Lens of Time

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Lens of Time Page 29

by Saxon Andrew

  “How big are they?”

  “They are more than eight hundred thousand miles long. The bases are two hundred thousand miles on each side.”

  Cyanna stared at the formations and said, “They’re firing the beams at a hundred miles in length.”

  RV pressed his panel and said, “Admiral, launch your shock ships at the center formation.”

  Every ship in the two sector fleet watched as the million ships bore down on the planet size formation. As the ships reached the beams, they suddenly contracted to fifteen miles. The million ships went weightless and turned vertical. More than a million missiles were launched at the retreating ships but they weren’t able to match the attack craft’s speed and were burned out of existence by the main battleships as the entered their fire zones.

  RV heard on his panel, “That was a clever maneuver. I gave myself away.”

  RV said, “It’s not too late to stop this madness.”

  “Oh but it is. You’ve killed too many of our planets to be allowed to survive.”

  RV sighed, “If I spent the rest of the next ten years killing your planets, I wouldn’t come close to how many you’ve killed here.”

  “I’m about to make that comparison even more dramatic.”

  “I want you to consider this. If you go through with this attack, I promise you that we will not stop until every one of your worlds are burned. We will not allow any of your species to survive. If any escape, we will hunt them down and kill them. You didn’t believe me when we first communicated; you thought we represented no danger to you. You found out you were wrong. We will leave you alone and never enter your province if you will just call this attack off.”

  The RSA was nervous. Did this being have another way to defeat his ships? He struggled with what to do. The Supreme Leader sitting in a raised throne on the RSA’s ship said, “Shut that being up. What are you waiting on?”

  The RSA looked at the Supreme Leader and saw his excitement at seeing planets burned. The RSA said, “Perhaps in another universe we could have been brothers. But not here.”

  RV knew the Fleet Commander had been ordered to attack. He hit the general ship frequency and said, “Attention all ships…”

  “Don’t move the fleets, RV!”

  RV looked at his display and said, “Dolly there’s nothing we can do and those formations are moving in on our ships!”

  “RV, if you’ve ever trusted me in your life, you have to do it now! Don’t move the fleets!”

  RV looked at Cyanna and she was troubled and frightened as the giant formations moved in on their fleets. RV said saw her give a quick nod and he said, “You will hold your positions.”

  The combined sector fleets watched at the Red Pyramids picked up speed and moved in on the massed ships.

  When the formations couldn’t grow any larger in the main display, RV keyed his board to order the fleets to escape…then all hell broke loose.

  • • •

  Cyanna yelled, “Look!!”

  RV looked up at the main display and saw the six massive pyramids being hit by giant blue ships that flew into the their flanks with a beam as wide as the blue ship blasting away the red ships in front of them. RV sat down and watched as twenty million Blue Giant Ships blasted the six pyramids unrelentingly. The giant holes in the Red formations expanded as the nine hundred mile wide blue ships blasted their way through the formations and erupted out the other side without being slowed.

  RV hit the general fleet frequency and said, “All attack craft, pick a ship and destroy it if they break formation. All ships in the fleet; launch penetrators if those formations come apart. Then select a ship and do not let it escape. Chase it to the end of the universe if you must.”

  The Supreme Leader was screaming, “What are those ships?”

  The RSA said, “The end of our civilization. Your blood lust has killed us.” The RSA pulled his hand blaster and shot the Supreme Ruler in the head. The Ruler’s body guards then shot the Red Sector Admiral. The ship was then obliterated by a Blue Giant Battleship that hit it head on.

  The Red Ships couldn’t continue to hold their formations against the nine hundred mile wide Blue Ships blowing through their formations. They fell apart like a sand castle being hit by a wave at the beach. The billions of ships scattered and millions of them were hit by the massive wave of penetrators moving in on them. The shock ships hit millions and penetrated their force fields, blowing them apart with fusion missiles. RV watched the massive destruction of the Red Ships and saw a familiar group appear on his display. He smiled and said, “It’s been a long time.”

  The Seventh said, “We’ve attempted to contact you, but all of our inquires have gone unanswered.”

  “When our home world was destroyed we lost your frequency and we didn’t have any way to communicate. We didn’t know how to find you.”

  “We could not find you, either. We searched and discovered your home world was destroyed. It was the female who originally saved us that contacted us and gave us your new technology. It was that gift that made our ships strong enough to attack those Red formations.”

  RV slowly shook his head, “You don’t know how much your assistance had helped us.”

  The Seventh leaned forward and said, “I believe it was you that saved us in a similar circumstance when we were attacked by a formation we could not break.”

  “Will you assist us with one other detail?”

  “We are at your disposal.”

  • • •

  The Emperor contacted Cyanna on her board, “Where did those ships come from?”

  “They originally attacked our galaxy and attempted to kill all civilizations in it. We saved them from the Hive Fleet that was dispatched to kill them and they agreed to be our friends and ally from that time forward.”

  The Emperor slowly lowered his head, “There are lessons that one must see to believe.”

