Forever in Love (Book One of the Armstrong Series)

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Forever in Love (Book One of the Armstrong Series) Page 1

by Rita Hestand

  Forever in Love

  (Book One of the Armstrong's)

  By Rita Hestand

  Forever in Love

  (The Armstrong's)

  Rita Hestand

  Copyright 2015 by Rita Hestand

  All Rights Reserved

  ISBN# 978-1310713484

  Cover by Sheri L. McGathy

  Smashwords Edition

  License Note

  This book , Forever In Love is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebooks may not be resold or given away to other people. Please purchase an additional copy for each person you share with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it. or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names. Any resemblance to individuals known or unknown to the author are purely coincidental.


  The civil war was a trying time for our nation, and every coming home was different. If the war was hard, living the life they wanted was even harder for two brothers. This is dedicated to all the twins out there that sometimes lead double lives.

  God bless

  Rita Hestand

  Table of Content

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  About the Author

  Rita's Other Books

  Summer of 1867

  Chapter One

  "Joe…Dear God, you’re home…" the vision of a woman came toward him in a run.

  Joe Armstrong's breath hitched in his throat, as his eyes narrowed on the beautiful figure of a woman coming toward him. Before he could say a word, before he could react to the beauty, she ran into his arms, grasping him, her hands floating up and around his neck, her lips inviting a kiss he couldn't deny. She moaned as their lips touched and retouched like feathers blowing in the wind. Her softness exploded into his brain as he finally crushed her to him. The sweet smell of jasmine floated up to his nose. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he'd smelled anything that sweet. Somewhere off in the distance the birds sang as Joe embraced Melanie Hamilton with a passionate embrace. A delightful shiver ran through him, when she finally pulled away long enough to look into his eyes.

  "You leave me so breathless," she whispered, her eyes filled with a deep longing. "I don't remember it being this good…" she barely murmured as she held him close and looked deep into his eyes as though searching for something. Her fingers rested against his waist. Without further ado, he pulled her closer, pressing her into him as the kiss deepened this time, their tongues racing to mate. The sweet nectar of her kiss fueled the fire within him.

  Everything faded into oblivion for those breathless moments.

  Her lips seemed to melt into his, as a slight moan escaped her. Her body fused against him, as her heartbeat thundered against his chest.

  He crushed her to him once more, needing the feel of her soft, pliant lips mating with his own, needing the feel of her softness surrounding him. He’d waited a lifetime for it and at last, she was his, by her own free will.

  He could think of nothing he wanted more than to go on holding her here in his arms, forever.

  He'd dreamed of this homecoming. The homecoming he knew he deserved. Selfishly he drank it in.

  He'd fought an ugly war, been enslaved by a pirate ship, and now all he wanted was to forget and go on with his life. That was behind him. His future looked bright once more, from this day forward.

  She pulled away, breathless, her breast rising and falling against him, her eyes searching his.

  "I don't want to let you go." He whispered, inviting another kiss. He gently cupped her face in his hands and kissed her eyelids, her nose, her brow, and down to the corner of her mouth.

  "You steal my heart with your kisses. Almost as if you missed me as much as I missed you….I'm so glad you are home at last." She gasped when they drew breath once more.

  "I've thought of nothing but you since I left." He confessed throatily. He longed to hold her always, to protect her, to make love her.

  As he stared down into her eyes, his gaze raked possessively over her ample cleavage, her slim waist, and rounded hip that made her skirt flare just a tad. She'd become more beautiful and blossomed into an alluring woman. Gone were the girlish straight lines, replaced by the curves of a goddess. Her skin was flawless, her eyes clear and bright.

  She was wearing a white blouse that flirted with her shoulders, with a long full skirt that flared with the slight breeze. Her blouse flaunted her mature cleavage purposely, and the tied ribbon in her hair caressed her ear. He'd never seen such a vision. She'd been beautiful when he left, but now…she'd blossomed into a mature woman, a woman he wanted more than life itself.

  He had felt the thudding of her heart, or was that his?

  He tried to take in the magnificent oak and pecan trees that graced the old cotton plantation as he slowly released her, but his gaze drifted back to her always. He tried to admire the rows of cotton sitting majestically in the afternoon sun, barely waving from the slightest of breezes.

  He was interested in Melanie, only her. He needed to look at her, for she and she alone had kept him alive for the past year, as he’d barely escaped the pirate ship that enslaved him. All he could think of was the beautiful young woman who stood before him, the woman he had always loved. Her quiet, charming beauty flowed about her, as she wrapped her arms about him, hanging on to him, as though afraid he might disappear into thin air.

  Her blue eyes sparkled with life and promise. Her long golden curls touched his cheek as he pulled her up and against him once more. She didn't resist him but rallied in his hunger for her.

