A Dark Guardian

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A Dark Guardian Page 14

by Grant, Donna

  “Mina?” he said and peered closely at her.

  She turned her blue-green eyes to him. Where they had been filled with laughter and arousal only hours before, they were lifeless now. There were many things he was ashamed of and things he wished he could take back, but what he wanted most of all was the light back in her eyes.

  “All my life I have had to deal with the tongue lashings from Bernard and Theresa and being ignored by my parents and the people of this castle,” she said. “Then you came. You give me my brother back and made me see things I had missed before.” She stopped and looked down at her hands. “Then you gave me the one thing I have always wanted.” She raised her gaze to him. “You paid attention to me. You gave me hope. Then promptly took it away. I see no reason to help you when I cannot count on your assistance.”

  He took a step back as the impact of her words hit him. “I did not take away your hope.”

  “Forgive me,” she said and laughed. “I foolishly thought that if anyone would have seen my innocence it would be you. I foolishly thought that after our night in the tunnel that you had seen my innocence. I hadn’t realized that you could use people like you do.”

  His throat tightened as if a noose was around him. “I want to believe you are innocent, but you won’t give me proof that you are.” Her eyes flared with anger. “You want proof? The day Theresa was attacked I was in the ruins speaking with Aimery.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  She turned away from him and slid down under the covers. “It is too much to want someone to believe me?”

  * * *

  Mina flexed her hand and bit her lip from grimacing.

  “Don’t rush it,” Gabriel said. “Let’s take a look at it, shall we?” She held out her arm as he sat on the bed and unwrapped the bandage. The skin around the wounds was tinged with green, but it was now pink as well.

  “They are healing nicely.”

  “Aye,” she said and gazed at the three slashes that went the length of her forearm.

  She raised her eyes when she felt Gabriel staring at her.

  “Things could be worse than having scars,” he said.

  “You mean like having people think you are controlling a creature that is killing them?”

  He sighed as he rubbed more cream on her wounds. “I don’t know what happened between you and Hugh, but I can tell you in all the years we have been hunting these evil, vile monsters, he has never been wrong about who is controlling them.”




  that bit of news.”

  “There is a first time for everything though.” He smiled and began to put on a new bandage.

  She returned his smile. “Hugh doesn’t believe me about Aimery does he?”

  Gabriel shrugged. “I haven’t spoken to him about it since he left this morning.” She glanced to her window and saw the sun lowering. “I can’t believe I slept all day. Did the creature come last night?”

  “Aye,” Gabriel murmured. “Despite the villagers being inside their homes, the creature was still able to get to them.”

  “How many did it kill?”

  “Nearly a dozen and destroyed several cottages as well as some cattle and sheep.” She leaned her head back and sighed. “It doesn’t matter what we do, it always manages to kill.”

  “You won’t be leaving this chamber tonight,” Gabriel warned.

  “I know. I can’t hold the dagger, and I’m too weak to run. What is the plan for tonight?”

  Again Gabriel shrugged.

  She chuckled. “So, Hugh asked that you not tell me.”

  “Something like that.”

  The door to her chamber opened, and Hugh filled the space. “Gabriel, I need to speak with Mina alone.”

  Without a backward glance at her, Gabriel left the chamber. She wanted to call him back, but she knew he wouldn’t return. Instead, she took a deep breath and looked to Hugh.

  “Why didn’t you tell me of Aimery before?”

  “I already told you. I wanted you to believe me because I asked you to.”

  “I don’t do things that way. I have to have proof.”

  “Then ask Aimery. He’ll tell you.”

  The silence followed that made her apprehension grow.



  She swallowed nervously. “And what did he say?”

  “He won’t deny or agree to being with you.” She began to laugh hysterically. “This is just wonderful. I finally tell you the one thing that can prove where I was, and then Aimery won’t confirm it. So, where does that leave us?”

  “I don’t know,” he said and sighed heavily.

  She looked at him then and saw the lines of worry around his eyes. “Whether you believe it or not, I would tell you where I put the blue stone if I had it.”

  “But you don’t?” he asked.


  He looked away from her and up at the ceiling as though contemplating a great strategy. “I lost track of how many years I’ve led these men after these creatures. I’ve killed so many of the evil things that I lost count.” He lowered his head and walked to the bed.

  “I don’t even know how old I am anymore. I have relied on my instincts as the only known source as we traveled through different times. Without trusting those instincts I am lost.”