  Cyanna smiled, “Yes there are.”

  George looked at Dolly, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  “I didn’t know if you would agree for me to give them our technology. I remembered their frequency and decided I would ask for forgiveness instead of permission.”

  George smiled, “Just like Chris and Jillian when they rescued you.”

  Dolly smiled, “Exactly like that.”

  Jeff came over and hugged her and said, “You’ve saved us again.”

  Dolly looked at the display showing the massive battle and said, “No, it’s the crazy Cuban that made the difference.” She paused and then said, “I did help a little.”

  Jeff and George laughed out loud and Dolly said, “Well, maybe more than just a little.” They laughed even harder and she said, “Ok, I helped a lot; does that make you happy.”

  Even Meisa ended up holding her ribs.

  • • •

  The Blue Giant ships joined in the chase of the fleeing Red ships and no one pursued like the Blue Giants. The small craft and the rest of the fleet all gave chase and after ten hours only three thousand of the eighteen billion Red Ships that arrived in their formations were able to escape.

  Once the Fleets moved back into their formations, RV said, “Hold your positions. We will be jumping to another location to complete this action. Stand by for instructions.” RV entered a frequency on his panel and said, “We have resolved our problem and want to know if you will keep your agreement if we assist you in resolving yours?”

  There was a momentary silence and then the speaker said, “You have greatly surprised us. We gave you no possibility of survival.”

  “Stranger things have happened. However, it’s time to decide.”

  “What assurance do we have that you will keep your promises?”

  The Emperor broke into the conversation and said, “We have attacked them and destroyed their home world. Yet they came and defended us against an enemy that could destroy us. You may find assurance that if you are given a promise, it will be kept. Whatever agreements he has made
with you, my civilizations will also agree to follow them.”

  “What about those giant Blue Ships?”

  The Seventh said, “The friend of my friend is also my friend.”

  There was a pause and then they heard, “We will keep our agreement. I want you to come and have further discussions with my leadership but they have agreed to support my decision.”

  RV smiled, “Please send me a detailed scan of your positions.”

  “You will have it momentarily.”

  • • •

  The Emperor looked at RV on his display, “Who was that?”

  “That was the Commanding Admiral of the Grillen. They are the ships fighting the Red Ships on their other border.”

  “What have I just agreed to do?”

  RV smiled, “The Grillen were attacked in their galaxy hundreds of thousands of years ago and they rebuilt their worlds and came here to make sure it never happened again. They have agreed to go back to their galaxy and stay there if we assist them in removing their ancient enemy.”

  “Why can’t we open communications with them and share our commerce with them?”

  “That is what you will talk about when their leaders come for discussions.”

  “Why would I do it? You’re the leader of our forces.”

  “I’m a warrior. You are a statesman. I hope the universe has a larger need for those like you than me in the future. My people will work out a mutual defense pact with you and I’m sure you and our leaders will begin to cooperate in many other endeavors. But first, there are twenty five billion more Red Ships to confront.”

  “That many?”

  “Yes, but now there’s a difference.”

  “What’s that?”

  RV smiled and said, “We’ve had some practice.”

  Cyanna started giggling and RV looked at her. “What’s so funny?”

  “The last box will be the easiest.”

  RV shook his head, “The last box has us in it. Get the fleets organized, Admiral.”

  • • •

  The twenty million Blue Giant Ships jumped in leading the combined fleets and devastated the Red Formations from the rear. The billions of Grillen Ships charged in from the front and the rout was on. The Red Ships that managed to flee the battle were pursued by more than six ships each. None of them escaped and the three thousand that escaped the first battle were destroyed when they returned to a home that had an enemy waiting for them. The Combined Sector Fleets and Grillen Fleets then fanned out throughout the Red Sector, looking for any Red Ships that were still operational and destroyed them all. Amie Jabaran killed the final survivor. The war with the Red Sector was over.

  • • •

  RV looked at his watch and saw that it had stopped. He shook it and held it up to his ear as Cyanna reported, “The last Red Ship has been destroyed.” She looked at him shaking his watch and said, “What’s the matter?”

  “My watch just stopped working.”

  Cyanna smiled, “That must be the end of time you kept talking about.”

  RV looked at her and had a serious expression. “You’re right. I kept sensing that our time would end with this war.”

  “Silly, if you could tell the future you would know our next child is going to be named Junior.”

  Cyanna saw his expressions change multiple times before she saw his love for her in his face, “Really?”

  “Really; I just didn’t tell you earlier because I didn’t want you to lose your focus before the final battle.”

