A Dark Guardian

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A Dark Guardian Page 5

by Grant, Donna

  “You do look beautiful,” Hugh murmured next to her ear. “That dress becomes you.”

  Her heart fluttered at his praise. She turned her gaze to him, and her mouth went dry. “Th…thank you,” she stuttered.

  His warm brown eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. “I’m only speaking the truth, my lady.”

  Mina knew she ought to look away, but men like Hugh didn’t come to Stone Crest. He was all muscle, good looks, and warrior. A perfect combination, to her way of thinking. Too bad she wasn’t pretty enough for him.

  He turned away to listen to something Bernard said, and she took that time to let her eyes roam over his body.

  His hair was still damp at the ends. She found that she wanted to reach up and tuck the hair behind his ears as he pushed it out of his face. His large, rough hands bespoke many battles, proving he was a man to fear.

  Tonight, he wore a tunic of dark brown that complimented his eyes and hair nicely, though she imagined there wasn’t anything that would look bad on him.

  He spoke, his deep voice soothing her. Never had a man affected her like the mere presence of Hugh did. What was it about it him that drew her?

  She held her breath when he placed his hand on the table next to hers. The need to reach over and touch him was so strong that, for a moment, Mina found herself doing just that. She stopped herself in time.

  “Something wrong?” Darrick asked.

  She jerked her head around. “Nay. Where are your families?” she asked quickly to change the subject.

  One side of his mouth lifted in a smile. “With what we do, it is better if we don’t have families.”

  “So, none of you are married?”




  She nodded and turned back to her trencher. She had been ravenous when she’d come into the hall, now all she could think about was the man sitting beside her and the pull he had on her.

  Whatever she did, she would have to be most careful that Theresa never discovered her feelings for Hugh. If she did, Mina didn’t want to think about what would happen.

  She made herself take a bite, making sure to keep her eyes anywhere but on Hugh. It wasn’t easy. Especially when his leg or arm would brush up against her, but she was nothing if not determined. If she could survive years with Theresa and Bernard, then she could survive a few hours next to Hugh.

  “We begin tonight.”

  She was so engrossed in turning her attention away from Hugh that she almost didn’t hear his words.

  “What do you begin?” she asked before she could stop herself.

  He turned toward her. “The hunt for the creature.” Whatever hunger she had conjured up immediately disappeared. She hadn’t expected them to start tonight. Didn’t they need to practice or something?

  She kept her thoughts to herself and listened as Hugh and his men explained what would happen. It was obvious they expected her to go to her chamber once the meal was finished. She, of course, had other plans.

  * * *

  Hugh watched as Mina walked from the hall. When he turned back to his men it was to find Darrick watching him.

  “She is something, isn’t she?” Darrick asked as they walked from the hall to the armory.

  Hugh briefly thought about feigning ignorance, but he realized it would be folly.

  “I suppose.”

  The laugh that followed his words did little to comfort Hugh. He didn’t even glance at Darrick, but that didn’t stop his friend from speaking his mind.

  “I noticed how you found it hard to concentrate tonight at the meal.” Hugh stopped and let the others go on ahead of him. He waited until they were out of earshot before he said to Darrick, “’Tis because I haven’t been around a lady in some time.”

  Darrick smiled and shrugged. “That’s a plenty good reason, but I didn’t see you having that problem with Lady Theresa.”

  Hugh ran his hand through his hair. “What is it you want?” The smile left Darrick’s face. “I don’t know. I saw how Lady Mina watched you.

  You intrigue her.”

  “Do you worry I’ll harm the maid?”

  “Never,” Darrick said with conviction. “But I also have never seen you act like this around a woman before. At least not since.…” Hugh knew Darrick wouldn’t finish the sentence. There wasn’t a need. He knew exactly who Darrick referred to. “We have a mission to complete. Let’s concentrate on that right now.”

  Darrick seemed relieved that he didn’t chastise him for bringing up a painful part of his past. In truth, Hugh was more than glad to drop the subject.

  * * *

  After she had changed into her man’s attire, Mina walked to the table where Hugh and his men gathered their weapons in the armory.

  “Just what are you doing?” Bernard asked as he strode up to her.

  She didn’t look to her brother because her gaze was locked with Hugh’s. “I’m gathering my weapons.”

  Bernard sputtered at her side. “The hell you are. I’ve been a fool before, but not this time. You will stay in the castle where you will be protected.” She didn’t answer him. There was only one man who could make her stay, Hugh.

  “Hugh,” Bernard said. “Tell her to stay put.” The men quieted and stilled, waiting to hear what Hugh would say. Mina found herself holding her breath. Would he give her the right to fight the creature that had taken her parents and terrorized her village? Or would he treat her like a pampered lady and keep her locked safely inside while others risked their lives?

