Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition Page 29

by Amber Ella Monroe

  In his five years of partnering with Devin, the man had repeatedly expressed his dislike of oversized homes. But now the Alpha had a mate to please, the Caedmon people to serve, and a family to be bred. Things had changed for Devin at the drop of a dime.

  The effects of the changes seemed to trickle down. To anyone linked to Devin. To his immediate followers. And to Nick. What Nick wondered was if his life would be forever filled with danger and chaos or could he expect peace at some point in the form of something he could cherish and protect just like their leader.

  “Is she here?” Selene asked, jolting him from his thoughts.

  “I believe so. They planned to be here until their home was finished being built.” He turned off the engine, threw the keys in the glove compartment, and walked around the truck to help her out.

  “I hope you don’t mind coming. I’ll see to it that you make the next train.”

  “I don’t mind. I feel safer with you.”

  “Devin has called a meeting with all the Elders and the entire Council. It might not be until tomorrow that everyone arrives. I could be caught up in pack matters for most of it, but you will be safe here.”

  “I understand.”

  Several servants greeted them, took their bags, and led them to the front door without hesitation.

  Nick was surprised when Devin opened the door before they even reached the first step. They nodded in greeting as they always did. The Alpha’s gaze focused on Selene. Both understood that not much could be said until they were together privately.

  “How was the drive?” Devin asked instead.

  “Rough, as usual.” He followed Selene up the steps. “This is Selene. She’s the reason why I’ve kept my sanity after all this.”

  “I can only imagine,” Devin remarked, and then offered his hand to Selene. “I’m Devin, and it’s a pleasure.”

  “You’re the leader.”

  “Yes.” Devin smiled. “Has Nick told you my life story?”

  “No.” Selene shook her head. “Not yet.”

  “Not yet?” Devin laughed loudly. “Don’t believe a word he says about me.”

  Nick was glad the meeting was going well. His old friend seemed to have no worries about him bringing a guest into the home. “We’re a little early.”

  “Yes. Very early.” Devin glanced behind him, as his mate, Tamara, slipped in beside him. He kissed her on the forehead. “I thought you were studying.”

  “I was until I heard our guests arrive,” she said.

  Nick remembered the first time he met Tamara. She was soft spoken, and had been very generous. Anyone who had met her once she became mated to their Alpha instantly liked her. She seemed to adore children, and volunteered regularly at the local elementary school. Devin and Tamara were perfect together. She brought out the best in his friend.

  “This is my fiancé, Tamara,” Devin said. “She’s been helping with preparing the rooms all morning for the rest of the council members, and has been anxious for another woman her age to arrive.”

  “I’m the only human in the house, for goodness sakes.” Tamara swatted a hand playfully at Devin’s shoulder. “It will be nice to have someone here like me for a change. Nice to meet you….I didn’t get your name.” She offered a hand to Selene, who had a bewildered expression on her face.

  Nick swallowed.

  “Your voice.” Selene said. “It’s really you.”

  “Excuse me?” Tamara dropped her hand to her side after Selene failed to accept it. Her forehead creased as she studied Selene.

  “Tamara? It’s me. Selene Moore. Your counselor.”

  Tamara gasped, and suddenly her gaze rolled to the ceiling.

  Nick was glad that Devin stood right behind Tamara, because she fainted dead away.


  Nick ran his fingers across the rigid indentions of the leather bound books. There were hundreds of them lining the shelves of the library. Most of the pages were filled with their history tracing back the lineage of every Caedmon to date. Both those who could shift as well as those who were human. Still, a good bit of the books were general literature and fiction. It was said that before the age of thirteen, anyone who was Caedmon royalty would’ve been made to read them all.

  Devin entered the library as Nick moved to the next shelf. He didn’t have to turn to know that it was the Alpha. He’d known Devin far too long to not recognize his trusted friend by scent.

  He joined Devin, sitting adjacent to him in the brown leather chair. There was a round coffee table separating them where one of the servants had laid out chocolate and cheese on a tray earlier. Although, food was the least of his many worries right now.

  “How is she?” Nick asked.

  “Selene? She’s in the den on the third floor. Fortunately, she and Tamara are identical in size so we found her some clothes.”

  Nick smiled at the mention of Selene. On the drive over here, he’d caught himself stealing glances at her, observing the way she looked so cute, yet comfortable wearing his oversized clothes. “I meant Tamara…with her fainting and all.”

  “She’s doing alright. I left them together as it seems they both have some catching up to do. They’ve never met personally, but it is still a very emotional reunion for Tamara. She talks very highly of Selene.”

  “It’s quite a strange coincidence the way this all happened, wouldn’t you say?” Nick leaned back in his chair.

  “Things happen for a reason,” Devin said. “Is she aware that you’re wolf?”

  He nodded. “I shifted, but it wasn’t an accident. It was to save Selene.”


  “I didn’t expect Darius to lash out again so soon. I wish you had executed him.”

  Devin frowned. “I think you know why I didn’t.”

