Jonny's Redemption (Gemini Group Book 7)

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Jonny's Redemption (Gemini Group Book 7) Page 11

by Riley Edwards

  “Oh, God,” Bobby panted and started to straighten.

  “Hands on the wall.”

  “It’s too much.”

  Jonny leaned forward, pinned his chest to her back, bent his knees, and drove his cock deeper. His hands skimmed over her soft skin, up her ribs, glided around the swell of her perfect tits, careful not to obstruct the spray of the nozzle pulsing water on her nipples.

  “Never too much,” he groaned. “You need my thumb on your clit?”

  “No, just you.”

  Just you.

  Fuck, but he liked that. Loved that she could come with just his cock. Which she needed to do because he was close.

  “You’re perfect. Every part of you, Bobby. From your cute little toes to your pretty hair. From your tight pussy to your unbelievably great tits. But the best part of you, the part I love the most, is the way you love me.”

  “Jonny.” He dropped his mouth to her neck and he bit down then quickly licked the sting away. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Bobby lifted her head and turned to offer him her mouth. Jonny didn’t dither, he was too close for finesse. His tongue surged in, his hips rocked hard, his cock drove deep, and he claimed what was his. Heart, body, and soul he owned all three the same way Bobby owned him.

  Pleasure. It surrounded him and all of his concentration narrowed into a singular focus. Just him and Bobby and all the ecstasy they could find. Her body seized, her pussy clamped down, and his world was reduced further. With one last thrust, he planted his cock and spilled into her. His orgasm was so powerful he shuddered through it. When the last jet pulsed, Jonny began to slowly slide in and out, not wanting to lose the connection until he absolutely had to.

  “I freaking love your shower,” Bobby muttered, and Jonny busted out laughing.

  The unfortunate side effect of that was his cock slipped from her tight, wet heat. Jonny turned her so they were facing each other and pulled her close.

  “Who knew an innocent-looking showerhead could be used as nipple torture,” she went on.

  “Didn’t seem like torture to me,” he returned with a smile.

  “You’d say that because it wasn’t your nipples getting pummeled.”

  Jonny’s gaze dropped to her nipples and sure enough, they were a deep shade of rosy red and still pebbled. The sight made his cock come back to life.

  “We better get you into bed then, so I can kiss them better.”

  “I have to blow dry my hair first or it will be a rat’s nest by morning.”

  That was not going to happen. His girl had a lot of hair; she took an age to dry it.

  “Your hair’s gonna be a rat’s nest then.”

  “I’m not waking up next to you lookin’ a fright.”

  Damn, she was cute, but she still wasn’t blowing out her hair.

  “Let me rephrase.” Jonny pulled her closer and pushed his hard cock against her belly. “I’m gonna take you to bed, eat your pussy until you come in my mouth. You’ll be squirming around and your hair’s gonna get tangled. Then you’re gonna suck my cock and while you’re doing that my hands will be in your hair. After that, you’re gonna ride me so I can have your tits in my mouth. And again, my hands will be fisting your hair because you love it when I pull it while you fuck me. In other words, your hair’s gonna be a hot, sweaty mess by the time I’m done with you.”

  Bobby sagged against him, her pretty eyes hooded. Hunger and need clear even though she’d climaxed moments before.

  “I’ll wait until morning to do my hair.”

  “Good choice,” he told her even though she hadn’t really had one.

  Then Jonny took his woman to bed and did all the things he promised to do to her with a slight variation—he ate her until she gave up two orgasms before she sucked his cock.


  It was late the next morning when it happened.

  The ambush.

  I was in my office in Evie’s cool-as-all-get-out studio sorting my inbox and deleting junk emails when I heard the sound of women cackling. There were at least three. My guess was Evie, Kennedy Grant, and Macy Hall. McKenna would be at work at Gemini Group, and depending on her schedule, Silver Beil would be piloting a tug. She no longer did the week-on, week-off schedule she’d told me she used to do now that she was a mom. But occasionally, she did have to pull an overnight here and there. Of course, Charleigh could be down there with them, but I would bet she was pulling babysitting duty so Macy could attend this particular gossip session.

