Hope Falls: Hidden Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Hope Falls: Hidden Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8

by Nana Malone

  When she’d left him earlier, she was headed to Sam's to say goodbye to her friend. He used the time to do the one thing he promised her that he wouldn't.

  He would just have to hope that she would understand. He wasn't betraying her trust. He was trying to help her. She was so stuck in her fear she couldn’t see a way out. If he could give her that way out, he was going to.

  His boss, Andrew Wilkinson, answered on the first ring. "Axel, you shouldn’t be calling me for another three days. What gives? I already told you, I'm not putting you under cover again until you’ve had a little R&R."

  "Relax, Wilkinson. I'm not calling to ask for another assignment. I’m actually calling for a favor."

  There is a moment of hesitation. "You don't ask for favors. I thought that was part of your mantra. You don't like to owe anyone."

  That was true. "Well, this isn’t for me."

  "Okay, what gives?"

  "You remember the Sytel Development case? Closed about three years ago. Case originated in Denver. Went nationwide. The CEO had tried to frame one of his developers."

  On the other end, he could hear Andrew typing furiously. Finally, his mentor said, "Yes, I see the case. Some girl. Person of interest. We got the conviction, for ten years without her testimony. But, if she came forward and provided new testimony, we might be able to tack on more years to the sentence. Why, do you want the case? I have to tell you, the trail has gone cold. It’s going to be a bitch. And frankly, I don’t really see missing persons as your thing. Though you never let shit go, so you might be a good fit."

  "Thanks, but that's not why I'm calling. So, if we did find Cara Jensen, what would be on the table for her? Protective custody? Would there be charges against her?" He was unsure of the answer and that made him uneasy. He stepped out onto the back porch for some fresh air and prayed the response would be what he needed.

  His boss was silent for a moment. "No. Not likely any charges. Except neglecting to show for her subpoena. But that's minor, we can get that dropped." He took a deep breath. "I'm about to go out on a limb here and ask the question. If the answer is yes, say nothing. If the answer is no, then just come out and say it. Have you found the girl?"

  Axel ignored him. "If I could bring her in. She's going to need protective custody. I could handle most of that. But it has to be strictly need to know. Someone posing as FBI tried to kill her."

  His boss swore softly. "Tell me you're shitting me. Tell me you are fucking shitting me."

  "I'm not." Axel gave him the full download that he got from Cara. It wasn't much. It was all he could do. When he hung up with Andrew, he ran his hands through his hair. He prayed to God he was doing the right thing. He trusted Andrew with his life. And in so many cases, the other man had saved his life. He just prayed that Andrew could help him save Cara's, too.

  Cara froze in the living room. If we did find the girl, Cara Jenson, what would be on the table for her? The bottom falling out of her whole world.

  She strained to hear more but his voice became muffled Axel had called it in? After he’d promised that he wouldn't. They were supposed to have one more day together. And then he was going to give her a head start. That was the plan. But it looked like he’d ditched plan. And now she needed to go.

  Quietly, she backed out of the living room, careful to avoid the stair that creaked. Before he could come back, she was out the front door and running for Sam's. She left her bike chained to the side fence. After all, she didn't need it where she was going. And she was so damn relived that she'd moved her go money to Sam's.

  The summer heat made her sweat, and the fear and panic had her heart beating too fast, too wildly. But it was only two miles to Sam's and she'd practiced this worst-case scenario enough times. Sam was at the boutique, so Cara didn’t have time so say goodbye. Again not part of the plan.

  Damn it, why did Axel have to call it in?

  He cared about her. She'd seen it. She'd felt it. Like an idiot, she had fallen for him and he'd turned her in. He’d done the one thing that would put her life in danger.

  Do not think about that now. Just go. You can think through it all and cry through it all once you're on the road. Move. She did everything by rote. Changed her clothes, left all vestiges of Corin Michaels behind. In less than twenty minutes she was Cara Jensen again and being in her own skin felt alien for the first time.

