Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 16

by J. E. Parker

  Besides, he was too good of a guy to be saddled with my personal brand of fucked up. God knows the man would probably run for the hills if he caught a glimpse of how screwed up in the head I was.

  “Hey, blondie,” Maddie said, peeking her head into the kitchen. “You’ve got a visitor. He’s in the office waiting.”

  Yanking my hands out of the water, I whipped around, sending sudsy bubbles floating to the floor. “Who?” I sounded far too excited for my liking.

  Maddie smiled at my tone. “Don’t get too happy, it’s just Pop.”

  My heart fell, and annoyance washed over me.

  You’re not supposed to care that it isn’t Anthony, stupid!

  “What’s he doing here?”

  She shrugged. “Don’t know. All he said was that he needed to speak to you.”

  I didn’t know what Pop’s issue was, but he was driving me crazy. He’d taken a keen interest in me lately, and I didn’t like it one bit. His behavior reminded me of the soulless bastard from my past. It was both nerve-wracking and terrifying at the same time.

  I turned back around and rinsed the remaining soap off my hands and wrists. Grabbing a paper towel from the counter, I then dabbed them dry.

  “Mad, you know I don’t have anything against Pop, but he’s making me uncomfortable as can be.”

  That’s putting it lightly.

  I walked across the kitchen to where Maddie was standing and leaned against the wall in front of her. “He’s been acting all sorts of funny lately. It started when we had supper at Grandmama’s, and it hasn’t stopped since. He won’t let me pay him for fixing my truck, and you saw the way he acted when he saw me at Anthony’s. Plus, I keep running into him all over town. Swear to God, it doesn’t matter if I’m at the grocery store or driving down Main Street, he’s always there.”

  Maddie leaned back against the door frame and wrapped her arms around her protruding belly. “I’ve noticed it too. I mean, I didn’t know he was popping up all over town, but I’ve noticed how protective he’s gotten over you.” Nibbling her bottom lip, she looked at me with unsure eyes. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but I can talk to him if you want.”

  I shook my head. “No,” I said, leaning away from the wall and standing straight. “I can do it myself. No reason for you to jump in the middle of it.” I winked at her. “Just need to put on my big girl panties and handle it, that’s all.”

  I pulled my heap of long hair over my right shoulder. "I guess I better go see what the hell he wants." Dropping my hands, I started toward the office.

  Maddie, however, wasn't done with me. She wrapped her hand around my bicep, stopping me in my tracks. "Wait a minute," she said in a jovial tone. "Before you go, I need details. How did supper at Anthony’s go the other night?" She bounced her brows and batted her lashes.


  "We had a good time." I couldn't help but smile despite my pissiness at her question. "Grandmama dropped off supper, and Anthony about burned the house down trying to reheat it—" Maddie burst into a fit of laughter cutting off my words. I couldn't help but chuckle too. "So he took Lucca and me to eat at El Acapulco, that new Mexican restaurant on Main Street. After that, we went back to his house and watched a movie."

  Still laughing, she replied, "How do you almost burn the house down trying to reheat food?"

  "The doofus put grease-soaked paper towels in the oven."

  Maddie's eyes widened. "He what?" She squealed in disbelief. "Nooooo! Tell me he didn't do that!"

  "He did." I still couldn't believe he'd done something so stupid. "Grandmama made fried chicken, and she lined the bottom of the serving plate with paper towels to absorb the grease. The dummy didn't bother to take them out before putting the entire thing in the oven."

  "Oh good Lord!" Tears poured from Maddie's eyes. "Whatever you do, don't tell Grandmama that Anthony ruined her chicken. She may kill him!"

  Couldn't argue with her there. Grandmama was finicky about her fried chicken.

  After a few seconds, I asked a still laughing Maddie, "Are you done now? I need to go see what the crazy man in the office wants."

  Finally getting herself under control, she wiped the moisture tracks from her cheeks. "I'm good." She pointed towards the hall. "Use the radio if you need me."

  Nodding, I moved passed her. When I'd taken four or five steps, Maddie called out my name. "Shelby."

