Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 23

by J. E. Parker

  Carissa, one of the younger employees, was walking down the hall, her eyes glued to the ground. “Hey,” I said, grabbing her arm and halting her steps. “Can you do me a favor?” She nodded, a small smile on her face. “Will you tell everybody to stay away from the office. Maddie’s asleep and I don’t want anybody to disturb her. If they need help, tell them to radio me.”

  Again, Carissa nodded. “Sure thing, Shelby. Do you want me to bring her anything? Like a pillow or something?” The girl was sweet as pie. “No, sugar, I’ve got it. Thank you though.”

  With one final nod, Carissa walked off.

  Feeling a bead of sweat trickle down my spine, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my texts. I was mildly disappointed when I didn’t see anything new from Anthony. It was stupid—not to mention selfish—of me to feel that way because he’d been called away for a homicide the night before. I knew he was busy, but my heart still ached for some sort of contact from him.

  How did it get to this point? We were just supposed to be friends.

  Ignoring the annoying voice in my head that questioned everything when it came to our relationship, I sent him a quick message. Even if he didn’t see it right away, I still wanted him to know I was thinking of him.

  Lord, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Hell has surely frozen over.

  Me: Miss you, stud muffin. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

  Biting my thumbnail, I fidgeted in place and stared at the cracked phone screen, willing him to reply. To my surprise—and delight—my phone pinged with an incoming text less than thirty seconds later.

  Him: Miss you more, gorgeous. Behave at work. I’ll see you tonight.

  I snorted.

  Behave? Who did he think he was talking to?

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I typed out a quick reply.

  Me: Me? Behave? Never!

  When he didn’t reply right away for a second time, I shrugged my shoulders and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I’d just turned to head to the laundry room when a hair-raising scream ripped through the shelter before bouncing off each of the cinder block walls that surrounded me.

  “Shelby!” Hope’s panicked voice screamed my name.

  Senses on high alert, I spun around, fully prepared to dive head first into whatever chaos had suddenly erupted. “The g-gate!” She screamed again, tears pouring down her face. “Ashley!” My heart dropped at the sound of our newest resident’s name. “It’s the guy… t-the pimp!”

  Dropping my clipboard to the floor, I took off running. My cowgirl boots clicked against the vinyl plank flooring with each step I took as I wildly pumped my arms, willing my body to move faster.

  Faster, Shelby!

  “Radio Evan!” I screamed without stopping. “Tell him to move his ass!”

  Hope nodded, fumbling with the radio in her hand. “Evan!” She screamed into the receiver. “There’s a problem at the gate. Shelby’s going outside!”

  I heard Evan curse through the speaker, but I didn’t stop to find out where exactly he was or how long it would take him to reach me. All I knew was that I had to move, I had to run.

  I had to save Ashley.

  Bursting through the front door, I jumped down the concrete steps and pumped my legs even harder, propelling myself toward the gate. Wild-eyed, I scanned the area for Ashley.

  My anger roared to life when her terrified face came into view. She was lying supine on the ground, fighting back against a man who was dragging her across the concrete sidewalk toward a waiting vehicle.

  I recognized the man immediately.

  D-Boy… this son of a bitch!

  Sprinting through the open gate—why is the gate open?—I headed straight for them. D-Boy’s back was turned to me so he didn’t see me coming, but Ashley did. Her eyes widened at my approach.

  Hold on, sugar; I’m coming.

  Only feet away from D-Boy’s back, I fisted my hands and lifted my arms in front of me. Bracing for the impact that was just moments away from occurring, I steeled my spine and hardened my jaw.

  Just a few more steps.





  My body slammed into D-Boy’s in a violent collision that would make any college linebacker proud. The hit was hard and placed just right, knocking D-Boy right off his feet.

  Hey, maybe I can get Bama to sign me!

  I hit the sidewalk, landing on my side, and slid five feet. My vision turned white, and I felt the skin on my outer thighs tear as the concrete bit into my flesh. It burned like hell, but I gritted my teeth, bearing it.

  Seconds later, my vision cleared.

  Get up, Shelby!

