Crazy Kinky Dirty Love

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Crazy Kinky Dirty Love Page 10

by K. A. Merikan

  Dan groaned and gave his cock a gentle pump. “Faster. I know you can do better than that. Your eyes scream ‘cock-starved slut’.”

  Kyle slouched over Eric, and his ass moved up and down in quick, circular moves. Each time the dick disappeared, Eric groaned and arched. The way he curled his toes suggested he wasn’t far off from orgasm.

  “Good, milk your boyfriend, bitch.” Dan stepped closer, knowing it wouldn’t take much longer for them to finish. That dick in his boyfriend’s ass wasn’t anything more than a dildo, an accessory to their wild sex life. One he appreciated, but it was still all about them now. Slowly, he leaned down and spat into Kyle’s face with a slight grin. “You’re close, bitch?”

  Kyle moaned in reply and just wiped his face without a word, completely breathless. The gesture only turned Dan’s attention to the phrase around his lips again, and it had his blood running even quicker. Kyle rode the guy in a quick rhythm, straightening up a bit, likely to get the dick to hit his prostate. He had to be close, because he didn’t care much about being defiant anymore, just screwing himself on Eric’s cock and panting, his body tense and sweaty. He fucked himself mercilessly just as he liked Dan to do it if he was to come without jerking off.

  Dan smiled and teased the slit on the tip of his cock. “Look at me.”

  Kyle squealed and frowned, looking up before Dan even finished saying the words. He was the prettiest mess Dan had ever seen. Tension, sweat, muscle, and precum dripping down his cock.

  Dan let out a sharp breath, starting to pump his cock over that pretty face. “I’m gonna leave my spunk all over you, so that it dries out and soaks into your cum loving skin.”

  That did it for Kyle. He pushed himself on Eric’s cock a few more times, and he came all over the guy’s chest and face with a prolonged, low grunt. “Fuck,” he uttered.

  It was one of the most amazing things Dan had ever seen. In a daze, he pushed his thumb past Kyle’s lips and hooked it over the inside of his cheek, jerking himself off with growing haste. His eyes focused on the black letters. “Look up, you little whore.”

  Kyle’s half-lidded gaze travelled up, and he kept panting, unbothered by the finger in his mouth. Or the cock up his ass for that matter. The fact that there was another guy’s dick still in Kyle as Dan pumped his own in front of him, was pushing him to the edge. A piece of thick meat in between those reddened ass cheeks, getting squeezed by Kyle’s tight anus contracting over it. Dan didn’t even notice before, but Eric surely had to have come by now. He lay on the floor, hair all over his face, and breathed loudly through his nose.

  With a sudden pull that went all the way from Dan’s balls and up his dick, the first spurt of cum hit Kyle’s face in a long, messy line across his nose, others soon following and the view was no less exciting than the sex itself. Dan groaned, smearing it all over his lover’s skin, pushing three spunk-stained fingers into his mouth and forcing him to suck on them.

  Kyle whined, but stayed in place, never looking away from Dan’s eyes, even though he was still straddling another guy. Dan slightly spread the three fingers in his boyfriend’s mouth. Yep, two cocks could fit in. At least the heads. They might try this some time.

  He let him go. “Off and back into the corner, don’t even dare wipe your cum-cream off,” he ordered and looked down at Eric, who already held on to the base of the condom to keep it in place on his shrinking cock. The guy looked like he was about to fall asleep on their floor. As much as Dan enjoyed their neighbor’s presence, it was not gonna happen.

  Kyle slid off and crawled away into the corner of the room on all fours. His legs were wobbly, but Dan still took a moment to look at the welts on his ass and thighs. He’d love to take pictures and frame them. 'Fits two'. Maybe they could try double penetration some day? He was on the fence about it though.

  Dan walked over to the windowsill and picked up the roll of duct tape. He nodded toward the fallen chair. “Lean over it.”

  Kyle swallowed and looked up at him, marked with cum all over his face. Without another word, he awkwardly bent over the armchair, with his head down and his hips arched. Dan had always been very efficient with the tape, and soon after, Kyle was fastened tightly to the fallen furniture next to Eric. At first, Dan intended to take his time and massage his lover’s flesh, but he found he’d rather do that once they were alone. He couldn’t wait to hear Kyle’s thoughts. Was it just as exciting for him as it was for Dan?

