Undertow: A Forbidden Love College Sports Romance (Rising Tides Book 1)

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Undertow: A Forbidden Love College Sports Romance (Rising Tides Book 1) Page 14

by Kaia Knight

  “Alright,” Melody said, turning towards Kailani. “This is where we part ways, any deeper and I won’t be able to touch. I’ll be doing some laps here, so just keep an eye out for my cap, okay? Don’t hit me!” She tugged on her hot pink swim cap over her blonde bun and, with a salute, she dove into the water, swimming parallel to the shore. She was graceful as she glided over the swells of the waves as they ballooned underneath her.

  As Kailani watched her, a smile continued to play at her lips. She reminds me of someone, but I can’t put my finger on it.

  Shifting her attention, she surveyed the horizon as their group paused. “Anything I should be aware of? Any rips, or big rocks? The manager at the surf shop gave me the weather and surf report, but I take it you guys are regulars here?”

  Jake pointed out a dark patch of water towards the right of the immense rock ahead of them. “You just have to watch for that area. It’s easy to avoid Otter Rock, because it’s so obvious, but I’ve wiped out on those small rocks just below the surface more times than I care to admit.”

  She nodded, gazing north beyond the massive mesa-like rock jutting from the ocean floor. In the distance, she spotted movement and the bobbing of buoys.

  “What are they doing out there?” She nodded to the cluster of kayakers.

  “We see them out here a lot. Sometimes it’s the Coast Guard guys working on a practice mission, but it might be research divers studying wildlife.” Jake smiled kindly. “We can check it out later—have you ever been to Devil’s Punchbowl?”

  Her eyes widened as she followed his finger towards a massive rock jutting out from the coast, the sea slamming against its sides violently. “Yikes, looks dangerous.”

  Cristiano cleared his throat, paddling between them and forcing them apart. “Let’s go catch some waves already.”

  She sighed, paddling out in their wake, scoping out the best area to wait. Kailani let them take the first round of waves, shaking her head as they all hopped on the same surge of water, dangerously close to one another as they wiped out. She studied her surroundings, paddling towards the north end of Otter Rock, far from the guys.

  “What are you doing?” called Cristiano. “The best waves are over here!”

  But she spotted a subtle channel of water, curling around Otter Rock before forming a distinct, tube-like wave that was small, but crisp in its shape. She smiled and paddled herself into position.

  “That’s just an ankle buster, don’t bother!” yelled Cristiano.

  “Shut up,” she growled. As the wave approached, Kailani felt a swell of excitement. This is it. She began to paddle with measured strokes and felt a surge of adrenaline as she was lifted, momentarily weightless. Carefully, she braced her hands on either side of the board, gracefully rising into a catlike crouch, using her hips to steer her flight along the wave. She let out a laugh of pure exhilaration as she wove in front of the guys, their astonished faces quickly swallowed in her wake.

  She concentrated on the curve of water beyond her board, smiling grimly as she watched the lip of the wave curling forward, ready to spill over. Kailani took a steadying breath and widened her stance in preparation. Time to fly.

  Kailani shifted her weight onto the tail end of the board before jumping with her knees to her chest, the board floating just below her toes. She launched off the upper lip of the wave, flying above its tumbling mouth with a whoop of joy. She bent low to grab the rail of the board to land just beyond the crash of the wave, riding out the rest of her momentum before lowering herself onto her board, breathing hard.

  Melody was a dozen yards away, treading water, giving her a thumbs up and screaming, “Yeah, you show ‘em, girl!”

  Kailani laughed, feeling lighter as she paddled back to the group of guys. Their words of wisdom and critiques were suddenly gone, replaced by eager demands to teach them her tricks.

  “Holy shit! That was amazing!” one of the guys shoved Cristiano’s board away with a foot. “Cris didn’t tell us you were a pro! I feel like an ass now.”

  She grinned broadly and shrugged. “No worries.”

  They spent the next hour taking turns and trying out new moves. After she attempted an aerial and wiped out spectacularly, Kailani returned to the guys, laughing as they clapped her on the back.

  “That was epic, even though you ate it.” Jake smiled at Cristiano. “She’s a keeper.”

