Catching Her Bear

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Catching Her Bear Page 19

by Vella Day

  “Most of the houses in this area were built with a large master shower with two shower heads.”

  “That sounds so decadent.”

  “It is when I get to share it with my beautiful woman. But I need a sec to make a call. While that man out there deserves to have his flesh eaten by an animal, I should take care of his body.”

  Her brows pinched. “You can’t take him to the morgue?”

  “I could, but I’d need to make sure Jefferson Williams is there. He’s a shifter and won’t ask how the man’s throat was ripped out by a bear. The bigger issue is that because he died on my land, I’d have to fill out a series of reports to explain how the man was there in the first place.”

  Elana sagged against him. “He’s not worth it.”

  “That’s what I love about you. You understand our culture so well.”

  “Is that the only thing you love about me?” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  He laughed. She was so wonderful. If any other woman had asked him that question, he’d have balked and taken off running, but not anymore. He wanted Elana to know what she meant to him. “Far from it. You are ambitious, determined, and sexy as hell. You’re adaptable, feisty, spontaneous, and charming.” Her face turned a pretty shade of pink.

  “Enough. Are you just saying those things because you think I’m fragile right now and need to hear those wonderful words?”

  “If you have to ask then you don’t know me all that well. I don’t bullshit. I love you, Elana Stanley, and in a few minutes, I’m going to show you just how much.”

  His pulse turned erratic waiting for her response. From the shine in her eyes, she understood exactly what was about to happen. If she didn’t want to be bitten, this was her chance to back down.

  “I’m ready. But don’t you have to make that call first?”

  “Shit. I should, but that piece of crap can stay out there a little bit longer. I need to shower and then satisfy my woman.” His bear was clamoring for Kalan to claim his mate, but getting clean had to come first.

  Not wanting to chance she’d believe Kalan Murdoch, the man, didn’t want her, he had to take it slow.

  He carried her into the bathroom then set her down. It wasn’t grand by any measure, but it was more spacious than the guest bath.

  Elana scoped out the place, fingering the towels and running her fingers along the tiled walls. “This is really nice.”

  “I retiled the bathroom a few years ago and changed out the fixtures.” He turned on both showerheads to let the water warm then brushed his teeth. The shower would take care of the other evidence of the fight.

  “What if someone finds the body in the meantime?” she asked. “You could be exposed.”

  Clearly, this was upsetting her, and it tore at him. “Only shifters live around the lake.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “If it will put you at ease, I’ll contact Rye now and ask him to put the body somewhere safe.” His Alpha owed him.

  She smiled. “Thank you. Seeing that dead body gave me the willies.”

  Poor thing. If he could have finished off the wolf any other way, he would have. With the wolf’s dried blood on him, he stepped into the shower and soaped up while she undressed. As if Elana was trying to come to grips with what happened, she seemed to be taking her time neatly folding her clothes then placing them on the counter.

  Kalan briefly telepathed Rye what happened and asked if he could remove the body from the property.

  “I’m on it,” Rye answered back.


  Kalan tapped the glass and motioned her in.

  “You said you’d contact Rye,” she said as she stepped in next to him.


  Kalan had to concentrate to ignore his bear. In a few minutes, he’d be shutting up the animal inside him just as soon as Elana became his—forever.

  “I just did—with my mind.” He grabbed another handful of soap and scrubbed his body once more, determined to rid his skin of that nasty Changeling’s blood.

  Her chin dipped. “Izzy said she and Rye could communicate with their minds because they were mates, but that no one other than mates could.” She dipped her head under the water and wet her hair. She looked so beautiful all wet and slick.

  His dick throbbed and he nearly roared. Kalan needed to send a thank you to Izzy for easing Elana into the shifter world. “That’s all true, with one exception. An Alpha and his Beta are able to communicate by telepathy. It only started happening between us after our parents announced they were stepping down.”

  “That is really cool.”

  He’d never mentioned his position in the Clan. “Did Izzy tell you that I was the Clan’s Beta?”

  She glanced off to the side. “I kind of wormed it out of her.”

  He wondered what else his wonderful woman knew. Maybe after their shower, he’d have to exact more information out of her. He was looking forward to that fun.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Elana’s head was still spinning. Kalan Murdoch was in love with her? She probably should have asked when he decided that because there were still times when she couldn’t figure him out. If what he said was true—that they were to become mates—then she’d have plenty of time to learn everything about him.

  His mother had said the process wasn’t painful, and hopefully she was right.

  “Do you usually turn on both showers when you’re in here?”

  “No. In fact, I never have because I’ve never had someone else in my shower before. I had it built in the hopes I could share it with my mate someday.” His gaze was as intense as a laser as he scanned her body from head to toe and smiled.

  Feeling brazen, she tapped her chest, needing to hear the words. “You mean me?”

  “Yes, I mean you, though technically that particular aspect has not occurred yet. Are you okay with that? It’ll mean you’ll be stuck with me for life.”

  She clapped then immediately sobered. “What if you grow tired of me?”