  “You fucking bitch!” D-Boy shouted, pushing to his knees. I wasn’t hurt bad, but I was more shaken than him. Head spinning from the collision, I fought for control of my senses. “You’re going to fucking pay for that!” When he stood, I saw the unmistakable outline of a gun shoved in the front of his pants. My stomach twisted at the sight.


  D-Boy smiled as I scrambled backward, drawing him away from Ashley, and putting some space between us. “Tell me, bitch, how do you want it?” His hand flew to his waistband, and for a moment I thought he’d pull out his gun.

  Surprisingly, he didn’t.

  Exhaling, I looked past D-Boy to see a terrified Ashley. She was still sitting on the middle of the sidewalk, seemingly frozen in place. I needed to make her leave, needed to make her run. If D-Boy was seconds away from hurting me, I didn’t want her to see it happen. And crazy as it sounds, I wasn’t too concerned about what was fixing to happen to me. I was prepared to take an ass beating—hell, even a bullet—to keep her safe.

  Body quaking, my gaze snapped to back D-Boy’s. Smiling down at me, he moved his hand from his waistband to his pocket where he pulled out a pair of shiny, brass knuckles. He slipped them on his hand and moved his head back and forth, cracking his neck.

  “You ready, bitch?”

  Pressing my palms to the concrete sidewalk, I forced a smile. “Question is: are you ready, D-Boy?” His smile dropped, and his eyes narrowed. “Bet you’ve never had your ass kicked by a girl, have you?” I licked my lower lip while I silently prayed for Evan to hurry the hell up. I wasn’t a coward by any means, but D-Boy had about six inches and a hundred pounds on me. I couldn’t match him in strength or punching power, but I was likely faster than him. Speed was the only advantage I had. Well, that and the special brand of crazy that I was sporting. “Guess there’s a first time for everything, huh?”

  So much for behaving like Anthony told me to. Umm… oops?

  Using the strength in my arms, I quickly pushed myself to a standing position. Every inch of my body ached, but I ignored the pain. I had time to hurt later. Right now, I needed to fight. Ready for whatever was about to come, I looked behind D-Boy, and shouted, “Ashley, run!”

  D-Boy’s eyes filled with a whole lot of anger as he turned his head and looked over his shoulder. “Bitch, you better not—”

  I seized the moment.

  Rushing forward, I lifted my foot off the ground and swung my right leg with every ounce of strength I could muster. The pointy toe of my boot slammed into D-Boy’s groin at the perfect angle. The kick was so hard that pain rocketed through my foot and shin on impact. Ignoring it, I braced myself as D-Boy’s knees buckled and he fell toward me. In one swift move, I lifted his shirt with one hand and used the other to grasp the grip of his gun and rip it out of his waistband. Then, I jumped out of the way and allowed the shithead to fall to the ground, face first.

  His knees and elbows hit the concrete with a bone-jarring thud.

  I hope it hurts you son of a bitch.

  Flicking the safety off the gun, I took a few steps back, putting some distance between the cowardly bastard lying on the ground, and myself. I raised my arm and pointed the 9mm I held tightly in my right hand directly at his head. “You move, and I’ll blow your damn head off.” My voice was
calm, steady.

  D-Boy didn’t respond. Instead, he laid there on the ground groaning in pain.

  A humorless chuckle spilled from my lips at the sight. “Messed with the wrong girl this time, asshole.” I felt almost giddy as I stared down the barrel of the gun and into his hate-filled eyes. “And now you’re going to pay.”

  “Shelby!” Evan shouted from what sounded like the shelter’s parking lot.

  Keeping my eyes trained on the scumbag in front of me, I raised my left hand in the air and waved in his direction. “Over here, big guy.” I couldn’t see him out of the corner of my eye, but I heard his heavy boots hitting the pavement as he ran toward me at full speed.

  Evan came to a sliding stop beside D-Boy and immediately dropped to his knees. “You mother fucker!” He yelled, slamming his elbow down between the middle of D-Boy’s shoulder blades. I cringed at the cracking sound the hit produced. “I should fucking kill your worthless ass!”

