Lens of Time

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Lens of Time Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  “We’ve put too much of our minds into our babies. The distraction was something that occupied too much of our dreams and plans. However, now that we know the danger, it leads us to make another decision.”

  “I wondered if you would see it.”

  “I do and it’s obvious given the current circumstances. One thing that will help us is a new creation by our friends.”

  “What is that?”

  “Boden tells me that it is possible to build a planetary screen that will stand up to the ultrabeam and light wave penetrator.”

  “That’s fantastic. We can protect our worlds.”

  RV slowly shook his head, “No, we won’t be able to do that in the time we have remaining.”

  George thought a moment and said, “They can’t build it in time?”

  “George, you never cease to amaze me with your intellect. That’s exactly the issue. It’s going to take at least a year to build the main structure and the orbiting relays. This is going to be over long before that happens so our initial idea is what we are going to have to make happen.”

  “How does Boden and his Federation feel about us sharing our new weapons with our allies?”

  “They were initially angry but then they thought about what would happen to them if we were found here. They knew they would be annihilated along with us. They’ve agreed with my premise and are preparing the necessary things to make it happen.”

  “Is it possible to use the new force field on our ships?”

  RV sighed, “George, the reactors to power the planetary screen will be more than twenty miles wide and there will have to be ten of them all connected in a series to power it.”

  George considered the information and said, “It would probably take double that number.”

  RV smiled, “There you go again. It will need twenty five to achieve full power. Boden is gathering materials to build them along with the colony ships to go with them.”

  “So we can only protect one planet?”

  “No, he’s taking enough materials to defend three. I also think you should order our former Space Fleet Academy and support ships to go with him when he leaves.”

  “I hate that we’ll lose all of our ship building facilities.”

  “We won’t.”


  “One of the ships will have all of the robotic machinery to continue their construction. We won’t be building a million a year but ten thousand is not out of the question. Boden hopes that we’ll find a stronger material for our reactors and allow us to use the new technology on our ships. But that is not something that can be planned. We can only hope we stumble on it.”

  “Who’s going with our ships?”

  “You’re going to have to talk with all of our allies and tell them what we’re doing to ensure the survival of our species and attempt to persuade them to attempt the same thing. I’m not sure they’ll do it but they should at least be given the opportunity to make the effort in the time that remains.”

  “So you think they’ll find us?”

  RV lowered his head and slowly nodded, “We’ve been very lucky so far in all that we’ve had to endure. Our luck ran out when I went to the Nexu. They know where we are.”

  “I see it the same way. We can’t allow our survival to be in the hands of another species. I would hope they wouldn’t share that information but we can’t take that risk.”

  “If I had to bet, I’d bet they’ll give it up.”


  “They’ve lived among predators their whole existence; that’s the world they know. They’re the top of the pecking order in M-87 but if we happen to win the next battle, they’ll know that lofty status will be gone. Their fear will make them do it.”

  “What about the White Civilization?”

  “George, I’m reasonably sure you’ve figured out their role in this.”

  George stared at RV and smiled, “I’m not so certain that it shouldn’t be I that is impressed with your ability.”

  “I’m pretty good but you knew this long before I did.”

  George smiled, “That’s information that makes me wonder if we’re not a predator as well.”

  “You just have to consider what would have happened without our intervention.”

  “I have and that is why I’ve continued to send them technology. Perhaps they’ll control their destiny.” George paused a moment and then said, “Do you know where we’re going?”

  “I’m leaving that up to Chris and Jillian. The only requirement is that it’s at least a billion light years away.”

  “Distance is the best mask. It’s able to hide more things than any other mechanism. Sending them was a good idea; they should be able to find a place of relative safety.”

  “One may hope. They have two weeks to make their choice.”

  “What are you going to do about Cyanna?”

  “I’ve discussed my fears of something happening to her and she understands that she has a responsibility to our baby that takes precedence over her own desires. She has made me promise to not be a martyr and to escape when there is no other choice. I’m sending her to organize the landing of the ships. I think sending Meisa to help build the power stations on the surface would be a justifiable reason to get her to go.”

  George slowly nodded and said, “She’ll go. She knows what we’re facing and shares Cyanna’s responsibility for our child.” George looked at RV and said, “We need to kick the crap out of the Majors. We’ll have to face them again and the more we can hurt them, the better chance we’ll have to finish this conflict.”

  “George, you need to be on a ship.”

  “I know; I’ve promised Meisa I will be onboard one when the final battle starts.”

  “I’m leaving for M-87 in two hours. I’m leaving the organization of the move in your hands. Please choose wisely?”

  “I will, RV. Go with God.”

  “Thanks, George; you as well.”

  • • •

  RV looked at his communications panel and said, “What have the four of you decided to do?”

  Kenny smiled, “Each of our sub-fleets has been assigned a Major civilization and they have used our probes to determine the location of the most important planets. One of our ships will jump to one of those planets and launch their small craft. Any ships there to defend the planet will be destroyed, and failing that, they will be distracted long enough for a main battleship to hit their ship building facilities from space.”

