Breach of Trust

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Breach of Trust Page 12

by Kimber Chin

  A buzz of unease rippled through the group as that last bit about trust was absorbed. Whether it was the truth or not, Anne appreciated the words.

  "We all know that our CEO isn't thinking clearly at the moment.” The way Kevin's eyes roamed up and down her communicated what he thought Philippe was thinking of.

  Anne felt a rush of noise in her ears as her temper raised. How dare the man treat her like some executive-chasing bimbo. She was so overcome with rage that she didn't hear the click of the door behind her.

  "Mister Maple, are you daring to question our CEO's leadership?” Anne demanded, thumping her fist so hard upon the table that the pens rattled.

  The room went deathly quiet, silent except for the whirl of the ac unit. Kevin's already pale face whitened a couple more shades and his mouth moved compulsively.

  "Answer the question, Kevin,” Philippe's demand made Anne jump. How long had he been standing behind her? Anne didn't dare look at him. She continued staring straight ahead.

  "I'm not,” Kevin mumbled as he sat down, deflated and defeated.

  Philippe hadn't been there for anything but Anne's last passionate declaration over his leadership. However, a quick look around the room made the situation vividly clear to him. Participants were visibly uncomfortable. Kevin glared at Anne. Anne glared right back. Philippe now appreciated Gregory's warning about Kevin and this meeting. That he planned to ensure Anne wouldn't make a run for Kevin's own position.

  Not that she would ever consider taking that position. And not that she couldn't handle the confrontation. Kevin might be bigger and louder but Anne ... Anne was a true leader. She would win by sheer force of will. And VP or no VP, Philippe was certain that Anne had been one step away from telling Kevin to leave the boardroom.

  She shouldn't have to. Her temporary appointment was Philippe's decision. His staff should accept any rearrangement of hierarchy, at least publicly. And that Kevin badmouthed Philippe, his own CEO, in his attempt to bring Anne down didn't please Philippe either. Philippe had zero tolerance for betrayal.

  "I'm disappointed that Miss James had to ask that question. Non, more than disappointed, embarrassed.” Philippe propped his fist knuckles down on the table and leaned forward, glaring at Kevin. The tall man visibly shrunk in front of him. “My first duty is and has always been to this company. If you doubt that, then I, frankly, doubt your judgment.” Philippe paused, looking around the room, ensuring that everyone was on board. There were wide-eyed nods and some deep throat swallowing, his staff not having seen him this angry in a while.

  "As for the question of Miss James’ leadership, as a personal favor to me, this businesswoman rearranged duties at her own very successful company, loaning us her skills. Finely honed skills acquired by years of experience.” Philippe played up Anne's background. “Miss James, how many business plans have you evaluated?"

  "Thousands,” the word was rock steady, her eyes trained on Kevin.

  My little brown sparrow has her feathers up. Philippe would have chuckled at the sight but he was too damn angry. “Thousands, far more than I've looked at. Certainly far more than Kevin has had even cross his desk.” Philippe made it clear that he hadn't forgotten about the backstabbing executive. “And we will be using Miss James’ skills to benefit Lamont Ventures, albeit for too short a duration. I'm honored and grateful for this gift. I know that she will treat any project member at Lamont with as much respect as her own employees. It's only right that we return that respect."

  Anne didn't turn her head but Philippe thought her clenched jaw relaxed a little. She is a warrior, this one. Quiet normally, but well able to smite her enemies down.

  "But that isn't why I joined you this afternoon.” Philippe forced a smile to his face. He wouldn't leave the meeting on a down note. “This is a happy time. I understand that Lamont Ventures has an opportunity to add yet another member to our family. I'm counting on this team, under the guidance of Miss James, to carefully evaluate and prepare recommendations. I will, as usual, base my final decision on your analysis. Remember, you're driving the direction of the company and for that, I thank you."

  Ending there and without another word to Anne, Philippe left the room, stalking back to his office to fully vent his fury. By the subdued atmosphere in the office, the feeble smile on Sylvie's face, the news of his reprimand had already spread.

  Good. Then there shouldn't be any surprises when the restructuring news is posted.

