Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

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Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Page 14

by Marie, Jordan

  “Bull. I doubt Walter would buy me flowers, especially after his last run-in with you.”

  “For his sake, Doc, I hope you’re right.”

  She takes the card and reads it, and then her eyes find mine. Fear deep and thick stares back at me, and I know before I read the damned thing who they are from.


  Goddamn I’m starting to hate that tone coming from my woman. I reach for the card and the flowers.

  The strongest ties are forged in fire. Do not make me hurt you again. We’ll be together soon—AW.

  I throw the flowers, vase, and all in the trash. Grab my phone and call Freak. The motherfucker ordered flowers. This time there has to be some kind of paper trail—something. He doesn’t know who the fuck he’s dealing with. But he will. I’ll make sure he knows, right before I end him.


  He’s staying by her side like a guard dog. He is foolish enough to think she belongs to him. Skye has further punishment coming. She has let the sins of the flesh seduce her. I must cleanse her. I was hoping she would have learned her lesson, but as I stand outside her hospital room, watching her kiss another man, it is clear she has not.

  I cannot stop the tears that fall from my eyes. She was so clean once. Now I will have to chase the blackness out of her soul. I hope she survives the fire.

  My hand shakes as I continue down the hall. Why must they all choose the hard path? I had such hopes for Skye. I thought she was different.

  I wanted her to be different.

  Chapter 33


  “Dr. Walker, if I might have a word,” I look up at Dr. Eldridge and I want to scream. I don’t have time for this idiot. It’s Thanksgiving and I had to work. Holidays for a doctor, kind of suck—especially when you’re the low man on the totem pole. Plus, I took Monday and Tuesday off so Bull would calm down. That meant when Walter fixed the rotation, he put me on duty yesterday and today—most likely because he’s a douchebag. Still, I put in my time, and if I hurry home I will still get to have leftovers. Bull and Matty are already at Blair and David’s. They get to have dinner with them and while that lessens the guilt of not being able to cook dinner for my family, it doesn’t make me feel any better for not being there.

  Family. I know there’s a goofy smile on my face as I let that word repeat in my mind. Matty and Bull are my family. For so long it’s just been me and Matty. Now, everything feels different. One look at Doctor Asshole, and the goofy smile is gone.

  “Is there a problem, Dr. Eldridge?” I ask, trying to keep the hate out of my voice. I don’t think I succeed.

  “Cut the sarcasm, Dr. Walker.”

  I start to point out, I haven’t used any yet, but it’d be pointless.

  “Were you aware that you prescribed Mrs. Case in Room 402 the wrong antibiotic?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You prescribed Bactrim for her infection. She’s allergic to sulfa based drugs, if I hadn’t caught it, the results could have been disastrous.

  “There were no notations in her chart about a sulfa allergy. I checked and asked the patient myself if she had any allergies,” I tell him reaching for the file.

  He holds the file away from me, and then puts it under his arm, looking down at me.

  “I read it myself. The notation is there, and Ms. Case is in her eighties. You know better than to rely on a patient’s word. Especially, with her age and the symptoms she was presenting.”

  “I’m telling you when I had the file, there were no drug allergies listed.”

  That’s when he whips out the file and opens it to the correct form. Sure enough, under known allergies, sulfa antibiotics is listed. The only problem is, that form was not there earlier today and that handwriting is definitely Dr. Eldridge’s. I’m smelling a rat, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “I apologize Dr. Eldridge, I can only reiterate that, the allergy form was not in Ms. Case’s file earlier today.”

  “So it just appeared out of the blue?”

  “Or someone put it back in after the fact.”

  “Good Lord, Dr. Walker, at least own up to your mistake, don’t go trying to lay the blame at another’s feet. What possible reason could anyone have for doing something as heinous as that?”

  “Make themselves look good? Ruin my career? I’m sure there are any number of reasons.”

  “Really, Dr. Walker. I’m afraid I have no recourse, but to report this to Dr. Reynolds.”

  Of course you don’t. Normally it wouldn’t bother me, but I already know I’m not on Walter’s good list. There’s little I can do here though. I turn to leave without saying another thing.

  “Have you nothing to say for yourself Dr. Walker?”

  “I have plenty to say, I just know it wouldn’t help. Do whatever you want Dr. Eldridge, we both know you will anyway. Just be very careful, because believe me when I tell you, I will make it my life’s mission to make sure you reap what you sew.”

  “Are you threatening me, Dr. Walker?”

  “Whatever do you mean? I just said I wanted to make sure you got every reward you’ve worked for. Right? If I was threatening you, I would have said something about knowing the right combination of drugs to use so that your tiny pencil dick, that seems to be the talk in the nurse’s lounge, never gets hard again. Now if you don’t mind, I have a family to get home to.” I leave with my parting remark. Dr. Eldridge is yelling, demanding to know what I’m talking about. I feel like my work here is done.

  “Fucking bastard,” I mumble, and then laugh.