  She was leaving Hope Falls. She was leaving her home. All because she'd fallen in love with the wrong man.

  No time for tears. Time to run.

  She took the path behind Sam's house, across the field to the abandoned garage on Mill Creek Road. She was in her nameless, faceless sedan in less than minutes. She ignored the pang of pain in her gut as she drove away from the home she'd made for herself.

  She couldn’t look back, because if she did, she’d give in to her broken heart and go back to him.


  Where the hell was she?

  Axel checked his watch again. Not that he was keeping an eye out for her or anything. Like a teenager staring at his phone.

  God damn it. He was so damn pathetic. No. You just like her. Axel was terrified. He more than liked her. It was too easy being with her. Simple. He liked waking up with her tucked into his side. He loved hearing her whisper to him as he fell asleep at night. It had only been a few days. Shit.

  Who are you kidding? It had been over a year. One night in a bar, and he was hooked. One kiss and he hadn’t been able to forget her taste? Yeah, he had problems.

  First and foremost, where the hell was she? He’d already checked her place, twice. He’d called over to Sam's, but Sam wasn't home, and the café said she left work hours ago. So where was she? She was an hour late. Maybe she’d stopped off to run errands?

  He called, but the calls kept going straight to voicemail. Maybe her phone was off? Or her battery had died. They were all a matter of perfectly reasonable excuses as to why she wasn’t picking up or calling to tell him that she was going to be late.

  Axel wiped his palms on his jeans and paced the length of the living room. The house was looking in great shape. He'd stripped up the ugly ass carpet, and polished the floors today. The place would be ready to rent in no time. So how come with the house in shape, his heart felt in turmoil?

  Something was wrong. Everything with the two of them this morning had been great. He'd been on the verge of asking her to come with him to San Diego. She needed a fresh start. But he didn’t want to spook her. He didn't want to say anything until it was all set, but God, to have her in San Diego with him, he needed that. The loneliness wouldn’t gnaw at him everyday.

  For the first time in his life, he wasn't terrified of commitment. He wasn't afraid of being locked in, and locked down. He wanted her in his life. He wanted her to be part of his life. But now she was running. You don’t know that.

  And then it hit him. The idiot who’d broken into her house. Maybe he was out? He sent Bo a quick text.

  Axel: That douche bag still in jail?

  He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Bo to reply back.

  Bo: The one that broke into Corin's place? Yeah, he’s still in jail. Something wrong?

  Just how the hell was Axel to answer that? 'Hey big brother, you know that kid who’s renting a place from us, well, he’s this sexy girl, and she's currently on the run. Her identity was fake.' While Bo was far more lax and laid-back than he was, his brother would freak the fuck out.

  Hell, part of him was still freaking the fuck out about the whole situation. His brain was so focused on a solution for her. Not just for her, but for them. If Axel could get that monkey off her back, then the two of them could actually start something. Something real. And he really wanted that.

  Fuck it, he was going to Sam's.

  He hopped in his car and drove at dangerous speeds, even for him. He was parked in front of Sam's house in less than five minutes. The lights were on in the living room, so he knew she was home. He threw the car to park and jogged up t
he front steps. He needn't have bothered knocking because the door opened right away. "Axel? What's the matter? What are you doing here?"

  "I'm looking for Cara. She here? She was due at my place an hour ago. But she's not answering her phone and the café said she left ages ago, but I don't know where she is."

  Sam blinked up at him slowly. "W — what do you mean Cara?"

  Axel shook his head. He didn't have time to play games. "I know Cara is Corin. I know you helped her hide in plain sight. Thank you for that. For helping keep her safe, I'm grateful."

  Sam's eyes bugged. "Jesus Christ, how long have you known?"

  He shrugged. "Not long, I knew that something was off. I figured out her secret about a week after I got home. That she was Cara, not until a few nights ago. Sam, I need your help. I don't know where she is."

  Sam frowned. "It's not like her to not check-in. When did you guys come clean and everything?"

  "The other day. Any idea where she might've gone? I'm worried."