  Macy was Jonny’s sister-in-law. Even after she’d divorced Doug, the brother-sister relationship between Jonny and Macy didn’t change, and after Doug died it still remained. Actually, from what I’d heard since I wasn’t around when Doug was alive, Jonny and Macy had grown closer since her ex-husband’s death. So I understood why she’d be at my office the day after Jonny and I got back from the beach.

  “You know I can hear you down there, right?” I shouted.

  “Then come down!” Evie yelled.

  I abandoned my emails and pushed back from my desk. A delicious ache in my thighs reminded me of last night’s workout. I would’ve been disappointed in myself for being so out of shape if Jonny was an average man. Not that I had a plethora of experience with men, but in my meager experience there was nothing normal or average about Jonny. He was demanding, sure. He could be rough and talk dirty. He could also be gentle. But what wasn’t normal was his stamina. Not only could he do the deed for a long time, he could also recover in minutes. I didn’t know this as a fact, however, I didn’t think most men could get hard again so quickly. This was not a complaint, it was a happy observation, a warning that I needed to start working out so I could keep up.

  “Oh, look, there she is,” Kennedy chirped.

  Evie turned from the coffee maker and her eyes narrowed.

  “You look like a drowned rat,” she snickered. “Why is your hair up in a ponytail?”

  Of course, my best friend would home in on my hair. And I did look terrible but I sure as fuck felt wonderful.

  “Because I went to bed with wet hair and I didn’t have time to blow it out this morning.”

  “You went to bed with wet hair?”

  It was safe to say Evie knew me. I never went to bed without drying my hair first. I had a strict routine. After I got out of Shady Hollow, I vowed to leave that street rat behind. I never went to bed without a shower. I didn’t leave the house without my hair and makeup done. I was always dressed to impress. I brushed and flossed three times a day because there had been times Daddy wouldn’t buy us toothpaste and I would never again in my life not have clean teeth.

  “So what brings you three in?”

  Incidentally, I was correct. Macy and Kennedy were sitting at the bar while Evie was behind it making coffee.

  “Um, I own the joint.” Evie flashed her trademark smile.

  The one that had graced the covers of magazines and album jackets. Sometimes it was hard to remember my down-to-earth friend was a megastar. Her voice had made her millions. The songs she wrote even more. Then the glitz and glamor had been tarnished. Relentless paparazzi followed her every move; they’d invaded her life and made her miserable. But that wasn’t why she gave up the spotlight. It wasn’t because her parents had sued her in an effort to steal her money. It wasn’t her stalker, it wasn’t even the grueling demands. No, Vivi Rush retired when she found a man who was worth giving everything up for.

  And Chasin was worth it. He’d never seen Genevieve as Vivi Rush. He hadn’t even known she was a singer when they’d met. And after he found out she wasn’t only loaded but she’d continue to grow that wealth, he still just saw her—Evie. I loved she’d found her one. After everything Evie had been through, after years of people using her and pretending to be her friend, after working her ass off to earn every bit of fame, she deserved her Chasin.

  “Shouldn’t you be at home with your feet propped up, eating pickles or something?” I asked.

bsp; “Pickles are disgusting. Thankfully, this baby only seems to like mac n’ cheese. And pizza of course. Oh, and hot dogs. That’s weird, right? I want to eat hot dogs all the time but Chasin won’t let me. He said he read that hot dogs are full of nitrates and are bad for the baby. But sometimes a girl wants a hot dog, dammit.” Evie scrunched her nose and pulled her mug out from under the single-serving coffee maker. “And so is decaf.”

  Evie had officially contracted what she called “mom brain” or some such crazy shit. I had no idea what it was but I think it was safe to assume she’d caught it since she was now rambling about hot dogs.

  “It looks like her dry spell ended,” Kennedy snickered.

  “I’d say so,” Macy joined in with a smile. “And as you people say, she looks as happy as a pig in shit.”

  “Um, no,” Evie cut in. “Rednecks say that. We say, happier than a dead pig in the sunshine or happy as a tick on a hound dog. Though she doesn’t look happy now. She looks like a sourpuss.”

