What the Fox

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What the Fox Page 12

by Emma Dean

  So here she was. Dressed in something Hunter had bought for her.

  When he’d had time to buy anything new she wasn’t sure, but there hadn’t been just the dresses in his closet this time.

  Kenzie had found supple leather pants so buttery soft she felt like she could easily sleep in them. The black didn’t look faded. And they fit perfectly. So perfect she wondered if he’d taken her measurements at some point while she’d been asleep.

  Or was Hunter really just that good?

  She’d paired the leather pants with a cute pair of flats in her signature pink. The shirt though, that was all Hunter as well.

  It was pure silk per the label. It looked and felt expensive, like something Edith might pick out for her. The fabric didn’t bother her sensitive skin and it hung nicely. What took it from workplace to nightclub was the deep V-neck. The curves of her breasts were on display as was her charm necklace.

  Kenzie slipped the necklace off and set it on her dresser. They were at home under a ton of very powerful wards. She didn’t need hundreds of charms. Then she took off her latest and greatest watch – this one was waterproof thanks to the fiasco with the previous version.

  Should she keep the bracelets?

  Taking off everything would throw Hunter. It would make her appear…unprotected. And Kenzie really wanted to win. What would Hunter do when she was practically defenseless against him? Would it set off his protective instincts, or his predatory ones?

  She honestly couldn’t say which ones she wanted.

  Her bracelets clacked together as she slid those off too.

  Then she considered her earrings – the last of her magic.

  Kenzie took off the one that gave her temporary bear shifter strength. Then she removed the scent charm. It was pointless as Hunter could still smell her, but it would signal how much she trusted him.

  The only ones she left on were the ones that heightened her senses. Kenzie wanted to be able to see and smell and sense everything.

  Why did it feel like she was about to step into battle?

  The smell wafting from downstairs was so good her mouth was already watering. Ash was a master chef, but apparently so was Hunter. He just cooked something very different. It was spicy and eye-watering.

  It reminded her of her time in Thailand.

  Had she ever told him about that? Kenzie didn’t think so.

  Which meant he’d overheard her at some point, or one of the boys had told him. Not that Kenzie really cared, but that was a hell of a thing to remember secondhand.

  Her hair was up in an elegant chignon Selene had done for her. Kenzie almost never had her hair up so it would send a message – what that was she wasn’t exactly sure, but Hunter’s reaction would tell her.

  Very little makeup and no lipstick. Just some gloss to make her lips pop a bit. And she was ready.

  Kenzie went downstairs, shoulders back and chin up. She was nervous as hell, but she didn’t want Hunter to see that even if he could smell it. Hopefully all the spices would distract him until she could find her footing.

  When she hit the main floor Kenzie had to stop and stare. Hunter was in the kitchen cooking and the flare of fire every once in a while made the space warm. All the lights were dimmed and there were candles on every surface.

  Romantic music was playing…old school jazz sung by throaty women that had men falling to their knees back in the day. And through the glass doors she could see that the patio had been completely rearranged and set up for a romantic dinner.

  No one else was around. They didn’t even make noises. Edith and Selene were somewhere in the house, but they were staying far away.


  Kenzie crossed the large living room, and not for the first time she admired the extremely spacious and open floor plan. Leaning against the kitchen wall she watched as Hunter expertly threw ingredients into the large pan.

  It smelled amazing. It smelled like her life in Chiang Mai.

  “I had no idea you could cook this particular curry,” Kenzie murmured. “It’s supposed to be a secret. I couldn’t even bribe her with magic.”

  Hunter didn’t turn around, but he smiled as he threw in more peppers. “I know. But when someone owes you their life, there are things they’ll do for you. I called Rune and told her I was trying to woo this fiery witch and that she’d spent time in Chiang Mai. She knew who you were immediately and gave me the recipe.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “I hope I can do it justice.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be amazing.” Kenzie noticed a familiar bottle. Lao Kha? How in the hell? “Where did you find Thai whiskey?”

  Hunter shrugged one shoulder. “We’ve traveled a lot with the kind of work we do. I have an entire stash of alcohol we collect from each location. Usually we don’t drink it unless we want a meal from that place. So I save them for special occasions.” He smiled slightly at her then.

  And Kenzie remembered how he’d practically whispered in her ear that he never cooked – only on special occasions – when she’d first come to live in the foxes’ den.

  Had she known he would cook a Thai meal for her that was so delicious and spicy she would be drinking about a gallon of milk, she would have insisted on doing this sooner.

  “I can’t believe you’re making this dinner. It’s amazing,” she told him. Kenzie kissed his cheek and went around the counter so she could sit on the barstool and watch him cook. “Do you like what I’m wearing?”

  Hunter set the pan down on the stove and turned around, adjusting the apron over his button down shirt. He had the top undone so it showed more of his chest than normal, and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows.

  He even wore nice slacks that were a bit tighter than she was used to on him, but it looked damn good with those black boots. Fuck, Hunter managed to look like a bad-boy billionaire on his day off without even trying.

