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Undertow: A Forbidden Love College Sports Romance (Rising Tides Book 1)

Page 28

by Kaia Knight

  She heard the breath of the referee as he leaned into the microphone. “Swimmers, take your mark…”

  Kailani tensed her muscles like a coiled spring and shot off the blocks at the high-pitched sound that pierced through the natatorium. Before her feet left the starting block, she knew something was wrong. The room was silent as she sprang forward, soon giving way to shouts that were not the jubilant cheers of a crowd. As she dove in the water, she was alone. Panic clawed its way to her chest, and before she surfaced, she knew what had happened. A false start.

  Kailani went limp, surfacing immediately as she twisted to face the starting wall. The rest of the racers were still standing on their blocks, their expressions ranging from horror to sympathy. A race official with a white polo and solemn expression stood at the end of her lane, sealing her fate.

  She swam the ten yards of shame to the wall as a thousand eyes watched with restless murmurs. Climbing out of the water, she crossed her arms as she began to shiver.

  The official met her gaze, his eyes flicking to the referee that approached them, and back to her. “Miss Kakoa, I’m sorry. You’re disqualified from the race for a false start. You moved before the starting buzzer.”

  She wanted to slink away and hide but knew she should try and fight it. “But what about that whistle noise? That’s why I dove...”

  The officials exchanged a doubtful look before the referee looked at her with pity. “I didn’t hear a whistle, and apparently neither did any of the other racers. I’m sorry. But we have to move on with the meet.”

  Kailani nodded numbly, vaguely aware that her face was hot, and the room became blurry. She slumped towards the other end of the pool, the crowds parting for her like she had an infectious disease.

  She turned and saw Coach Steve elbowing his way to the referee booth with a face of fury as the rest of Kailani’s heat crouched at the starting block. “Take your mark!” The buzzer sounded.

  Kailani winced as the swimmers dove in the water, the crowd rising to their feet with cheers. That should be me.

  Samantha was waiting for her in front of the team’s seating area and pulled Kailani in for a hug. “Hey, don’t sweat it. It happens to the best of us.”

  “It hasn’t happened to any of us,” Alyssa said sourly. “So glad Coach Steve had me sit that event out so you could disqualify. Now we don’t get any points.”

  Kailani’s throat tightened and her temper flared. “If you’re so fast, why didn’t you win any of your heats today? And take it up with Coach if you don’t like your events. Not everything is my fault!”

  “I can think of one thing that is,” Alyssa hissed, leaning in. “You cost us our coach.”

  “Well, if your boyfriend didn’t turn us in, he wouldn’t have left!”

  Alyssa faltered, biting her lip, and Kailani’s mouth dropped open. Samantha’s head whipped between the two of them with wide eyes.

  “Wait. You turned me in and had Gabe fired?”

  “I didn’t mean for Coach Gabriel to be fired.”

  Kailani expelled a sharp breath. “Alyssa, why did you do this? I could understand Cristiano, but what do you have to gain—”

  “You think you can just waltz in here, the coach’s little prize, and take our scholarships? Clearly you had an arrangement with Coach Gabriel—”

  “What are you talking about?” Kailani cried, looking around as the team closed in on their rising voices. “It’s not like that at all!”

  “They cut my scholarship in half. Lisa and Maria’s, too.”

  “They did what? Did you fight it?”

  “I tried! But all Coach Steve cares about are nationals and sponsors. Something we couldn’t give him, apparently. Forget the fact that I’m a tenth of a second from qualifying for nationals, he wants to spend all his time coaching you now. And I had to start working a second job to pay my rent.”

  Kailani tugged her swim cap off and tossed it in her chair as she fought the tears that threatened to overflow again. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

  “Cristiano told me you and Coach Gabe have been hanging out even before the season started, he said it was part of a plan.”

  “Well Cristiano is a liar! He was just mad that I rejected him—”

  Alyssa leaned forward, seething. “He told me all about that day on the beach. That you were leading him on, then the second Coach Gabe saw you, you had a change of heart.”