  Her friend’s brow furrowed. "Look, if she wants to be found. She will. Maybe she left."

  "Damn it." He ran his hand through his hair. "She wasn’t supposed to go yet. I was trying to help her fix her whole situation. To fix this."

  Sam crossed her arms. "Fix this?"

  "Look, I made some calls. Inquiries. I have a way out for her."

  "Axel. You should know by now, she doesn't want anyone to fix her life for her. She is finding a way to do that on her own. Maybe she found out you butted in and left?"

  He shook his head. “She wouldn't do that. We were —" You what? Were falling in love? Damn it. Why did his chest hurt?

  "You really care about her, don't you?"

  He nodded. "I do. I’m concerned. Do you mind calling, I think she’ll take your call?"

  Sam rolled her eyes, but nevertheless, strolled into the living room for her phone. Axel watched as she scrolled through her favorites and called Cara. He turned on the pairing app on his phone and waited patiently. Sam wasn’t on the phone long. But it was long enough.

  “I think she's ditched her phone. It just told me her number was out of service."

  What had changed? "Fuck. She really is gone." The anger warred with impatience as he waited for his phone to pair with hers. He figured by now that Cara had ditched the phone she was using. But, he really didn't care about that. She would call her friend. And when she did, Axel was going to find her.

  "Look, go home, get some rest. Maybe she’ll call. Maybe she'll change her mind and come back. Right now, she isn’t here, and she's not reachable."

  He nodded. Oh she’d call all right. And he would be waiting to talk some sense into her when she did.

  You panicked too soon.

  Cara paced outside the bookstore in North Park in San Diego where she’d just bought her new phone. Maybe she had freaked. Maybe she'd overreacted. Maybe she should go back.

  No. No going back now. Corin Michaels is gone. Welcome to Cecelia Goldsmith. She wasn't a fan of the name. But, it was the last fully-fledged ID she had. When she got a little more settled. She would need to at least create another one. A more permanent one. But this would have to do for now.

  Wouldn't it be nice to use your own name?

  No. She couldn't believe Axel would do that to her. She couldn’t believe that because of what he done, she hadn't been able to say goodbye. He’d gone behind her back and done exactly what she asked him not to do. She didn't really have any other choice. It wasn't like she could choose her heart over her safety.

  Because at the end of the day. She did care about him. No, you dummy, love him. What? Yes, she'd been more than a little obsessed with him when she met him. That night at the bar but love, that wasn't even possible. They've only really known each other a couple of weeks.

  Anything is possible. Well, going back was impossible. Staying with him, wasn't possible so, the best she could do in this situation, was call her best friend, the woman who had saved her ass, and say goodbye. She’d wanted to do this in person, but Axel hadn’t given her the chance.

  She stared at the phone for a moment, but then just gave in and dialed the number she knew by heart.

  Sam was quick to answer. "Hello?"


  "Cara? Oh my God. Are you okay? Where are you? Wait, don't answer that. Do you know how worried I've been about you? You left early. I mean, what the hell is that about? You promised we would have a girl’s night, and then you bailed."

  Cara sighed. "I'm really sorry about that. It couldn't be helped. You know if I could I would have stayed to say goodbye."

  Sam's voice was even more frantic now. "What do you mean you couldn't? Did someone find you? Axel showed up here and —"

  Cara gripped the phone tightly. "Wait, he showed up at your place?" Of course, he’d shown up. Probably to arrest her, or take her in. He'd left Sam alive so it was very unlikely he intended to kill her himself. No. That wasn't Axel. He was very by the book. He believed in what he did. And aiding and abetting a person of interest to the FBI had probably been eating at him for days. Still though, it was her decision to make. He’d made her a promise, and broken it.

  "Yeah, showed up here all worried about you. I swear, the man was beside himself. And very demanding. I might add. He wanted to know where you’d gone. Why you would go without saying goodbye. Dammit, Cara. He looked like a man in love who just lost the woman he loved."

