ZetaTalk: Myths

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ZetaTalk: Myths Page 10

by Nancy Lieder

  have accumulated and become crowded. The flow of magnetic particles is a clear example of a common trait of

  particles, the attraction for like kind but need to avoid crowding. The design of the Universe, based on particle flow, is one of perpetual motion, perhaps by design.

  In the current dance of the planets between the Earth and her larger brother, Planet X, the flow of magnetic particles, a close cousin to electron and heat particles, is on stage. Planet X is passing the Sun’s S Pole on its way to align

  alongside the Sun’s middle, and while so passing has tilted its N Pole toward the Sun’s S Pole, along a magnetic flow

  line. The Earth followed suit, its N Pole on the move as its closest magnetic partner now is Planet X. These alignments do more than grip the core and crust and tilt it, they alter the flow of magnetic particles within and through the globe.

  Just as the release of gravity particles, creating a temporary switch into 4th Density and thus temporary invisibility, is know to occur in the Bermuda Triangle and other spots on Earth such as in Lake Superior and off the coast of Japan,

  likewise there are places on Earth where the flow of electromagnetic particles is facilitated by the rock strata.

  Sicily, during this time of tilting and surging, is one of the places in the fast lane, and is likely to experience these surges until the shift is long past and the Earth has established stability in her magnetic field.

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  ZetaTalk: The Phoenix

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  ZetaTalk: The Phoenix

  written Mar 31, 2004

  The ancient peoples of Earth seem to have had a fascination with the Phoenix. The story

  associated with it seems so odd, even compared with other ancient stories. How did the story

  of death and rebirth come to be associated with this creature?

  Rising from the ashes, to begin anew, the Phoenix seems unlike any natural creatures, and

  thus is assumed to be a myth. But like the myths of super humans who lived on mountain

  tops, who could throw lighting bolts and fly through the air, exactly like the Annunaki

  were capable of doing, this myth has a basis in fact. The Phoenix is also referred to as a

  Sun bird, large, brilliant in gold-orange plumage, and long lived, just like the Sun which

  rises faithfully and without which man and the Earth would surely die. The Phoenix was a

  bird, long extinct, of impressive size and plumage, thus at the time this myth was born,

  was chosen to represent the Sun during pole shifts. Ancient people, wishing to relay to

  future generations what they had experienced, knew the value of an impressive story, as

  these get retold. Consider the relationship to the legends of the Phoenix to what occurs

  during pole shifts.

  1. The Phoenix was long lived, and only periodically self immolated into fire, from which it arose. Passages of

  Planet X occur infrequently, after a long passage of time, with the Sun rising reliable in the mean time.

  2. The immolation in fire was inexplicable, unexplained, and sudden, the Phoenix disappearing into black smoke

  and then returning. The arrival of Planet X where it is seen in the sky undeniably by all, is sudden, the roiling dust cloud blocking the Sun.

  3. The Phoenix reappears quickly, seemingly rising from the ashes to full stature instantly. After days of rotation

  stoppage, during which the roiling tail blocks the Sun and volcanoes explode blackening the sky, there is a

  sudden shift and a prompt return to rotation and a shining Sun again.

  Thus, the legend of the Phoenix is a tale of pole shifts past, but the drama of a beautiful bird, bell like cry and brilliant plumage, dominated, the true tale to be told lost.

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  ZetaTalk: Trojan War

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  ZetaTalk: Trojan War

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

  The Greek legends speak of the war at Troy, where a woman was so desired that legions of warriors were sent to free

  her. Did this occur? It did indeed but with a twist, as Helen of Troy was not the desired object of this battle, a fact her ego did not allow her to accept. A hand maiden of Helen's, one she kept in tight bondage of servitude, was the true

  cause of this battle, but Helen loudly announced before, during, and after that she was being sought after, and not hearing otherwise the historians wrote it thus.

