EMP Lodge Series (Book 2): Dark Hunt

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EMP Lodge Series (Book 2): Dark Hunt Page 1

by Grace Hamilton





  EMP Lodge

  Dark Hunt


  Thank you

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  End of ‘Dark Hunt’


  Thank you!


  Dark Retreat

  Dark Hunt

  Dark Defiance

  Dark Destruction

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2017 Relay Publishing Ltd.

  All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, published, distributed, displayed, performed, copied or stored for public or private use in any information retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, including electronically or digitally on the Internet or World Wide Web, or over any network, or local area network, without written permission of the author.



  In the post-apocalyptic aftermath, Megan Wolford is settling in with her makeshift family at the safe haven of their lodge, but she remains wary of trusting others. Despite her growing feelings for Wyatt Morris, the leader of the group, she still feels most secure on her own. But when she becomes separated from her beloved daughter Caitlin in a storm, Megan is in danger of losing the one thing keeping her fighting to stay alive. Injured and desperate, she must fight every instinct within her to rely on the others for help when they find evidence that Caitlin has been kidnapped.

  Wyatt is determined to do everything he can to bring her home, and he organizes a search party to visit a set of old adversaries in the guise of traders to try and find the missing girl—but Megan would rather take matters into her own hands. With Megan setting off alone to face unknown enemies, she is more vulnerable than ever. When a mysterious stranger known as the Green Woman appears to be a lead in finding Caitlin, she’ll have to track her down.

  Can she put aside her stubborn need for independence and accept help from her newfound community before it’s too late?


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  (EMP Lodge Series Book Two)

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  Megan put her finger to her lips, shushing the group scurrying about gathering supplies. Everyone froze, nodded, and quietly took their designated positions. Megan's heart raced as she peeked out the window.

  They were coming.

  Wyatt had gone over the plan so often over the last few days, she thought she was prepared. She wasn't.

  Rosie was crouched behind the center island in the kitchen with Willow right beside her. Wyatt stood sentry flattened against wall by the front door. When they came through the door, they wouldn't see him until they were practically on him. Albert was hiding in the bedroom, closest to the front door. Chase was crouched on the stairs where he couldn't be seen from the doorway, but would still be able to see Megan signal him.

  Jack had chosen the closet where all of the guns and ammo were stashed to take cover in while Megan stood on the other side of the door. Her hiding spot allowed her to see the entire room. She was in charge of giving the signal to move. Megan held her breath and met Wyatt's cobalt blue eyes. She could stare at his dark blue eyes forever. The black hair, which was a little too long, was falling around his face, making his eyes appear even darker.

  He nodded calmly. The silent move was to settle her nerves enough for her to catch her breath. Over the past few months, she had come to rely on those looks to lift her spirits, calm her nerves or start a fire in the pit of her belly.

  He was the perfect specimen of a man she had told him one night after they had enjoyed a romantic moonlit stroll around the property. He was kind and gentle with her, which was a contradiction to his hard looks. He was her gentle giant and she knew she had fallen head over heels in love with the tall, dark and handsome man.

  Megan looked around the room and thought about how much work had gone into making it such a comfortable place to live. Over the past six months, she and her daughter had been made to feel like a real part of the family instead of outsiders.

  Before the EMP, the world had been hectic and technology driven. Humans spent more time staring at their cell phones and tablets than they did enjoying each other’s company. With no electrical power, the world had reverted to a much simpler life where family and friends were everything. Megan often wondered how she ever thought she’d survive on her own.

  High stress situations always made her reflect on her life. People said their lives flashed before their eyes when they encountered near death experiences. Now, she understood what they were talking about. Times like these always brought out little snapshots of the past flashing through her mind like a slideshow.

  It made her smile.

  Catching herself daydreaming, Megan brought her attention back to the situation at hand. This was it. It was the moment they had been waiting and planning for. Megan closed her eyes, adjusted the hat that was secured on her head, and waited.

  “They're here,” Wyatt whispered to no one in particular.

  Duke barked; sounding the alarm that intruders were coming in.

  “Now!” Wyatt shouted.

  There was a flurry of motion as two people came through the doorway; causing everyone to spring into action at once which, sent Duke into a frantic state of barking and spinning around. He didn't know who to pounce on first.


  Caitlin screamed as all of the adults jumped out of their hiding places. Her best friend and the only kid she knew, Ryland hooted with laughter.

  Megan rushed over to her daughter. Wrapping her arms around her, she squeezed her tight before kissing her forehead.

  “Happy birthday, baby!”

  Caitlin stood in the doorway, looking dumbfounded. Her dark hair was still plastered against her face as she took in long, deep breaths.