  The slice of pain pierced her heart. He does not love you. She needed to know that. She would only hurt herself if she let that be a possibility. "Damn, I'm not talking about him. I just called to apologize. To say I’m sorry for leaving so quickly. But it was unavoidable."

  "Fine, I'll buy that, if that's what you're selling. And you know you don't have to apologize to me. I know how it is. I know that you always do what you need to do. I want you to stay as safe as possible. If you're safe now, then I'm glad you ran. All I’m saying is maybe you give Axel a call because the man was desperate."

  Cara scoffed. "He's the reason I ran a day early. I heard him on the phone with someone from the FBI. He said my name. I didn't stick around to see if the hit squad would come, I just booked."

  Sam cursed under her breath. "Oh, for the love of God. I'm going to kick his ass."

  "Well, get in line," Cara said. "If he cared about me and wasn’t intentionally trying to get me killed, he might have still made the call for a career boost. His damn job is extremely important to him."

  Sam was silent for a moment. "Okay, look, I'm pissed off at the guy. Because of him, my friend is gone, but, I don't think so. Honestly, you should've seen his face. He was freaked out that something happened to you. I don't think he would've said something just for a career feather. He also said he was working on something that would get you free."

  Cara's heart rate picked up. What? Was that what he'd been doing? Finding a way so she didn't have to run anymore. That would just be — wait. Don't believe it. He was trying to find her. He would've said anything to Sam to get her friend to give her up.

  Except, there was a part of her that wanted to believe he was trying to help her. That wanted to believe that so desperately her heart squeezed. He had come for her. And maybe he cared about her.

  As much as her heart wanted to believe, her mind shut down that line of thought. Real quick. No. This is about survival. Regardless of whether or not what Sam said was true, it was safer for her to run. Safer for her to hide. She couldn’t go back to him. There would be no going back to Hope Falls.

  "Sam. Look, I love you more than I love cake."

  Her friend laughed at their familiar exchange. "I love you more than I love pie. And that's a lot."

  "I’ll see you around, Sam. Thank you." And then she hung up, her heart breaking.


  This was his fault. She'd run because of him. Ever since Axel had heard Cara and Sam’s conversation yesterday, he’d been ill. Because of him, he never got to say how he felt about her. Thanks to him, she’d run,
possibly without any of her usual safety precautions. He prayed she was okay.

  As luck would have it, she may have run from him, but she'd run right into his arms. He been flabbergasted to find out she went right to San Diego. He couldn't remember if he’d mentioned it in passing, but he certainly never told her that's where he was stationed with the FBI.

  Matter of fact, in the two days they had together, that had been part of the arrangement. No talking about any place he actually lived, and no talking about any place she might actually end up. God, that was so stupid. And it was stupid for him not to tell her right away that he was going to make some casual inquiries. He taken her trust and trampled it. But he was going to fix this.

  She was his. She just didn't know it.

  Axel had spent the last two days poring over the files from her case. Her original deposition, the mostly circumstantial evidence they had found on her that was contradicted by the actual hard proof she had. And most importantly, it had been three years. Landon Price had been convicted. He was the rightful guilty party.

  Axel slid his glance over to the passenger seat, and stared at the manila envelope. He’d had to sell his soul and cash in any and all political clout he had at the Bureau, but he done it.

  He gotten her freedom. She can return to her normal life if she wanted. Whatever the hell that meant these days. She’d been running for so long, she likely had no idea how to stop. Well, once he apologized, he’d also offer to help with that. He had an idea or two about how to ease her transition.

  That's if she lets you in the door.

  He'd fucked up and he was prepared to grovel. All he'd been doing was trying to protect her. Trying to help. But he'd done it his way. As always, he'd assumed he knew the best thing to do and disregarded all other information. Bo was right. And he was going to fix it. Because, fuck, he loved her and he didn't want to lose her.

  Love. How fucking crazy was that? He'd gone and fallen in love with her. And, the kicker was, he was pretty damn happy about it. He just hoped that she'd forgive him.


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