  Nick returned his challenging stare. “That is in my past now.” He couldn’t believe Devin would attempt to bring such an issue to the surface.

  “You know what will happen if I kill him now.”

  “Yes, but to save our pack, we must do what is necessary.”

  “The messenger you sent said that Darius has been keeping prisoners.”

  “More like hostages.”

  “Were you aware that Silvia could not bear offspring?” Devin asked.

  “No,” he replied, promptly. He didn’t want to think of the despicable act Darius and his mate would commit in order to bear pups carrying the Caedmon name.

  “Listen to me, Nick.” Devin moved to the edge of his seat. “You are like a brother to me. I know this must bring about bad memories for you, but I fully expected Darius to retreat once I spared his life and let us move on with ours.”

  Nick swallowed. “And he didn’t…”

  “No, but you’re right, we must do what’s necessary to protect our people. I will call the meeting as soon as the others arrive. We’ll decide our game plan then. I never attempted to reason with Darius. Nothing was ever settled after our fight…after I ordered him to remove himself from the pack. Maybe we misunderstand each other. I want what’s best for my people and plan to eliminate anything standing against that.”

  Nick met the Alpha’s gaze. “Do you still genuinely believe that Darius will give up after coming across the missing will? He has evidence that half of everything belongs to him.”

  “I never planned to rob him of what he owns. What he will not do is terrorize this town and any who come to visit it.”

  “I’m almost sure that he won’t cooperate or concede without a fight.”

  “He was given a chance to fight.” Devin’s lips formed a stern line. “Last I checked, he lost.”

  “No one, not even him, expected you to return to claim your title. He thought it’d be easy,” Nick said.

  “What’s done is done. If we have to fight to the death this time…then so be it.”

  If there was one thing he valued in Devin, it was that he was a man of his words and acted accordingly until his intentions were made reality.
/>   “Dinner was very good,” Selene said, as Nick made his way out of the bathroom. “It must be nice having a full-time cook.”

  “Devin’s cook is a retired executive chef. He recently sold his restaurant in the city and decided several months ago to move back into the village.” He picked up a pitcher filled with ice water from the tray on the dresser. After filling the glass, he took a long sip. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he tossed down the drink.

  Selene couldn’t help but to ogle him as his white terry cloth robe fell slightly open to reveal a bronze chest. Damn, he was sexy and tempting. Suddenly, she remembered what he said. About his powers. From his declaration, he hadn’t been using them intentionally, but dammit, if she didn’t feel like a depraved nut.

  Nick approached her. She averted her eyes and opened up an unread email on the laptop.

  He didn’t make her attempts to remain focused on her work easy because he sat down on the sofa right next to her. He exhaled, a rather long lengthy one, as though he were relieved. His arm moved to lie on the back of the headrest. His day must have been hectic with everything going on in the pack.

  For most of the afternoon, she and Tamara had walked about the village, mostly through the parks catching up on things. Because of Darius threats, Devin had enforced a curfew on the village, especially for the women and children, so they weren’t allowed outside the boundaries. Over dinner, she came to know Devin a bit better, and understood what Tamara saw in him and what she could gain from a man like Devin. He was gentle with her, and seemed respectful of everything around him, even the servants who served them. Tamara didn’t like to talk about her abuse, but Selene was glad that she’d found some serenity and could tell the healing process had begun.

  “Do you have everything you need?” Nick asked.

  “Yes, the maid hooked me up with a landline and all. The internet connection is pretty strong. Not the fastest, but I’ve managed thus far.”

  “Did you have a chance to review the train and bus schedules?”

  “You’re really trying to get rid of me, aren’t you?”

  “No. I’m trying to protect you.”

  “From what?” She closed the lid on the laptop. “You said it yourself…that I was safe here.”

  “You’re safe here, but not with me.”

  “You’re not making sense to me.”

  He stood, moving to the opposite end of the room to stand in front of the large bay window. “Every time you’re in my presence, I lose control. My train of thought derails. It’s like the wolf inside takes over.”

  She wished she understood better what he felt, but she couldn’t even imagine what it must be like to share his very being with the wolf.

  Selene put the laptop on the coffee table and joined him at the window. “I still want to understand, Nick.” She touched his arm.

  “Selene…” He squeezed his eyelids closed.

  “Why don’t you let the wolf take control…for once? It’s a part of you.”

  He turned then, and his irises shone brightly and the pupils contracted. The deep-set hazel eyes of the wolf focused on her intently.

  Her pulse quickened, and she swallowed the rising apprehension in her throat. She lifted her palm and pressed it against his exposed chest. Letting her hands glide over his skin, she met his warm glare.

  “I’m not afraid,” she said.

  Her core ignited when he grasped her about the waist and dragged her into him. His lips fell on hers with absolutely no hesitation. Her body replied in what seemed like total surrender as she pressed against him. His tongue slipped past her lips as they both fought to deepen the kiss. Why did she want him so badly? What was it that her body and soul needed so desperately? Her palm cupped the back of his head, crushing her lips to his in an attempt to get a better taste him.