  “I think you look exquisite,” he said. Then suddenly Hunter went completely still as he fully inspected her. Those golden brown eyes widened when he realized what was missing. “You’re not wearing any of your bracelets or necklaces.”

  Kenzie couldn’t help her grin. “Nope. I even took off my watch. It just wasn’t nice enough to wear with this outfit.”

  He took his apron off slowly and for some reason Kenzie’s breathing quickened.

  Hunter folded the apron carefully and then set it on the counter. He walked around and never once looked away from her – he never once blinked as he held her gaze. Her heart was pounding as she watched him. Kenzie had no idea what he had planned.

  Then he was standing in front of her and she was staring up at him, aware of how little space there was between them. The air around Hunter was electrified. He set every pore on her body tingling.

  Without a word Hunter reached out and touched her earrings, smiling slightly. Then that fingertip trailed down her neck, making a direct line between her breasts. “It’s strange to see you without necklaces or bracelets.”

  He wrapped that hand around her right wrist, where she normally wore her watch. The grip was tight and unrelenting. Kenzie wasn’t sure she could yank out of it if she wanted to. She licked her lips and waited.

  “We should make you a fancy version of that very useful watch,” Hunter said thoughtfully. “Why no magic?”

  He brought her wrist up to his nose and breathed in deep.

  Kenzie shuddered and pressed her thighs together.

  “I trust you,” she whispered.

  Hunter stopped what he was doing to stare at her. There was a strange flicker in his eyes. She could practically see the wheels turning as he rolled those words over and over in his head.

  “You trust me to do what?” he asked. The words were careful, almost wary of the answer.

  She placed her hand on his waist and angled her neck slightly to expose the soft skin to him. “I trust you to protect me in our home.”

  Was that a growl? It was so low it was nearly a purr. Kenzie felt it in her bones more than s
he actually heard it with her ears.

  “Can I kiss you?” Hunter asked.

  Fates help her. They were barely five minutes into this date and she was practically panting. Kenzie nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment.

  Hunter placed her arm over his shoulder and then traced a path from her wrist up her arm to her neck. He held her gently and pulled her just the tiniest bit closer. It made Kenzie slide down from the barstool to her feet. They pressed together and she honestly couldn’t remember if she’d ever felt the entire length of his body against hers.

  He was taller than her. And Kenzie always forgot how much she had to look up because they were rarely standing this close to each other.

  Her lips tingled as he looked down at her. What he was thinking, she had no idea. Kenzie wished she could read his mind just once to see what it was like.

  Then his lips were against hers and it was the gentlest, sweetest kiss she’d ever had. Even Ash hadn’t kissed her like this.

  It was what she imagined an adorable middle school dance kiss to be like and it melted her.

  Until he slid his tongue into her mouth, hot and demanding. Kenzie groaned at the sensation. Part of her couldn’t believe she was reacting like this to a kiss, but the rest of her knew the combination of his skill, the way he gripped her neck to hold her in place, the hand at the small of her back, pressing her into him so she could feel his hardness…

  Hunter knew exactly how to give her what she wanted—what she needed.

  Fuck, he was going to win. Kenzie knew it as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. She tasted every bit of him that he allowed her to until she was biting his bottom lip hard and—

  Hunter yanked back and gave her a wild look before heading back to the stove.

  She blinked in confusion. Had she imagined that look?

  Clearing his throat, Hunter slipped the apron back on and went back to finishing up the curry. “Should be ready in a few minutes. Is there anything else I can get you until then?”

  “No, I can wait,” she murmured.

  This date was definitely going to be interesting.

  Kenzie licked her lips and smiled.

  Chapter Fourteen


  He wasn’t sure what he’d expected for this date, but this certainly wasn’t it. Hunter hadn’t anticipated being as…affected by Kenzie, as he was.

  She’d worn the clothes he’d bought her while out gathering the passports – and he’d secretly hoped she’d wear those instead of one of the dresses.

  The reason he’d wanted her to wear something he’d chosen wasn’t because he wanted to mark his territory, although it was a side benefit. It was that they’d been hanging in his closet with his own clothes so his scent was all over her and it was a fucking delicious combination.

  Then she’d removed all her jewelry except her earrings – completely vulnerable. To him, to whoever came after her…to anything. Kenzie’s only power was to take others’. But she had to get close enough to do that.

  It put him on edge to know how much danger she could potentially be in.

  And he’d been right about the food.

  It had taken very little legwork to look into her life abroad after Finnick had told him about it. There was a paper trail that was easily traceable. Then he’d called a few places. It was insanely easy to find out where she’d been when Kenzie had been one of the top Muay Thai fighters in Thailand.

  That kind of thing may not make it around to the U.S. very easily, but it was certainly all over the place if one knew where to look.

  Her reaction to his thoughtfulness had made Hunter feel something like…pride. He’d preened at the attention – which was something he wasn’t sure he liked. She might just win this little game they were playing after all.

  Normally he didn’t doubt his ability to win – at anything. But Kenzie was the only person in the world who could make him lose his rigid control. Like when she’d kissed him a few minutes ago. His fox had nearly slipped the leash and claimed her right then and there.