  She lowered her eyes, not able to hold his questioning gaze. “Exactly were where you born?”

  “South England not far from London in the year 1011.” She digested his words and the surprise that followed them. Then she raised her gaze to him. “If I were another person I would say that you are daft. But I believe you.

  Why can’t you believe me?”

  “Because the facts point to you.”

  She sighed. “How can I prove my innocence?”

  “Help me find the blue stone and the person controlling the creature.”

  “What if I am that person? Aren’t you afraid I’ll attack you?” He snorted. “You could try, but believe me when I tell say that you won’t be able to.”

  She didn’t know how to answer him.

  “Mina, we saw the stone on your bed while you were at the ruins. Where is it?”

  “I already told you I don’t have it. It was stolen from my chamber. I walked in here that day to find it on my bed. I immediately went in search of you when I encountered Theresa and she said.…”




  “Her usual insults,” she lied. “And I went to the ruins for solace. When I returned to my chamber it was gone.”

  “The mystery deepens,” he said softly. “Will you help us find the stone?” She watched him for a moment. Despite her heated words to him, she still longed to feel his lips and hands on her body. He had hurt her, but she would forgive him in a heartbeat if he but asked.

  He was asking her to spend time with him, and even though he still thought her the one controlling the creature, he was giving her a chance to prove him wrong.

  “I’ll help you.”

  * * *

  Hugh searched Mina’s chamber again with her directing him from the bed. He found hiding spots he knew that no one had discovered earlier, yet there wasn’t a blue stone to be found in her chamber.

  He straightened from looking through her chest. “The stone isn’t here.” She gave him a look that said ‘I told you so’ but she didn’t utter the words.

  “The castle is a very big place with lots of hiding places. It could be anywhere.”

  “The best time to search is at night when everyone is asleep,” she said as she swung her legs over the bed.

  In two strides he was beside her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “You don’t know this castle like I do. If you want to find this stone, then you’re going to need me.”

  He clenched his jaw and was saved from having
to answer by a knock on her door.

  “Enter,” she called out while still staring at him.

  Gabriel and Cole walked into the chamber. “What do you think you’re doing getting out of bed?” Gabriel asked as he rushed to her and pushed her back onto the bed.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  Hugh shook his head. “I don’t think you realize how close to death you were.”

  “Oh, I know exactly how close I was, and I was content to be there. You should have left me.”

  He was stunned by her words. “’Tis not your time to die.”

  “And who are you to decide that? Only God has that authority.”

  “Actually,” Cole started, but Hugh quickly interrupted him.

  “Where is Theresa?”

  “She’s locked herself in her chamber saying that she can’t trust anyone anymore, and she refuses to come out until that creature is dead.”

  “We’ll have to find a way to get her out to search her chamber,” Mina said.

  “That will have to be for last,” Hugh said. “There are many other chambers to search first. If we are lucky we’ll find it before there is a need to search her chamber.”

  “Whoa,” Cole said. “What is going on here? Why are we discussing searching chambers?”

  Gabriel cocked his head to the side. “I’m thinking it’s the blue stone.” Mina gave him a bright smile. “Correct. I’m going to prove that I don’t have the stone by finding it myself.”

  “With me by your side,” Hugh stated. His protectiveness toward her was growing, and all he could do now was pray that she was innocent and that his plan to get her involved in the search to keep an eye on her worked. His heart couldn’t take another betrayal.

  “Great. Where do we start?” Cole asked.

  The men looked at Mina as she tried to stand. Hugh reached her before her knees gave out. “You aren’t ready yet.”

  “I can show you places to search,” she pleaded. “You need me. We have a pact.” Hugh clenched his jaw tightly. He and his men could move easily throughout the castle, but they needed Mina to guide them which would be doubly hard since she was still weak.

  The ear-splitting scream of the creature ricocheted around the chamber.

  “I don’t think we have time to think of that right now,” Cole said as he looked down the hall. “The castle is already filled with the villagers.” Hugh turned and looked at Mina. “We’re going to need parchment and a quill, Cole.”

  “On my way,” said the black-haired warrior.

  “And tell no one where you are headed,” Mina called after him.

  Hugh looked up at the window. “There will be no hunting the creature tonight.

  We need to plan for tomorrow and tonight.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mina shuddered and drew the blanket around her waist. The weakness from almost dying had taken its toll on her, but she was determined to fight it. She wanted to be there to prove to the Shields she was innocent.

