Black Dragon

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Black Dragon Page 21

by Andy Nadir

  Chapter Eighteen

  The rebels took them through a forest that wasn’t documented on the map, and into a small camp. There were a few thousand people milling about, and doing everyday things. All of them seemed to look extremely exhausted. When they entered the camp, there was a great cheer.

  “Did you find the bearer?” A man at the front of the crowd that had gathered around them asked.

  The captain nodded. “I did.” He pushed Laxus forward. “Hey, what? I’m just here to kill the king, not to be a celebrity!” He hissed.

  The captain shrugged. “It’s a package.” He said.

  Laxus looked at the crowd. Each person had just a spark of hope in their eyes. “What am I to do?” He asked.

  The captain smiled. “We will begin the war by striking around the Tyrant’s city. We will confuse his guards, and hopefully recruit a few. We will do this all in an hour, for who would expect to be attacked at daylight?” The captain said.

  “Oh, there is one thing I need to do first.” Laxus said.

  Everyone looked at him curiously. Laxus held up the flail. “I was told to go to a town where I would get another part of the Flail. I should stop by there before we attack.” Laxus said.

  The captain frowned. “Show me the place?” He asked.

  Laxus unrolled the map, and pointed to the city. The captains face creased sadly. “You could go, but you would find nothing but ruins. We have picked up all who are left living from that town already. The Tyrant’s army hit it yesterday, and there is nigh nothing left.” He said.

  Laxus sat down. “How am I supposed to beat the Tyrant with only two chains and one ball? I need another two balls and a chain.” Laxus muttered.

  “Excuse me mister?” A little boy asked from the crowd.

  Laxus looked up. “Yes?” He asked.

  “Well, when the army attacked my village, I grabbed a bunch of shiny stuff. I thought we could sell it to stay alive. But, we were saved by the captain, so I don’t really have a need for it. But, I remember that on top of my house, my daddy had a spiky ball. Is that what you want?” He asked.

  Laxus perked up. Just as quickly as he had gotten exited, he collapsed. “No, that couldn’t be it. The weapon will only let me touch it.” He said.

  The boy shuddered. “I figured that out when I touched it and it began shaking. Nearly cut my hands off. But, I put it in a bucket. Then it was fine.” The boy said.

  Laxus slowly sat up. “Could I see it?” He asked.

  The boy nodded. “Follow me?”

  Laxus followed the boy to one of the tents. The boy led Laxus inside, and pointed to a large bucket. Laxus tipped it over, and a large spiked ball rolled out. It was brown in color, and smelled like dirt.

  Laxus hinged it to the brown chain on his Flail. “This is the one!” He grinned.

  “So you can save us now?” He asked.

  Laxus nodded. “And I will.” He said.

  The two exited the tent, and walked back to the platform. “I have two pieces of the Rainbow Flail.” Laxus said.

  The captain nodded. “So as I was saying, we will hit the Tyrant’s city in an hour! Prepare to strike!” He roared.

  An hour later, the army marched across the land. There were many laughs and jeers as they passed through the outskirts of King’s City. But, nobody challenged them on the way.

  They reached the walls of the castle. The soldiers on guard saw them, and all massed above the area they were at. “What are you fools doing here? Go back to prancing in the forest!” One called down.

  The captain stepped forward. “Our time of waiting is over. I give you one chance to surrender. We will allow any of you to join us.” He said.

  The soldiers roared with laughter. “Why would we join the losing side? You need your precious prophecy to win, and that has already been proven not to work!” He called.

  The captain laughed. “Very well then. I invoke the rights of battle. I, Bartholomew, challenge the kingdom on behalf of the noble Julian!”

  The soldiers frowned. “Bart, you fool! That cannot be revoked! You will be crushed beneath the kingdom! No matter, you have been a thorn long enough. But, what could have caused you make such a drastic step?”

  Laxus stepped forward with Tabitha. “I could.” He said.

  “And who might you be?” The soldier mocked.

  “I am the one who the prophecy spoke of.” Laxus said.

  The soldier chuckled. “Right. And I am the king of all the lands.” He said.

  Laxus shrugged. He drew the Rainbow Mace, and swung it. It hit the wall, and there was a massive explosion. The guards glanced down where the mace was embedded in the wall.

  “What a joke! The real Rainbow Mace would have sent this whole wall crumbling down! You couldn’t even get through the first layer!” He mocked.

  Laxus chuckled, and pulled the ball back. “Look again.” He said.

  The soldier peered over the wall. “A straight shot! He…he just put a clean hole into the wall! The amount of force needed for that…” The soldier staggered backwards.

  “Throw down your weapons if you wish to live!” Laxus roared.

  He slammed the mace into the ground, and there was a ripple of earth. A tsunami of dirt and stone came forward, and the massive stone wall crashed to the ground. Slowly, swords poked out of it, and the soldiers form the top of the wall climbed out. “The King himself would have heard that! We will have reinforcements soon! Let’s get them men!” He roared.