  “We need every person that can help,” Hugh finally answered.

  She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from smiling. But Bernard wasn’t done.

  “I am lord here, and I demand that you return to your chamber,” he said as he grabbed her arm.

  She looked up at Bernard. He was dressed in his armor, armor that hadn’t been worn in a terrible long time. “Why? Last night you wished me dead. What has changed between then and now?”

  “I don’t know.” His brow furrowed deeply. “I truly don’t know. ‘Tis as if I’ve never really seen you before.”

  She stared at her brother, his blonde hair reaching to just below his ears. He had seemed so young yesterday, now it was as if he had grown into a man suddenly. Gone was the pampered man she had known. Before her was the lord their father had been.

  “There isn’t much to see,” she said and started to walk past him when he stopped her.

  “The years are blurred, Mina, but I do know that I said and did many hateful things. I don’t know why I said them, but I would ask your forgiveness.” Was this another ploy to hurt her? She had to take a chance that he was sincere.

  “I forgive you.”

  He smiled brightly and threw his arms around her for a hug. She froze, for neither of her siblings had ever touched her thus. Slowly, her arms rose until she returned his embrace.

  “I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you,” he said.

  “’Tis time,” said a voice she was becoming to know quite well.

  She turned from Bernard to find Hugh standing next to them. She reached for a wicked looking dagger with a curved blade when a large hand descended on hers.

  “Bernard is right. You really should stay in the castle. You have no fighting skills and you might be more of a hindrance than a help.” His words wounded her, though he was correct. “I understand. If ‘tis better for me to stay inside, then I will.”

  He didn’t move. She smiled and looked down at his brown hand atop hers. “Can a lady not be armed even if she is to stay inside?” His dark gaze probed hers. “Arm yourself then, but do not lie to me.”

  “Can I help it if I refuse to sit idly by and watch my people, brother or friends fall whilst I am safe inside?” she asked as her anger began to grow. “I want to feel like I’m needed, like I can help somehow. I’m being blamed for this creature’s release. Can’t you understand why I need to b
e out there?” He nodded and released her hand. “Stay close,” he warned.

  She swallowed the lump of fear that had formed in her throat. What had she just committed herself to? She wasn’t a warrior, just as Hugh had pointed out. She didn’t even know the first thing about fighting, and the practice she had done alone in her chamber with her dagger didn’t count.

  But she refused to be a hindrance. She had her duty to perform this night, and she would carry it out, even if it meant her life.

  She walked outside to the bailey to find the villagers barricading themselves inside their homes. A look to the heavens and the clouds painted various shades of pink confirmed that dusk had arrived.

  No sooner had she noticed the sky than the scream that put terror in even the bravest of souls reverberated around them. Shrieks from villagers became so loud that the small group of hunters could no longer hear the creature.

  Mina watched as Bernard and his knights ran to their places on the battlements.

  When she turned back, Hugh was gone. He had told her to stay close, but she hadn’t been paying attention.

  Her eyes scanned the skies for any signs of the creature. She gripped her dagger and started to run toward safety when Cole stepped in front of her. His war axe rose above his head, but it was his gaze that caught her attention. He looked above her.

  She slowly leaned her head back and saw the creature hovering over her.

  Chapter Five

  Hugh couldn’t believe his eyes. The creature hovered above Mina and watched her fervently. Hugh took stock of the creature as he got his first good look at it. It was like nothing The Shields had encountered before.

  Its body was that of a man with skin as thick and course as a dragon’s, but its hands and feet were that of some animal with elongated talons. The wings were wide and thin as they held it stable over Mina.

  Though he had seen many demons, this creature’s skull had an odd look. The head and face was small, but the jaw extended forward enormously. A huge, wide mouth that showed rows of sharp teeth, beady red eyes, a flat nose, pointed ears and two horns rounded out the head.

  It took Hugh only a moment to realize Mina wasn’t going to run. He rushed from his hiding place and grabbed her. As he threw her to the ground, he reached for his crossbow. He fired his first shot. The creature deftly moved aside and the arrow flew harmlessly by.

  “Take your places,” Hugh bellowed to his men.

  But the creature turned his horned head away from him. It had spotted a villager running toward safety and quickly swooped down and captured the man in its claws.

  “Nay,” Mina cried and gained her feet, but Hugh seized her before she could run to the creature.

  He held her as they watched the creature rip the villager to shreds. She buried her face against Hugh’s neck, and he held her tightly. When the creature was finished, it turned back toward them and smiled cruelly.

  Hugh pushed Mina behind him as the creature flew toward him, knocking him to the ground. He quickly rolled over and reached for his crossbow only to have the creature’s claws rake across his back.