  Kevin would have to go. That this happened wasn't a shock to Philippe. He never trusted the Vice-president. Oui, he had a great resume. Oui, he came to the company with impeccable references. Oui, he was well educated, a Harvard man. But Philippe never felt comfortable with him. He felt obliged to look over the executive's shoulder.

  Now Philippe knew why. Once again, his gut proved correct, as it had with the little brown sparrow. The memory of Anne thumping her tiny fist on the boardroom table made his mood lighten. She was such a fighter. Oui, his dear Anne was the bright spot in the meeting. Not only had she not tolerated disloyalty to herself but she hadn't tolerated it to Philippe. There was no question, she was a strong woman, a good alliance. An alliance he planned to strengthen.

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  "If you stare at her with any more heat, Philippe, she'll burst into flames.” Angela McKenzie studied Philippe's prey, with discerning blue eyes.

  "You're not supposed to notice, mon ange. This is a business function, se comprendre.” Philippe watched as Anne laughed at something the taller blonde woman said. The blonde was pretty and she arrived with Anne so they must be friends. She didn't interest him though.

  Anne had his full attention. She was dressed all in black, as were most of the attendees at this IPO celebration, but even with her lack of color, she drew his eye.

  "And how,” Angela took a sip of her champagne. “does she know your entrepreneur, I wonder?” Anne kissed and hugged the man enthusiastically, communicating to all that they were well acquainted. Understandable. She worked on his business plan.

  "It's her job,” Philippe quipped with an elusive smile.

  "Then I see I have been remiss in mine. I should have solved this mystery sooner,” and off the determined Angela went to join the group.

  Philippe stayed put, watching the commotion from a safe distance. The blonde mystery woman broke from the group, making a run for the bar. He took the opportunity to find out her connection, to learn more about his Anne.

  He was granted a sunny smile, touchingly familiar, as he approached the woman. That was all he needed to make his intro. “You're a friend of Anne's, aren't you?"

  "Actually, I'm her younger sister.” The voice was perky with remnants of Anne woven into it. “Ginette James, Ginny to friends."

  This was the sister she always talked about? They were so very different, barely a resemblance. A shame, but proving his point, Anne was truly one of a kind. Philippe took Ginny's offered hand and kissed it, winking teasingly. “Anne's sister? Then I hope to be a bon ami, a good friend. Philippe Lamont."

  "Oh, I've heard of you. You're Anne's boss,” the blonde beauty proclaimed.

  "Amongst other things.” Philippe made his position clear, glancing across the room. Anne watched them, an unreadable expression on her face. As soon as he made eye contact, she turned away.

  He frowned. That was out of character.

  "Really.” Ginny curled her arm around his. “I didn't know. Anne doesn't talk about that with me."

  No wondering why. Her overflowing bosom pressed against his body and Philippe tactfully stepped away. “I'm her nasty little secret."

  "Not so nasty.” Blue eyes devoured him. He felt dirty from the experience, like it was one of his own sisters ogling him. “And I would never keep you a secret."

  "You and your sister are different,” Philippe attempted to clarify. Very different.

  "Some would say that the newest version is an improvement.” She ran a red tipped nail down his arm

  Merde. Rudeness was the only solution to this problem. “Some would say that the quality drops."

  Full lips curled in a childish pout and Philippe glanced away. How anyone found that attractive, he had no idea. Ginny laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly. “You'll do, Mister Lamont, you'll do."

  "Excusez-moi?” What is going on now?

  "Do you find me attractive?” Ginny batted heavily darkened eyelashes at him.

  Two months ago, maybe. Now ... “Non, I don't,” was his blunt reply.

  "And you like my sister?” At Philippe's tentative nod, she continued, “Thank goodness. I thought Anne would never find a man worthy of her."

  "You were testing me.” His mouth dropped at the notion. Did Anne know her little sister did this? From his sparrow's flushed cheeks, he would say no.

  "Don't get upset, Mister Lamont.” Ginny's blue eyes danced merrily. “You passed with flying colors. Most men would have caved at the full frontal press."