  “I’m not a sourpuss,” I protested. “You’ns came up in here—”

  “Oh, shit. Her Appalachia is showin’. She’s switched from y’all to you’ns. That’s when you know Bobby’s getting down to business.”

  Shit on a shingle, Evie was right. It was easy to slip back into my old ways. It had taken years and lots of practice to ditch the hillbilly slang. Being in Tennessee it was easy to pick up the slight nuances of Southern jargon and fall into it. But Marylanders, they have less of an accent and it’d become increasingly easier to show my Appalachia as Evie called it.

  “Well, that’s good because that’s why we're here,” Macy went on. “It looks like Bobby’s back in business. Spill, sis.”

  “Yeah, Bobby, turnabout’s fair play.” Kennedy waved her hand in front of her in a get-on-with-it motion.

  “I wasn’t even around when you got together with Jameson.”

  “Damn, Charleigh really should be here for this. Bobby had that poor woman beet-red when she was grilling her about Holden’s pecker,” Macy put in.

  “Did you just say pecker?” Evie sputtered.

  “She can’t say cock, she’s too sweet.” Kennedy shook her head. “It’s cute you called Holden’s cock a pecker. I’m gonna tell Jameson.”

  “I can say cock,” Macy protested “Cock, cock, cock.”

  “A-doodle-do!” Evie shouted and erupted into hysterics.

  Okay, so, Evie was funny. And it was hilarious hearing sweet Macy say cock. But I wasn’t laughing. Not because I minded my girls gathering around to henpeck my new man. I didn’t care that they were giving me a hard time because I was nosy and I had indeed asked Charleigh for the goods on Holden. No, I stood and watched three of my closest friends roar with laughter because I could. Because I’d earned their friendship. Because I belonged to a sisterhood that included joking about sex, keeping scorecards, and dusting off vaginas after long spells of no action. But mostly it was a sisterhood that was based on deep, abiding friendship and loyalty. It was about respect, admiration, love. But it wasn’t just these three women—Silver, Charleigh, and Micky belonged, too. The seven of us—sisters of the heart.

  “C’mon, prissy pants, that was funny,” Evie grouched.

  “You’re the best friends a girl could ever ask for,” I blurted out, and three pairs of eyes swung my way. “I’m madly in love with Jonny. He is absolutely perfect and I was terrified I wasn’t good enough for him. I was so scared he’d see past the makeup and fake accent and he’d see the girl from the holler. He’d see the poverty and the abandonment issues and he’d run a mile and not look back. I’ve been scared as hell my whole life I wasn’t good ’nough for anyone. But that’s not Jonny. He won’t run, he won’t sneak out the back door and never come back, he doesn’t care where I come from or who my kin are. For whatever reason, he loves me. And since he’s the smartest, best man I know, I figure he knows what he’s doing.”

  Evie was staring at me with her mouth hanging open. Kennedy had a straight-up smug smile. But Macy worried me; she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Jonny was her family. Suddenly I felt a little insecure. I didn’t talk about myself a whole lot, she had no idea I’d grown up the way I had. What if she didn’t think I was good enough for her brother-in-law?

  “Macy?” I called.

  She waved her hand in front of her face then dropped her head. “I need a second,” she mumbled.

  I looked at Evie in the hopes she’d know what to say or do. Maybe I needed to hug Macy. Or better yet, Kennedy should do it. Kennedy gave great hugs. I suppose she’d learned that from her mamma. Miss Lola was the best hugger around. I was positive the old woman had hugged and loved on her daughter a lot when she’d been growing up.

  “I’ve waited so long for you,” Macy finally whispered. “So long, I was getting worried you’d never show up.”


  “I wish you’d come sooner. Back when Doug was alive and Jonny was suffocating. Back when we were young and those people were laying everything on his shoulders. They watched him stumble but no one cared. He never fell. Not Jonny. He stood strong all alone. Then I had no one to lean on but him. I piled more on him because I was too weak to stand up for myself. I wish he had you then. I’ve waited for you for forever. I’ve prayed you’d come.” Macy lifted her gaze and our eyes locked. “And you’re finally here.”