  Hugh, Cole, and Gabriel sat around her bed as she described the castle in detail and Cole drew. They examined the completed drawing a few hours later after Gabriel had returned with food. They munched on cold meat and bread with the platter of food balanced on her legs.

  Though she knew each of them held reservations about believing her, it was nice to have them listening to her as well as willing to take her help.

  “Where is Bernard?” she asked.

  “He had some castle business to see to,” Hugh said.

  Then an idea struck her. “Are you going to bring him in on your search?”



  She touched Hugh’s arm to get his attention. “You know I love my brother?”

  “Aye. What are you getting at?”

  “’Tis because I want to prove my innocence that I have a suggestion.” Hugh leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his bulging chest. “I’m listening.”

  “Search what you can tonight, but only go by yourselves. If you don’t find it tonight, we’ll search more tomorrow. But, the point is, if you find it, it was by my help.

  If you don’t, you only have me to blame.”

  “With Mina being the only one knowing we’re searching it would make sense that she would be the only one to keep moving it,” Gabriel said. “Good logic.” She smiled at Gabriel, but she waited for Hugh’s reply. She wrung her hands and bit her tongue to keep from asking him to answer her now instead of making her wait.

  Finally, he leaned forward and said, “It does make sense. I agree with her. We keep it between us.”

  “But with us gone, she could easily call someone in here and have it moved,” Cole said.

  Gabriel sighed. “Aye, that she could.”

  She looked from one warrior to another. “I wouldn’t. I swear.”

  “What you don’t understand,” Hugh said, “is that magic is being used. It wouldn’t matter if we tied you up, gagged you, and locked the chamber door. If it is you, magic can undo all of that.”

  “Then what do you suggest?” she asked.

  “Bring her along,” Cole said.

  Her eyes brightened. It was just what she wanted.

  “She’s still injured,” Gabriel pointed out.

  “If I can walk to the hearth and back without falling can I go?” Hugh leaned his head back. “I’m going to regret this.” He turned his gaze to her.

  “If you can walk to the hearth and back, without stumbling, you may go.” After Gabriel removed the platter and Cole had moved the drawings, she shoved the covers off her legs and swung them over the side of the bed.

  Hugh was within reaching distance, and it took every ounce of Mina’s willpower not to reach out and touch him. She managed to get to her feet without weaving, but now Hugh was so close she could feel his heat.

  It brought back powerful memories of their night together, and she felt moisture between her legs. He had done that to her. She glanced his way and found him watching her intently.

  She raised her chin and lifted her left foot to begin walking. Her right leg trembled and almost buckled, but she refused to give in to the weakness that consumed her. She would make it to the hearth and back. She wouldn’t stumble. She would go with them this night.

  There wasn’t any other choice. She couldn’t be left behind.

  One step at a time, she walked steadily to the hearth. When she reached it, she was out of breath and sweat covered her body. All she wanted to do was reach out and steady herself, but she wasn’t about to do anything that would show them she hurt.

  She took a deep breath and slowly turned to face them. She focused her gaze on Hugh and began the trek back to her bed that seemed as long as the road to London. In order to keep the pain and weakness from taking over, she kept her eyes locked with Hugh. She became lost in his dark gaze recalling how they deepened and blazed when passion consumed him.

  The next thing she knew, she was standing in front of him as he looked up at her.

  He reached up and touched a strand of her hair that had fallen over her shoulder. Slowly, he stood until it was she looking up at him.

  Their bodies were just a breath away from touching. His heat surrounded her, and her loins ached to feel him touch her again. His gaze darkened as his eyes fell to her lips.

  Her breasts swelled, and her nipples hardened.

  Her lips parted as she waited to taste him again, to be pulled out of her world into a world where only she and Hugh existed.

  “You did it,” he said softly.



  Still they stood together not moving. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his hands rise toward her. He was going to touch her, kiss her. The wonderful pleasure would once again sing through her veins.

  But Cole cleared his throat before Hugh could touch her. “Sorry to interrupt, but we don’t have a lot of time.”

  Hugh stepped back and
lowered his arms. “Do you need help dressing?” She almost asked if he would be the one to aid her if she said aye. Instead, she shook her head and reached for the poster of the bed to keep her standing. When the door shut behind the men, she collapsed on the bed and shut her eyes.

  A fool she had almost made of herself. Again. Then her eyes opened. She had seen the desire in Hugh’s dark eyes, she had seen his breathing quicken.


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