  Within seconds, the other handcuff was off Eric’s wrist, and Dan shook their neighbor out of his post-orgasmic haze. “I don’t need you anymore,” he said, raising the gun again.

  Kyle looked up wide-eyed, with his lips parted. Eric on the other hand let Dan lead him out. His steps were heavy, just like his breathing. The whole room smelled of sweat and cum. Sex.

  Dan put his hand on Eric’s head and took hold of his hair, glancing back into Kyle’s eyes. “Maybe I should fuck him too before I dispose of him?” His eyes were back on Eric’s.

  “No…!” Kyle uttered, and a drop of cum dripped to the floor from his chin.

  Dan ripped the tape off Eric's lips.

  “I’m a top…” Eric’s words were shaky. It looked like he wasn’t all there. Just like Dan wasn’t all that keen on fucking Eric, but he smiled and leaned in, positioning the guy for a domineering kiss. What Eric gave back wasn’t a ‘top’s’ kiss. The guy eagerly opened his mouth for Dan’s tongue.

  “N… Paris!” Kyle spoke up with a tense high-pitch. “I… I mean, Berlin.” He cleared his throat. ‘Berlin’ was the mid-way safeword meaning ‘just stop what you’re doing now’, instead of ‘Paris’ which was a deal-breaker for the scene.

  Dan blinked as he looked into his wide eyes across the room. So Kyle really was able to safeword. The sudden warmth that filled Dan’s head and all his joints was a surprising surge of relief.

  “Fuck off. He dies then,” Dan growled and opened the door, pushing Eric forward.

  The gun at Eric’s back was just for Kyle’s fun now, because Dan dropped it as soon as he closed the door behind them. He grinned, suddenly flooded with good mood. “Good. Well done.”

  “Oh. My. Fucking… Wow.” Eric whispered, buttoning up his pants. “That was…” He looked to the door behind which they left Kyle and shook his head.

  “Rules still apply,” Dan told him with a small smile. It translated into ‘no flirting with Kyle’. “But yeah, it was super hot. Thanks for coming over.”

  “No. Thank you. I’ll just go and shower at my place though.” Eric smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Cool, you can bring back my stuff tomorrow.” Dan reached out and grabbed Eric’s hand, shaking it firmly. “Will you let yourself out?”

  “Yeah, see you around. But Kyle… wow, I really didn’t expect that.” Eric looked at the door with an absent-minded smile.

  “He is special.” Dan winked at him and stepped back to signal that he needed to go back to the bedroom. He was itching to see his lover again, even though he knew he had to make him wait a bit.

  After a second of hesitation, Eric leaned in for a quick kiss to Dan’s cheek and walked off to the corridor. Dan sighed and closed his eyes, counting to three, and then knocked on the table as hard as he could to imitate a gunshot. He listened through the door, but as there was no reaction, he moved to the kitchen, making sure Eric hadn’t forgotten to close the door behind himself. He opened the fridge and looked to the stack of plastic containers on one of the shelves.

  One of them had a heart drawn on a post-it note, with ‘Housewarming’ written next to it. He let out a sharp breath and quickly opened the box. It was swirls of three-colored pasta with all sorts of vegetables and cooked chicken. Kyle wasn’t a master chef just yet, but his efforts were neverending.

  Dan eagerly pulled out one of their new square bowls and filled it with the dish before putting it into the microwave. He also got a bottle of Coke and a glass. His gaze kept roaming around the bedroom door, and he almost cried with jo
y when the food was ready. It smelled so freaking good. He gathered the food and walked into the bedroom, opening the door with his elbow.

  Kyle looked up from his bondage and smirked but remained silent.

  Dan paced toward him. “So you have blood on your hands and spunk on your face now. Not bad for a single day.”

  Kyle pouted and watched Dan sit next to him. “What could you possibly want from me now?” he said, taking deep breaths.

  Dan raised an eyebrow at him. “Paris.”

  Kyle cleared his throat and laughed. “Sorry, I wasn’t sure. What did you write on me? Come on, tell me!” His voice was a bit raspy. All that throat fucking had to take its toll.