  I stopped walking and looked over my shoulder. "You like Anthony, don't you?" I opened my mouth to reply, but she kept speaking. "As in, really like him?"

  My brain told me to deny my feelings for him. It shouted at me to lie to Maddie about how I felt, but my heart wouldn't let me do either.

  "Yeah, Mad," I paused, "It's crazy, but I like him a hell of a lot."

  Maddie smiled and leaned her head against the wall. "That's good, blondie.” Her smile grew bigger and her eyes filled with tears once again. "That's really good."

  Without saying another word, I headed for the office.

  Pop was standing beside my desk.

  Holding a silver picture frame in his hand, he stared down at a photo of Lucca, Maddie, Hendrix, and me that Grandmama had snapped last Halloween. A small smile graced his face.

  "Hey, Pop," I said, moving to the wall on the opposite side of the room. I needed to keep as much space as possible between us. "Maddie said you wanted to see me."

  He nodded before placing the frame back down on my desk. "Yeah, Shelby, I do." Standing tall, he slid his hands into his front pockets and turned to face me. "How are you doing?"

  His gaze bored into me and my nerves went on high alert.

  I didn’t know what it was, but something about this entire situation was off.

  "I'm good." I kept my unmoving eyes locked on his face, watching for any sign that his demeanor was about to shift. "How are you?"

  He shrugged. "Can't complain." Shifting his weight between his feet, he crossed his arms over his chest—something that he always seemed to do. "Lucca doing okay? What about your truck? It still running alright?"

  What is this? Twenty-one questions?

  "Lucca is fine; the truck is fine." I cleared my throat. "Anything else?"

  I was being a bitch, but I didn't care. My anxiety was through the roof, and my entire body was shaking. I felt vulnerable; unprepared. I didn't think Pop would try to hurt me, but if there was one thing I'd learned about humans, it's that we are unstable creatures. Everything could be fine one minute and the next it could be chaos.

  Trust me, I’ve been on the receiving end of chaos a time or two.

  "Yeah, there is something else." Pop moved closed, and I retreated a step. My back slammed into the wall, and my entire body went rigid. My eyes searched the room for a weapon to defend myself. When my gaze landed on the sharp envelope opener lying on the corner of my desk, I sighed in relief. Pop was big and undoubtedly fast, but I could reach the opener before he could grab me. I may not be as strong as him, but I was a wiry little sucker.

  "I need to talk to you about something important."

  "Then talk."

  He shook his head. "Not here, sweetheart." His voice softened, and a look of worry crossed his face. "How about you come to the house after work? Any day is fine. I'll leave work early if I need to. Just let me know what works for you."

  Was every man in my life losing his damn mind?

  Hendrix was crazy, Anthony was nuts, Keith was loco, Evan was a heartbeat away from being declared batshit crazy, and now Pop appeared to be insane too.


  “No offense, Pop, but I really don’t feel comfortable doing that. I don’t know you very well, and I have a very strict rule about walking into strangers houses. As in, I just don’t do it.”

  "Okay," he replied in a resolute tone. "You name the time and place." I opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off. "As long as it's not here."

  I bit my tongue until the temptation to tell him to go to hell waned. "Okay," I stepped closer to him—and to the
letter opener. "We're having Maddie's bachelorette party at Grandmama's Saturday night. Last I heard, Hendrix, Keith, and Evan were going to keep the kids at your house. That, still right?" Pop nodded. "Well then, I’ll talk to you when I drop Lucca off with Hendrix. Does that work for you?"

  "That works for me. I need you to—"

  Someone knocked on the open office door, cutting off Pop's words.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Stepping to the side, I looked at the door.

  Butterflies took flight in my tummy and my lips tilted up in a grin.


  "Hey, beautiful," he said, walking into the office. "Took me a minute to find you. This place is bigger than I thought."

  "Hey, stud muffin. What are you doing—"

  Pop spun around and stepped in front of me, blocking Anthony from my view. "What the fuck are you doing here, Moretti?"

  His raised voice and harsh tone sent shivers racing down my spine.