  Legend has it that Troy was successfully invaded when a gift, the Trojan Horse, was left outside the gates and brought into the city. At war, the citizens of Troy were not so naive as to allow in uninspected such an unexplained object. In fact, the Trojan Horse was not simply a statue, a curiosity - it was food, built of food, stacks of wheat bound together, gourds and dried fruit, all tied about a wooden frame. This, they knew, the starving citizens could not resist. To

  minimize inspection of such a large object, which they knew was being done routinely on any baskets or barrels of

  food, the camouflage was shaped into a familiar animal. The citizens focused on the food baubles on the hooves, tail,

  and face of the horse, and so distracted lost themselves in their appetites before they ever got to the belly of the horse where a single infiltrator lay. Thin and agile, he worked his way out in the dead of night and gave access to his fellows at the gate.

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  ZetaTalk: Visigoths

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  ZetaTalk: Visigoths

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

  If the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet inspired the myths about the Gods of Mount Olympus, were they also the

  inspiration for the Viking Gods or tales of the Germanic Visigoths? They were indeed, and left their mark in legend

  wherever they stationed themselves on Earth. Where their preferred garb looks something like what an ancient Roman

  Legionnaire might have worn, they adjusted their garb to the climate. Northern Europe, during many eras in the past,

  was as bitterly cold as it is today, and thus fur robes were standard. Like the Gods of Mount Olympus, the Viking

  Gods and Visigoths were fierce and did not back away once a conflict had begun. As with their human counterparts,

  they used all means of transporting themselves, and where mountains abut the sea, ships prove the most effective.

  What were these giant hominoids doing in northern Europe? Exploring, in the same manner that took them to South

  American and thence across the Pacific. They were looking for gold, and went prospecting everywhere.

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  ZetaTalk: Druids

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  ZetaTalk: Druids

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  Stonehenge has influenced many groups over the eons, as it was intended to do. The Druids did not build Stonehenge, but they incorporated it into their rituals. Thus, history tends to credit them with erecting Stonehenge. Religious rituals, or those semi-religious rituals that form in highly structured social groups, are put into place to control the membership and give them outlets for emotions that would otherwise be disruptive. Emotions such as jealousy or fear can scatter a membership, but if given an outlet that tends to support the group’s goal, build and support the group rather then tear it apart.

  Human sacrifices are one such ritual, as the sacrificed one acts as a scapegoat, becoming a symbol for whatever has

  caused rage in the membership. The leaders, of course, select someone they wish to get rid of, a troublemaker or an

  independent thinker.
Stonehenge by its very shape implies sacrifice, but it did not cause this behavior in the Druids, as using scapegoats and rituals involving sacrifice occur in all cultures and all parts of the world. The close proximity to such an edifice as Stonehenge to any sacrificial rituals would naturally align into a mental association over time, and this is what occurred - a coincidence, made into cause and effect by historians.

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  ZetaTalk: Tower of Babel

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  ZetaTalk: Tower of Babel

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Cooperation among peoples is greatly enhanced by language, though this is not the only vehicle for communication

  possible. The statement that a picture is worth a thousand words can scarcely be argued. Nevertheless, humans who do

  not speak the same language essentially do not associate with each other, they avoid each other and segregation results.

  Nevertheless there are common threads in all languages, based on words that mock natural sounds and developmental

  associations the child makes. Early races of man, developing in isolation from each other, did not develop common

  languages, and this situation persists today. In fact, isolation creates different languages that started from the same base. They grow apart.

  The legend of the Tower of Babel reflects this common occurrence, but the legend is not altogether fancy. Deliberate

  separation occurred in mankind's recent past, among groups that were commandeered into forced labor by the

  hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. These slave-masters were constantly on the alert to prevent their slaves from

  gaining their technological advantages. The visitors constructed towers, silos in fact, to surround the missiles they used to shuttle between Earth and their home planet when it made a periodic appearance. When groups of their slave-laborers were found snooping and sharing information with each other, they were separated, forcibly. What remained

  of the story was the tower, the clustering of man, and the resulting separation due to language barriers. They did not separate because of a language barrier, the barrier developed because of separation.

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  ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

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  ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Many artisans choose their material more for its uniqueness than suitability, the better to gain notoriety. Wrapping an island in colorful plastic or floating colorful balloons is more a media event than art, but if done by one who professes to be an artist, qualifies, it seems. An artisan who fears being overlooked might choose his medium more for its

  likelihood of attracting attention than any other reason.