  Kailani held up her hand. “That isn’t what happened. Besides, if you honestly believe that excuses the fact that he tried to kiss me while dating you, go for it. But you have to understand. I had no idea about the scholarships!”

  Alyssa looked doubtful. “But Cristiano said…”

  At that moment, Coach Steve arrived, the veins on his forehead popping out. He fixed his glare on Kailani. “What happened up there? A false start?”

  “Sorry, Coach, I swear I heard the starting buzzer. I have no idea what happened.”

  “What happened is we are now in third place for regionals!” Spit flew from his lips and landed on Kailani’s face.

  Resentment simmered within her as she rose her arm to wipe away the spit. “It was an accident, obviously I’d rather be racing than standing here getting yelled at! Isn’t it enough that I qualified for nationals? I thought that’s what you wanted?”

  His eyebrows flew up, surprise etched in every wrinkle on his face. It was clear that no swimmer had ever talked to him this way before. Fury continued to pulse within her, months of anger and bitterness building to a critical point. Nothing will ever be enough.

  “Coach Steve, I quit.”

  Her teammates looked at each other in discomfort and confusion. Coach Steve looked like he had been slapped.

  “I quit,” she repeated, louder. “I forfeit my scholarship to be redistributed among the seniors. I won’t be a pawn in this political game, this grappling for funding.” She pointed at the seniors who now looked on the verge of tears. “They worked hard for years to get to this point, and you throw away their trust and dedication to the team, for what? A medal so the board of directors won’t fire you? You know what?” She bent down and scooped her first-place trophy from earlier and shoved it into Coach Steve’s hand, who continued to stare at her with an open mouth.

  “Keep the trophy. Add it to the shelf.”

  Kailani grabbed her backpack before turning and striding towards the exit. She threw the double doors open and walked down the dark hallway with shaking hands. Fear momentarily paralyzed her as she stood in place. I just gave up my scholarship. She hardened her resolve. Too late now.

  She walked past the group locker rooms and turned down the hallway toward the private showers, pushing one of the doors open to find a modern, single-stall locker room. Locking the door behind her, she leaned against it, breathing hard. She walked over and cranked the shower to full heat, filling the room with steam.

  She stood under the shower, letting the scalding water burn away all the trailing uncertainties that ricocheted in her head. Several minutes she stood under the hot water, not bothering to remove her swimsuit as she processed this turn in events. A knock pounded at the door and she froze. Did Coach Steve follow me?

  “Kailani? Are you in there?”

  Her heart leapt. Gabriel?

  She crossed the small room and opened the door, her hair dripping onto the floor. Her eyes traveled back down the hall. He was alone. No angry mob with a pitchfork. Steam rose around her, and she shivered as a cold draft of air slammed into her.

  “What happened? I saw the false start, but what about after? I saw Dad yelling at you…”

  “I quit, Gabe.” She bit her lip, opening the door wider. “I…what have I just done? I just gave up my scholarship.” Her voice sounded faraway, like it belonged to someone else.

  Gabriel closed the distance between them, hugging her fiercely. “You did what’s right for you. Not my dad, not the team.” He began to draw back, but she tightened her hold and pulled him closer.

>   “Please don’t let go. Not yet.” A note of desperation entering her voice.

  In his embrace, she felt the panic and worry of the last few months slipping away. She became aware of the dampness of her suit soaking into Gabriel’s sweater as she melted into the comfort of his arms. “Sorry.” Her voice was muffled against his chest. “Why is it I’m always soaking wet when I’m with you?”

  She pulled back from his embrace at the sharp exhale of his laugh. Heat flooded her cheeks.

  “No. I didn’t mean it like that!”

  Gabriel’s eyes crinkled and the corners of his lips turned down. “It’s okay, I can’t say that I mind it.” He had a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “Dirty mind.” She grinned and shoved him lightly, shivering again when another cold channel of air slipped into the room. She leaned around Gabriel to glance down the empty hall. “Well, you’d probably better get going before anyone sees us.”

