Undertow: A Forbidden Love College Sports Romance (Rising Tides Book 1)

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Undertow: A Forbidden Love College Sports Romance (Rising Tides Book 1) Page 5

by Kaia Knight

  She gave him a playful smile. “Not bad. That’s as much as you’re getting from me today.”

  “Actually, I didn’t come here to get an explanation from you. I came to apologize myself. But, considering you’re taking the hit...my work here is done, so I’ll see myself out.” Turning on his heel, he started for the door, biting back a smile.

  “Hey!” Kailani grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

  “No, really. I am sorry. If I’m being honest, I haven’t really been on the dating scene in years, so I think I got a little ahead of myself.” He grinned at her wickedly. “But you have to admit, you were straight-up teasing me.”

  She laughed as color rose to her cheeks. “Okay, okay. Am I allowed to blame it on the cider? Or the concussion?”

  “After you tried to convince me that your head was fine, and cider is glorified apple juice? I think not.”

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes at him, and her mouth twitched with a smile. “I guess I should admit that I’m a little rusty too. It’s been nonstop sports and school and work, doesn’t leave much room for dating. Most guys just don’t understand why I’d want to get up at five in the morning to work out every day, and they seem to think I should prioritize them over my dreams.”

  Gabriel nodded eagerly. “Finally, someone who gets it! The few times I was in a relationship, they would throw an ultimatum about how we didn’t spend enough time together, so it was her or the bike.” He laughed. “I’m still single, so you can guess what I chose. So, no relationships for me.”

  Kailani’s eyes glinted. “Well, if we both weren’t so set on not dating, sounds like we’d be the perfect match. What a bummer.”

  His heart began to hammer her playful tone and the way her eyes traced down his chest. He wanted to close the distance between them and feel those lips against his again.

  Kailani cleared her throat, interrupting his fantasizing. “Hey, I’m not sure what you’re doing today, but I’m all settled in here…if you wanted to hang out. I’m thinking something that doesn’t involve adrenaline sports if that’s okay with you.”

  “Sure thing, I thought I’d have to beg for forgiveness, so I cleared my afternoon.”

  Her eyes crinkled at his sarcasm, and another wave of desire coursed through him. He tore his gaze from the fullness of her mouth and distracted himself by wandering towards the kitchen. He stopped at the refrigerator where a long, laminated list hung. “Wow, is this your chore chart?”

  “Yeah. It looks pretty daunting, right?” She sighed, “I’ll be lucky to get through half of these every week.”

  “Hmm.” He ran a finger down the list. “Why don’t we get started with something now? I can show you a few things I learned when I helped the Flockharts. It’ll probably feel less intimidating when you have your first task crossed off.”

  Kailani put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow. “What makes you think I need a man to show me how to do my job?”

  “Easy now. I was just going to show you how to bum the most treats from Josie while you’re working. The key is to look as exhausted as possible, and she’ll come dashing out with a plate of scones. Works every time.”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Well, I hadn’t intended on putting you to work…but if you’re offering, how could I turn that down?”

  “I’m not afraid to shoot.” Kailani pointed the nozzle of the pressure washer at Gabriel, who threw his hands up in surrender, backing away. She turned and finished the last strip of the peeling garden fence with a flourish.

  As her back was turned, Gabriel snuck up to the pressure washer and turned the power up. Kai, standing only a few feet from the fence, shrieked as the water now splashed back onto her, misting into her face, and making her sputter in surprise.

  Kailani turned, aiming at the ground before him, and he ran away laughing as the water stung his bare arms.

  She cut the power and turned the hose off, still chuckling. They towed the machine into the barn and strolled across the property before entering the inn through the rear sliding door. Gabriel looked sidelong at Kailani as they halted in the kitchen. Her cheeks were flushed, and damp waves had escaped from her loose bun, framing her face. She bent down to cuff the hem of her soggy jeans, her cleavage peeking through the damp shirt.

  Gabriel cleared his throat and averted his eyes, and Kailani gave him a questioning look.


  “Nothing.” He ran a hand through his hair, trying to push back the desire that welled up within him.

  She turned to the refrigerator, pulling out a pitcher and pouring it into two mason jars. “Wanna go out on the deck?”