  Thus it was with a poor immigrant who had more talent than money, being without sponsors in a new land, and in fact

  being without funds to even buy materials. He turned to what nature provided, in more than one way, as his choice of

  living coral was both inexpensive, being free, and quite unique. Being at home in the water, this artisan used various techniques to shape the coral, which grows slowly and is alive only on the outer surface. In most cases transplanting

  was done, skillfully cutting and fitting the pieces which were never removed from the sea water the living coral need

  in order to live. Scars heal over time, giving the appearance of natural coral growing in these unusual shapes. Where

  this work of art gained the artisan notoriety, and was certainly an outlet for his talent, it scarcely made him rich. Just as his medium was free to him, likewise viewing his work was free, a legacy left to startle the uninformed swimmer who

  happened upon them.

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  Document Outline


  ZetaTalk: Myths

  ZetaTalk: Nostradamus

  ZetaTalk: World War III

  ZetaTalk: White Buffalo

  ZetaTalk: Bible's Revelations

  ZetaTalk: Etheric Grid

  ZetaTalk: Ley Lines

  ZetaTalk: Scientology

  ZetaTalk: Clonaid

  ZetaTalk: Bon

  ZetaTalk: Divine Nectar

  ZetaTalk: Levitate

  ZetaTalk: Nirvana

  ZetaTalk: Ganesh Milk

  ZetaTalk: Yogas

  ZetaTalk: Jack the Ripper

  ZetaTalk: Steve Fossett

  ZetaTalk: Hitler

  ZetaTalk: Wilhelm Reich

  ZetaTalk: Fate

  ZetaTalk: Horoscopes

  ZetaTalk: Magical Numbers

  ZetaTalk: Numerology

  ZetaTalk: Tarot Cards

  ZetaTalk: Ouija Boards

  ZetaTalk: Reverse Speech

  ZetaTalk: Robert Monroe

  ZetaTalk: Deja Vu

  ZetaTalk: Chi

  ZetaTalk: Homeopathy

  ZetaTalk: Acupuncture

  ZetaTalk: Voodoo

  ZetaTalk: Blaire Witch

  ZetaTalk: Jesus

  ZetaTalk: Buddha

  ZetaTalk: Mohammed

  ZetaTalk: Maitreya

  ZetaTalk: Taoism

  ZetaTalk: Sai Baba

  ZetaTalk: Miracles

  ZetaTalk: Messiah

  ZetaTalk: Virgin Birth

  ZetaTalk: Crucifixion

  ZetaTalk: Shroud of Turin

  ZetaTalk: Da Vinci Code

  ZetaTalk: Holy Icons

  ZetaTalk: Bible Code

  ZetaTalk: St. Germain

  ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

  ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

  ZetaTalk: Stigmata

  ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark

  ZetaTalk: In Whose Service

  ZetaTalk: Twisted Message

  ZetaTalk: Mormons

  ZetaTalk: Paganism

  ZetaTalk: King David

  ZetaTalk: David and Goliath

  ZetaTalk: Day of Rest

  ZetaTalk: Damnation

  ZetaTalk: Speaking in Tongues

  ZetaTalk: Angels

  ZetaTalk: Adam and Eve

  ZetaTalk: Creation

  Zetatalk: Ark of the Covenant

  ZetaTalk: Star of Bethlehem

  ZetaTalk: Pyramids

  ZetaTalk: Astronomical Markers

  ZetaTalk: Endless Debate

  ZetaTalk: Dinosaurs

  ZetaTalk: Ural Map

  ZetaTalk: Mummies

  ZetaTalk: Sodom and Gomorra

  ZetaTalk: El Dorado

  ZetaTalk: Lemuria & Atlantis

  ZetaTalk: Sicilian Fires

  ZetaTalk: The Phoenix

  ZetaTalk: Trojan War

  ZetaTalk: Visigoths

  ZetaTalk: Druids

  ZetaTalk: Tower of Babel

  ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

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