Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition Page 18

by Amber Ella Monroe

When Devin received the letter mailed to him from one of the elders informing him of his half-brother’s untimely passing, he’d been saddened. Of all the offspring of the late Daniel Caedmon, his half-brother Damon was known among his people to be the wisest and most respected. It was prophesized by many elders that one such as Damon would lead his people for over a century, gaining new territories and strengthening the bloodlines through unity.

  Only a year had gone by since they’d buried Daniel Caedmon, his estranged father. Now, his son followed, leaving the pack without an Alpha. The passing of these two leaders would only start a rivalry among the pack. It seemed that year after year, his people would endure some hardship that would yet again set them back in the quest to become a truly unified pack.

  Small warm fingers brushed against his forearm. “I understand.”

  The gesture calmed his raging headache. He took her hand, turned her palm up, and lifted it to his face. Her skin was soft and warm against his face, and her sweet scent grew stronger. Even when they were apart, the mesmerizing smell of her would not go away. The scent was in his clothes and on his bed sheets. Everywhere. Even the memory of it was engraved in his mind. Taunting him. It called to his wolf and stirred the longing for companionship—a mate.

  Devin squeezed his eyes shut, and tried to drive out the lustful thoughts. Ever since he’d met Tamara, those attempts had been futile. The urges of the wolf were growing stronger, tired of playing second fiddle to his human side.

  Her hand swept across his face and she ran her fingers through his hair. The gesture was innocent, but the feelings it awakened within him were carnal.

  He opened his eyes slowly to admire her beautiful face. The fear and confusion in her gaze was something he needed to see gone. Her lips were slightly open as if she wanted to speak again. They were full, red, and inviting. When he moved closer to her and titled her chin, she made no move to stop him.

  His mouth brushed against hers softly. Instant gratification flowed through his core in response to this intimate touch. He pressed a kiss gently to her lips. One taste was not enough and he kissed her again. The third time their lips met, he coaxed hers open, sliding his tongue along the seam. She was as delicious as she looked, and he became greedy for more.

  The sound of footsteps approaching the porch and climbing up the steps pulled them apart. There was a rap at the door.

  Devin turned and lifted his nose to the air. One sniff and he knew the person’s identity. Nick.

  “Who is it?” Tamara whispered, holding onto his arm.

  “It’s Nick. I asked him to bring clothes.”

  Devin walked out onto the porch to greet his long-time friend. “That was quick.”

  Nicholas Hyatt’s loyalty had been unwavering throughout the years. When Devin had broken off from the pack five years ago, Nick had followed without hesitation. They spent several months living on the road with little to no money, until they finally found their passion and a trade. Home building.

  “I had just arrived in the city when you called,” Nick said, handing him a duffel bag of what he assumed were the clothes for Tamara and him.

  “How much do I owe?” He pulled out his wallet.

  Nick waved his hand in a gesture of indifference. “Don’t even worry about it. I owed you a favor.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Who is she?”

  He couldn’t blame Nick for asking. “She ran into some trouble in the city. I’ve offered her a place to stay.”


  “What do you mean…and?” he asked, irritatingly.

  Nick grinned. “You withheld information.”

  “I didn’t know I had to answer to you.”

  “Can I at least come inside?”

  Devin sensed the curiosity in the other wolf’s demeanor. Nick wanted to know whom the woman was inside, yet Devin’s wolf protested because Tamara was still unclaimed—not marked as his.

  Devin reached into his back pocket and pulled out some keys. “There’s another log cabin less than a quarter of a mile from here. North. It’s yours.”

  Nick chuckled. “Possessive, are we?”

  Devin growled.

  “I passed by the village before coming here. There was talk about you, and surprisingly, your guest. Did you have a brawl with Jonathan?”

  Devin frowned. “He was on my land, threatening my guest.” It had taken him hours to recover from the fight in the snow with the other wolf that played dirty during their fight.

  “As a result of the spar, they know about the woman. While traveling here, I came across two from Darius’ circle who were sent to keep tabs on you.”

  Over the last few days, there was this feeling that he was being watched, but he’d shrugged it off as too much anticipation.

  “What was I to do? Let them wolf-handle an innocent woman?” Devin balled his hands into fist. “What do they want?”

  “Darius wants to rise as leader. You know that.” Nick eyed him seriously. “They want you out of the equation. His followers will do anything to see to it. That puts everyone near you in danger.”

  Devin swallowed, and then opened the door. “Come inside.”

  As Nick shed off his boots and jacket, Devin turned to glance at Tamara who appeared to be finishing up with the cleaning. He met her halfway and brought her to stand next to him. “Tamara, this is my good friend, Nick. He is like a brother to me.”

  Nick smiled and held out his hand. “Pleasure meeting you, Tamara.”

  Devin pressed his lips together, trying to shake the bit of jealousy at the sight of the other man touching Tamara.

  “Nice to meet you,” she whispered.

  “Where are you from?”

  “A little of everywhere,” she answered.

  Nick raised an eyebrow high in astonishment. “Sounds interesting. We’ll have to discuss more about that.”

  Devin moved to sit on the sofa, and Nick took the hint and followed.