  Gabriel nodded, grabbing a glass, and followed her outside. He collapsed into an Adirondack chair and heaved a satisfied sigh. The afternoon sunlight filtered through the trees, its shadows dancing on their skin. Kailani settled into the chair next to him, her long legs slung over the armrest.

  Gabriel inspected the glass in his hand, the ice clinking as he tilted it. “Is this Josie’s famous lemonade?” He took a sip and smacked his lips. “Ahh. Nectar of the gods.”

  “Yeah, she dropped by this morning and stocked the fridge with a bunch of homemade stuff. It feels like I’m at a bed and breakfast, not here to work.”

  “That’s because you offloaded all your work onto me.”

  “Hey!” Kailani threw him an indignant look. “You’re the one who offered.”

  Gabriel sighed and put on a mournful expression. “I dunno, I felt a little pressured. You just used me for my muscles.”

  Kailani’s eyes danced. “I guess I did. Pressure wash you, that is. But I don’t need your muscles, I’m packing my own guns.” She kissed the bicep that held her glass, and Gabriel couldn’t help but laugh.

  “No, but really. I enjoyed this. I forgot how much I love it here.” He glanced in the direction of the main farmhouse. “I wish the Flockharts were home, I’m long overdue for a visit. I didn’t even know they were hiring an intern.”

  “Interns. Apparently my housemate arrives tomorrow, it's going to be a crazy few days.”

  Gabriel glanced down at his watch. “That reminds me, I have some work to take care of for tomorrow.” He stood, downing the rest of his lemonade before grinning at Kailani. “I probably should get going before you have more chores lined up for me.”

  Kailani walked beside him under the wisteria-laden trellis that led to the driveway, their hands brushing against each other. When they reached his truck, Gabriel turned towards her to say goodbye, but the words caught in his throat as he met her enigmatic gaze.

  Silence stretched between them as he wrestled with his thoughts. Does she want me to kiss her? I don’t want a repeat of last night, though. But I can’t just fist bump her like a douchebag. Maybe a hug?

  A smile broke out on Kailani’s face as he stood paralyzed. “So, when will I see you again?”

  His heart leapt at the promise her question held, that she might feel the same magnetic pull that had brought him there today. “I can give you my number?”

  “My phone drowned, remember?”

  He gave her a rueful grin. “Right. I guess I’ll just have to surprise you again.”

  “I’ll see you when I see you, then. I love surprises.” She stepped closer, lifting onto her toes to give him a swift kiss. He froze in shock, and she waved her fingers at him before turning and walking back to the inn, pulling the door closed behind her.

  Gabriel didn’t move for several moments, bringing his fingers to his lips where a jolt of electricity hummed. Shaking his head, he turned and headed towards his truck with a smile.

  Chapter 7


  Kailani’s hands trembled in excitement, palms damp as she pulled her hair back in a tight bun, her locks heavy with sweat from her run onto campus. It was finally Friday afternoon, her first day of swim practice. In the locker room adjacent to the natatorium, Kailani fidgeted with her old swimsuit. Its elastic was worn and rose high on her hips and she kept tu
gging the bottom to cover as much of her cheeks as possible. When she lifted her arms above her head to stretch her cap on, the suit climbed even further up over her hips.

  For crying out loud, I look like I’m fresh out of an 80s aerobic tape. I need a new suit.

  Her thighs rubbed together with each step as she wove through the benches surrounded by lockers, whose paint peeled away in protest of the heavy chlorine in the air.

  Every motion was stiff, overcalculated as she looked around at the other girls who chatted, hugging, and laughing. Kailani gave a tight smile, nodding as she walked by. She wondered how she would fit in with these girls as several of them linked arms and strutted onto the pool deck. She straightened her shoulders and resolved to walk out at least looking confident.

  Striding onto the pool deck with her mesh swimming bag slung across her back, she surveyed the scene, breathing in the smell of the chlorine. Its sharp scent brought back memories of cheers echoing through the natatorium, excitement charging the air and whistles screeching with the start of a race. A genuine smile slowly spread across her face. I’ll be okay. This is where I belong.