  If Bull heard me, I bet he’d reward me. I may have to let him know tonight after dinner. Lord knows, I’m going to need something to help me relax. Because, despite my bravado in front of that asshole, I know my meeting with Walter will not go well. Shit, maybe I should transfer out to another hospital? There’s one in Corbin, I just hate the thought of the extra hour commute it will add to my day. My time with Matty is already limited. With a weary sigh, I exit the hospital. Time to be like Scarlet again, I decide. I’m just going to think about it tomorrow.

  Chapter 34


  “Why are you carrying mom?” Matty asks, as we go through Skye’s front door.

  “She’s worn out and full of turkey,” I joke laying Skye down on the couch. I use her favorite afghan to cover her, then go back to make sure I locked the door. “Hey little dude, can you stay here with your mom while I check the house out?”

  “Sure, whatever,” Matty says, I get the feeling something is bothering him. I’ll have to try and figure that out a little later.

  Right now, I need to make sure the house is clear. I’ve had prospects watching the place all day, but you can’t be too careful. It’s a one story house, so it’s relatively easy. I save Skye’s room for last. It all seems fine, and the tension in my body eases slightly.

  “All’s good buddy,” I tell Matty, when I come back in. He doesn’t answer me for a minute, then nods. Without saying another word, he walks towards the hall. I have zero experience with children. But I do know that something has Matty upset. We’ve had a really good relationship, and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that. “Do, you want to tell me what’s wrong?” I finally ask.

  Matty freezes, and turns to look at me. He studies me for a minute, before letting me have it.

  “Nick says you’re only being nice to me because you’re trying to get in my mom’s pants.”

  Fuck. I wasn’t expecting that. The kid’s what nine? Hell, I know I grew up hard, but do kids with good homes really talk about this shit? This early?

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I punched him.”

  I laugh, walking over to Matty. I kneel down in front of him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

  “Your mom would want me to tell you that fighting is not the way to handle things.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “As a man, I’m going to tell you what I really feel.”

  He l
ooks worried, I don’t want that. But, I need him to hear what I have to say.

  “Men respect a good woman. They respect their family and they fight for them. They don’t let anyone talk bad about them, so you were right to do what you did.” He looks shocked, but then nods his head in agreement.

  “So, are you just trying to get in my mom’s pants?”

  Jesus Christ.

  “Matthew man to man here, I love your mom. I plan on being around a long time.”

  “How long?” he asks, his face giving nothing away.

  “I want to marry her. I plan on raising a family with her.”

  His face looks hurt for a minute, and I know I’ve handled this wrong. Hell.

  “You probably don’t want me around then. You know, because I’m not your kid and all.”

  I put both hands on him and look him dead in the eye. I may not know kids, but I do know what it feels like to think you don’t belong anywhere. That was me, before my stint in the service and then becoming a Savage member.

  “Matthew. I love your mom. Everything about her. You’re part of her and that automatically includes you.”

  “It does?” he asks, and I can hear the hope in his voice.

  “It does, but I can tell you this Matthew. Even if I didn’t know your mom, I’d still be proud to have you as a son.”

  His eyes grow large. “You mean that, Bull?”

  “I absolutely mean that, Matthew. When I say I want a family with your mom that family wouldn’t be anything without you too. You and your mom are my family. You understand what I’m saying?”

  “I love you, Bull.”

  There are times when words grab a hold of your heart and squeeze the fuck out of it. It can be goodbyes, like it was when I lost my friend to cancer. It can be heartbreak, like I thought I had with Carrie. And then there are moments like this. When a kid that barely comes up to your hip, says four little words that completely unman you. Warmth flows through me, and for the life of me I can’t think of a damn thing to say, so I just wrap my arms around the kid, and hold him tight.

  “I love you too, buddy.”

  He pulls away, and that look he’s been wearing on his face is gone now, replaced by a big smile. “So, you’re going to be my dad now?”

  “If I can talk your mom into it, absolutely.”

  “Good enough,” he nods.

  “Good enough,” I tell him, my throat constricted with emotion. He runs off to his room, just before he gets to the door, I stop him. “Hey Matthew?”

  “Yeah, Bull?”

  “If you ever worry about picking a fight with someone? Afraid you might not win? You wait until your family is there to back you up.”

  “My family?”

  “Yeah. A man knows never to do things alone. Family, true family will always have your back. You’re never alone. You hear me?”

  “I hear you. I’m going to go play my game. If you want to kiss mom and stuff, so maybe she’ll want you as my dad, I guess that’s okay.”

  I try my best not to laugh. “I’ll try that very thing.”

  “You might try picking her some of those white daisies out in the yard, or draw her pictures of horses. She really likes those. You need to give girls gifts if you want them to like you, Bull. Adam, from school told me that.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah, he gave Suzie one of his Wii games, and she let him kiss her.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “Yeah, but that won’t work for you. Mom don’t play video games. So, if I was you, I’d try the flowers and pictures.”

  “Thanks for the advice.”

  “Hey family has to have each other’s backs.”

  “That’s right,” I say, and when he disappears into his room. I just remain sitting there. That kid rocked my world off its axis, and he has no idea.