  Kalan dragged her near, the water beating against her shoulder. “That ain’t going to happen, babe. Now get clean, so we can move to a more comfortable location and begin.”

  In between the two showers was an indented shelf with liquid soap, shampoo, and conditioner, all of which were expensive brands. It was no wonder Kalan had such nice hair.

  She poured a palm full of shampoo on her head. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Kalan staring at her. His cock was erect and his chest had sprouted more hair.

  “Kalan, be good. You said you wanted us to shower first.”

  “I do, but I can’t help but watch you. You are so beautiful.”

  His words almost seemed painful for him to say, like he was trying not to become excited. Looking at the outward signs, he was failing miserably. She was in the same state of arousal too. The water running down his glorious body made her use all of her control just to finish.

  Elana turned her back to the water and finished lathering her hair. The moment she closed her eyes, Kalan’s hands brushed hers away. “Let me.”

  No man had ever washed her hair before, but if it had to be someone, she’d choose Kalan. His fingers gently massaged her scalp, and then he lifted her hair to let the water rinse it clean. His close proximity had her imagination running wild. She pictured him sucking on her nipples, licking her clit, and then impaling her. At the peak of their passion, he’d bite her and Kalan would finally be hers.

  When her hair was thoroughly rinsed, she faced him. “How about I wash yours?”

  “Already did it, but I can think of some other body parts that need to be cleaned.”

  She wagged a finger, loving his playful side. “I see what you’re trying to do.”

  “What am I trying to do?” His innocent look came off as comical.

  “You want me to touch your cock.”

  He laughed, poured the body wash onto his hand then rubbed the liquid on her breasts. “You wa
nt to and you know it.”

  She did, but she was determined not to touch him until they were in the bedroom. However, each swirl with his palm on her sensitive skin made her want to shut off the water and do him right there.

  Her internal sass meter shot up. “It all depends on whether you can turn me on. I heard Weres lacked control around their potential mates, but since humans don’t have those kinds of urges, you’ll have to be creative.”

  Elana was rather proud of the way she was able to keep a straight face.

  “What a shame you lack a sex drive. That’s all the more reason why I need to claim you. Once I sink my teeth into that pretty neck of yours, you won’t be able to go an hour without ripping off my clothes and demanding satisfaction.”

  Dear God, she hoped it wouldn’t be that bad. “Really?”

  He slipped a hand between her thighs and slid a finger into her needy sex. As much as she wanted to withhold the groan and pretend nothing he did could affect her, a moan slipped out.

  “Ah ha! Wait until I drive my cock deep inside you. Before you know it, you’ll be clawing at me, begging me to take you every time we’re together.”

  “I thought this mating thing was a two-way street. Are you sure your sex drive won’t be affected?”

  His body sagged, and he removed his finger. Drawing up to his full height, he reached behind her and turned off her shower, while leaving his running. “I hope you know I’m just kidding with you? I’ve been told that my sex drive will ramp up to unimaginable levels, but please know that even if my bear is pushing to mate with you, my human side desperately wants and needs you too. I love you so much. I want you, Elana, now and forever.”

  That was just what Elana needed to hear. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He had made her the happiest woman in the world. Their tongues touched, but this time their dance was slow and loving, as if they each wanted to savor every scent and taste. Only because she was bursting to tell him did she break the kiss.

  “I love you too, Kalan, and I’m not saying that because you said it first. I think I fell in love with you before we even spoke in the hospital.”


  He actually sounded surprised. She reached around and shut off his water. “If you let me dry you off, I’ll show you how much.”

  “No man could say no to that offer.” He slid back the glass door and motioned she step out first.

  Elana grabbed a blue towel from the rack. “It’s warm.”

  “Yup. I like only the best,” he said with his gaze on her face, acting as if he was talking about her instead of the towel.

  As she rubbed her breasts, Kalan’s body began to transform. He turned his back to her. “Want to dry this side first?” he asked.

  She laughed. “You’re not acting, are you?”

  “About wanting you so bad that I’ll shift?”



  Joy spread from her toes right up to her heart. “I’ll try not to entice you then.”

  She dragged the thick terrycloth down his back then dropped to one knee to reach his muscular calves and ankles. Once she finished the right side, she moved to the left, drying him from the bottom up. Once she patted his shoulders dry, she turned him around, but he had his eyes closed.

  “Why aren’t you looking?” she asked.

  “If I see you, I’ll want you too much,” he said.

  Elana was taken aback by his sincerity. “Then don’t watch. Just feel.”

  Deciding to let the rest of him air dry, she leaned over and licked his cock. In two seconds flat, she was in the air and then onto his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. “That will not dry me. You are in serious trouble now.”

  While the trip into his bedroom wasn’t exactly comfortable, she was laughing too hard to ask him to put her down. Without warning, she was airborne again, and then her back met the bed. Kalan slid next to her then pulled her on top. “My need is so great that if I do what I want right now, I might hurt you. I need you to take control this time.”

  The whole idea that she could do what she wanted to Kalan excited her beyond belief. “You’ll regret that concession.”