  "Not that it's any of your damn business, James, but I came to take my woman to lunch."

  His woman?

  Why did those two words make chills race down my spine?

  "I've already warned you away from her," Pop replied, moving toward me. "I thought you had enough sense to listen."

  Wait a cotton picking minute... Did he really warn Anthony away from me?

  Oh helllllll no!

  I may not be ready to jump into a relationship, but that didn't mean I needed other people telling men—especially one I liked—to stay away from me.

  Quick as a jackrabbit, I moved around Pop and turned to face him head-on. "What do you mean you warned him away from me?" My shoulders tensed and my hand twitched with the need to smack him right across his face. "You had no right!"

  Anthony's arm encircled my waist, and he pulled me back into his hard chest. "Calm down, sunshine," he whispered into my ear. "Let me handle it."

  No! I was a grown ass woman; I could handle it myself.

  Anthony’s hold on me tightened.

  "I'm waiting for an answer!" I hollered at Pop.

  A look of remorse flashed across his face. "You don't understand, Shelby."

  "Yeah?" I retorted. "Then make me understand."

  Anthony's arm tightened around me. "What did I just say to you, baby?"

  I ignored him and his stupid question.

  Is there something in the water making all the men in my life crazy?

  Pop's jaw tightened as his eyes moved from me to Anthony. "He's not good enough for you and Lucca."

  Oh, sweet baby Jesus. You have got to be kidding me!

  I couldn't help it, I laughed. Hard. "Oh my God," I choked out. "Seriously?" I felt like wrapping my hands around his neck and strangling him until his eyeballs popped right out of his skull. “Hate to break this to you, Pop, but you are not my daddy so this overbearing, overprotective stuff you’re doing isn’t going to fly.”

  At that point, I was damn near irate. I only hoped that the residents on the other side of the shelter couldn’t hear my raised voice. I doubted they could.

  Maddie must’ve heard me though because seconds later she rushed into the room, followed by Evan. “What the heck is going on in here?” She asked, out of breath.

  No one answered her.

  Pop’s eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn’t read, and he replied, “I just want to protect you.”

  At his words, the tiny hold I had on my temper evaporated.

  “You want to protect me?” Pushing against the arm Anthony still had wrenched around me, I tried to move forward to no avail. That didn’t stop my mouth from running, though.

  Surprise, surprise.

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re about eight years too late for that, Pop!”

  Maddie sucked in a breath and Anthony stilled behind me.

  “Shelby, baby doll.” Evan held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Just calm down. You don’t want to do this.”

  Pop’s hands fisted at his sides. “Shelby—”

  Nope, just nope! Time to nip this in the bud.

  I didn’t want to hear another word. “Unless you want the imprint of my cowgirl boot permanently embedded on the front of your ball sack, Pop, I wouldn’t utter another syllable.”

  Reaching over, I grabbed my purse off the corner of my desk. I leaned back against Anthony and wrapped my free hand around his forearm. “Please get me out of here before I kill somebody.”

  Anthony nodded, unwound his arm from my waist, and guided me towards the door. Maddie reached out and clasped her hands on my shoulders, halting my movement. “Tell me you’re okay.” Her eyes searched my face. “Seriously, I know you’re pissed but don’t go outside and slash his tires or bust his windshield.”

  Now there’s an idea!

  I wrapped my arms around Maddie’s shoulders and pulled her into me. Kissing her on the cheek, I whispered, “I’m fine, Mad. I just need to get out of here before I tear his balls off,” into her ear.

  I stepped back and took Anthony’s hand in mine. His face was hard as stone as he glared at Pop with unyielding eyes. “This isn’t over, James.” He looked Pop up and down; disgust written all over his features. “I don’t know what your deal is, but I’ll find out.” A malicious smile tilted his lips up. “You can bet on that.”

  “Tony,” I yanked on his hand. “I want to leave.”

  Without saying another word, he looked down at me. His face softened the second his eyes found mine. “Then I guess I better get you out of here, sunshine.” He bent over a tad, and before I could register what he was doing, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me out of the office bridal style.