  RV thought about the idea and nodded. What about the Capitals?”

  “We have eight battleships assigned to each Capital. There are huge numbers of ships defending the capital of each civilization but we’re only jumping in long enough to launch one of the new light wave penetrators at the planet. We’ll jump away as soon as it’s launched.”

  “You’ll probably be followed.”

  “We’re counting on it. We have this timed such that we’ll arrive at out final jump with ten sub-fleets waiting. We’ll hit anything emerging into normal space and start the process again when they get a thousand ships in on us.”

  “That’s a large risk with the advanced ships.”

  “Not as bad as you think, Admiral. We’ll be three thousand miles from our emergence coordinate and launch our heavy penetrators from that distance. Even the advanced ships have to be closer than that to be able to target us effectively. Our numbers will grow as the process continues. More and more fleets will complete their assignments and join us.”

  “What’s going to be your end game?”

  “We’re going to transmit on an open frequency an order to return to the Major’s civilizations and kill more planets. That will be our order for all our ships to jump away and start their escape jumps.”

  “That should do it the first time. I’m not sure it’ll work twice.”

  “The second time is not something to worry about just yet. We’ll need to see their response to our initial attack. It’s too early to make any
plans until we make that determination.”

  “Who’s commanding the First Fleet, Sir?”

  RV smiled, “Jeff McFadden is handling the honors. He’ll be joining us here within the hour.”

  “What did Dol, oops, I mean Dot say about that?”

  “She’s there with him handling their communications.”

  Kenny and Bob smiled, “The fleet is in good hands, Sir.”

  RV nodded and said, “Which fleet is going to attack the Ramst?”

  Bob said, “My third sub-fleet has that assignment.”

  “The planet that carries the highest priority is one located near their border.”

  “Yes Sir, it’s the one with the majority of their long range scanners on it.”

  “I believe it also has more than a hundred thousand ships defending it as well.”

  “I don’t think they will remain at that planet.”

  RV eyes narrowed, “What leads you to that determination?”

  “We’re going to attack the capital but not destroy it.”

  RV smiled and said, “That sounds like a plan. I’ll be going with the ships assigned to that planet. Make sure the commander of that exercise knows he’s in charge and I’m there to view the action.”

  “Sir, I’m not certain that you should take that risk.”

  “Relax, Admiral Owens. I’m not there to show off. I’ll make sure I don’t take any needless chances.”

  Kenny said, “Now I wish you would stay at a distance from the action, Sir.”

  RV smiled, “I missed a lot of fun last time. You can’t have it both ways. When does this start?”

  Bob looked at Kenny on his display and saw him shrug, “The attacks will start in three hours. That’s when the first Hive and Horde ships leave to be updated.”

  “Kate, are you alright?”

  “Just wanting to go kick some Major butt, Sir.”

  RV laughed. Kate was, if nothing else, consistent. “Get your ships ready and let’s make this count.”

  Kenny knew that with both Jeff and Dolly handling first fleet, Cyanna was no longer on a warship. That was the best thing that could happen for RV to be free to function without the fear of her coming to harm. He looked at the countdown and pressed his board, “Get the light wave loaded.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Kenny felt that he wouldn’t be needed but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  • • •

  The Second came rushing in and said, “What’s wrong!?!”

  “Our friends are going to launch a massive attack against the Majors and attempt to destroy the Capitals of the civilizations they’re attacking. They’re also attacking the Ramst sensor planet to blind our sector.”

  “Are they crazy? That will force the others to combine against them.”

  “They’re probably going to combine anyway. This is just going to speed up the process.”

  The Second sat down and took a deep breath. “Let’s think about this. What’s going to happen if a large number of capitals are destroyed? Who will be making the decisions for them?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “If the leaders are gone, who makes the decision to go and attack the rebelling civilizations?”

  The First thought about it and said, “I honestly don’t know. What do you think will happen?”

  “All of the civilizations will not have all their leaders on the capital but the majority will. You know how they live in extreme luxury on their capitals and most of them are unwilling to not be present when important issues are being discussed. I suspect with the ongoing argument about their next steps against the Minors, most of them will be present.”

  “So let’s assume the leadership dies on the majority of those planets. What do you see happening?”

  “You need look no further than our own civilization. Who would take charge if we were both killed?”

  “We’re not equipped to make an orderly transition. It would be chaos as the Major worlds tried to determine their replacements.”

  “That’s how I see it. And until the new leaders are selected no one is going to be willing to send their fleets anywhere. There will probably be civil wars as planets jockey for position to be the new capital.”

  The First stared at the Second and said, “You will leave immediately and go to your home world. We will conduct all future discussions over our communication system.”

  The Second stood and smiled, “Does their decision look like a mistake now?”