  I loved that Macy thought that. Down to my bones, I loved it. But something not nice was swirling in my belly. A secret that was not mine to tell. Macy had to hear the truth from Jonny. I wasn’t sure if the truth would hurt her but I was worried it would and I didn’t like knowing something she didn’t.

  “You have to understand his mom—”

  “Macy,” I cut her off. That knot in my tummy tightened painfully as I scrambled for a way to stop her from saying something about his family. I finally settled on the truth. “I love you, girl, so please don’t take offense. Jonny’s a private person. I won’t talk about his mom with you or anyone unless he gives me the go-ahead.”

  Macy bit her bottom lip and I felt like a total bitch.


  “I wasn’t implying you were gossiping about him,” I quickly added.

  “I didn’t think that. And I actually love you know that about Jonny. You’re right, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “So I guess that means you won’t be giving us details then,” Evie joked, cutting through the heavy and getting us back on track.

  “I went to bed with wet hair,” I reminded her. “Do I really need to give you more than that?”

  “So he’s a ten?” she pushed.

  “He’s a ten-million-seven-hundred-fifty-three.”

  And that was all it took for my best friend, Genevieve Ellison-soon-to-be-Murray, to dissolve into tears. Big, body-rocking sobs.

  “I’m…I’m…so happy for you,” Evie sputtered. “And Jon…ny.”

  “Pregnancy hormones,” Kennedy muttered under her breath. “I don’t miss those one bit.”

  I moved around the bar, and when I got close to my friend, I pulled her into a hug and whispered, “I love you, Evie.”

  “Love you,” she grumbled.

  I gave her a few moments to pull herself together, then I stepped back.

  “If y’all are done.” I smiled. “I have work to do. I’ve booked a block of rooms including two suites. I figured it would be easier for Mandy to wrangle the kids in a suite instead of a regular room and the day of the concert too many people will be in and out of Evie’s room.”

  “Don’t mention the concert,” Kennedy snapped.

  “Girl, just because you’re breastfeeding doesn’t mean you can’t go. Unless your boobs spontaneously explode if the little milk sucker isn’t near.”

  The new mother’s gaze sliced to me and her eyes narrowed. “We don’t want Noah on a flight with a bunch of germs. And driving eleven hours with a nursing baby doesn’t sound like fun. I’m totally bummed I’m gonna miss it but I’ll catch the next one.”
  I didn’t want to tell Kennedy I doubted there would be a next one. Evie was only doing this concert because Sean Lovette had called Evie direct and asked her to perform with him. She wasn’t all fired up about putting herself back in the spotlight. Plus, she and Chasin were starting a family and Evie would never allow her children to be used by the media.

  “If that’s what’s holding you back, then you’re in luck. We’re not flying commercial.”

  “Seriously?” Kennedy breathed.

  Evie gave me a swift shake of her head and I understood she didn’t want me to elaborate on the private plane. She was careful not to flaunt her wealth, especially in front of her friends. This wasn’t because she was worried about what they’d think of her. Everyone knew she was rich. But Evie had more class than to show off what she could buy.

  “It’s more comfortable for Evie, not to mention safer,” I explained.

  “You know sometimes I forget you’re Vivi Rush,” Macy told Evie. “I didn’t think about what a stir you’d cause at the airport. I guess everyone around town is so used to seeing you they don’t make a big deal about it anymore. I totally forgot what a pain it would be for you.”

  Macy was kind of right but also wrong. People still stopped Evie around town. She didn’t mind, she adored her fans. But sometimes they got pushy wanting more than an autograph and picture so she rarely went out alone.

  “So you’ll come?” I asked Kennedy.

  “I’m all for it but I have to check with Jameson.”

  He’d say yes. The man was a sucker for his wife.

  “Great. Then ladies, it’s been a pleasure, but I have calls to return and studio time to book.”

  Hugs were exchanged and I went back upstairs to my office. When I made it back to my desk, I had ten more emails to answer and a missed call from Jonny.


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