft curves to keep her pinned against the wall. She was breathing heavily as the kiss ended and glanced up as James used one hand to hold both her wrists in place.

  His lips brushed on her ear and she could hear his whispered words as his other hand slid down her body. He groped at her breasts for only an instant before the journey of his touch continued down all the way to the hem of her green tartan dress. She shivered as his fingers slipped under it to caress the naked skin of her thigh. Her body responded to the touch and she was aware of the damp already starting to stain the cotton panties she was wearing. She closed her eyes as James pushed her legs apart to get his hand in between and her breathing grew ragged as it slowly teased higher on her sensitive inner thighs until it reached her panties.

  “Take them off,” she told her.

  His soft laugh sounded in her ear as he continued to nuzzle and kiss it.

  “I make the rules,” he teased her.

  Jenny groaned as his fingers gently stroked on her panties and her excitement came out to soak the material. She squirmed against the wall as the flare of heat burst to life between her thighs and her groans got louder as James worked his lips down to her neck. He seemed to know just what to do to drive her crazy and the kisses on her sensitive skin made her want him all the more.

  “Let me go,” she said and began to struggle to get her hands free.

  “I said I make the rules,” he told her.

  Her hands were held against the wall as his fingers moved to the edge of her panties. They slipped underneath to touch on wet skin and she tensed as they brushed across her swollen pussy lips.

  “Please…, let my hands go,” she begged as her desire for him grew.

  His kiss rocked her head back as he pulled his fingers from under her panties. Jenny gasped when the pressure on her wrists eased, but
the grip remained around them and as James walked across the room, he led her after him. The thrill of being controlled and dominated by a powerful man was an aphrodisiac that was turning her on even more. He wrapped his arms around her as they fell on the bed and their lips came together again as he kissed her.

  James then quickly moved to straddle her waist and this time her hands were pinned to the mattress. He leaned down to brush his lips on hers, but it wasn’t long before he began to kiss lower. Jenny rolled her head to the side as his touch played on her sensitive neck and she couldn’t hold in the gasps. The foreplay was a huge turn on for her and she was responding to every caress on her body.


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