  Tamara’s hand rested on his shoulders. “Would you like some coffee?”

  He caressed her hand as it lay against his skin. “Rest. You’ve been up all evening in the kitchen.”

  “I’m fine.” She turned to Nick. “Nick, would you like some coffee? I’m going to make some for Devin.”

  Nick’s lips spread in an amusing grin as his gaze shot back and forth from him to Tamara. “Yes, I would. I’ve been traveling all day.”

  “Are you hungry? I was going to put up the leftovers from dinner. We had salmon, wild rice, and asparagus. Would you like some?”

  “I would. That’s nice of you to offer,” Nick said. “The coffee would go quite nicely with a good home-cooked meal.”

  Tamara smiled before she turned. She’d offered out of the generosity of her heart and seemed happy to oblige his request. Her heart was pure and kind, but now he feared that he’d introduced her to a new world of danger, like Nick had said.

  “She’s nice, and a pleasure to look at,” the other wolf drawled. “No wonder you fought for her.”

  This time, Devin snarled.

  Nick held up his hands, palms out. “Hey, man, sorry. I recognize a good woman when I see one.”

  And so do I…

  Devin knew that Tamara was still in earshot, so he lowered his voice and asked, “How many will be there to cast a vote?”

  “Four. Two elders. The youngest son of Daniel. And the first and oldest living son of Daniel, you.”

  “We are the only ones?” Devin shook his head in disbelief.

  “The only ones who’ve come forward. Ironically, none of you have stood up against Darius to lead.”

  “Darius is shady. He steps forward for his own gain. He’d rather see our people return to the old ways of repression and gain through senseless battles with rival packs. Those customs caused us to lose many Caedmon lives,” Devin said.

  He’d never been so furious. It had been personal reasons that made him fall astray from the pack, but he still loved and cared about the family and th
e people that he left behind. Why would they stand for this? Why would no one else step forward to lead?

  “You’re right. We can’t go back to those customs. You know what you have to do.”

  “I will not lead.” Devin stared with exasperation at Nick.

  “I don’t care what anyone says, brother,” Nick sat up in the chair and returned a serious glare. “Your father denied it. You deny it even to this day. The pack belongs to you now. You are our leader.”

  Devin had no words. Whether Nick’s statement was the truth or simply just his speculation, he would never feel welcome among a pack that disowned him and cast out his mother so very long ago.

  He would remain the bastard son of Daniel Caedmon.

  Never to rise as any kind of Alpha.

  The statement had been engrained in his mind ever since he could understand the words and the meaning behind them. They’d been spoken by his own father, and they were words that he would never forget.


  Tamara didn’t expect Devin to return so soon. The rhythm of his footsteps on the porch and the sounds of him dropping his ax and shedding his boots were all too familiar to her. He’d left a couple hours ago for the market, but assured her that Nick wasn’t too far away and that she’d be safe. Every so often, she would peek out the window and true to his word, a brown wolf lay under the trees nearby.

  She glanced over at the kitchen table, which was not yet set. He’d be hungry from the journey and she should have had his food ready. She finished folding up a pair of his jeans and placed them in his sack as he came inside.

  Devin looked around the house. He seemed confused. Had she cleaned and dusted the place to his liking?

  “I’m sorry. I should have had food ready,” she said, then started off toward the kitchen.

  He came behind her and gently pulled on her waist, tugging her into his chest. “What is my name, Tamara?”

  “Devin.” She was puzzled with this question.

  “There is no punishment for not doing something you don’t feel like doing. I will never give you orders,” he said, firmly.

  She closed her eyes, embarrassed at her actions. It was only a normal routine for her to cook, clean, and have everything in perfect order before he came home. He was never angry when these things happened. He…

  Tamara shook her head. Brad was gone from her life. She didn’t have to worry like this anymore. No one would strike her because the bed wasn’t made or the towels weren’t folded or the dinner table wasn’t set. Not anymore.

  “I just don’t want you to be angry.” She’d never seen these emotions in Devin, and she certainly didn’t want this evening to be the first time. The last evening before he left on his quest.

  “Tamara,” he whispered sadly, and then he dropped his forehead onto her shoulder. “Do you know it is custom in Caedmon culture to put the woman’s needs before the man’s?”

  She shook her head.

  “Even in human culture, there is never any excuse to treat a woman so badly.”

  She bit her lips, swallowing down the shame of her past.

  He lifted his head to look at her. “There is a difference between a man and a coward, don’t you think?”

  “I guess so.”

  “The answer is yes.” He brushed a curl from her forehead with his fingers and kissed her there. “Give me the name of the coward who did this to you?”

  Tamara shook his head. “It’s over with.” There was no way she could let him get involved. This was her problem, not his. The solution to the damage that was already done would come in time…when she got her old life back. She could forget about the abuse then, while she focused on things that really mattered to her.

  “I will find out,” he whispered.

  It was a promise she hoped he did not keep.

  “Devin, I don’t want to talk about that. This is your last night. I appreciate what you’ve done for me. I want it to be special, just in case I don’t see you again.”