  The soldiers charged towards the rebel army. Laxus hit the ground with the bottom of the hilt. Hearth flowed upwards, and encased the flail, making a massive spiked sword. Laxus swung in experimentally. “It’s so light! I love this thing!” He said in a singsong voice.

  Laxus sprinted forward, and slashed the sword across the first line of men. They all toppled backwards, their armor cut into pieces. “And fast.” Laxus grinned.

  The men all dropped their weapons. “Don’t kill me!” One cowered.

  Laxus chuckled, and began advancing on the other soldiers.

  Laxus slashed through ranks of men, toppling each one like dominos. Laxus reached the last, and raised his sword. The man pointed his sword at Laxus, and a beam of fire shot forth. Laxus slammed his sword in front of it, and the fire was absorbed by the sword.

  The earthen sword melted off of the mace, and Laxus knocked the man out with the hilt of his mace.

  “That was easy.” He muttered.

  There was a roar of victory from the Rebel army. “We did it! We finally pushed the Tyrants army back!” one called.

  They took the soldiers who had surrendered back to the camp, and prepared to party the rest of the night.

  “Who is Julius?” Laxus asked the commander.

  The commander grimaced. “He is a noble who doesn’t like the king because he wants more land. He banded with us in return for being king when we win. Technically, you are to anoint him.” He said.

  Laxus nodded. The commander forced a grin. “It’s time to party. No time to talk about dreary things like that. The commander headed to his troops and engaged in a drinking contest.

  Laxus simply found the nearest empty tent and fell asleep inside.

  He was awoken early in the morning by a young soldier. “Julius wants to meet you, sir.” He said.

  Laxus nodded, and got up. He followed the young cadet to a large tent that had several people entering and leaving it. The man waved him inside. Laxus walked in and looked around. Unlike the other tents, this one had a lot of furniture, and there was a large fat man sitting in a chair drinking from a bottle of wine.

  “Welcome, welcome!” The man said.

  “I am Julius, soon to be king!” He said.

  Laxus frowned slightly. “Why have you called me here?” He asked quietly.

  The man seemed taken aback by Laxus’s lack of caring. “I have something for you.” He said.

  Laxus raised his eyebrow. “What could you possibly have for me?” He asked.
r />   The man staggered to his feet, and reached for a chest. He extended his little arms too far, and rolled over. “Blast it! Bah, open that chest, would you?”

  While he struggled to right himself, Laxus walked to the chest, and opened it. Inside was a slightly red length of chain. “What is this?” Laxus asked.

  “It is part of the Rainbow Flail.” Julius said, having finally righted himself.

  Laxus clicked the piece on. “Thank you.” He said.

  The man nodded. “I was thinking, do you use her every day?” He asked.

  Laxus frowned. “What are you talking about?” He asked.

  “The girl. Do you use her every day?” He pressed.

  “Tabitha? What do you mean?” Laxus asked.

  Julius sighed, exasperated. “Do you need the girl every night?”

  Laxus’s features drew cold. “Am I understanding your intentions correctly?” He asked.

  Julius nodded. “I won’t need her every night, just one should be fine…” He said quickly.

  Laxus slammed the rainbow flail into Julius’s desk, which crashed into the ground and shattered to pieces. “Tabitha is my partner, not…what you want her for.” He hissed.

  “You stay away from her, understand?”

  Laxus whirled around, and strode out of the tent. The young guard who had escorted him to Julius’s tent saw him, and screamed.

  “What’s wrong?” Laxus asked.

  “Do I really look that scary?” He asked.

  The guard crab walked backwards. “What happened to you?” He whispered.

  Laxus frowned. “What are you talking about?” He asked.

  The man fished around in his armor. He pulled a small locked out, and flipped it open. There was a mirror on the inside. Laxus peered into it, and staggered backwards.

  “What the heck? I’m on fire?” He muttered.

  The guard slowly nodded. “Try turning it off? I don’t want you to set the grass on fire…sir.” The guard saluted.

  Laxus forced himself to cool down. When the young guard nodded, he released his concentration. “What happened in there, if you don’t mind me asking?” The guard asked.

  “Julius thought my friend was a plaything.” Laxus said.

  “I knew of the nobles’ tastes, I am sorry I didn’t warn you.” The guard bowed.

  Laxus peered at the man. “How old are you?” He asked.

  “I am twenty, sir.” He said.

  Laxus chuckled. “Then don’t call me sir. I am about your age.” He said.

  The guard nodded. “Sorry, your greatness.” He said.

  Laxus burst out laughing. “Just call me Laxus.” He said.

  “Ok…Laxus” The guard stammered.

  “What’s your name?” Laxus asked.

  “I’m Jack.” He said.

  Laxus nodded. “Ok, Jack. You seem a bit more talkative than the other soldiers here. What’s your story?” He asked.

  “My village was sacked by bandits, and the king just laughed at us. He refused to help us rebuild, and even taxed us on failing to keep the town safe. The rebel army saved us from dying, and fed us.” He said.