  Gabriel tilted his head to the side, eying her curiously. A smile twitched at his lips again. He took a small step forward, reaching towards her, and gently cupped her face in the palm of his hand. “I don’t have to leave.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well—I mean, I can leave if you want me to. But don’t you see? You’re not on the team anymore. There’s nothing anybody can hold over you. You’re free.”

  The warmth from his hand radiated through her, thawing the fears that had bound her for so long. My scholarship; my reputation… none of that is at risk anymore. Her heart raced as a new fear perched in its place. With no more excuses standing between them, she was vulnerable and bare before him, remembering she had rejected him the last time they spoke. What must he think now?

  She met the intensity of his gaze and knew in an instant that her fears were unfounded. The deep blue of his eyes was like the illusion of a tide pool; the longer she looked, the more their depths revealed. He had shown her the darkest parts of his painful past, his hopes, and his feelings for her, made himself vulnerable to her. His feelings were clearly etched on his face as he gazed down at her.

  Closing her eyes, she released the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Just let your walls down.

  Gabriel’s hand slipped from her cheek and an icy wave of air struck her as he stepped backwards. Her eyes flew open, and she caught the shadow of doubt in his eyes.

  “It’s okay if you want me to go; I imagine you just want to be alone right now.” His voice was quiet, controlled.

  “No! I want you to stay with me. I’m sorry about last week. I was just...afraid.” She took another deep breath. No more running away. She took a step forward towards him, the man in front of her who felt more like home than anything she had ever known.

  “And now?” he murmured.

  Pressing herself against him, she knotted her hands into his thick hair, pulling him towards her. “I’m yours.”

  Her heart soared as the warmth of his lips captured hers. Every trace of his fingertips on her skin left a trail of fire. As his hands moved down her arms, her stomach fluttered. His fingers met the exposed skin at the small of her back as he deepened his kiss. Her knees weakened in response and her moan was muffled by his lips. Still tangled in their kiss, he lifted her like she was weightless. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he stepped further into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.

  Stretching her arm out, she twisted the lock into place and smiled at Gabriel. “I don’t want any more surprises.”

  He chuckled as he carried her backwards until the cool tile next to the shower pressed against her, the steam enveloping them in its misty caress. He crashed his lips back down onto hers, their tongues swirling in a rhythm that she somehow knew but had never learned.

  Breaking the kiss, Kailani panted and leaned her head back against the wall, letting Gabriel’s lips move along her jaw to the hollow of her throat. She wanted to feel his skin on hers, to explore him freely.

  She tugged at his shirt, damp from their embrace and the errant spray of the showerhead. The vibrations of his chuckle sent a jolt straight to her core. Pinning her to the wall with his hips, Gabriel straightened and lifted his arms. She yanked the shirt over his head, tossing it towards the bench in the corner of the room with a satisfied smirk. Kissing his smiling mouth, Kailani let her hands wander over the thick muscles of his shoulders, the smooth skin of his broad chest.

  She trailed her fingertips down his abs, but her legs blocked her advances towards his belt buckle. Tracing her nails back up his stomach, she rolled her hips against him. Gabriel groaned and his body responded to her urgency. His hands grazed over the swell of her breasts constrained by her swimsuit, then reached towards her straps, pulling them down over her arms, tantalizingly slow.

  “Please, take it off.” Kailani was breathless and she knotted her fingers in his hair once more when he kissed along her collar bone, continuing to tease her.

  Taking pity on her at last, Gabriel gave a slight tug, and her breasts sprang free. He stirred with a growl, cupping their weight in his palms, worshipping her with his gaze. He bit her lip gently, kissing his way to her ear. Caressing her curves, he groaned. “Dammit, Kai.”

  She felt the pulse of his need, his length pressed against her swimsuit. Her heart pounded as her hand searched lower, trying to fight against her own weight to unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans, but the grip of her legs loosened, and she slipped down with a yelp.