  As the Second opened the door to leave the First said, “Would we have come up with a strategy like this?”

  The Second stopped and looked back at the First, “No, we’re too patterned by our past. We should learn from this.” The Second closed the door behind him and the First thought, “How do you learn something you don’t know anything about and nowhere to go find what you need?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Captain Melodie Tulu watched her board as the countdown proceeded. She looked at the photo of the ships surrounding the Jongen Capital. The other seven main battleships waited beside the Hiroshima for the moment to arrive. Their drives were slaved to the lead ship and they would jump the instant Melodie pressed the drive button. She looked at her executive officer, “Status of the Attack Craft?”

  “The new one’s are warming up their engines and powering up the force field. The standard ships are arming their penetrators and checking their release systems.”

  “I want the Needles launched immediately on entry and accelerated toward the enemy ships.”

  Greg Landry smiled, “Relax Skipper. They’ve been prepared properly. Their wing leaders have already issued their targets.”

  Melodie started to question how they could do that without getting a scan of the waiting ships. Then she realized the small craft had the same feed from the probe that she was watching. Melodie fidgeted in her chair; would the last eight minutes never pass? Greg smiled, “We’ve loaded the light wave and we’ll go in behind the small craft. The other ships will clear a lane.”

  Melodie said, “Toranaga, I want you to fire at the first open opportunity. We’re heavily outnumbered in battleships and we need to make this happen quickly.”

  “It’s not as bad as you think, Captain. According to the probe’s scans, those ships are not advanced models. We should be able to handle them.”

  Melodie furrowed her brow and said, “How many ships are at the planet?”

  “About a hundred thousand.”

  “We’re still outnumbered sixteen to one. We’ll do it as we’ve planned.” Melodie hit the general frequency, “Attention all ships. Our scans indicate the ships we’ll be facing are not from one of the advanced Major Civilizations. Your primary responsibility is to clear a lane through their ranks but you are free to take out as many as possible once you’ve cleared your area of responsibility. Small craft should avoid being attacked by large numbers. Use your speed advantage as much as you can; I don’t want to see you die needlessly. Don’t follow a predictable path in and I’ll see you at the assembly coordinates.”

  Melodie looked at Greg, “Do you know anything about the Light Wave?”

  “No one really does. I’ve received word that even if we don’t have a clear shot we should take it anyway.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  “I have no idea. It was in my orientation on the weapon that there’s not much that’s going to stop it.”

  “It seems odd that we’re using the new attack craft and the Light Wave now instead of holding them until the final battle.”

  Greg shrugged, “This may be the start of the final battle. I suspect we’ll be jumping in and attacking any large formations before they can leave to attack us.”

  Melodie smiled; that’s exactly what the fleet was going to do. Greg should have his own command; he seemed to know what was going to happen before it was done. “Sound General Quarters; two minutes to jump.”

  Greg pushed the blue button and let it alarm
for ten seconds. All units reported in less than five seconds from the alarm. He looked at Melodie and said, “They were already at their stations, Sir.”

  “I know, but we must follow the forms.”

  “Does this count toward our record?”

  “Of course not; the crew must have something to challenge them.”

  Melodie saw the countdown hit ten seconds and she put her hand on the drive button. It reached zero and she pressed it.

  • • •

  The Jongen fleet commander heard the alarms go off and he jumped out of his chair. Eight of the white ships were bearing down on the planet at an unbelievable velocity and a huge white cloud of small white ships was surging ahead of the eight battle ships. He hit the emergency pad and his fleet moved to confront the incoming ships. Thousands of ships were jumping in to the capital but they were passed before they could join the fleet at the planet. Three hundred of the battleships in the center of his formation suddenly exploded. Then three hundred more exploded behind them. “What’s happening?”

  “Their small ships are getting inside our force fields and firing missiles. We’ve been unable to target them.”

  The fleet commander looked up at his display and saw a huge wave of projectiles moving toward the center of his formation. He had just enough time to wonder what they were before his ship was hit by a heavy penetrator and blasted in half.

  The Jongen fleets moved to confront the incoming ships but were being hit before they could close the hole in their formation. The Madrid was hit by more than ten thousand beams and exploded. Nine hundred Needles were hit by multiple beams and exploded but the Hiroshima accelerated through the enemy fleets and Toranaga announced, “Light Wave is launched.”

  The computer had just barely made the announcement when the planet blew into a huge explosion that looked like the planet had become a small sun. Melodie and Greg were stunned by the magnitude of the blast and Greg hit the general frequency and yelled, “Jump, jump, jump.”

  The surviving seven battleships and small craft disappeared from the system. They were not followed. The hundred thousand ships could not move as their capital burned below them. The shock of the loss was more than they could mentally process. They remained at the planet as thousands of ships continued to arrive too late to save their leaders. Finally, a sub-admiral ordered the ships to return to their stations to defend the other planets. The Admiral who issued the order began asking who was in command. No one responded.


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