  He heard her soft moan and delighted in it, for it told him she enjoyed it as much as he did.

  He tried dutifully to pay attention to his aging father who stood in the distance watching, but there would be time for that later. He suddenly shivered, but quickly dismissed it as he squeezed Melanie’s hand. Obviously content to be wrapped in his protective arms, she gently sighed.

  It was several minutes before they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes once more. His eyes traveled her hungrily, making her blush from his intense glance. She was more beautiful than he remembered if that were possible.

  "What are you staring at?"

  "You were worth waiting for, my love. I'm afraid if I blink you might disappear."

  She blushed shyly at him.

  "And your kisses tell me everything I need to know." He almost laughed as he tucked her against him and led the way across the yard to his father who glanced curiously at them. Leaving the shade of the huge oak tree that framed the lovely lawn of Golden Manor, he reached for his fat
her's hand. "Father…" he acknowledged with a slight smile and a firm shake, easily holding Melanie at his side all the while. He wouldn't let her go, no matter what. He'd earned this welcome and he was soaking it in for later.

  He amazed himself at how easy it was to accept this welcome.

  George Burleson Armstrong stood with a crooked smile and an unlit cigar in his hand. "Son…you shouldn't kiss a woman that thoroughly with a shadow on your cheek, you've ravaged her pink cheeks. Although, I can't say she seemed to mind. I see you still wear your uniform."

  Joe smiled, and squeezed Melanie's arm.

  "I'm sorry father; I had no other clothes at the time, no money, so I couldn't buy anything on the way home." Joe pulled Melanie closer, feeling the brush of her curls against his arm. Her lovely full breast heaved against him when she sighed. He secretly wished he could pillow his head there. He could barely control himself he wanted her so. She swayed with her every move; inviting his attentions.

  The pleasure of having her by his side outnumbered the reasons for guilt. He’d dreamed of such a homecoming. How could he dare wake up now?

  His mind blanked out everything, but the lovely woman who continued to press herself against him, making his body react quite naturally. His mind whirled with the implications her body invited.

  "I've never seen you in that uniform. Despite the color, it becomes you." George frowned at him. "But I must admit I'm glad you are home again. Glad both my boys are comin' home…" George frowned into the sunlight. "It took the devil himself to find the two of you. Even though, the war is over, some of those prison ships were hard to reach. It took months of writing letters to obtain releases. However were you captured by those scoundrels?"

  "They weren't prison ships father, they were pirates? They had absolutely nothing to do with the war we fought." Joe gulped wishing he had more time to relish the feel of Melanie in his arms without mention of his struggles with the pirates and the war. Although knowing that his brother was coming home was enough to celebrate. The pirates had captured Sam too. "I'm afraid our celebration of the end of the war caused an exuberant amount of drinking. In short, we drank too much and let our guard down father, like everyone else at the time. We were shanghaied."

  "Yes well, I'm anxious to hear about how that all came about, son, but it can wait."

  "Have you had word of Sam yet?"

  "No…not as yet, but they'll be releasing him before long, I'm sure. I managed to arrange for the release of you both, but I doubt he'll be in as good a shape as you…." George beamed at his son. "I fear he hasn't been treated as well. They said there were naturally injuries aboard the ship. It led me to believe he was not n the best of conditions."

  "Did they? How astute of them. I guess Sam picked a fine time to become a rebel." Joe frowned. "You'd have been proud of Sam, Father. He took many beatings, for standing up for what is right."

  When his father eyed him, he glanced at him again.

  "Is his injuries life threatening in any way? Or do you know?" Joe asked, concern lacing his voice for his twin brother. "The last time I saw him, he wasn't in good condition, and he was thrown to the bowels of the ship for throwing the slop they called food at an officer. So many of us applauded him, I thought they would throw us all to the sharks. But someone had to do the rowing."

  "I wish I could have seen that. It's hard to believe Sam was that aggressive. I guess the war has changed you both in some ways." George mused. "They wouldn't give the particulars, but I think he is in some sort of hospital as we speak."

  "I pray for his safe return."

  "As we all do."

  Joe remained calm, all the while his heart raced for fear his brother might have met a terrible fate. Still, He refused to dwell on Sam right now. After those torrid kisses, he'd do anything to keep Melanie right beside him.

  Guilt speared through him shortly, but again he refused to accept that guilt just yet. If their scheme was to work, he must put aside the guilt and carry on. After all, the schemes between he and his brother must remain silent if they were to work for them.

  But now, they could both have what they wanted through a daring plan his brother had agreed upon before they'd even left for the war.

  In the end, they would both get what they wanted, so they had to see this through.