  Gabriel laughed and lowered her until her toes touched the tile, leaving her free to remove his pants. He stepped out, kicking them aside along with his briefs. A thrill trembled through her. Only a thin layer of fabric between us.

  His hands pulled her bathing suit lower, but it caught around her hips, unable to roll any further. He slid his hand over the fabric instead, finding the center of her longing through her suit. His breathing was ragged, and she moaned, moving against him.

  She tilted her head back in surrender as he kissed the hollow of her throat. “Don’t stop...I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I need you.”

  “I don’t have…”

  “Please. I’m on birth control. I want to feel you...” She pulled him closer. Her hands joined his free hand, struggling to shimmy the suit over her waist. “Are you kidding me?” she muttered, tugging at the stiff fabric. “Not this again.”

  A primal force seemed to overcome them as they grappled with the swimsuit.

  “Come on,” he moaned, leaning closer. He continued to gently knead her through her swimsuit. Beginning to stroke her slowly, he finally gave up on pulling her suit down and pushed it to the side. Her breath hitched and she clutched wildly at his back, digging in with her nails as her eyelids fluttered shut.

  “Gabe, please!” She reached her hand around his girth, stroking and pulling him towards her with one hand, holding her suit to the side with the other. He lifted her up again, so her legs wrapped around him and eased into her, filling her completely. She cried out in pleasure and triumph as he thrust in to the hilt. The months of stolen glances, the constant yearning, all the tension had built towards this powerful moment. Each deep, slow thrust brought them closer to the release they had craved for so long.

  “Kailani.” Her name fell from his lips like a prayer, his hips churning in a restrained rhythm. He shifted her under the warmth of the shower, the water coursing down her breasts as they quivered in time with his breaths.

  Her moans crescendoed upward and he kissed her, muffling her cries. She melted into his embrace, rocking against him until she finally shattered in his arms with a gasp. He cried her name with a final, shuddering thrust, his lips pressed against hers.

  She anchored herself to his strength and solidness as she continued to spiral upwards. A wave of relief washed over her, and she sank into his embrace.

  Chapter 36


  Gabriel walked down the dock, its worn planks creaking beneath his feet. When he reached the end, he draped a heavy blanket around Kailani’s shoulders and
settled down beside her, facing the open ocean. The dock rose and fell with the soft sigh of the sea, followed by the whisper of it spilling on the smooth stones behind them.

  Kailani smiled at him, her features still indistinct as his eyes adjusted to the dark sky. She yelped when his hand reached for hers and she drew back, laughing. “Your hands are cold!”

  “Yeah, it’s freezing out here.” He rubbed his hands together before reaching under the blanket and slid them just under the hem of her sweatshirt on the warmth of her waist. “Ahh, much better.”

  She shrieked and pushed his hands away. “I’ll throw you off this dock and then you’ll really be cold.”

  “Toss me overboard, captain.” He held his hands behind his back as if they were tied.

  She laughed and scooted closer, pulling his arm around her shoulder. “Then again, I’ll be colder without your body heat. I guess you can stay.”

  Looking out towards the horizon, she made a sound of contentment. “It’s so beautiful.”

  He nodded, breaking his eyes from the curve of her smiling lips. He gazed upwards, settling onto his back with his hands cushioning his head. “I’ve never seen it this clear before. The stars look incredible.” His breath rose above them, lingering in the air without the threat of a breeze to send it scurrying into the night.

  Kailani leaned back in the crook of his arm, snuggling against his side as they studied the sky. He felt a surge of warmth at how easy it was to be with her, how she fit perfectly against his side. He turned towards her, planting a kiss on her hair, his lips lingering in its silken strands. Her familiar scent of coconut and lavender washed over him.

  Kailani pointed her finger low in the sky along the horizon. “That’s Maui’s Fishhook. You can see it rising from the sea. When I was little, my dad and I would sit on the pier by our house and watch the stars rise over the ocean. We would lay upside-down and hang our heads off the dock, so the Milky Way looked like a river spilling stars down around us. He knew every single constellation and all the stories behind them.”


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