Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 27

by J. E. Parker

  “You’re crazy,” I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

  He nodded. “You keep telling me that, but I’m telling you right now, I am not crazy. I am one hundred percent lucid.” He twirled a lock of my unruly hair around his finger. “And I don’t care how long it takes me to convince you how I feel, I’ll keep trying every day for the rest of my life”—his eyes bored into mine—“ because you’re the other half to my soul, Shelby Mason.”

  Don’t cry, damn it!

  “Loving me won’t be easy, Anthony.” My accent was thicker than usual.

  He didn’t hesitate in replying. “I don’t want easy, sunshine. I just want you, crazy parts and all.”

  I dropped my head back to the drywall and laughed. “I can’t believe you.”

  He pressed a kiss to the side of my jaw. “You better.”

  Suddenly, Anthony’s phone rang, pulling us both out of the moment.

  He dropped me to my feet and pointed toward the bathroom. “Go get in the shower. I’ll be in there as soon as I handle this,” he said, pulling his phone out of the pocket of his discarded slacks.

  I pointed at the baby monitor. “Don’t forget to bring that.”

  He nodded. “I won’t.

  After winking in my direction, he answered his phone. “Moretti.” I grabbed a towel from the linen closet and headed for the bathroom. “Yeah, email me the file. I’ll be at home…”

  Anthony’s voice trailed off as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.



  I was drunk.

  Shaking my ass to whatever song was playing on the radio Grandmama had set up in her living room, I didn’t have a care in the world. Hands up in the air, I swayed my hips from side to side and turned in a slow circle. Hope, who was dancing beside me, mimicked my moves. Neither of us could dance worth a damn so I know we both looked like fools.

  Still, neither of us cared.

  We were having fun, something that didn’t often happen where I was concerned.

  “Maddie!” I hollered as I swayed a little too far to the right. “Get your butt over here, sugar!”

  Giant chocolate chip cookie in hand, Maddie shook her head. “Heck no! With my luck, I’ll dance my way into labor, and I can’t do that. I have to get married first.” Huffing out a breath, she continued, “If I go into labor before my wedding I swear I will shut my legs and hold this baby in.”

  Hope cackled beside me. “Not sure that’s how it works.”

  “It will,” Maddie insisted. “I flat out refuse to give birth until my last name is Cole.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her words. “Madelyn Grace Cole. I like it!”

  The truth was, I couldn’t wait to see Maddie walk down the aisle. Her and Hendrix should’ve gotten married six or seven years earlier but stuff happened, and they were torn apart for a while. They found their way back to each other though, and that’s what mattered. But it was past time for them to finally get their happily ever after.

  Hope’s drunk ass slammed into me, almost knocking me to the ground. “I like it too!” She shouted before succumbing to a fit of laughter.

  “Watch it, twinkle toes,” I shouted, steadying myself before I face planted on the ground.

  Clara bounded into the living room, a strawberry margarita in one hand and her cell phone in the other. “It’s picture time!” She pointed to the sofa where Maddie was sitting, cookie still in hand. Wearing a flamingo pink ‘bride to be’ sash across her chest and a silver, glittery tiara on her head, she looked every bit the princess that Hendrix portrayed her to be. “Everybody crowd around the bride to be.”

  Hope and Clara raced to the sofa. Hope sat to Maddie’s right, Clara to her left. Carissa and her younger sister, Heidi walked into the living room from the kitchen where they’d been helping Grandmama prep more snacks. Heidi plopped down beside Clara and Carissa sat on Hope’s lap.

  These little shits…

  “Now wait a dang minute!” I placed my hands on my hips. “Where the heck am I supposed to sit?” Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at each of them. “I’m the maid of honor for Pete’s sake!”

  Clara pointed to her lap. “Come on, blondie. My lap is plenty big enough.”

  Laughing, I sauntered over to her and plopped down on her thighs.

  “Grandmama!” I hollered. “Get in here, you old biddy! We need you to take a picture!”