  And Hunter never burned food – so how close he’d come to saying ‘fuck it’ and letting it burn to a char just so he could have her was a bit worrying. But he was secretly pleased at how well she was playing with him.

  If she wasn’t good then this would all be boring. And it definitely wasn’t that.

  As he cooked the food he realized they were probably supposed to be talking and getting to know each other. That’s what he saw on TV and such anyway. Hunter glanced over his shoulder at Kenzie who was watching him with a little smile on her face.

  That smile was what made him feel…nervous? It was like a tingling in his stomach and he wasn’t sure what to expect. Hunter couldn’t remember ever feeling nervous or anxious about anything before in his whole life.

  “Ask me anything.” Hunter needed to regain control of this date.

  “So,” Kenzie drawled. “Why did your leash almost execute you? You’re the only one who grew up in a pack of foxes – in fox society. Finnick was a teenager and Ash was a child.”

  This was a question he’d been expecting at least. Hunter tossed the food one last time and then turned off the stove. “Foxes aren’t like wolves or cats.”

  “Well, I only really know the cats,” Kenzie said with a shrug. “So I don’t have much to compare you guys to.”

  Hunter arranged the rice and curry just so. He’d even made egg rolls with that sweet sauce he liked so much. Thailand was always one of his favorite places to go because of the food. It had so much flavor.

  “Wolves and cats are very human in their behavior other than their dominance and hierarchy. Well, foxes have the same instincts. We’re just…different.” Hunter shrugged and grabbed both plates and carried them around the counter to the table he’d set up outside on the patio.

  Kenzie came up behind him with the egg rolls and alcohol. She handed those to him once he’d set the plates down just right. “I’ve gathered that you’re different,” she teased. “But how? I haven’t been able to find much in the witch archives on foxes, or any of the lesser shifters really. There was one book on ravens, but it only mentioned the structure of the flocks.”

  It was hard not to be intrigued and impressed with her curiosity. Most witches didn’t bother to look too deeply despite supposedly being the Keepers of Lore.

  Taking off his apron he folded it just so and then set it on the grill. Hunter pulled out Kenzie’s chair first and smiled when she looked surprised and flattered. Despite his lack of basic human decency, his mother had taught him to be chivalrous – to be a gentleman.

  It was one of his greatest weapons.

  Then Hunter sat down and poured the rice whiskey as he considered how to explain something to her that he’d never had to explain before.

  “There purposefully isn’t anything in the witch archives,” he finally said, handing her the cup of alcohol. Then he poured her a glass of water from the pitcher he’d set out earlier. “As foxes were originally the lore keepers we made sure to keep our books. That witches assumed we didn’t have thousands of copies of everything was stupid of them. But we have everything that the witches do, plus many books they don’t have. Not even the Council possesses what foxes secretly hoard.”

  Hunter took a sip of the whiskey and was pleased it wasn’t as awful as he’d anticipated.

  Kenzie’s eyes were wide as she took that in. Then she picked up the jade chopsticks he’d bought the last time he was in Thailand. His mate wielded them like a pro. “What’s the point of that if no one else can know what you do? What do you gain from that? At least if the world knew how much knowledge you possessed they would see you as important – not lesser.”

  He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. “Ironically that’s what I had insisted to my leash. Pushing that point was my downfall. I tried to share our knowledge and was arrested for treason.” Then he took a bite of the duck curry and savored the spice that nearly burned his mouth off.
r />   Kenzie took a bite as well. Then her eyes closed in bliss. Hunter smirked. He’d definitely done well with the choice of meal. Point in his favor – though with the way she’d kissed him he’d say they were probably more even than he cared to admit.

  “You know, I don’t think I would have ever guessed that was the reason they would execute you.” Then she sipped at the whiskey and smiled at him – so happy and blinding he was struck dumb for a moment. “This is really the best food I’ve had in a long time and it brings up some of my best memories. Thank you for this, Hunter.”

  “Did you assume I had some kind of addiction like Finnick?” he asked, picking up the fried egg roll and swirling it in the sauce in lazy circles.

  The sharp look she gave him indicated she hadn’t and now she was offended for some reason. “No,” Kenzie said stiffly. “I thought you’d killed someone or something.”

  Hunter smiled at her. “That’s not illegal in fox society.”

  She blinked a few times and then took another bite. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. So where do you guys live? The ravens don’t even live in human cities. They have weird territories that don’t exist on maps.”

  This was definitely taking an interesting turn. Hunter had anticipated her trying to get to know him, but this wasn’t quite what he had expected. Was she circling him so that when she finally asked the real questions he wouldn’t even realize, and then he would answer without realizing?

  “We share some of the ravens’ territories as they live in eyries and we dwell on the ground. But not all of them. Others live in the middle of nowhere where no wolves or cats claim hunting rights. And others…well we were Keepers of Lore for a long time. There are places that have been forgotten. We live in many of those.”

  It was strange to be talking about something he’d vowed never to think of again – not directly. Talking about foxes in general was one thing, but telling Kenzie about his past, about where he’d grown up…

  Hunter knew he had to do it, but he didn’t like it.


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