Finding Julia

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Finding Julia Page 8

by Desiree Holt

  Then there was no more time for thinking. They were kissing, deep, voracious, carnal kisses, where their tongues did an erotic dance and probed every inner recess of their mouths. Luke guided her to the bed, pausing only to reach down and rip away the covers. Lying side by side, they fused their mouths together, hands reaching for each other.

  Luke tore his mouth away, trailed kisses along her cheek, then grasped both of her hands in one of his and stretched them back above her head.

  “Tonight, my love, I’m going to show you what it’s all about.” And he proceeded to be as good as his word.

  For Julia, it was the most sensual experience she’d ever had. His hands on her skin seemed to burn against her, plucking at her nerves, leaving little fires in their trail. He laved each breast until she thought she would go mad with the sensation, then drove her even crazier as he plucked on each nipple with his teeth until they were swollen and aching.

  The touch of his lips on her stomach was like a feather, teasing her with the lightest of touches. Then he used his tongue to draw circles on her skin, knowing exactly how to convey the most carnal invitation. He shifted his body and dipped his tongue lower, nudging her thighs apart with his hand. When she felt him kiss the soft curls at her vee, then move his tongue along the length of her slit, she nearly came off the bed.

  “Easy,” he whispered. “We have so much time. I want to enjoy you completely. Remember me when you go home and you’re caught up in your work and your children.”

  As if she could forget one minute with him.

  He parted her already throbbing folds with his thumbs, laving every inch of her cunt, finally tasting the inside of her. She jerked against him and he used both hands to hold her in place. God, his tongue was a live wire, searing her every place he licked. Blood pounded in her veins, her heart thudded, and she couldn’t get enough air to breathe.

  “Please, please,” she moaned softly. “Oh, please.”

  “Not yet,” he whispered against her skin. “Not yet, my love.”

  He used his mouth and his fingers expertly, bringing her to her peak and then drawing back, holding her right at the edge of release. He held her hips firmly, bringing her back to his mouth, and began again. He brought her to the edge so many times she lost count, each time taking her a little higher, a little further. On and on it went, Luke using his mouth and fingers to play her body like a fine instrument.

  Finally, when she had reached the point of sobbing, begging, pleading for her release, he captured her nub between his teeth, slid two fingers into her slippery sheath, then three, and took her over the edge. She climaxed with huge shudders, bucking against his hands and mouth, biting her lips to keep from screaming his name.

  * * * *

  Before the spasms even subsided, he moved into place over her, his shaft so hot and hard it nearly caused him pain. He thrust into her, slowly at first, feeling her liquid heat surround him, then harder until he was buried to the hilt. The walls of her pussy still quivered and clutched around him and he nearly lost what was left of his control.

  Julia gasped then moaned softly. Lifting his head, he saw her eyes glazed with pleasure, her face hot and flushed with passion. He paused to gather himself, then began moving within her, slowly at first, then faster and faster. She answered his rhythm, thrusting her hips at him, wrapping her legs around him to pull him closer. Their sweat-drenched bodies moved slickly against each other.

  He slid nearly all the way out before thrusting hard into her, repeated the movement again and again until she pled once more for release. He felt her orgasm building and he gritted his teeth to hold on to his control as long as he could, until he couldn’t stop. Neither of them could. He slammed his mouth against hers, swallowing her moans. They spiraled together into space, bodies shaking, hearts pounding in tandem, falling, falling, until they were spent.

  It was a long time before either of them spoke. Finally, Luke raised his head and cleared his throat. “Are we still alive?”

  “I don’t know.” Julia wet her lips, her breathing uneven. “I actually think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  Luke rolled to the side, keeping one arm around her and bringing her with him until she was nestled close to him. “Julia, I…”

  She reached up and pressed her fingers against his lips. “Don’t say it. Whatever it is. For tonight, let’s not talk, okay?”

  “I’m not sure I’m good for much more right now.” His chuckle had a rusty sound to it.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Give me a minute and we’ll see.” She trailed her hand softly down his body, feeling each muscle with the tips of her fingers. “It’s amazing what a few minutes of rest can do.”

  “Not at my age.” He laughed. “Don’t let your expectations exceed reality.”

  He wanted to ask her where they could go from here. They’d said things to each other, opened their hearts, but was it possible for them to blend their lives together? She had young children and obligations. He had a career here. Could she drop everything to come here? Could he go there? How could he give up perfection when he’d just found it?

  Pulling her against him, he added in a low voice, “Julia, I wish…”

  She leaned over and kissed him, effectively stopping any conversation. “Don’t say it. Not right now. Okay? Whatever it is, I want to believe we will work things out.” Then she curled against him and closed her eyes.

  They didn’t sleep, just dozed. Luke woke to find his body doing things he’d thought impossible just a while ago. Warm sensations flooded him, snapping him to attention. He tried to clear his head, and suddenly realized what was happening.

  Julia looked up at him, her eyes hot and demanding. Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she slid them up and down the skin covering the hard core, coaxing a response, as her lips swallowed the tip. Watching her was one of the most erotic experiences of his life. Luke could not have protested if he wanted to. The sensation was exquisite torture, rousing him when he’d thought no reaction was possible again.