  Pulling a pair of zip tie looking handcuffs out of his back pocket, he secured D-Boy’s hands behind his back. I wasn’t surprised when D-Boy didn’t put up a fight. The man pimped out and abused vulnerable, teenage girls. He was too much of a pussy to go toe to toe with a real man.

  Evan looked up at me; anger etched on his features. “I’ll deal with you in a minute.” My entire body tensed. “You know better, Shelby! Especially after what happened to Maddie.” Gritting his back teeth together, he shook his head. “I should take you over my knee for what you just did!”

  Over my dead body.

  My free hand went to my hip. “Now hold on a gosh dang minute,” I replied, knowing full well I wouldn’t be able to stop him from ripping me a new butthole. “I know it’s against protocol, but I did what I had to do.” Evan didn’t look convinced. “Listen, big guy,” I pointed to D-Boy’s car parked behind me. “He was dragging Ashley to the damn car!” My eye twitched in anger. “What else was I supposed to do? Let him kidnap her?” I scoffed.

  Evan stood and held out his big hand. “Give me the gun, Shelby.”

  Rolling my eyes, I flicked the safety back on and handed it to him. “Fine, but I expect your domineering behind to apologize any second now.” My eyes narrowed. “Whether you want to admit it or not, you know I did the right thing.”

  He didn’t look convinced.

  “You know what?” A slow smile spread across his face. “I won't say another word. I’m just going to let Maddie deal with you.”

  I held my hands up in the air in a placating manner. I’d known Evan was going to make me pay for harassing him earlier but to bring down the wrath of Maddie was just plain ol’ mean. “Now, wait a minute. That’s not fair, Evan. You know she’s hormonal. I may not survive—”

  Behind me, tires screeched, drowning out my words.

  On instinct, I spun around.

  When my eyes landed on the shiny black Tahoe parked behind me, I gulped.

  “Oh shit,” I mumbled under my breath as Anthony jumped out of the still idling SUV and headed straight for me.

  Face harder than stone, he looked pissed.

  Pissed with a capital P.

  This won’t end well for me.

  Evan laughed at me. “I take that back. I’ll just let Detective Moretti deal with your crazy ass.”

  Wait. When had he met Anthony?

  “Good luck, Shelby. You’re going to need it.”

  “Fuckin’ bitch—” D-Boy cursed from behind me. “I’m goin’ to kill you!”

  I expected Anthony to stop in front of me. He didn’t. In fact, he didn’t spare me a single fleeting glance. Instead, he walked right past me and knelt beside a restrained D-Boy. “You responsible for the scrapes up and down the side of my woman’s leg?”

  My gaze dropped to my right leg.

  Well, no wonder my skin is on fire. I’ve got concrete burn!

  D-Boy’s eyes raked over my legs. “Man, fuck you. Bitch got exactly what she deserved. I—” Without warning, Anthony slammed D-Boy’s face into the concrete. I jumped back and almost gagged at the sound of his nose breaking.

  Evan smiled in satisfaction.

  Anthony, however, remained stone-faced.

  D-Boy screamed in pain. After a few moments passed, he said, “that’s police brutality, motherfucker!”

  “Yeah?” Anthony replied in a deadly tone, leaning closer. “Prove it, cocksucker.” Blood poured from D-Boy’s nose. The color of the concrete below him changed from white to red, and for some messed up reason, I found it oddly satisfying. “You ever lay your hands on my woman again, and I’ll kill you. Understand me, D-Boy?” When he didn’t answer, Anthony slammed his face into the concrete a second time.

  Again, I flinched.

  “I have zero tolerance for men who hurt women, much less men who take advantage of vulnerable teenage girls.”

  Right or wrong, my insides warmed at my man’s words.

  Anthony’s chest rose and fell in rapid succession. “And I have zero fucking tolerance for any motherfucker that puts his hands on what’s mine.” Another sickening crunch. “When you get out of lockup, if I see your sorry ass around my county again, I will bury you in a shallow grave out on Highway 9. We clear?”

  Anthony gripped the back of D-Boy’s head, fully prepared to slam his face back into the concrete. “Yeah, man!” D-Boy shouted. “You won’t,” he spit out a mouthful of blood, “see me around here no more.”