  Determined not to bellow his rage for the pain that ran through him, Hugh gritted his teeth. A thick, warm substance rolled down his back and into his tunic. Despite the burning on his back, he willed his body to move and came up on his hands and knees. He got no farther when he found himself suddenly holding onto air instead of earth.

  He didn’t need to look behind him to know the creature had picked him up, but he would be damned if he would go down without a fight. Hugh pulled his leg up and retrieved the dagger from inside his boot.

  It was as if the creature knew what he had planned because when Hugh glanced up, he was headed straight for the castle doors. He put up his hands to block the brunt of the force, but in the process lost his grip on the dagger. Once he hit the castle doors, the creature loosened its hold and Hugh crumpled on the steps. He was viciously thrown onto his back, and then the creature leaned close to his face.

  “Leave, Demon Seeker, or you’ll be next to die,” the creature hissed before flying off.

  Hugh stared transfixed as the creature burst through a cottage and killed all within. Never before had any of the creatures they had hunted and killed ever spoken to him.


  He looked to his right and found Darrick and Cole atop the battlements pointing to the creature. In spite of the pain, he jumped to his feet and raced across the bailey for his crossbow. He grabbed it and aimed it at the creature.

  His first shot hit the creature’s wing but did nothing other than anger it. It threw down its current victim and screamed its wrath at Hugh.

  As quick as he could, Hugh began to reload the crossbow. This time however, the bow wouldn’t load into the chamber. He glanced up and found the creature coming at him again. No matter how hard he shoved and pushed, the bow wouldn’t fit into the crossbow and his time was running out.

  Mina had stayed hidden behind a hay wagon while Hugh had fought the creature, but now he needed help. His men were too far away to aid him. Without thinking of the consequences, she grabbed her dagger and ran toward Hugh.

  Even when he dropped to the ground and rolled from the creature’s clutches, she didn’t stop her assault. This was her opportunity to end the terror for good.

  She raised the dagger over her head and launched herself at the creature. The dagger embedded deeply into the creature’s chest. The smile she wore at her victory was soon replaced by fear when the creature simply pulled her and the dagger from its body as he rose to hover in the air above the bailey.

  “So you wish to die,” the creature said, the jubilation evident in his snake-like voice. “I had planned to save you for last, but now is as good a time as any.” The fact that the creature spoke brought ice to her veins, but it was nothing compared to the lump of dread residing in her stomach at hearing she was to die.

  However, the creature didn’t carry out its threat. It shrieked and released her.

  Her own scream followed the creature as she plummeted toward the ground. Instead of landing on the hard earth, she found herself cradled in Hugh’s arms.

  “Th…thank you,” she managed to get out past through the panic coating her throat.

  One side of his mouth lifted in a grin. “Anytime.” She could have stayed in his embrace forever. Within his strong arms and muscular chest she knew she was safe. From everything but losing her heart.

  He set her on her feet and pushed her toward the castle. “Get inside. It has out-maneuvered us this night.”

  She looked up and saw several arrows in the creature’s back. As she began to follow Hugh toward the castle, she saw the creature turn toward the stable. Here eyes instantly found John who was coaxing a frightened horse back inside the stable. She called out to John, jumping up and down and waving her arms, but he never saw her.

  “Hugh,” she yelled, but he couldn’t hear her over the shrieks and cries of the villagers.

  She looked anxiously around and found a spear someone had abandoned. With her only thought to save John, she picked up the weapon and raced toward the stable.

  Hugh stood by the doors and hurried people inside the castle. If they could get everyone inside then they would be safe for the night.


  Hugh’s gaze jerked to where the yell had come and found Bernard trying to get through the doors, but Gabriel held him back. Hugh followed Bernard’s gaze and found Mina once again racing toward the creature to save John.

  Hugh unsheathed his sword and took off after her. His long strides quickly caught up with her, and he threw himself at her at the same time hurling his sword at the creature.

  He wrapped his arms around Mina and rolled, so that he would take the brunt of the fall as his sword plunged into the creature’s chest. With his eyes still on the creature he rolled over until she was beneath him.

  During all of this, John had managed to get the horse inside
the stable without knowing he was in danger. Hugh would have laughed except the creature still hadn’t died. It pulled Hugh’s sword from its body and immediately healed itself before dropping the sword and flying toward the forest.

  Hugh breathed in deeply and looked down at Mina. “Do you have a death wish, lady?”

  “Nay,” she said softly, her eyes large.

  “You wouldn’t know it by your actions tonight.” Her tongue peaked out to lick her lips, and it was then that he realized he was on top of a beautiful woman and her soft, warm frame cradled his. His body, already ignited from the battle, flared painfully to life. His gaze found her mouth, and he found it near impossible not to lean down and taste it.


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