  I yelped in surprise. “What are you doing, ya nut job?” My anger from seconds before vanished.

  “Just give me this, Shelby.”

  Even though he didn’t look as pissed anymore, his voice still had a lethal edge to it. Not wanting to push him, I replied, “Okay,” before rolling my eyes in mock annoyance, “but just this once.”

  I looked ahead of us and saw Clara standing at the end of the hall by the front door watching our approach; a giant smile plastered across her face. “I take it supper went well?”


  “Nope!” I playfully smacked Anthony across the chest. “Can’t you see he’s kidnapping me, Clara? You’re supposed to help me!”

  It was Clara’s turn to roll her eyes. “If he’s truly kidnapping you then I have no doubt he’ll bring you back later.” She looked at Anthony. “Just drop her off at the front gate. I’ll send Evan out to collect her.”

  Anthony chuckled, and I scoffed.

  She held open the door for Anthony to carry me through. I narrowed my eyes at her, “You and I are going to talk later.”

  Her smile grew. “I don’t doubt that one bit.” She stuck her tongue out, and her eyes twinkled as we moved past her and through the door. “Just remember to use protection, kids.”

  Wait a damn minute! “Excuse me?” I gasped, my voice strained. “You did not just say that!”

  Without saying another word, she shut the door and disappeared from my sight. I looked up at the caveman still carrying me in his arms. “Can you believe her?” Scrunching up my nose, I stared at his handsome face with piercing eyes. “She really thinks I’m going to have sex with you right now?”

  Anthony still didn’t say anything so I took the opportunity to goad him.

  “Wait a minute, I only get thirty minutes for lunch. Guess that means she doesn’t expect you to have much stamina.” Tilting my face up, I cackled towards the clear blue sky. “Poor Tony. Tell me, stud muffin, are you a minute man? Does your rocket shoot off before—”

  It was the wrong thing to say.

  Before I could take a breath, Anthony dropped me to my feet and pushed me against the back of his Tahoe.

  How did we get across the parking lot so quickly?

  His hands flew to my hips, and his fingers dug into my skin in a possessive grip. Pushing his pelv
is into my belly, he slammed his lips down onto mine. I gasped when his tongue delved into my mouth and began to explore every inch of me.

  On instinct, my hands slid into his hair, and I yanked on the strands, pulling him closer to me.

  Closer, closer, closer.

  Moving his hands from my hips to my ass, he kneaded my flesh in his strong hands. I moaned at the contact. Feeling him begin to harden against me, I dropped my hands from his hair. Running my fingertips down the sides of his face, over his chest, and down his hard abs, I drew an imaginary line leading directly to his groin. He growled when my small hand wrapped around the outline of his hard—and from the feel of it, big—cock.

  When I gave it a slight squeeze, he ripped his mouth from mine.

  “Shelby,” he said, grounding himself into my hand. “You’ve got to stop. I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to, but I’m close to losing control.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “You’re killing me, baby.”

  “Tony, please,” I begged, “I need y-you,” I stuttered. “Need you to touch me.”

  I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. Me, the woman who’d sworn never to let another man touch her, was begging to be touched in a way that had only brought pain in the past.

  This is different, the voice in my head whispered. This is Anthony.

  “Fucking damn it,” Anthony cursed under his breath as he once again picked me up. “This isn’t how I wanted our first time to go.” He moved to the side of the Tahoe. “But how the hell am I supposed to say no to you?”

  Pulling open the passenger’s side door, he deposited me on the front seat.

  “Where’s your phone?” Moving on autopilot, I pulled it out of my back pocket and handed it to him. He tapped on the screen a few times before lifting it to his ear. “Yeah, Maddie, this is Anthony.” He looked at me with lust filled eyes. “Just wanted to let you know, Shelby is taking an extended lunch break.” His free hand landed on my thigh. I sucked in a breath as his fingertips made their way to the lone button on the front of my shorts. “Everything is fine. I just have something special planned for her.” He plucked my button open and tugged the zipper down. “Yeah, thanks.”

  After ending the call, he tossed my phone into the back seat and looked over his shoulder to survey our surroundings.


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