  Decked out in a light blue apron that said, “World’s Craziest Grandmama” across the front in curly, white letters, she stomped her way into the living room and stood in front of Clara and me. “Hand me the phone, red,” she said, referring to Clara. “I just hope I can figure out how to use the daggum thing.”

  Clara tapped on the screen of her phone a few times before handing it over. “All you’ve got to do is press the red button on the bottom of the screen.”

  Grandmama mumbled something indecipherable under her breath. Then, “Alright, hussies, everybody smile.”

  Shifting sideways, I leaned back against Clara, making sure to keep her face visible. I wrapped one arm around her shoulders and swung my legs across Maddie’s lap. Maddie wrapped one arm around Clara’s shoulders and another around Hope’s. Carissa held up bunny ears behind Maddie’s head, and Heidi smiled shyly. “One the count of three,” Grandmama said. “One, two,” she paused and pulled something out of the pocket of her apron. “Think fast, blondie!” She tossed something at me, and I caught it before it had the chance to smack me in the face. Wide-eyed, I held the gigantic dildo that we’d bought from the sex store up in the air. “Three!”

  My cheeks flamed red, and Grandmama snapped the picture with me holding the enormous fake penis in the air. “Oh my God!” I shouted. “You did not just do that!”

  Grandmama winked before ripping the dildo out of my hand. “That’s what you get for calling me an old biddy.” Without saying another word, she handed the phone back to Clara and skedaddled back to the kitchen, twirling the massive dildo in the air like a baton.”

  The room fell silent.

  I looked at each of the girls. “She’s crazy,” I hissed. “Like, certifiably insane.”

  At my words, the room erupted in laughter.

  Almost Three Hours Later

  Hope was holding one of the mini vibrators up in the air, examining how powerful it was when the front door swung open. Hendrix, followed by Evan, and a guy named Kyle, one of Hendrix’s fellow firemen filed into the house.

  When they caught sight of what Hope was holding they all three came to a stop. Hendrix looked confused, Evan seemed a little turned on, and Kyle looked mildly amused.

  “What?” Hope asked, a look of annoyance on her face. “Why are y’all looking at me like that?” Not a one of them answered. “Seriously, stop looking at me like that. It’s a vibrator, not a bomb!”

  Hendrix blinked twice before looking at Maddie. “What the fuck have y’all been doing over here?”

  Maddie shrugged and took a bite of chocolate cake.

  Kyle pointed toward the ceiling. “Are those dick shaped balloons?”

  Clara shook her head. “Nope,” she replied in a serious tone. “They’re rocket ships. Can’t you tell?”

  Kyle narrowed his eyes at her but didn’t say anything.

  Keith chose that moment to burst through the door. “Mama, I can’t find the damn—” His eyes widened, and his mouth gaped when he caught sight of the balloons. “What the hell are those?” His gaze fell on Hope who still held the vibrator in her hand. Red-faced and shaking his head, Keith took a step back. “I’m just goin' to”—he hooked a finger over his shoulder and pointed toward the door—“I’m just goin’ to head back outside.”

  Clara tossed her head back and laughed. Hard.

  A second later, I joined her.

  “Maddie,” Hendrix said, pulling my best friend’s attention to him. “You ready to go?” Moving to stand beside her, he stared down at her with so much love in his eyes that my heart al
most burst at the sight. “Come on, baby, I know you’ve gotta be tired by now.”

  Setting the plate of half-eaten cake on the cushion beside her, she smiled up at him. “How about we just stay here tonight? It’s a full moon, and I want to take a trip down to the trestle if that’s okay.”

  Hendrix’s eyes softened. Running his thumb over her bottom lip, he replied, “whatever you want, pretty girl.”

  Tears filled my eyes at their exchange.

  I was so happy for Maddie, but I was jealous as the night was long.

  Every fiber of my heart craved what they had. Briefly, I wondered if Anthony could ever look at me, could ever love me the way Hendrix looked and loved Maddie.

  Only one way to find out.