  Feeling more hopeful, she followed the rest of the girls to where they huddled in a mass of skin and spandex. She rose onto her toes, craning above them to see what they were looking at. Two men in crisp, white polo shirts stood talking to one another and high fiving some of the girls in the front who were likely returning upperclassmen.

  Looking closer, she froze when she saw the man on the left, letting an involuntary gasp slip out.

  It was Gabriel.

  Kailani ducked back down and peeked through the heads in front of her again, being careful to not be seen. The word COACH was embroidered on his chest.

  Nooooo! At that moment, the older man with peppery hair cleared his throat and began asking for order, smiling at everyone.

  “Welcome to a new season, a new opportunity, ladies! To those of you who are new, I am your Head Coach, Steve. This is our Assistant Coach, Gabriel. It is our mission to help you….” Kailani didn’t hear the rest of his opening speech as her mind raced.

  Shit. How…? He’s my coach? She traced back through all their conversations, trying to find a hint towards this unexpected outcome. I kissed my coach. I can’t even begin to think of how many university policies this violates. My scholarship, my reputation…

  Her panic was interrupted by Coach Steve saying her name. “I’d like to introduce our three new members - one is a new freshman here, and two are transfer students. Please welcome Samantha, Latisha, and Kailani. Please come up front and tell us a little about yourselves!”

  Kailani froze, trying to stay behind the girl in front of her as they parted, making way for the new teammates to come forward. Samantha and Latisha walked forward, shook the hands of both coaches, and gave cheerful greetings to everyone. She caught that Latisha was also here on scholarship.

  “Kailani?” Steve asked, glancing at his clipboard, “is she here yet?”

  Kailani ducked her head and hurried forward to shake Coach Steve’s hand, wishing she could disappear into the floor as she shook Gabriel’s. His grip was tight, his jaw locked.

  She stood next to the other new girls, thinking back through her conversations with Gabriel. How had his profession not come up?

  “Kailani?” Steve nudged. “Want to tell us a little about yourself?”

  “Oh! Right. Uhh...I transferred here from the University of Hawaii, so I’m a junior. I’m a distance freestyler but have a sweet spot for the 400IM, and I’m studying Business with a minor in Hospitality. I’m excited to be here!” she ended, trying to finish on a perkier note, but her voice wavered.

  Coach Steve clapped her on the shoulder and beamed. “She’s our new D1 superstar, plucked right from one of the best teams in the country, so we finally have a fighting chance at champs this year!” he enthused, giving a wink to the team. “Now, on to administrative matters before we hop in…”

  As Coach Steve went down his list, Kailani looked around, hoping to find a friendly face. Instead, she just found narrowed eyes and an eyeroll or two. Thanks, Coach. Way to put a target on my back before I can even meet anyone.

  After breaking, most of the team headed towards different lanes along the pool, following the rhythm rehearsed through thousands of hours of practice together. Samantha trailed behind them at the beckon of one of the girls. Coach Steve was preoccupied several yards away with Latisha, animatedly discussing her goals.

  That left her and Gabriel. “What lane would you like me in... Coach?”

  He stepped closer. “I thought you were a runner!” he hissed quietly, glancing around. “You didn’t tell me you were a student here, let alone a varsity swimmer!”

  “So I can’t run, too? And you failed to mention you were a coach,” she whispered back acidly.

  A muscle in his jaw jumped as he stared at her. Finally, he pointed to the first three lanes and reflected her cool tone, raising his voice so it would carry. “Hop in any of these lanes and we’ll see where you fit best.”

  Kailani turned and strode towards the pool, stopping short at the third lane where the fewest number of girls were doing a warm-up set. She hopped in the frigid water and immediately pushed off the wall, shoving away her frenzied thoughts as she poured her energy into the workout. Before the last round of the workout, Gabriel approached her lane with crossed arms.

  “Kai, let’s move you to lane one.” He pointed at the lane with the fastest girls on the team, all seniors. One of the girls made a face that said she was not welcome.

  “Uh…no, I’m okay here, coach!”

  “You’re throwing off the pacing in this lane.” The girls in Kailani’s lane sagged against the ledge, breathing heavily.

