Black Dragon

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Black Dragon Page 11

by Andy Nadir

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, Laxus got out of bed. He groaned, and attempted to wipe the light from his eyes. He remembered the past day’s events, and grinned. It was finally time do something interesting. Not that fighting Tabitha wasn’t interesting, but he wanted something…real.

  Laxus pulled his clothes on, and hurried to the bar. Niko and Tabitha were already there, and were having a contest on who could have more sausages in their mouth at once.

  Laxus’s mouth fell open. He shook his head. “Man, you two are like twins.” He said

  Niko shrugged, and swallowed his sausages. “Have you decided on a job yet?” He asked.

  Laxus nodded. “Yea, I have an idea. He took them to the board, and pointed at the one he had picked out before his fight with Tabitha.

  “This one will have a little fighting since it was stolen.” Tabitha warned.

  Laxus shrugged. “Should it be a large problem?” He asked.

  Tabitha shook her head. “Nah, probably just some stray bandits. The due date is about one week from now, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem.

  “All right then, let’s meet back here in ten minutes. Make sure you are completely ready.” Laxus said.

  Niko and Tabitha nodded, and they all headed to get their gear.

  Laxus entered his dorm room, and glanced around. “What could I possibly need?” He wondered to himself.

  “Well, I guess I might need sturdy shoes, and a concealed leather armor.” He said.

  Laxus grabbed a pair of baggy clothes, and some strap on leather armor. He headed to his door, and changed his shoes to a sturdier pair.

  Laxus shrugged. “This should be enough.”

  He headed out of his room, and returned to the Main Hall. Niko and Tabitha were already there. Tabitha looked Laxus up and down approvingly. “Concealed armor and studded shoes?” She asked.

  Laxus nodded, surprised. “How did you know?”

  Tabitha moved her shirt slightly, revealing a studded leather hide. “You too?” Laxus asked.

  Tabitha asked. “Never know when you are going to get stabbed in the back”

  Niko chuckled. Suddenly, he flickered and disappeared. “Wait, what in the world?” Tabitha asked, looking at where Niko used to be.

  Suddenly, she yelped. She turned around. Niko stood behind her with a loaf of bread.

  “On guard!” He yelled, and proceeded to attack Tabitha with the loaf of bread.

  Tabitha laughed, and hummed quietly. A beam of light surrounded the bread at toasted it.

  Niko looked at the bread, and took a bite out of it. “Perfect! She’s a keeper!” Niko crowed.

  Laxus chuckled. Niko took another bite from his bread. “When do we go?” He asked.

  “Now. Let’s go. The problem is in Daletum, so it isn’t too far.” Laxus said.

  Together, they headed out of the Guild. “Hey, how far is the walk to Daletum?” Niko asked.

  Tabitha sighed. “You should know, since you came here from it.” She pointed out.

  Niko shook his head. “That was some sort of spell. We just climbed out of the tunnel, and we were in Cedar Town.” He said.

  Tabitha frowned. “Well, the walk should be about a day- as long as we only rest for 4 hours.” She said.

  Niko sighed. “How often do we eat?” He asked.

  Tabitha shook her head. “You just ate. We haven’t even been on the road for ten minutes, and you are already hungry?” She asked.

  Laxus chuckled. “Are there any stops we should make on the way, or do we just go straight there?” He asked.

  “There can be roaming nomads, and they often have some interesting stuff. If we see any, it would pay off to check them out.”

  Laxus nodded. They continued walking silently until sunset. Niko sighed. “Can we stop yet?” He asked for the tenth time.

  Tabitha groaned. “Oh, what the heck. It is only a few more hours, so I guess we can stop for a few minutes.

  “Finally! I was worried my feet would walk off without me.” He said.

  Tabitha shook her head, and pulled a piece of dried beef out of her bag. “We might as well eat now.”

  Laxus nodded, and pulled one out of his bag too. Niko looked at Laxus, then at Tabitha. He shrugged, and pulled a handful form his bag. “Chow time!” He crowed, and inhaled every piece.

  “Niko, you have to be kidding me. There must be something wrong with you.” She said, as she ate a handful of beef jerky.

  Laxus sighed. “Are both of you nuts? Niko, you eat enough to feed a small army, and Tabitha, you aren’t in any position to criticize Niko!” He cried, exasperated.

  Niko and Tabitha ignored him. “Eating contest?” Niko asked.

  Tabitha nodded enthusiastically. “You’re on!” She crowed.

  Ten minutes and two stomach aches later, the group packed up, and headed towards Daletum once more.

  “Are we there yet?” Niko asked.

  Tabitha sighed, and pointed to the shadow looming in the distance. “There. That is Daletum. When we get there, we are there! Got it?” She asked.

  Niko nodded. “Fine.”

  Laxus shook his head, exasperated. “Laxus, you have to soften up!” Niko grumbled.

  Laxus thought for a moment. “I think you may be right. But could I really?...” He asked.

  Niko nodded enthusiastically. “Your shadow said you had so start over, so why don’t you start by getting a sense of humor?” Niko asked.

  Tabitha chuckled. “He has a point Laxus. Your sense of humor is as dry as the desert.”

  Niko perked up. “Did someone say dessert?” He asked.

  Tabitha sighed, and shook her head. “No you dummy, desert. As in the one that is yellow and covered with cactus” She said.

  Niko groaned, and rubbed his stomach. “Cheesecake with juicy spikeless cactus fruits. Delicacy!”

  Tabitha shook her head. “Does that even exist? Bah, it doesn’t matter. We are here.” She said.

  Laxus looked up. “Whoa, I didn’t even realize we got here yet! Well, now we have to find the client, right?” He asked.

  Tabitha lightly smacked him on the back of his head. “You dimwit, its past nightfall! We can’t go talk to the client in the middle of the night! We will have to use an inn.” She said.

  Laxus shrugged, and sighed. “Sorry, old habits die hard. I used to do my best work at night. Know any inns that we can use?” He asked.

  Tabitha thought for a moment. “Sure. I think I know one. Follow me.” She headed off down a street.

  They stopped at a large building with a rusted sign above the door. “The Rusted Cauldron” Laxus read doubtfully.

  “Are you sure this place is good? It looks like it would fall down if I sneezed.” Laxus said.

  Tabitha grinned. “So you do have a sense of humor!”

  Laxus shook his head. “I must be getting tired. We really need to get some rest.” He said.

  Niko nodded. “And some food.”

  Tabitha shrugged, and led them into the inn. The man at the bar saw them, and grinned. “Ye be looking for a room?” He asked.

  Laxus and Tabitha nodded, while Niko shook his head. The man looked confused “Make up yer minds!” He said.

  “We want a room- and some food.” Niko interjected.

  The man grinned. “Ye guys be funny. I’ll give ye a room for ten Ryu.” He said.

  Tabitha’s mouth fell open. “Preposterous! The average fare is fifty Crowns! Ten Ryu is enough to buy a well-made sword!” She hissed.

  The man sighed. “Darn, I though ye be them tourists- easy to rip off. Hand me my Ryu and fifty crowns, and get out of me sight.” He said.

  Tabitha handed him the money, and he gave her three keys. “Rooms 33, 34, and 35.” He said.

  Tabitha nodded. She looked to Laxus and Niko, and she led them up the stairs. Niko groaned. “I want food!” He moaned.

  Laxus punched him on the shoulder. “Just take your key and go to bed.” He said.

sighed with exaggerated disappointment, and entered his room. Laxus took his key from Tabitha, and went into his room as well, before falling asleep promptly when he reached the bed.


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