  He wasn't most men. “It was impressive.” Philippe laughed at her audacity. Maybe there was a bit of Anne in her. “You must really love your sister."

  "Oh, I do, not that you're unattractive.” Seeing his chagrin, she hastened to add. “But I'd never date someone who dropped my sister like that. I learned that lesson years ago."

  Dropped Anne? That sweet sexy girl? Men could be such fools.

  "So?” Her blonde head tilted, an Anne mannerism.

  "So?” he repeated. What did Ginny want now?

  She wrapped her arm around his again. “So what do you need to know to impress my overly discerning, older sister?"

  * * * *

  If looks could kill, there would be two less people in the world. Anne glared vehemently at the couple. She didn't expect Ginny to act any differently; she always hit on the one man in the room Anne was interested in. But Philippe, well, Philippe disappointed her. She thought that he was different. Clearly he wasn't. Just like the rest, that bastard.

  "They make a cute couple.” Ms. McKenzie drew nearer.

  Anne played ignorant. “Who?"

  "Philippe and that pretty blonde girl.” The angel investor waved in their vicinity.

  "That pretty blonde girl is my sister.” Anne sniffed. “And I didn't notice."

  "Of course you didn't, child.” Her shoulder was given a squeeze.

  "I'm not a child.” The protest was weak. Anne felt more childish by the minute, one of her childish impulses to pull Ginny's long blonde hair.

  "No, you're not, Anne James,” the gray haired sophisticate agreed. “You're Philippe's ace in the hole, the mysterious business plan coach feeding him all those delicious opportunities."

  And you too, but Ms. McKenzie hadn't figured that out and Anne wouldn't enlighten her.

  "I'm correct, aren't I?"

  "I might have tossed a couple his way.” Anne took a gulp of her screwdriver cocktail. She didn't normally drink at business events. Tonight was proving to be an exception.

  "And now you're working for him full time."

  Anne's eyes flitted over to the couple by the bar. Why was Ginny standing so close to Philippe and why was he letting her?

  "Working for him temporarily,” Anne murmured. If she had known...

  "Really?” Ms. McKenzie's face lit up.

  Ginny touched Philippe's arm again and Anne couldn't stand it anymore. “If you'll excuse me, Ms. McKenzie, there is someone I need to talk to."

  "About time,” she heard the businesswoman say, as Anne set down her drink and crossed the room.

  Anne ignored the welcoming smile on Philippe's face as she approached, ignored the way his brown eyes glowed, ignored the way he made her feel. She would deal with him later. Right now, Ginny was her focus. Her sister foolishly beamed at her, her perfect complexion glowing, unaware of the pain she was causing.

  "Sister dear, may I speak to you a moment?” Anne's voice was dead steady.

  "Of course, Annie. Philippe, it's been a pleasure.” Ginny then had the nerve to kiss Philippe's cheek, Philippe's, her man's cheek. He was her man. Didn't Ginny know that? Or hadn't Philippe told her?

  "The pleasure was all mine, Ginny.” Philippe flipped a business card in his hand. “I have your number. I'll give you a call and let you know how things are going."

  Great, he had her number already.

  "I'd like that.” A furious Anne didn't stick around to hear the rest of Ginny's reply. She turned on her heel and strode so quickly, it was almost a run, out the door.

  Anne kept walking until she was well outside, stalking around the brightly lit gardens of the convention site, gulping deep breaths of the cool night air. The room had been so suffocating, she thought she would pass out.

  "Anne?” Ginny's voice trembled a bit. She should be worried. Anne had never been so angry before. “What's wrong?"

  "What's wrong? What's wrong?” Anne chopped the air with her hands. “What's wrong with you, Ginny? Don't you have enough men? Do you have to flirt with every man I like too? Do you?” Her eyes filled with tears and Anne blinked them away.

  Ginny's mouth opened and closed and then opened again. “I'm doing you a favor, Annie. If they cared for you..."

  "Cared for me? They don't have time to care for me.” Anne felt like screaming. “You start off where it takes me weeks to get to, freely handing everything to them, like a gift, all pretty bows and wrapping paper. How can they resist?"