  “Maddie, sugar, I’m goin’ to—”

  “Shelby,” Carissa said, walking out of the kitchen and cutting me off mid-sentence. “Do you mind if I use your phone to call my dad for a ride home? Mine is dead, and Heidi didn’t bother to bring hers since she came with me.”

  Kyle’s back straightened the moment he laid eyes on Carissa. His jaw ticked as his gaze raked over her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Intrigue and a whole lotta interest burned in his eyes.

  Oh boy.

  “I’ll take you home,” he said, moving closer to her. “Where do you live?”

  Carissa’s head turned to the right. I almost laughed at the way her eyes bulged out of her eyes when she saw Kyle for the first time. I couldn’t blame her one bit. Kyle wasn’t my type but he was cute as hell. Kinda scary on account of the seriousness he excuded but cute. “I… uh…” Flabbergasted and unable to speak, she looked to me for help.

  Unfortunately for her, I was too tipsy to think straight.

  Thankfully, Maddie had the sense to speak up. “I’ll have daddy give y’all a ride home. I’m sure he won’t step foot back in the house until we get all the balloons and other paraphernalia outta here anyway.”

  Kyle’s eye twitched at Maddie’s response, but he didn’t say anything.

  Carissa’s gaze found Kyle again. Ducking her head shyly, she said, “Thank you for offering me a ride. I appreciate it, but I think it’s best if Mr. Davis takes me home.” She looked back to Maddie. “I mean if he doesn’t mind.”

  Maddie waved her hand in the air. “He won’t mind, trust me.”

  Sitting down on the sofa, Hendrix pulled Maddie into his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he pressed his face into the side of her neck. “Missed you, pretty girl.” His lips fluttered over her throat. “Can’t stand not having you close.”

  Maddie smiled. “Missed you too, handsome.” She turned her head and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. Burying her hands in his hair, she pulled him closer, deepening their connection.

  Feeling like I was intruding on a private moment, I spun around and looked toward the front door. “I’m going to go check on Lucca, Mad. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  She ignored me as she and Hendrix got lost in each other.

  My chest burned as tears formed in my eyes. Never in life had I wanted something as much as I wanted a love like theirs. Closing my eyes, I shook my head to dispel the thoughts running rampant through my mind.

  Get your shit together, Shelby.

  Without saying another word, I headed for the door.

  The first tear fell as I wrapped my hand around the knob.

  “Shelby,” Grandmama said from beside me. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  I choked back a sob. “I…” My voice trailed off as I tried to think of a lie to tell. “I…”

  Grandmama’s hand wrapped around my bicep. “Talk to me, honey.”

  Hard as I tried, I couldn’t stop the torrent of tears that began to fall down my face. “I want that,” I whispered. “I want what they have.” My heart hurt. Literally hurt. Swear to God, I could feel it splintering into a million jagged little pieces. “I want Anthony to look at me like Hendrix looks at Maddie.”

  Grandmama’s hold on my arm tightened. “Shelby, baby, he already does.”

  At her words, something inside of me snapped into place.

  What that something was, I didn’t know.

  Unable to bear being away from him a second more, I pulled my arm from Grandmama’s grip, and said, “I’ll be back in a little bit. I need to see Anthony.”

  With a smile on her face, she took a step back. “Don’t let me keep you then.”

  I didn’t waste any more time before pulling open the door and bolting outside. Even drunk, I moved quickly. Jumping down the porch steps, I half stumbled, half ran across the front lawn and crossed the street. There was a car parked in front of Pop’s house that I didn’t recognize, but like an idiot, I ignored it and kept moving.

  I hit Anthony’s driveway running.

  It was a miracle I made it onto his front porch and through the front door without falling and breaking my neck. In the foyer, I heard him speaking. Following the sound of his voice, I went into the living room but didn’t see him anywhere.

  Confused, I spun around in a circle. “Tony?”

  “Every parent/teacher conference, I’ll be there…”

  Where the hell is he?

  I took a few steps toward the kitchen but froze mid-stride when I saw the baby monitor sitting on the end table beside the sofa.