  I’m a what, now? She frowned at Cristiano. What has he been telling them?

  Cristiano appeared relaxed, a big smirk across his face as he leaned towards her for a high five. She hesitantly reached out her hand to return the gesture, but he grabbed her wrist and with a jerk of her arm, he tugged her off her board. She surfaced with a gasp; her eyes wild as she looked around in surprise.

  He laughed at her expression, clutching his stomach and threw his head back.

  “Oh, no you didn’t.” She splashed him, the cold water smacking him in the face.

  Suddenly, one of the guys shoved Cristiano off his board, and he flopped into the water next to her with a yelp. He paddled close to her, draping an arm on her board to anchor them together as they floated with the swells. Cristiano drew closer and licked his lips as he gazed at her. He was suddenly too close, and she glanced around at the guys who were elbowing one another, grinning at them.

  Panicking, she swiveled around, and saw Melody was no longer in the water. “We should head in, looks like Melody is back by our stuff. I’m starving anyways…” She ducked away from Cristiano, pulling herself onto her board to float in with the tide, away from the weight of his stare.

  She squinted towards the shore, where Melody was wrapped in a bright pink towel to match her cap, comically optimistic against the dark sky. Two tall, muscular figures stood next to her. Kailani glanced around, but all of Cristiano’s teammates were still near her as they waded, the water waning at their ankles. Who are they? She peered once more at Melody’s companions. It almost looks like…

  Kailani was distracted by the loud whispers behind her as she waded in the shallows. Whipping her head around, she saw the guys huddled up, tugging at Cristiano’s elbow, who stumbled slightly in the water as he broke free of their hold and stepped towards her.

  Her eyes narrowed, her gaze flicking between the group and Cristiano. “What’s up, guys?”

  Cristiano strode up to her and dropped his board, still tethered to his ankle. He locked his eyes on Kailani, grabbing her arms in a vice like grip, as if he were both holding onto her and holding himself up.

  “Cristiano, what are you doing?” Her mind scrambled to catch up to the scenario unfolding before her.

  His dark eyes gleamed as he pulled her body against his. She was trapped, her mind racing to escape.

  She tried pulling away as his face drew closer, but he grabbed the back of her head and brought his lips roughly down onto hers. She struggled in his grasp, the lingering taste of beer on his lips making her stomach churn. Kailani turned her head to the side, but his mouth followed hers hungrily. As he deepened the kiss, a slow, roiling anger rose inside as she fought against the panic consuming her.

  Chapter 18


  Before Gabriel knew what he was doing, a pulsing fury ripped through him and he was hurtling across the sand towards the open ocean. His stomach clenched when he saw the silhouette of Cristiano closing in on Kailani in the distance; everything about her body language screamed for help. But when Cristiano grabbed her possessively, Gabriel launched himself forward without a second thought. The same instinct that flooded his veins when he saw a swimmer slip under the surface surged through him now.

  He drove his knees higher, hurtling through the stinging sand and into the water as he focused on Kailani. When Cristiano pushed himself against her, crashing his lips down on hers, Gabriel sucked air through his teeth. His thumbs gripped so tightly over his knuckles that they cracked as he sprinted. It was like he was outside his body, zooming in on the scene before him, turning the volume up as he drew cl

  A ring of observers surrounded Kailani. Gabriel faltered, then came to a halt. His whole body trembled, brimming with adrenaline that fought to escape his hold. Splashing signaled the arrival of Melody and Eli, panting beside him, but he could not take his eyes off Kailani.

  She flexed her biceps and curled her arms upwards to break free of Cristiano’s hold. She shoved him away, fury flaring on her face. “What are you doing? Get your hands off me!” she spat at him, her words carrying sharply through the air.

  Cristiano grabbed at her arms again as he slurred, “Don’t be like that.”

  She cocked her right elbow back and, with a loud thwack, she punched Cristiano squarely in the nose. Stumbling back, Cristiano doubled over, moaning with his hands covering his face.

  Gabriel was rooted to the spot, his jaw slack. Nobody spoke, and the only noise was the crashing of the waves and Cristiano’s curses.