  “Just lay back and enjoy it,” she told him. “Now it’s my turn.”

  And so it was. As he’d done for her, she took her time, drawing it out as long as she could, letting her hands slide tantalizingly along his erection, cupping the heavy sac between his legs, her tongue sliding across the soft velvet tip.

  When she licked the tiny drops of moisture seeping from the slit, he nearly lost it altogether. If he’d been able to, he’d have reached up, moved her on top of him and thrust inside of her. But she was too determined. He finally gave himself up to the sensation, and when she drew him over the edge, he lay there shuddering in unbelievable ecstasy.

  * * * *

  They slept spooned together, but not restfully, despite being spent physically. They were glued skin to skin, unwilling for space to come between any parts of their bodies. When Julia woke, it was still dark and she snuggled back against him, wanting just a few more moments of his warmth and the feel of his wonderful body.

  His arms held her tight, his arousal pressing against her. He stroked his hands over her and they made love one last time, slowly, gently, savoring every moment.

  Eventually they dozed. When the phone rang, Julia cursed wakeup calls in general and this one in particular. She fumbled for the receiver and mumbled, “Hello?” two or three times before realizing it was her cell phone ringing.

  She sat up with a quick movement, swung her legs over the side of the bed, and punched the talk button.

  “Yes?” The readout on the bedside clock said four in the morning. Who would call her at this hour?

  Oh, God, not the kids. Please don’t let something have happened to one of the twins.


  “Who is this?” She rubbed her face, trying to wipe away the vestiges of sleep and make her brain work.

  “It’s Claire. Julia, are you there?”

  “Claire?” Why was Claire calling her at this hour? Fear grabbed at he
r heart. “Oh my God. Claire. The children. Are the twins okay?”

  “Yes. I didn’t have another number for you, so I called your cell. I know it’s always on.”

  “What’s wrong? Why are you calling?”

  Luke was awake now, sitting up on the edge of the bed next to her, his big, warm hand soothing as he stroked her back and shoulders.

  “Miranda called me a few minutes ago and asked me to get hold of you. She thought it would be easier if I told you about this rather than having it come from her.”

  “What do you mean? Damn it, Claire, what’s going on?”

  “It’s Charles. He’s had a massive heart attack.”

  Chapter 9


  At her shriek, Luke tightened his grip on her and pulled her close to him.

  “Apparently it happened around midnight,” Claire told her, “but it wasn’t until a little while ago one of his partners, who happened to be with him, thought to get hold of you.”

  “Of course.” Her voice was bitter. “Everyone knows about the divorce. I guess they didn’t think his children needed to know.” She raked her fingers through her hair. “Oh God, Claire.”

  “I came right down to the hospital so I could find out what’s what.” Claire made a sound like a snort. “His asshole partner acted like I was carrying cyanide or something. Anyway, the doctors are with him now. I’ll see what I can find out and call you back.”

  “The children.” She could think only of them at the moment. “I’ll have to tell them.”

  “Let’s find out what’s going on before you do. How soon can you leave? Can you come right to the hospital when you get here?”

  “Of course. Absolutely. I… I’ll have to call the airlines. I’ll have to… Oh, God.”

  “Call Miranda, then call me back when you have your reservations. And pull yourself together, kiddo. We’ll get through this.”

  She sat with her cell phone in her hand, trying to process everything.

  Tell Luke. Make plane reservations. Pack.

  She turned to face him and everything spilled out in disjointed sentences.

  “I’ll call the airlines then order you some tea.” Luke held her gently, trying to ease the tension gripping her body. “Go take a shower.”

  “It’s my fault.” She felt such a heaviness she almost couldn’t breathe.

  “Stop it.” He tilted her face to look at him. “Nothing is your fault, and I refuse to allow you to take the blame for this.”


  “We’ll talk about it after you’re dressed. Go on.” He patted her gently on the rear end, urging her toward the bathroom.

  By the time she was dressed, Luke had confirmed new reservations for her and a pot of tea waited on the nightstand. She gulped the hot liquid gratefully. While Luke showered quickly and dressed, Julia called Claire back with her flight information, then spoke to Miranda.

  “The children are still sleeping.” The woman sighed. “I’m just glad he wasn’t here when it happened.”

  “Me, too.” Julia could imagine how affected the twins would have been. “I’ll call you when I get to the hospital and find anything out. Why don’t you try to go back to sleep?”

  Miranda laughed, sadly. “As if. Just call me when you get there. Do you want me to keep Andy and Beth home from school today?”

  Julia nibbled her lower lip. Should she? “No, let’s keep everything as normal as possible until I have some answers.”

  “You take care of yourself,” Miranda admonished before she hung up.

  “I think I should take a cab to the airport,” Julia told Luke, zipping up her suitcase. “You don’t need to go running me around in the middle of the night.”