  With that, Anthony stood up. “I better not.” He turned to face me. “Get inside, sunshine. I’ll be in there to deal with you in a minute.” When I didn’t move, he barked, “Now, Shelby!”

  It was the first time he’d raised his voice at me.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Fine, but there’s no dang reason to bark at me, Tony. I’m not a dog!” Turning on my heel, I limped back toward the shelter where Maddie, Clara, and Hope were waiting for me.

  Great. Here we go.

  Maddie’s emerald green eyes were filled with more anger than I’d ever seen her possess. She looked ready to strangle me. Hope, on the other hand, looked like she was a breath away from passing out, and Clara—she looked proud as hell. Choosing to focus on Clara, I winked at her as I breezed past all three of them.

  “Shelby Ray Mason!” Maddie shouted from behind me. “I am going to kill you! Swear to God, I am going to kill you,” she took a deep breath, “and then I’m going to revive you so that I can kill you again!”

  I stopped mid-stride and looked at her over my shoulder. “Better get in line, sugar!” Her features lit up with confusion. “Because I’m pretty sure Anthony has first dibs.”

  Huffing out a breath, I walked my soon-to-be-dead behind into the shelter.



  Twenty Minutes Later

  Anthony stepped into my office and slammed the heavy wooden door shut behind him.

  Already on edge, I flinched at the loud noise.

  Placing his fisted hands on his hips, he stared down at black and white checkered floor. He didn’t move, didn’t speak. The only noise coming from him was the sound of his heavy, frequent breaths.

  I didn’t like his silence one bit. I’d rather him scream his head off and throw things around the room than ignore me. I don’t know why but I couldn’t handle him being silent. It made me feel distant from him, and that was something that I couldn’t—much to my dismay—handle.

  “Tony,” I said, fidgeting in the chair where I sat. “Say something, honey.”

  Nothing but silence.

  Unable to stand it a second longer, I rose from the chair and moved toward him, closing the space between us. His intoxicating scent tickled my nose making my head feel fuzzy. “If you want to yell at me, Tony, then do it.” I lifted a shaking hand and placed it on the center of his hard chest. “But don’t give me the silent treatment. That’s not something I can tolerate, sugar.”

  In the blink of an eye, his hand shot toward me. My body jerked in response, a reaction caused from being abused by Damien for years on end. Not f
eeding into my fear, Anthony wrapped his long, adept fingers around my wrist and yanked me toward him. My chest slammed into his abs, almost knocking the breath right out of my lungs.

  I yelped as he gazed down at me with hard eyes. Despite the cold look plastered on his face, I wasn’t afraid. Not of him.

  Never of him.

  Deep in my heart, I knew that it didn’t matter how angry I made Anthony, he’d never hurt me. Even when he was fit to be tied, my man wasn’t like Damien.

  Would he spank me as punishment? Maybe.

  Beat me? No way in hell. He’d step into oncoming traffic first.

  “Tony,” I whispered his name. “Talk, baby.”

  Anthony lifted his head, and his eyes met mine. “I was standing in the middle of the station, talking to a uniform that’s interested in taking the detective’s exam when the call came in.”


  “Dispatch came over the radio,” his jaw ticked, “and all I heard them say was: Toluca Women’s Shelter, assault on a female, injuries possible.” My heart clenched at his words. “I’ve never been more scared in my life, Shelby. All I could picture was you lying on the ground, hurt or dead.” I sucked in a breath. “Did you even stop to think about what you were doing? About what could happen to you?” He kept speaking without stopping to take a breath. “D-Boy could have fucking killed you. Do you realize that?”

  “Tony, I—”

  “Don’t.” His tone was firm, unrelenting. “There isn’t anything you can say to make this any better.” He shook his head and continued to stare down at me with unforgiving eyes. “You should’ve thought about Lucca, about what losing his mother would do to him.” I froze. “Did you even bother to think about what would happen to him if you’d been murdered by a pimp with a rap sheet longer than both of my arms put together?” Shaking his head, he didn’t relent as he tossed verbal barb after barb my way. “How could you be so damn stupid? I know you’re hot headed, but this is beyond that. What you did was fucking reckless!”


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