  He’s talking to Lucca.

  Picking it up in my hand, I held the speaker next to my ear.

  After a brief pause, Anthony’s voice continued to come through the monitor loud and clear. “And I swear on my life that I’ll never walk away. I’ll never leave you; never abandon you. Long as I have a single breath left in my body, you and your mama will never be alone, little dude. From now until the day I die, you’ll always have me,” he said to Lucca in a genuine, love filled voice.

  My heart stopped beating.

  My world stopped spinning.

  He just promised my son the world…

  Looking back, I think that was the exact moment that I fell completely and irrevocably in love with Anthony Moretti.



  It was almost ten o’clock.

  I was sitting in my home office, filling out random paperwork as I anxiously waited for Shelby to bring her ass back home. She’d been gone almost four hours, and it was taking everything in me not to march across the street and drag her back to the house. I hated being separated from her.

  Especially when I knew she was less than a hundred yards’ away.

  Lucca was asleep in his playpen five feet in front of me. After Shelby left earlier, I fed him dinner before taking him outside to play. The kid was full of energy, and he ran me ragged. He kept pointing at the neighbor’s tree house, wanting to explore it. I fully intended to build him one in our backyard. There were a couple of trees that would do the job. I also needed to get him a swing set, maybe even a sandbox. Shelby had a swing set at her duplex, but it was small. Not to mention, they wouldn’t be living there much longer.

  Not if I had something to say about it.

  Pulling my cell phone out of my pocket, I slid my finger across the screen a few times until I found what I was looking for. Typing out a quick message, I sent a text to Shelby.

  Me: Are you behaving?

  She responded in less than a minute.

  Shelby: Why? Are you going to spank me if I’m not?

  Smiling, I tapped out another message.

  Me: Remember the cuffs, sunshine. Misbehave, and you’ll end up cuffed to the bed.

  Again, she replied in less than a minute.

  Shelby: I like that idea. Let me see what kind of trouble I can find.


  With a chuckle, I tossed my phone onto the desk. Seconds later, my email chimed. Sliding my laptop in front of me, I clicked my mouse on the screen. I only had one unread email.

  The subject read: Dixie Ann Mason, complete file attached.

  My heart pounded.

  This was what I’d been waiting all day for. Earlier
that morning I’d requested a complete background check be run on Shelby’s mom. After hearing what she’d done to my woman and the hell she’d made her endure, I wanted to know everything there was to know about the worthless bitch. She was way out of my jurisdiction, but I’d find a way to deal with her. I already had a plan for Damien, but I didn’t have one for her yet.

  That, however, was about to change.

  Far as I was concerned, after what she’d done to Shelby and Lucca she didn’t deserve to live at all; much less freely. But to my dismay, I couldn’t kill her. Not without being sent to prison and in turn leaving Shelby and Lucca behind and unprotected. I could, however, find a way to send her to prison. A woman like her, I had no doubt she had plenty of skeletons in her closet. I just had to find them.

  Cracking my neck from side to side, I opened the file.

  At first glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Yeah, she had a rap sheet a mile long, but I expected that. She’d been arrested for a wide range of offenses including prostitution, possession, intent to distribute, aiding and abetting, assault and battery, grand larceny, and filing a false police report. Yet she hadn’t spent a single day in prison. From looking at her sentencing record, it didn’t appear that she’d spent more than thirty days in county.

  Such bullshit.

  Alabama’s judicial system was as broken as Georgia’s.

  I started to get frustrated after scrolling through page after page of what appeared to be useless information. Nothing popped out at me, giving me a clue that there was something deeper to this woman than I already knew.

  At least, nothing popped out until I got to the last page.

  Staring at the first paragraph on the last page of the report, I squinted my eyes in disbelief. “No fucking way,” I whispered to myself. “That can’t be right.”

  Pulling up another LE program, I typed in a single name. After clicking enter, I waited for the results of my search to filter onto the page, allowing me to cross-check the info from the original report against three other government agencies.


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