  “Come here.” He took her hand. “This will be our special night. I have something to give you.”

  “What is it?”

  He brought her to sit on the bed, and then lifted the lid to the chest in front of it. She waited as he parted the clothes and pulled out a small wooden box. He opened it up to reveal an emerald pendant on a necklace and lifted it, holding it between them.

  The shiny edges flashed and glinted as he held it up to the light. “This used to belong to me. My mother gave it to me.” He opened her palm and placed it inside.

  The stone was surprisingly warm against her skin. “It’s pretty.”

  “It’s for protection. I want you to have it.”

  “No. It’s too much.” She tried to give the pendant back to him.

  “Tamara, please keep it.” He opened the loop and draped the necklace over her chest.

  “I’m not worth this. You should give it to someone very special.” It seemed like too generous of a gift for someone like her, someone that would be gone from his life in a matter of hours.

  “You are very special to me. Do you want to know one of the reasons?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “You’ve made me realize how good it feels to help others. I helped you, and now I want to help my pack find a leader who will lead us into the next generation.”

  Tamara picked up the stone and closed her palm over it. How could she ever say no to that? “Thank you.”

  “I know you don’t believe in the spirit of Caedmon, but its powers exist within that gem. You will be protected from evil.”

  “I believe in the spirit of Caedmon. I believe because you are Caedmon.”

  He smiled. “Let’s eat together, and then we will talk until the sun comes up as we did last night.”

  “Stay strong, Tamara. I will return.”

  It was all the words that Tamara needed to hear from Devin.

  “I can do that.” She nodded and then stepped into his embrace. His bare chest felt warm and soft against her cheeks. Taking a deep breath in, she reveled in the scent of him. Why did she want to demand that he not leave?

  “Remember, Nick will be nearby at all times. Should you need something, just call out to him.”

  “Devin, how long will you be gone?”

  “I won’t be long.” He pressed a single kiss onto her forehead. “Six hours at the most.”

  “I wish I could go with you.”

  “Not this time, Tamara.” He shook his head. “I don’t know how well received I will be among my people. I will come back for you. You have my word.”

  Devin started to leave but she grabbed his arm, pulling him closer. She stood on her tiptoes and leaned into him, meeting his lips in a kiss. He rested his hands on her hips and returned her kiss. His tongue sought entrance into her mouth. She parted her lips slowly, allowing them to join in a more intimate union.

  The hard angles and muscles of his body fit perfectly to her soft curves just as they had last night when she fell asleep by the fireplace curled against him. He was gentle with her and took her mouth lovingly.

  Before she knew it, her back was pressed firmly against the wall of the cabin. They parted briefly to catch their breath, and then he claimed her lips again. He angled their mouths and deepened the kiss. Her body grew hotter by the second, and her legs felt like they would give out from under her. His body wasn’t the only thing as hard as rock. A hard erection pressed against her stomach through the confines of their clothing.As soon as she arched into him, Devin broke away and brought her hands up to his face to kiss them. “We should stop now before it’s too late.”

  Her lips tingled and her body yearned for something more. “Wait,” she said when he moved toward the door.

  He paused, his hand on the doorknob.

  She pointed to the bag that was packed and ready for him by the chairs. “Your bag.”

  Emerald flickered bright around his irises. “I go as wolf tonight.” With that, he was out of the door.

  She ran out under the evening sky and stood on the porch. Devin’s body was illuminated by the majestic moon and bright stars, his eyes glowing in the dark.

  “Devin…” she whispered.

  It happened so quickly. In a flash. It had to have occurred when she blinked. The wolf stood in the same place where Devin had once been. His stare bore into hers one last time before it titled its nose to the sky, and let out a howl that echoed beyond the trees.

  What chilled her to the very core was a chorus of howls from wolves further off in the distance.

  The wolf took off into the forest, disappearing from her sight.

  Devin heard them before he saw them.

  He stood back behind an old oak tree peering in the opening where his people mingled. They were having some kind of celebration despite the dire situation of the pack. From the type of music that flowed through the speakers of the Main Hall where some of them socialized, he could tell that it was someone’s birthday. One of the elders probably. They always got the biggest and most extravagant parties.

  It had been five long years. Nothing had changed about the place. Those he recognized from his post behind the tree looked like they hadn’t aged a day in their life since he left. The aging process of the Caedmon was significantly slower than humans. Except for shorter hair, he probably looked the same as he did the day he left the place.

  Would everyone feel the same way about him as the day he was declared an outcast?

  There was only one way to find out.

  Devin emerged from behind the bushes and attempted to blend with the crowd. At first, no one noticed him. As he hastily made his way toward his destination, heads began to turn in his direction. Of course. They were wolves and could smell an imposter among a crowd. He held his head low, eyes to the ground. Unrest among the pack was not something he wanted to be the cause of. At least not this night.

  Something totally unexpected began to happen. The noise died down considerably. When he looked up this time, most everyone was staring in his direction. They formed a line on either side of the trail, parting to let him pass. The ones in wolf form bowed their heads with their noses pointed to the ground. Those in human form lowered their heads as well. By now, the music had stopped playing and the whispering grew rampant.


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