  Grateful he’d taken the time to clean up before coming home he kept Melanie close to him. He had spent an hour in a bathhouse to freshen up, and the captain on the pirate ship had given him his old uniform as he was leaving the ship. He remembered looking back, wondering where his brother was and when he might leave too

  When they captured them, they had stripped them of their clothes and handed them dirty rags to wear. The captain had saved their uniforms though. Joe wore the uniform home and he had many who looked angrily at him as he made his way back south. He'd prepared himself for their insults.

  He understood their anger, but he'd chosen wisely, he believed. Although he loved his home, the south had been wrong and he knew it

  "You won't be needing those uniforms for a long while…," the Captain had laughed when his men had meticulously disrobed them, making them a prized display on the top deck.

  A sense of guilt and regrets lingered in his mind. Still he had to remind himself he was celebrating and that he had a right to be thankful. He couldn't enjoy this day if his mind kept wandering to the past.

  However, something deep within him told him he should confess his sin at least to Melanie. Still, it was simply too soon, to worry over it and he wanted to enjoy this day above all. He forced the guilt to the rear of his mind.

  Melanie glanced at the uniform and smiled sadly, "You look very handsome."

  "That's kind of you Melanie…" He remembered how upset she'd been when he had decided to fight for the north. Now, she was erasing that memory, replacing them with better ones.

  He felt his confidence growing by the minute.

  On the ship, the rags they gave them stunk, and in time began to rot, from the filth of never being able to bath. He would remember that stench no more. He would forget the rats that crawled upon his legs as darkness overtook them. He would forget the fear that rose like bile in his throat that first night when they crawled all over him. He laid so still afraid the least movement and they might bite him. Many died from those bites. He would forget about the beatings and the ill treatment, he was home safe now, and those were but memories he wanted to forget.

  Strangely enough, the memories of the pirate ship were worse than the ones from the war, and lingered to haunt him. Despite the fact that the last months of the war had been pure hell…and so many had died…

  Many days the burial detail to which he was a part of, lasted longer than the battle itself. The land had been soaked with blood.

  He shook himself. He had to stop remembering things.

  He glanced around the plantation, watching the Negroes in the fields gathering the cotton for market. "You haven't freed them?" Joe asked as he turned his attention to his father for a moment.

  George Armstrong's harsh glance bore into his son. Something in his father's expression warned him to be concerned.

  "I've given them their papers. However, most wanted to stay on. It was a mutual decision. I've never mistreated them, as you well know. Most of them were not anxious to strike out on their own. After all, this place has become a home to them. I've never mistreated them, that's why it was hard to accept you fighting for the north. I never realized until you joined the union how strongly you felt about things, son. Although I respect your decision, I can't say I'll ever understand it."

  Joe nodded, although he could see the concern in his father's face. "That should make you feel proud father that they chose to stay."

  Joe ignored his father's regret.

  "Yes well, I only lost a handful of them. But it is difficult to be short handed at picking time. However, when I announced their freedom they seemed to put more effort in their work around here too. Of course I give them a meag
er salary now, nothing close to what I'd have to pay a white man to do their work, but they are happy."

  "A meager salary, that's rather generous of you." Joe asked trying to keep the sting out of his words. "Perhaps you should hire more."

  His father stared at him. "Quite possibly, yes."

  "But you let them stay…"

  "I wanted them to stay. If for no other reason but I'd have to train a new crew. Besides, they are still cheaper than any white labor I could find. And after so long a time a certain amount of trust has been earned. Still, the south is broke from this senseless war. And what has been accomplished? The slaves want to stay. Therefore, there is little change. I fail to see where the north won much."

  "Well…but we are one country, once more, aren't we father?"

  George bowed his head and nodded. "I suppose so…"

  "Perhaps here there was little change, but in other places father, there were a lot of changes. I think a man's freedom to choose is a big change. Other plantation owners were not as kind as you. But let's not talk politics now. This is a day of celebration." Joe smiled at Melanie who was listening intently.

  There was a lot of work to be done. Yet a man could be happy, working, as long as he had the right woman by his side, Joe decided quickly.

  However, his father looked a bit skeptical as Joe hung on to Melanie so. Therefore, that look in his father's eye now, warned him to be diligent of the task before him.

  Joe had suffered the ship time, but he'd suffer many more just to have Melanie in his arms. He'd done nothing but think of her since he left. The sweet memory of her kept him alive all that time. He endured his fate well.

  The word slave to him was evil and he wished somehow he could erase the memory of it, from the south. Still, looking out over the fields he realized that these people had willingly stayed here, instead of moving on. He was certain they were just too afraid to strike out on their own. Most of them had been slaves too long. Their sudden freedom offered them a certain insecurity they did not relish, which was understandable.


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