  “He’s right you know.”

  I straighten up at the sound of Skye’s voice, and look over my shoulder at her. She still looks half asleep, but the tears on her cheeks and the smile on her face tell me that she’s been awake long enough to hear my exchange with Matthew.

  “About what, Doc?” I ask, wondering how I got to be such a lucky son of a bitch.

  “If you give me a present, I might let you kiss me.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “I don’t have any daisies, and God’s honest truth, I can’t draw worth a damn.”

  “Well that is a problem,” she says. I stand up, turn, and wait for her.

  “It is, because I sure could use a kiss.”

  “Maybe you have something you could give me instead,” she whispers, walking into my arms.

  “What would that be?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe we could talk about it and something will come to me.”

  “You don’t say?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure if we talk long enough, something will pop up that will interest me,” she says, her hand sliding under my shirt.”

  “I think that sounds like a great plan.”

  “I was hoping you’d feel that way.”

  “How long is it before Matthew will go to sleep, Doc?” I whisper against her lips.

  “A couple of hours,” she says, and I stop her hand from reaching my chest.

  “Oh God, I’m going to be in hell.”

  “I’ll make it worth it, Bull. I’ll make it worth it,” she says with a smile, before my mouth claims hers.

  Chapter 35


  “Is he down?” I ask Skye, lying on the bed in some gym shorts. Waiting…for her.

  “Out like a light. You’re looking awful comfortable.”

  “I was just lying here thinking,” I tell her, putting my arms behind my head as a pillow, my eyes never leaving hers.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask,” she jokes. “Exactly what were you thinking?”

  “You have the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen.”

  She laughs, “You are definitely a boob man.”

  “Definitely. But you know what Doc? I don’t think I’ve got to see your tits bounce when you’re riding me.”

  “Have I mentioned how romantic you are?”

  “Maybe once or twice. Don’t much feel like being romantic right now, though.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I want you naked and straddling me.”


  “I want you to wrap your hand around my cock and guide me inside that tight, little cunt of yours.”


  “Then I want you to use my dick like your own personal playground. I just want to lie here and watch you as you use me to make yourself come.”

  She unties the belt of her robe, and slips out of it. It falls, revealing her gorgeous body, and landing at her feet. My dick was already hard, but now the fucker is standing straight up, begging for attention.

  “Take your shorts off, Bull,” she tells me, her voice hoarse, like she always gets when she’s wet and needy.

  “I think you forgot how fucking me works, Skye. Maybe I need to spank your ass to remind you,” I tell her, and I can physically see the way the excitement flares in her body.


  “You what?”

  “Will you please, take your clothes off, Bull?”

  Fuck. She destroys me. I reach down and yank my shorts off, kicking them out of the way. My cock stands tall, demanding attention. Pre-cum has already coated the head and a pearl white strand slides down the side. I grab my dick at the base, squeezing tight. My damn balls are right there, already full, wanting to release in her. I look at Skye and catch her licking her lips.

  “See something you like, Doc?”

  “God, yes,” she breathes, and her hand moves down to her pussy, its lips already coated in her arousal.

  “Skye, if those fingers touch anywhere near your clit, you don’t get to come tonight.”

  Her hand freezes—just like I knew it would.

  “Now, I want you to st
raddle me at my knees.” She looks confused at my command, but does it. Her sweet little cunt is a few inches from my cock. Too far to fuck, but definitely close enough to tease. “Use your hands to hold your pussy open for me, Skye.”

  I love the way her soft pale skin flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and heat. She’s fucking perfection.

  “Like this?” she asks self-consciously. She’s using her fingers to pull her lips apart, and her sweet cunt is displayed like the prize it is. It’s covered with her need, so shiny and slick, I could come for days using nothing more than this memory.

  “Exactly like that. Doc, your clit is throbbing.”

  “I know,” she whimpers.

  “Do you need something, sweetheart?”

  “Yes…” she hisses.

  “What do you need?”


  I slap my cock against her hard clit. She leans towards me and I reward her by rubbing the hard head of my dick up and down her pussy. I can feel her body tremble, and nearly moan as her pussy tries to suck my cock inside, when I push it against her hot, creamy. Made for me. Fucking hell, this woman was made for me.

  “Sweet, Jesus,” she gasps.

  I slap my cock against her again, two more times and it’s such a good fucking feeling, this time tremors run through my body. I rub the head of my cock against her clit, dragging it down almost to her entrance. The tip breaches her this time and she freezes. Her eyes look down at me, hazy and dilated.

  “Bull…what about…I mean…protection?”

  I slide back up her pussy until I reach her clit, and rub against it in small half-circles. She starts grinding against me. Her body softly thrusting, her back is arched, and her breasts are pushed out. Beautiful.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  “Yes…” she whimpers.

  “Then I’m fucking you bare. I’m clean. You’ve seen the records. I don’t want anything between us, Skye.”

  Her eyes look into mine and she nods in agreement, but that’s not good enough.

  “The words, Skye. Give me the words.”

  “Yes, I want you bare inside of me. I want to feel…”


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