  He growled, showing her his teeth that had started to sharpen.

  Don’t think about the bite.

  He’d stopped her before when she’d licked him, but maybe now he’d let her do more. She sat up and then slid down, placing her knees between his legs. With his gaze lasered on her, she grabbed his stiff cock and drew it close.

  “Don’t stay down there too long if you want me inside you.”

  That was a bluff. He’d never gone off before she was ready. “I’ll be careful.”

  Excitement sizzling inside her, she bent down and drew him into her mouth. Kalan groaned and grabbed a handful of her hair, his breath quickening and his abs tightening, as if he really were fighting for control.

  Not wanting this mating process to go wrong, she lifted up and proceeded to lick her way up his abs, taking a second to enjoy the water that had pooled in his belly button. She glanced up at him. His lips were pressed tightly together, and his eyes seemed to be glowing more intensely than usual.

  Just as she was about to swipe a tongue across his hardened nipple, he clasped her shoulders and dragged her upward. Chest to chest, he kissed her, seeming to need the contact to keep him centered.

  His lips barely touching hers, he ran his hands down her back and whispered, “I love how you smell and how soft your skin is.”

  “I love everything about you.”

  His eyes opened wider. “Show me. Ride me hard, baby.”

  He didn’t have to ask her twice. Scooting onto her knees, she lifted up and placed his cock at her damp entrance. Suddenly, the air seemed heavier, and she had a hard time even remembering to breathe. This was it. The moment she’d been dreaming of for years—the day she caught her bear.

  Opening wide, she slid down on his huge shaft, stretching her so much, her stomach contracted.

  “Easy, baby,” Kalan said as he rubbed her arms.

  While she loved him being inside her, what she really needed was for him to deflate a bit. He must have sensed her discomfort, for he drew her closer, and the change in angle brought relief. When he lifted his head and drew her nipple into his mouth, her inner walls seemed to expand on their own, accommodating his wide girth.

  His hands slid to her hips and held her still while he eased out slowly. The strain around his eyes convinced her he was working hard not to shift, and she decided not to test his resolve anymore.

  She leaned forward and kissed him. The second their tongues touched and their scents blended, it was as if the two of them had melded into one being. He lifted up as she slid down. His groan and the tightening of his fingers made her relent and allow him to guide the speed—or at least that had been her plan until he broke the kiss and nibbled his way down her chin and across her jawline.

  If she hadn’t needed her hands for balance, she would have threaded her fingers through his hair. After he finished exploring, all she could do was lower her head to his neck and inhale his animal scent. Everything about this man was making her lose all control.

  His teeth pressed against the soft spot between her shoulder and her neck, and before she could tense up, he drove his cock into her again, igniting every inch of her body. The pressure from his teeth increased, but right now, her climax was building to a point where she wasn’t sure she could keep from coming. Her moans and groans matched his grunts and growls.

  The second his teeth sunk into her neck, her vision turned black and her oxygen starved brain seemed to enter a new realm where colors were sharper, smells more intense, and her hormones surged so hard, her orgasm burst inside her.

  His cock jettisoned its hot cum, forcing her to gulp in much needed air. So feral was her response, she believed that if she hadn’t been looking at her human hands, she would have thought she had turned into an animal.

  Her body gave way and sh
e collapsed on his chest, her breath heaving. His heartbeat was rapid too, as his arms tightened around her.

  “You are my mate, forever.”

  Glory be.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Elana couldn’t believe how six weeks could change a person so much. Yes, she was sad for what had happened to her parents, but she and her folks had been so disconnected that the love had never formed as it should have. Her whole life, she had always tried to please them, but with their deaths, that part of her was gone. No longer needing to change for anyone, Elana now had a happy life with great friends. The best part was that her love for Kalan knew no bounds.

  Perhaps the biggest change in her life had been learning to shift into a bear, a transformation that had been easier than she’d expected. Kalan had been so patient, explaining how to connect with her inner bear that when she started running, it was as if she’d been born to shift. Sure, her bones cracked, and for a few seconds she couldn’t see, but both Izzy and Kalan had explained that would happen, so Elana hadn’t been afraid.

  Her body adapted quickly to the lumbering movement. In fact, she felt more in control of her body than she ever had in her human form. On that first white moon when she shifted, he’d remained in his human form, clapping and grinning like a fool.

  Curious what she looked like as a bear, Elana remembered running up to the house to look in a mirror only to realize she couldn’t open the door. Kalan had rushed up to her to see what she was doing. When she telepathed what she wanted to do, he made her stay outside while he retrieved her hand mirror from the bathroom. Later he told her, he feared she might have wrecked the furniture.

  Once she took a look, she was a little disappointed that she was a lot smaller than Kalan. Her fur was darker than his, and her snout had an upturn to it whereas Kalan’s was rather straight. All in all, she thought she looked cute.

  Not being just a human anymore made her feel special, and she owed it all to Kalan. The whole concept of her being the Beta’s mate, however, had yet to sink in. She knew little about wolves and not much more about bears before meeting him, but she was willing to learn.


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