  Dan chuckled and put everything away, diving to the floor. On his stomach, he pulled closer to Kyle and gently nuzzled his nose. He could still smell his own drying spunk and the fake strawberry aroma of the condom. He grinned at the slightly messed up ‘Cum Dump’ written around Kyle’s lips. “Dirty secret.”

  Kyle relaxed and his breathing slowed down, even though he was still completely immobile. “I kinda freaked out about that kiss, sorry.”

  “No, that’s fine. You can safeword anytime when we play, you know that.” Dan cupped his lover’s face with both hands and nipped at his soft, swollen lips.

  “It was so hot though.” Kyle tried to catch Dan’s lips with his. “Unexpected, but I decided to go with the flow, and it was worth it. My poor boyfriend had to watch me get ravished by a brute.” His smile widened.

  “Yeah, you liked it?” Dan deepened the kiss, slowly moving his hand up Kyle’s body and petting it.

  “Me? Never. I would never like such despicable acts,” Kyle said after another lazy kiss. “I loved it,” he whispered.

  “Want me to cut you free now? Or do you want to stay like that a bit longer?” asked Dan, never stopping to touch him.

  Kyle bit his lip with a frown, silent for a moment. “Yeah, cut me free, I wanna hug.” He sent Dan a kiss in the air.

  It took only a few seconds to remove the tape, and Dan pulled Kyle close, cradling him in his arms with a soothing kiss to the forehead. He raised the bottle toward Kyle in case he needed a drink. “So...” He cleared his throat. “What did you love?”

  Kyle took a sip and handed the bottle back before climbing into Dan’s lap and embracing him with both arms and legs. “The dirty talk, the way you made me expose myself in front of both of you.” He hid his sticky face in the crook of Dan’s neck. “When you bobbed my head on his dick.”

  Dan let out a long sigh, hugging him tightly. He had been worried Kyle would focus on the new guy instead of him, but that clearly wasn’t the case.

  “Yeah, I knew you’d like that.” Dan reached out for the food and patted the fork on Kyle’s shoulder to make him acknowledge it. “Anything you... hated? You know, apart from the kiss.”

  Kyle pulled back slightly, pondering on that. “Not really, no,” he said in the end. “But I did realize something.” He looked into Dan’s eyes.

  An invisible collar clenched around Dan’s throat and refused to let go, but he smiled at Kyle. That was what he always did when he got nervous. No one needed to know. “What?”

  “If you’d be fine with it, I wouldn’t mind more dicks some time. Like, you know, manhandling me. But only if you’d look over it and keep them in check,” he added quickly. “And if you’d even want that, ‘cause maybe it bothered you? You know, that Eric saw me.”

  Dan couldn’t keep the surprise off his face. “Someone’s getting wild,” he chuckled and munched a forkful of the food. It was gorgeous. Just like Kyle’s innocent face when he said ‘more dicks’.

  Kyle pouted and looked away. “Uhm, ‘cause it just feels like I can do it with you,” he muttered. “Especially now that we’ve got our own apartment and all… But it’s fine if you don’t feel like it.”

  “No, no, that’s fine. It was super hot.” Dan pressed a closed-mouthed kiss to Kyle’s lips and hugged his slim, naked body. Right now, he wanted something else even more. “I’d love it, just, you know, not every week. Um... can you stay naked?”

  Kyle blinked. “What? You want me to be your naked roomie?” He snorted and stroked Dan’s buzz cut.

  “It’s just... very hot.” Dan shrugged and moved his knuckles down Kyle’s chest. “You are gorgeous.”

  “I could do that, I suppose.” Kyle wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s our home. We can do whatever we want. I can even be your naked slave for the weekend.”

  Dan’s breath hitched. “I love you.”

  Kyle froze and swallowed, silent for a heartbreaking few seconds. “Dan… I love you too, I didn’t wanna say it, I didn’t wanna smother you,” he said quietly and hugged him tightly again. His skin was so hot and fragrant, and the whole room provided the intimacy they needed.

  Dan swallowed, pulling his lover closer and smelling his hair. The food could be warmed up again. Kyle, however, needed his hug now. They both needed the touch, in the quiet room smelling of spunk that was their own and the guy’s next door. There was no other moment that would have been more perfect for this exchange.