  “No.” Luke was emphatic. “Out of the question. I’ll drive you to the airport. I won’t have you taking this ride by yourself. Julia, this thing with us isn’t some little quickie, where I run out when the going gets tough. I’m here for you. I care for you and about you. Hang on to what I’m telling you, okay?”

  She smiled weakly. “How did I get so lucky as to have you walk into my life?”

  “I’m the lucky one.” He hugged her quickly. “Finish your tea.”

  The hot drink settled her stomach but she didn’t think anything would help her heart. Guilt, misery, and expected loneliness fought for possession of that fragile organ, and at the moment, guilt had the edge. Still, one thing was certain. Leaving here was going to be hell.

  She put on her coat and waited by the door with her suitcase, feeling like the victim of an earthquake. An emotional one. Luke took her face between his palms and kissed her, a long, deep, soul-satisfying kiss.

  “Remember this when you fall asleep at night, sweet Julia,” he said. “I know I will.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her throat tightening.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The hotel bill would be sent to Luke’s office so they went directly to his car. They tried to make small talk on the ride into Boston, but Julia’s mind was too preoccupied. Discussing business wasn’t even an option. Both of them avoided the elephant sitting in the car with them.

  Finally, Luke let her be.

  “Don’t worry about the contract,” he told her. “I’ll get in touch with Claire and we’ll work things out.”

  “Oh, Luke. The contract.” Damn. “I didn’t even think about how this will impact my time.”

  “Hopefully not much,” he told her. “Charles is out of the house and the final deed is almost done, whatever happens with this latest crisis. I know you’ll be wound up getting your kids through this. Claire and I will take care of whatever has to be done.”

  When they pulled up to the curb at the airport, Luke killed the engine, undid his seat belt, and reached for her. “I can’t let you go like this, with everything still so unsettled between us. I wanted time to make plans, to think of a future together.”

  “Oh, Luke. Me, too.” Tears spilled from her eyes and etched tracks on her cheeks. “This is so damn unfair.”

  “Damn right it is,” he told her roughly. “Go on. Go home and see to your kids. They’re what’s important right now. Call me, okay?”

  “I will.”

  “We’ll get through this, Julia. I’m here for you. Don’t doubt that for a moment. This isn’t the end, it’s a beginning.”

  “Oh, God, how I want to believe that.” She fisted her hands. “This is a terrible thing to say, but it’s just like Charles to find a way to screw things up for me.”

  Luke’s laugh was without humor. “I’m sure he didn’t give himself a heart attack just to punish you.”

  “He’s capable of anything.” Damn him. “Alright. Let me get home and see what the situation is and go from there.”

  He got out of the car, opened her door, and took out her suitcase. They stood for a moment looking at each other and she drank in the sight of him. A light snow began to fall and the soft flakes dropped easily on their heads and faces, but neither of them seemed to notice.

  “There is so much I wish I could say to you right this minute,” he told her. “There just isn’t enough time.”

  “Me, too.” She touched her fingers to his lips. “But don’t. Please. It’s hard enough as it is. We’ll have time when things settle down.”

  “Let’s hope,” he muttered. “All right. Be sure to let me know how things are. I’ll be worried about you. Here. Give me your cell phone.”

  She pulled it out of her purse and handed it to him. He punched some numbers and gave it back to her.

  “There. My private number’s in there. I’m speed dial number one. I’ll have my phone on all the time. Call me whenever.”

  “Oh, Luke.” Her voice broke and she dug deep to get control of herself. “Why couldn’t we have met fifteen years ago?”

  “I don’t think we would have been ready for each other then.” He kissed her one last time, then e
nfolded her in his arms. “Just remember. No matter what happens in your life, you will always be mine.”

  “Yes, I will.” She fought tears and clung to him as if she’d never let him go before taking a step back. “Goodbye, Luke.” And then she couldn’t help herself. “I love you.” She yanked up the handle of her suitcase and nearly ran into the terminal, dragging the luggage behind her.

  Julia went through check-in and security as if in a fog. She bought herself another cup of tea and sat in the waiting area, sipping at the hot liquid, hoping it would ease the sudden chill invading her. The man sitting next to her was kind enough to nudge her when the call for boarding came. She entered the plane and took her seat like a robot, buckled in and leaned her head back.

  Images flashed through her mind: she and Luke dancing, bodies moving slowly to the music, their first night together, the wonder of exploring each other’s bodies, the night in the cabin, warmed by the flames of the fire, their kiss at the airport, more poignant than sensual.

  What a mess. The damn divorce papers still unsigned and now she had no idea when or how they would be. Luke had said he would wait but for how long? And how would the twins handle this? Their relationship with their father left a lot to be desired yet surely this would affect them emotionally. Her life was slowly being flushed down the toilet and she was left with a very inadequate plunger. Tears begin to trickle from the corners of her eyes, and her stomach knotted.

  “Excuse me.” The flight attendant was leaning towards her, over the empty seat next to her. “Forgive me for asking but is something wrong?”

  “No.” Julia sniffled, then tried on a smile. “Just fighting a cold is all.”

  “Can I get you anything?” The attendant was obviously concerned.


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