  The rest of the group circled around her, hugging her and affectionately rubbing her head.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she exclaimed. “You guys scared me!”

  Ryland was clearly proud of himself, “Gotcha!”

  Everyone burst out laughing. Megan grabbed Caitlin's hand and pulled her to the center of the downstairs living area.

  “Come see!”

  Caitlin's eyes widened at the elaborate decorations that covered the kitchen table. There were paper chains made from magazine pages draped around the table and along the stair rail to
the upstairs. Brightly colored cloths had been cut into strips and hung from the chandelier to resemble streamers. The table was covered with a pretty flowered tablecloth. Pinecones were arranged in a teepee on the table with bits of ribbon wrapped around the centerpiece.

  Candles placed inside empty jars with rocks covering the bottom were scattered around the room. Two more jars sat on either side of the pinecone centerpiece. They were filled with flowers cut from cardboard and colored with crayons in a variety of pastel colors to look like bouquets.

  Megan watched her daughter's face light up as she took in the elaborate display. They weren't able to find any of the traditional birthday party supplies, but together, they had come up with some creative ideas.

  “This is so cool!” Caitlin touched one of the cardboard flowers, “I love pink!”

  “I made the flowers,” Ryland piped up. “I told everyone we needed lots of flowers, even if the real ones were out of season.” He smiled proudly.

  Caitlin spun around. She stopped when she saw the cake on the kitchen counter. Megan watched as the emotions crossed her daughter's face. The cake was plain. They knew it but there was little they could do to make it look like a traditional birthday cake.

  “Rosie made you a cake and we have a feast planned,” Megan told her, gently turning her back to the table.

  The eight-year-old girl smiled. The smile was forced. Megan knew her daughter was hoping for a chocolate cake, but they had not been able to find any chocolate. The baking chocolate they had in the pantry was long gone. There had been a few birthday celebrations since Megan and Caitlin had come to live at the lodge, which depleted the supply

  The last of the chocolate powder had been used for their harvest celebration. They had been splurging; celebrating small successes and were running out of the little luxuries like sugar, chocolate and even coffee. They all pretended like it didn't bother them but it was an adjustment. Chocolate made the world a little better but it was disappearing quickly.

  “Let's get your party hat on!” Megan exclaimed hoping to lift Caitlin's spirits.

  The cone-shaped hats looked like traditional birthday hats, but were made from magazine pages carefully folded together. At the top of each hat, wildflowers created a tassel of sorts. It was very comical and made everyone laugh. Each hat had a length of paracord attached to hold it secure on the head. Even Duke had a hat.

  Wyatt handed out half-sticks of gum and everyone hustled outside chewing and laughing. Megan had created a version of pin the tail on the donkey by using charcoal to draw a very crude donkey on the side of the cabin wall. They would use the gum to stick their “tails” on the donkey. Whoever came the closest won. Albert went first. Wyatt blindfolded him and Caitlin and Ryland spun him around three times as everyone cheered.

  The kids squealed and tried to run away as Albert chased them around attempting to pin the tail on one of them. Megan laughed and quickly covered her mouth when Albert turned his blindfolded head to look at her. Ducking behind Wyatt, she ran toward the side of the cabin where the donkey was while Albert stalked toward her, donkey tail in his outstretched hand. At the last second, she dropped to a squat and scooted out from under him as his fingers found the wall. Pressing the gum into it, he stepped back, whipping his blindfold off.

  He’d pinned the tail to the donkey’s nose.

  There was a mix of booing and cheering as Albert turned around to take a bow while Chase clapped him on the back. “Well done, old man,” Wyatt called out.

  “Horseshoes next!” Ryland called out. Grabbing Caitlin’s hand he dragged her over to the pitch area and handed out the horseshoes to see who would go first.

  There was a lot of laughing, screaming, and groans as they played the first round of horseshoes. Ryland had become very good at the game and managed to win almost every time. Megan tossed her horseshoe and sighed when it missed the mark by several feet.

  “Your aim is improving,” Wyatt teased, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

  She turned and kissed him on the lips before pushing him away, scolding him for teasing her.

  “Sore loser.”

  “You certainly aren't going to win,” she shot back.

  Caitlin threw her horseshoe. The clinking sound as the shoe hit the stake was cause for cheer as Ryland held her arm in the air declaring the birthday girl the winner.

  Jack stepped forward, calling everyone to order. In as serious a ceremony as the happy group could muster, he held the golden horseshoe trophy up.

  “Caitlin, you are hereby the winner of horseshoes. Please, take your trophy,” he told her solemnly before winking.

  The trophy had been making its way around the house for the past few months, but it was usually in Ryland's possession. Caitlin grabbed the shoe that had been painted gold with some spray paint they’d found a while back, hugging it to her chest.