  Kyle kissed his ear with a deep sigh. “I officially consider this house warmed.”

  The end

  Crazy Kinky Dirty Clowns


  Kyle smiled at his phone and adjusted the messenger bag on his arm. He liked how protective Dan was of him.

  He turned into an alleyway that led to the park he always took a shortcut through. After a long day at his soul-sucking job at Donna’s Donuts, it was always a relief to finish a shift and remove himself from that sugary hell. The worst thing was that Donna allowed the staff to snack on one doughnut per day and they had a discount. It was such a pain to work it off at the gym. Dan certainly wouldn't love it if Kyle got some love handles on him. Tonight being Halloween, at least he could count on returning to a sugar-free home. Dan made it tradition to annually clear out their secret sweet stashes to the delight of the neighborhood kids. All he wanted was to be back with his boyfriend as soon as possible. Especially on a disgusting, soggy night like this. On the upside, at least it wasn’t raining.

  The park wasn’t cleaned very often, so the old, wet leaves were a threat to the life of anyone not careful enough. Kyle liked a bit of thrill in his life though, so he ran down the hill with a gleeful yell. “Freeee!”

  Kyle rarely saw anyone in the park so late, but just in case, he always switched off his MP3 player and walked extra fast. The thick fog dispersed the sparse glow of the old fashioned street lights. He found it hard to avoid walking into water puddles, and by the time he reached a small fountain in the middle of the park, his sneakers were already soaking wet. Oh well. At least he’d have an excuse for Dan to give him a hot bath. Not that they needed an excuse.

  A large drop of water fell on Kyle’s head from the tree above him, but what stopped him was a large piece of paper on one of the lamp posts. Written in bold letters it stated:

  “Be especially vigilant on Halloween and do not underestimate people in costume.

  Up till now, the killer has worn a clown mask. See photo below.


  Kyle looked down with furrowed eyebrows. “That’s sure one fugly clown,” he muttered, looking at the picture of a masked man with a big red nose and three patches of fuzzy hair in the same color, scattered over his otherwise bald head. His eyebrows were a painted-on frown, contrasting with a smiley mouth. “Seriously...” Kyle shook his head and quickly made his way forward, but couldn't suppress the urge to look over his shoulder. Just in case. No one wanted a fucked up clown to jump them in the middle of the night. His stomach tightened when he spotted a chubby silhouette approaching from amongst the shadow of trees. Through the milky veil of fog, the figure gave the impression of something out of this world.

  Deciding to suppress his anxiety, he walked a bit faster. He shouldn’t have read that poster. Now he’
d be freaking out all the way home, because of something that was an obvious Halloween spoof.

  Kyle managed to calm down, but as soon as he did, a loud sound turned his body into goosebumpy jello. It was a chuckle, and he had to force himself to keep looking forward instead of peeking over his shoulder like a neurotic teenager because of some guy who was probably just talking on a phone. That was what he tried to tell himself as he made the usual turn around a thick, hedged bush, but then, his heart came to a halt. He saw a man sitting on a bench right by a tall street lantern. With a red mohawk on his head, dressed in a pair of polka dot patterned breeches and mismatched striped stockings. It was a fucking clown!

  Kyle’s eyes went wide and he made a quick turn in the opposite direction, to circle the guy. So not funny. He couldn’t help but look back at the clown, with his heartbeat rising. Only then, he saw that the chubby man he’d noticed earlier coming down the path was a clown as well, and Kyle’s stomach clenched tightly. This one hurried forward through the foggy park, dressed in a pair of overly wide pants held up by suspenders. He waved at Kyle, walking straight towards him.

  “The fuck, man?” Kyle yelled back at him, not stopping for a second. The clown on the bench cackled. He freaking cackled! Kyle could already feel the chilling sweat beading under his puffy winter jacket. With a firm decision to take the next turn and flee the creepy pranksters, he picked up his pace to a point where he was almost trotting. His breath hitched when he heard two loud discordant laughs behind his back.

  “No.” He didn’t want to actually say that out loud, but he did. Kyle was petrified to look back, but he couldn’t help himself. He would rather know how far ahead he was. This had to be a stupid prank!


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