  Her voice rang clear in the taut silence. “I told you not to touch me.”

  Kailani stood with her legs braced apart, her right hand still clenched in a fist. The stormy breeze blew her hair behind her, like the whip of a cape. Gabriel fought the absurd urge to laugh. She looked like a superhero, skin-tight suit and all. He swallowed the odd emotion that threatened to bubble to the surface.

  Cristiano turned and stumbled towards shore, his teammates flocking behind him, exchanging unnerved expressions.

  She crossed her arms and expelled a deep breath. Melody stepped forward, her brows furrowed in concern, but the sudden splash of water made Kailani whip around. She turned towards them, her wide eyes settling on him. “Gabriel?” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  “For a diving test—but are you okay?”

  She shook her head slowly, as if in a daze. “I just bloodied up my roommate’s face, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?”

  Gabriel clenched his jaw. “Yeah, well, his face deserved it.” He glanced towards the shore, where the group of guys still scrambled to gather their belongings. He held up a finger to Kailani. “One second, I’ll be back.”

  “Gabe, no!” she cried, but he sloshed through the water anyway.

  Gabriel slowed as he approached the group. “Hey. Cristiano,” he called, fighting to keep his voice even.

  Cristiano had a t-shirt pressed to his face. “What do you want?” His tone was icy, all signs of slurring gone. Looks like it just took a good fist in the face to sober him up.

  Gabriel took a step closer, lowering his voice. “If you lay a hand on Kailani again without her explicit permission, I will make sure the Flockharts know exactly what kind of person you are. So, watch yourself if you want to keep your scholarship.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Cristiano sneered, baring white teeth beneath tracks of dark blood.

  Gabriel looked at him coolly. “I’m just letting you know how this will play out—if you don’t back off.”

  Cristiano’s dark eyes fixed on Gabriel’s, flashing with anger. His lips slowly curled into a smile, and he gripped Gabriel’s shoulder tightly. “Don’t worry, man. I won’t touch your girl again.” With that, he bent down and heaved the cooler over his shoulder and headed towards the parking lot.

  Gabriel stared after him, unease coiling in his stomach. I have a feeling this won’t be the last I hear of him.

  Shaking his head, he turned back towards the shore, where Kailani, Eli, and Melody walked towards where their belongings lay on the sand.

  Kailani sat down on her towel, crossing her elbows over her knees and exhaling a shaky breath. She looked up at him suspiciously. “What did you say to him?”

  Gabriel shrugged. “I just told him that the Flockharts would be hearing from me if anything else happens.” He caught her panicked expression and said softly, “This is important—you deserve to live somewhere you feel comfortable and safe.”

  She looked down, digging her toes in the sand. “I just…maybe I overreacted. I don’t want this to ruin things for me at the ranch.”

  Gabriel frowned, crossing his arms. “No. Nobody has the right to touch you and make you feel bad about it. Okay? It doesn’t matter if that someone is your roommate, or even your boyfriend.”

  “He is not my boyfriend.”

  Melody laughed lightly as she sank onto the towel beside Kailani, “If he didn’t know before, I think he understands that now.” She sighed, cocking her head to the side. “He made you uncomfortable, even in the beginning. I could tell you didn’t fall under his spell like I did—I’m sorry.”

  Eli, who had been unusually silent this whole time, suddenly cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him, but he just glanced around hastily, and his face reddened as he scowled. Eli…blushing? Gabriel narrowed his eyes, studying his brother who continued to grumpily brush sand from his legs.

  Kailani dropped her head in her hands. “What am I going to do? I have to live with him.”

  Melody bumped her shoulder against Kailani’s. “You’ll come home with me tonight. You can stay as long as you need.” Kailani leaned in and gave her a side hug.

  Melody smiled and clapped her hands, rubbing them together. “Alright, that was enough excitement for me. Let’s eat already, before I punch someone!” Kailani snorted and smacked her arm, all the remaining tension in the group diffused as her face relaxed into a sheepish grin.

  Nodding towards the brothers, Melody continued, “We packed enough food for eight people, so we’re going to need some help from you guys.” Eli was already picking through the cooler, not needing her encouragement.