  “I'm going to put this on the wall in my room,” she declared.

  Her room was actually nothing more than a very small space walled off with blankets in a corner upstairs. Ryland and Caitlin had asked to have their own rooms halfway through the summer. Wyatt and Jack were still in the process of collecting wood and other materials to build another small addition on the cabin but it wasn't going to happen until after winter.

  For now, they were all going to have to learn to live with each other in tight quarters. The open floor plan on the second floor allowed them to make each end of the U shape into small spaces for the kids. They had found cots on one of their supply runs at an old hotel and heavy blankets provided two of the walls and acted as a door. Ryland and Caitlin were free to decorate the two actual walls as they pleased. Ryland had plastered his side with pictures of video games he’d found in a magazine. Caitlin had asked permission to draw on the walls and had chosen to use chalk to draw pictures washing it off when she got bored or wanted to change it out.

  “Will you help me hang it, Ry?” Caitlin asked still hugging the horseshoe.

  “Ya, I'll grab the hammer.”

  Jack and Willow joined Meagan walking into the cabin and together, they watched Ryland grab the toolbox from the hall closet and head up the stairs.

  “I can’t believe how much he’s grown up right before our eyes,” Willow murmured as Jack hugged her to his side.

  “It’s like he’s a mini adult,” Jack commented.

  “Not so mini anymore,” Willow replied. He’s already taller than I am and he’s only twelve.”

  “They’re forced to grow up so fast now,” Megan commented as they turned to smile at her.

  Jack wrapped his arms around his wife, his hands landing protectively on her belly. “Are you?” Megan wasn’t sure how to ask because she knew they’d been talking about having another baby before the EMP, but now they were hesitant.

  Shaking her head, Willow turned sideways to hug Jack. “Not yet, this is a good thing. We’ve no idea what it will be like here once winter comes. Things could get rough fast,” Jack told her as he hugged his wife tighter.

  It was something they had all been thinking about as the fall weather rolled in. They knew there would be a lot of snow and it would be cold. They had planned and prepped and now had to hope for the best. It would be a true test. If they could make it through their first winter on the mountain, they knew they could survive anything.


  Caitlin and Ryland had been enjoying their own private spaces, but they usually eventually found themselves together in one or the others. Even though Ryland was four years older, they found plenty of things to talk about. In six months, those two had become as close as siblings right down to their squabbling. Granted, it wasn’t as if they could complain about someone hogging the remote control or refusing to share a video game. No, their arguments were about the best way to trap rabbits or if it was better to flush wild turkeys or sneak up on them.

  Megan couldn’t be more pleased at her daughter’s growing maturity level but she often wondered if it was too much, too fast. She couldn’t
resist following them up the stairs and peeked over the rail to watch Ryland go into his "room" to retrieve the jar filled with finishing nails. As he parted the curtain, she could see the small shelf that he’d managed to build using scraps of wood and small branches. Albert had taught him how to cut tongue and groove joints using the hacksaw he liked to use so that he could piece the box shelf together without using the much-needed nails but not all the pieces had fit snugly together so, he ended up using a few nails to make sure it stayed together.

  He had been collecting rocks he found while on hunting expeditions. Caitlin contributed to his collection whenever she found a rock she thought was pretty.

  His meager stack of clothing was neatly folded and sitting on the floor next to his display shelf. Willow allowed him to do as he wanted, but insisted he keep things tidy. Of course, it didn't always work that way.

  Joining Caitlin in her room, Ryland helped her find the perfect spot for her trophy. They both knew it would probably be gone after the next game of horseshoes, but for now, she clutched it to her chest while Ryland carefully picked out three nails to secure it to the wall.

  “You wanted a chocolate cake, huh?” Ryland asked Caitlin as he stepped back to let her hang the horseshoe.

  She shrugged, “Yea, I really did but it's okay. I understand. There, what do you think?” She stepped back, as Ryland crossed his arms over his chest and appeared to study the horseshoe. Megan clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from saying anything as she smiled broadly.

  Nodding his head, “It looks good. I think it looks better in my room, but this is second best. Oww!” Ryland rubbed his arm where Caitlin had punched him. “Come on, we should get back.”

  Megan watched Caitlin adjust her party hat and barely made it back down the stairs before she heard her daughter shout, “I'll beat you down!”

  Jumping down the last three steps, the kids joined the adults around the table where Rosie had placed the cake alongside a few gifts wrapped in an assortment of newspaper.

  Caitlin beamed.

  A couple candles sat in a small jar next to the cake. Rosie had learned the hard way that the large candles they used for light destroyed the cake and made a huge waxy mess.


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