  “Oh. Sorry.” Her cheeks flushed, and she ducked under the lane lines and emerged in the first lane. Falling to the back of the line, she tried to match the effort of the girl in front of her for the rest of practice, leaving just enough space that she would not be a nuisance, but close enough that Gabriel could not call her out for slacking.

  Once they wrapped up their last set, preparing for an easy cool-down, Kailani leaned towards the other girls who chugged from their water bottles. “Man, if they expect me to do that again tomorrow in the morning, I hope the lifeguards will be awake, cause I will be feeling this!” she said, hugging her bicep against her chest to knead a tender spot on her shoulder. “You guys are tough to keep up with!”

  Lisa, one of the fastest seniors, flashed her a quick smile and gave her a high five. Kailani brightened. Grabbing her gear, she pulled herself out of the water, feeling better.

  Coach Steve beckoned her over, and her stomach clenched. Did Gabriel tell him? But he smiled at her. “Great work out there today, Kailani. Make sure to hydrate and rest up, and we’ll see you dark and early tomorrow.”

  Dismissed, Kailani made her way to the locker room, depositing her bag of gear on the bench in front of her locker. Unzipping it, she grabbed her shampoo and towel and headed to the group showers where most of the team gathered in the steamy haze, still in their bathing suits. They raised their voices above the hiss of the showers as they gossiped.

  “I forgot how hot Gabriel is. I’m so glad he’s back this season,” said Kenzie, one of the seniors in the fast lane.

  Samantha, standing between the seniors, pretended to swoon and the rest of the girls laughed. She was clearly quick to make friends. “I almost drooled when I shook his hand. Kailani could hardly keep her cool, too,” Samantha teased, looking at her with a smile.

  Kailani smiled back and joked, “He’s okay. It was the lifeguard I couldn’t stop staring at.”

  Samantha laughed. The gangly lifeguard had looked like he was in high school, zoned out on the same patch of water all practice as he picked at his nose.

  “Now, if Coach Steve could get his other son to coach too, then I would be in heaven,” Lisa said. “I don’t know what is in that McEwen blood, but phew!” She fanned herself with her
swim cap as the other girls laughed.

  Kailani froze, her mind racing. “What do you mean, his other son?”

  Kenzie answered, “His brother is super hot, obviously.”

  “Coach Steve is Gabriel’s dad?”

  “Uh, yeah?” Lisa and Kenzie exchanged looks, turning their backs as they left the shower area.

  Kailani’s mind raced. He could already know about the kiss. Either Gabriel or Eli could have talked to him before today.

  As the girls trickled out of the shower area, Kailani was left in the company of her agonizing thoughts. Tilting her head back in the scorching pulse of the water, she considered her first day. What a mess. Besides the glaring issue of Gabriel, she could not place the unease that she felt around the team. It’s like they all have something against me. Or am I just imagining it? At least Samantha is nice.

  Kailani turned the tap off, wincing at its reluctant screech, and leaned out of the shower area to grab her towel from the row of hooks. Her hand grasped at the cold, slick tile. It wasn’t there.

  Wringing water out of her hair, she walked into the main locker area. It was empty. She searched for her bag but didn’t see it on the far left bench where she left it. Furrowing her brows, she scoured the room, looking through every locker and in every backpack stall. Standing in the middle of the empty room, hair dripping, she was in disbelief. They took my bag? Why?

  She paused as she weighed her options. Luckily, she had packed light for the run to and from campus; her bag only held her change of clothes. Thank God I showered with my suit on, or this would be a scene right out of The Parent Trap.

  She decided her only option was to put on a tough face and act like nothing happened. If this is hazing, they’ll want a reaction out of me—not today. She took a deep breath and exited the locker room to the entrance hall that led outside. Cursing her annoyingly cheeky bathing suit, she shoved the doors open and strode outside, not daring to look around her, as there were a few groups of athletes from different sports lounging against the wall who grew silent as she passed. She didn’t have a car, so at least she didn’t have to worry about missing keys or a wallet. But walking into the unusually cool night air, she would have rather had her pants on. And running shoes. Though the miles had slipped by quickly during Kailani’s run onto campus, the prospect of walking barefoot all the way home was far less appealing.


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