  RV continued to stare at her with love in his eyes and then he slowly tilted his head back, “What do you mean lose my focus; my first name is focus.” Cyanna started laughing and turned back to her board to reorganize the fleets. RV continued to describe how excellent he was at focusing on all sorts of details. Finally she had to stop and just laughed until it hurt. RV stopped his tirade and watched as the rest of the bridge crew joined in Cyanna’s laughter. He looked around and said, “What?” Nothing was accomplished for the next ten minutes. He looked around the room and said, “I can focus.” Cyanna was so thankful she recorded the moment and years later RV laughed as well. The statue of RV that was placed in front of the Galactic Government Center centuries later had his watch on his arm with the exact time it stopped.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Emperor looked out across the huge auditorium at the gathered species talking among themselves. These were the chosen representatives of the civilizations in the five galaxies that had fought the Red Sector. He glanced at the Nexu and the seven council members of the Blue Civilization. Everyone in the room knew they were telepathic and there was no possibility of deception during the proceedings. He noticed many of them looking at the Humans and Blue Leaders with a measure of fear. The Emperor understood their feelings. Everyone present knew who the real power in the room was and even he recognized that it was not him. He called the meeting to order and said, “We are here today to come to agreements on how we move forward now that this war has ended. I think the first order of business is for this body to select the one that is going to replace me. We need a leader that is chosen by all of the five galaxies represented here. I was chosen in a time of emergency and that time has passed.”

  He saw a light illuminate on his panel and he said, “The humans have requested to speak.”

  Everyone in the room expected them to nominate one of them to replace the Emperor; silence descended on the room. George Sierra stood and said, “How long are you going to live?”

  The Emperor was surprised by the question. He had to think a moment and gather his wits, “My species live about eight hundred of your years.”

  “And how old are you now?”

  “Two hundred.”

  George looked around the room and said, “We have learned during the war that you have made decisions that did not favor any of the parties fighting it. You were able to get two sectors that had warred with each other for thousands of centuries to work together. You convinced the Minors that they would be a part of the new structure and would be treated as equals. You gave your agreement to the Grillen that you would stand by any agreements that were made. It is the belief of our leaders that there is no one better qualified to have this power than you.”

  The Emperor stared at the human and felt humble. He never expected them to not take power after the war. He said, “This position has too much power for one being to hold.”

  George smiled, “We know that and it reassures us that you are the right one to hold it. You will be an absolute ruler until you die. Nothing can be done if we all have to come to agreements on every issue. There is too much distrust among the civilizations here.”

  “I don’t want this much power.”

  “Then you have six hundred years to work with the five galaxies to build a government that can handle that power responsibly. If you can accomplish that in a shorter time frame, then feel free to step down.” George paused and said, “We have to have someone that is willing to enforce peace among us; someone that call us together if we’re ever attacked again by another galaxy; someone that understands that not all attacks are done by warships but can also come in the form of economic terrorism. We must have someone committed to the principle that we must all come together to ensure peace and prosperity among us.” George looked around the room and said, “We have no desire to rule anyone. We were forced into the events that brought us here to simply survive against ruthless predators. We will support the Emperor’s efforts to form a government that can continue these principles after he abdicates. He will be the only absolute ruler we will accept.”

  The Leader of the Grillen Galaxy had his eyes closed and he stood and said, “I have been listening to the Emperor’s thoughts.” There was a murmur that filled the hall and he said, “One of our civilizations is telepathic and their representative has been allowing me to hear what the Emperor is thinking. He does not desire this power.” The Grillen Leader looked up at the Emperor and said, “In my mind,
that makes him the best one to hold it.”

  The Assembly took less than two hours to unanimously elect the huge creature as their ruler. The Emperor looked out at the gathering and he said, “My first act as your chosen leader is to break a promise.”

  Silence descended on the delegates. The Emperor looked at RV and said, “You promised the leader of the Red Ship Fleets that we were going to destroy every planet in his sector if he chose to attack. We are not going to do that.” The Emperor continued to stare at RV and saw him smile and give a slight nod. The Emperor looked out at the gathering and said, “All of you will provide ships to go to the surviving planets in the Red Sector and inform them that they will not be allowed to build a star ship for a hundred years. We will provide them the ships and means to trade among themselves or with other civilizations during that time, but they will be on probation until they prove they are capable of adhering to our principles. There are more than six hundred billion civilized planets in the Red Sector and if any of them don’t agree to follow our directives, there will be one less in that total. If any of them violate the prohibition on building star ships, there will be one less in the total. I need to know if you agree with this first action and if you don’t; I will not accept this position. The time of indiscriminate killing is over.”

  The entire room jumped to its feet and applauded the new Emperor. The Emperor accepted their applause and glanced briefly at RV and saw him nodding his head.

  Three hundred years later the Galactic Government Center was completed and the representatives began the governing of the members. The Emperor had the power of veto over any decisions they made and during the first hundred years he used it a thousand times. The second hundred years, he didn’t use it but once and that was when he abdicated his throne when the Assembly voted for him to continue in power.

  He made his final announcement in front of the statue of the Admiral with his arm over the shoulders of his mate. He stared at the statue for a long time before speaking and knew that RV knew he was going to nominate him to be Emperor. The Emperor closed his eyes and thought, “You would have been a better choice.” He turned to the microphones and knew that the Admiral would have not agreed with him on that one issue.


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