  Laxus frowned. “Now I really want to kill this king.” He muttered.

  Jack stopped walking. “This is your tent…Laxus.” He said, trying out the name.

  Laxus thanked Jack, and headed into the tent. Tabitha was already there, reading a book.

  “Hey Tabitha, be careful around Julius, ok?” He asked.

  Tabitha frowned. “What are you talking about?” She asked.

  “Just be careful around him, and don’t meet him alone, ok?”

  Tabitha nodded slowly. “Ok…”

  “Are you decent?” A man asked from outside.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Laxus called back.

  The tent flap opened, and a man ducked in. “Just making sure. Protocol and all.” He said.

  Laxus grinned. “What is it?” He asked.

  “The higher ups want you to have the plans for tomorrow.” He said.

  The man tossed Laxus a paper. “It’s pretty straight forward. You fight everyone off, and we party after.” He said.

  Laxus chuckled. He opened the plans, and read through them briefly. He tossed the papers to Tabitha when he finished. She quickly read them, and put them away. “Is that it?”

  The man nodded, and headed out of the tent. Tabitha grinned at Laxus. “What?” Laxus asked.

  Tabitha patted the ground next to her. “Coming?” She asked.

  Laxus frowned. “Tabitha, are you ok?” He asked.

  She frowned. “We have a tent all to ourselves! Aren’t you going to…” She said.

  Laxus took a step back. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked.

  Tabitha pounced on Laxus. “Tabitha, what in the world are you doing?” He hissed.

  She just grinned. Laxus glanced into her eyes, and found them pitch black. He frowned. “Black? Your eyes are blue!” He muttered.

  Laxus reached out, and grabbed the Rainbow Flail. It morphed into sword mode, and Laxus drove it up into the Tabitha look alike. The thing collapsed, and Tabitha’s skin melted away, leaving a shriveled up black husk.

  Laxus charged out of the tent, and threw open Julius’s tent flap.

  There was a guard standing there. “Let me through.” Laxus said.

  The guard shook his head. “I was instructed not to allow anyone past this place.” He said.

  Laxus growled. “Get out of my way.” He said.

  The guard shook his head again. “I cannot. But, I can’t do my duties if I am knocked out, can I?” He asked slyly.

  The guard lifted his helmet to reveal Jack’s face.

  “I was worried he would pull something like this. Quick, knock me out!” He hissed.

  “Jack? What are you talking about?” Laxus asked.

  Jack sighed, and grabbed Laxus’s hand. He brought it up, and hit himself in the helm with it. He spun around, and collapsed to the floor. He threw his feet up for good measure. “Ouch, I was just punched in the face extremely hard and was knocked out.” He droned.

  He closed his eyes, and stuck his tongue out. Laxus held in a laugh, and threw open the back flap of the tent. “Get out of here, you useless guard! I told you to keep people away for a few hours!” Julius snapped from under the covers of his bed.

  Laxus growled threateningly. “Get up.” He said.

  Julius turned around. “Oh, Laxus! How nice to see you here!” Julius said. Laxus noted the sweat pouring down his brow.

  “Get up.” He said.

  Julius frowned. “I am hardly decent, surely you can wait?” He asked.

  Laxus snapped the Flail down, and there was a crunch as it blasted through a post of the bed.

  “Oh, fine! Toss me a towel, would you?” He asked.

  Laxus threw him the doormat from under his feet. Julius barely managed to cover his front, and climbed out of bed. Laxus walked over to his bed, and peered at it. There was nobody there. “Where is she?” Laxus hissed.

  Julius grinned. “Why, what are you talking about?”

  Laxus grabbed Julius by his neck, and lifted him into the air. “What did you do with Tabitha?”

  “If you hurt me… you will be in…the wrong.” Julius choked out.

  Laxus loosened his hold. “I do not know the whereabouts of your friend.” He said.

  Laxus snorted. “And Jake is the king. Tell me where she is.” He said.

  Julius shrugged. “I don’t know. Could you kindly excuse yourself from my tent?”

  Laxus growled. His eyes swept through Julius’s tent, looking for anything that could fit a human. His eyes fell on a large chest with a lock on it. Julius saw his eyes land on it, and began to sweat even more. “Guards, remove this man from my room immediately!” He called.

  When nothing happened, Julius took a step towards the flap of the tent. “On second thought, I may know where your friend is.” He said.

  Laxus raised his eyebrows. “Could she be in
this chest that is locked?” He asked.

  Julius shook his head quickly. “No, of course not! No need to check there.” He said.

  Laxus frowned. “Where is Tabitha?” He asked.

  “Some of my men found her in the field. I was simply tending to her. She is resting in the next tent over.” He said smugly.

  Laxus looked at Julius quietly. “We both know that is a lie.” He said.

  Julius shrugged. “You can’t prove it otherwise. Now, get out of my tent.” He said.


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