  Kailani cracked open a soda with a satisfying pop. “So, what are you guys doing here?”

  Gabriel had just taken an enormous bite out of his sub and covered his mouth as he swallowed quickly. “I just had my open water test for my rescue diving course. We were over by Devil’s Punchbowl.”

  “Oh, so it was you I saw while we were surfing! How’d it go?”

  Gabriel shifted, clearing his throat. “Uh…not great, honestly.” He peeled back the paper wrapper of his sandwich, looking for something to do with his hands as the girls murmured their sympathies. Melody leaned forward and patted his shoulder in encouragement.

  “Oh, whatever!” Eli interjected suddenly, “You’ll just have to retake it another week. No biggie. No need for the pity parade.” Gabriel could see Eli’s gears turning as he looked pointedly at him. “Actually, didn’t Sarge tell you to go and get some more practice today? You should get out there and get acclimated so you can pass it next time.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “Nah, I’m okay here.” His eyes flicked to where Kailani sat, leaning back with her eyes closed, her face towards the sky.

  Melody sat forward, nodding in agreement with a sly smile. “Yeah, and Kai—you should go back out there, have some fun!”

  Kailani’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled at her friend. “Honestly, I could use a little pick-me-up right now. I don’t want to end my day on a sour note.” She stood slowly, stretching. “I wanted to swim out to Otter Rock, anyways.”

  Eli winked at Gabriel as he followed suit, joining Kailani as she strolled towards the waves that licked the shore hungrily. Is he being a good wingman or just looking out for himself? He peeked over his shoulder, where Eli and Melody sat laughing like old friends. He shook his head. Yeah, he got what he wanted.

  Kailani’s gaze followed his, and she gave him a small smile. “I just realized—I was thinking before that Melody reminded me of someone. She and Eli are so similar, right?”

  “Hmm, you’re right. Good. He needs someone who won’t stand for his nonsense,” he said with an eye roll.

  She chuckled. “Oh, I think she can dish it right back. He’s in for some ribbing.” She paused as they reached the water. “So, Eli said you needed to acclimate? What does that mean?”

  He sighed as they stood shoulder to shoulder, facing the ocean. “My instructor keeps saying I need to get more comfortable in the water. But that’s not the problem; I grew up exploring every nook and cr
anny of this coast. The ocean is home to me.”

  He let out a dark chuckle. “It was funny though—in our last class, we were going through all the elements that make the Oregon coast so uniquely deadly, writing it out on the chalkboard. We have some of the coldest, roughest water that could give even the best swimmer hypothermia. There are invisible rip tides pulling people out to sea. Jagged rocks are jutting up under the water like landmines, waiting to crack your skull open. Debris and huge logging timbers lurk in the waves, only to launch out of the water like javelins. And if that’s not enough, there are jellyfish. And sharks.”

  He shook his head. “Given all that, why do we ever dare step foot in the ocean? Am I crazy for always coming back?” He took a step forward, the dark, cold water numbing his toes. Gabriel watched her as she gazed out to the churning sea.

  Kailani’s voice was somber, almost inaudible over the waves. “Isn’t that the human pursuit? That mysterious pull…the desire to conquer the unknown, even at our own expense?”

  Gabriel’s eyes met hers as she looked sidelong at him. A shiver unrelated to the chill of the water ran through him.

  “So if it’s not the ocean that scares you, what does?” she asked softly.

  He frowned, hesitating as shame creeped in. “Failure.” He cast the word into the wind, willing it to be swallowed up by the swells in the sea.

  She nodded, “Are you talking about today?”

  He wanted to let her in, for her to understand. But he clutched his pain close to his heart, unable to share it with anyone. This is my burden to bear. “Yes and no…I guess it’s just that the ocean is predictable in its danger—we expect it and can accommodate its uncertainty. But what happens when we are the unpredictable ones? What if we fall short?”

  Her brows furrowed and confusion flashed across her face. “Then…you just keep trying, practice again and again until you get it right.”

  “Yeah. But sometimes you don’t get a do-over.” He whispered so quietly that he could not be sure that she heard him.


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