  "I care for Philippe, a lot.” Anne was overwhelmed, so very overwhelmed. “But we've only known each other two months. He hasn't had time to build up feelings for me. If I knew..."

  "If you knew, what?” Ginny threw her shoulders back. “Would you keep him a secret, from your own sister? Well, congrats, you did! How's that supposed to make me feel? When I go to a party and find out my sister has a boyfriend?"

  "Figures. Me, me, me. That's all you think about. Well, I was thinking of you too. I didn't bring you here to pick up men, Ginny,” Anne yelled back, “I brought you here so you could build contacts, build your business."

  "You shouldn't have bothered,” Ginny spat out, “I can build my own business, thank you very much."

  "Right.” Anne snorted. Everyone knew start-ups need help.

  "Right.” Her sister's eyes sparkled. “Just because I'm not the smart one.” She acted out smart one having finger quotes around the words. “Or let's be honest, shall we? Just because I'm the dumb one."

  "You're not the dumb one,” Anne corrected her. Anne was labeled the smart one because, well, she certainly wasn't the pretty one but that didn't mean Ginny was dumb, not by any stretch of the imagination.

  "Don't patronize me, Anne. I know I'm not as smart as you.” Ginny sniffed. “But that's okay. I don't need your charity, Miss Successful Business Hot Shot. You can keep your hoity-toity big-money friends. I'm going home."

  "Ginny.” Anne held up a hand to stop her but then dropped it again. She knew from experience that it was better to let her go. Ginny's snit would blow over soon enough.

  "Oh and by the way, smartie pants, two months is long enough to build up feelings. Philippe turned me down flat.” Her sister flung the words over her shoulder as she stomped away.

  Anne rubbed her temples. What was happening to her? Blowing things out of proportion, so unlike her. Ginny loved her in her own crazy way. And what had she said about Philippe? About turning her beautiful sister down flat? That would be a first. If that was possible, could it also be possible that he had deeper feelings than simple lust for Anne? She would ask him, clear the air.

  Anne re-entered the room, determined to pull Philippe away for a private talk. She arrived in time to see the fabulous Suzanne embrace the venture capitalist in the middle of the crowded party.

  * * * *

  Angela McKenzie wasted no time hustling over to Philippe's side after the two sisters’ stormy exit. Philippe watched her approach him with amusement. “Causing trouble, mon ange?"

  "Truly, Philippe, I d
on't know what game you're running, flirting with one sister in front of the other,” the older woman puffed, her breath a little wheezy from her smoking habit.

  "Is that what it looked like?” He thought he made it clear that he was not.

  "You bad boy, you flirt so naturally that you don't even notice when you are doing it."

  "I suppose.” That troubled him. Philippe didn't want to cause Anne any hurt. He definitely didn't want to cause friction between siblings. He shrugged the concern off. Anne would sort it all out. She was very good at getting misunderstandings out in the open.

  "How long will you need Anne?” Angela lowered her voice so no one else could overhear.

  How long will he need Anne? Years, maybe even decades. It had been two months and that time hadn't even taken the edge off.

  "For business, Philippe. Stay focused,” Angela clarified.

  Oh, that was her angle. She wanted to steal Anne away from him. “I'll let you know when I'm done with her.” He patted her hand.

  Philippe was then treated to Angela's pitch for why she needed Anne's help and what she could offer Philippe in exchange. He suspected Anne would not be pleased with being haggled over like a piece of office equipment.

  Though how she was dressed tonight, hmmm, definitely worth negotiating for. A loose skirt often meant a garter belt, black to match her hose. Black hose, black panties, lace or silk, maybe both.

  "I thought you broke up with that Suzanne woman?” his friend's question breached his very pleasant reverie.

  "I did. Two months ago.” The same night he truly met Anne, Philippe lost all desire for Suzanne.

  "Then what's she doing here?"

  "Pardon?” Philippe's head snapped up, his eyes scanning the room. He didn't have to search far, the woman headed in a beeline toward him. Suzanne was alone, no friends in tow. Especially concerning as there was no one to witness a scene.


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