  Had she somehow lost control as well? Perhaps they’d both left that ability back in the cell. Why else would she be inclined to lust for such intimate affection?

  He broke the kiss and traced her neckline with his lips. “I cannot seem to keep my hands off you.”

  “That’s okay.” Selene captured his face between her palms. “Because I seem to want them on me.”

  “I desire you in more ways than one,” he rasped into her throat.

  “Then show me the way in which you desire me the most.” She brought their lips together again and coaxed him into another kiss.

  Her own command surprised her. But, she wanted him just as bad. What was wrong with her? He’d admitted to having the powers of a seducer. Her body didn’t seem to care. Her mind had become useless for all she thought about was how exquisite she felt in his embrace.

  His lips fell on her bare shoulders and then left a hot trail across her collarbone. He led her against the wall next to the window. She pushed her hips into his, softly grinding against the hard evidence of his lust. He moaned into her skin and slid his hand under her shirt, smoothing it across her belly and against her bare breasts. His fingers brushed against her nipples and her breath caught in her throat. Arching forward into his palms, she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out.

  Selene slid her hand between them to cup him through his briefs. A groan escaped from his lips as she stroked him. She burned, hot and eager, between her legs. He was large; she could tell as he grew hard and long against the fabric. She fumbled nervously against the opening and slipped her fingers inside.

  His cock fell into her hand, and she gasped. Not only was he long, but heavy. The skin felt like soft leather against her sweaty palm.

  He growled softly against her shoulder, and it only made her aching pussy clench tightly with need.

  She slid the tip of her finger against the silky crown.

  Not a second later, he pulled her shirt over her head and captured her wrists above her head. She panted in bewilderment, meeting his wild hazel gaze. His large manhood pressed against her stomach. Hard muscle against soft flesh. The thought of him pushing inside of her sent her into a dizzy spell.

  Her breasts were barred to his inspection and his touch, and he took advantage as he brought his free hand up to caress them. The nipples grew taut when he explored the plump flesh.

  “Lovely,” he whispered, just before he took one between his lips.

  This time, she could not hold back her cry of pleasure. She pushed more of herself into his mouth, but he still held her hands up and firm against the wall. He licked and suckled each breast, with slow excruciating tugs. Her clit pulsed and the sensations carried throughout her entire being.

  “Nick, please…”

  He paused. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No.” She swallowed. “More.”

  He slipped his hand down the waistband of her pajama pants, instantly making contact with her mound. Her face grew hot in embarrassment. It wasn’t like her not to wear undergarments, but it wasn’t something she wanted to borrow either. This gave him an advantage as his fingers slipped down to her folds, dipping into her wet heat.

  “Gods,” he hissed.

  He teased her. Stroking the lips and circling her clit. Her legs became weakened and she braced herself against the wall.

  Nick let go of her wrists then, and assisted her out of her pants. Her whole body was exposed to him. She felt liberated, and yet reserved at the same time. When he stood back to observe her, her gaze fell to the ground.

  “You’re beautiful.” His body covered hers again, providing the security and warmth that she’d come to covet. He lifted her chin, and kissed her mouth gently. “Don’t be shy.”

  “I’ve never done this.”

  “Done what? Offered your body to a wolf?” He nipped at her shoulder. “Don’t worry, i’ll make it easy. I know what you need.”

  Before she could speak again, he dropped to his knees and connected his mouth to her belly button. She shivered at the unfamiliar stirring in her belly. Her hands instinctively went to grab the top of his freshly shaved head.

  His hands went to either side of her
hips and he brought her pussy to his mouth. She nearly swooned when he took her clit between his lips. He kissed her there, like they’d kissed only moments ago. His touch had her aching even more as a sensation so strong began to build inside of her. He held her bare ass to the wall and lifted her thighs onto his shoulders.

  She cried out in pleasure when his tongue entered her. Her body shook in excitement and anticipation of her pending climax. Feelings of wanton desire consumed her, ridding her of any shame she felt earlier for wanting him like this. If being with a man intimately felt like this, she wanted more of it. He sipped and lapped at the folds of her sex and then lashed at her clit. He held her open, taking all of her and leaving not a centimeter of her pussy untouched.

  She gripped his head tighter as her orgasm ripped through her. He teased her clit until she was spent. As he moaned softly against her pussy, butterflies danced within her belly. He dipped his tongue deep insider her, taking her over the edge once again. It was like one roller coaster ride on top of the other. Her body quaked against him. His tongue stroked at her softly, tasting her, as she came down from the climax.

  Selene slid off his shoulders, and pulled him up. Her breathing was uneven, and she couldn’t utter a word. He carried her, and placed her at the foot of the bed.

  His dick was still hard and long. He pushed himself back inside his briefs.

  “What are you doing?” She was still hot and horny with avid hunger.

  “I can’t take you, Selene.”

  “Why?” The feeling of pleasurable satisfaction was replaced with hurt. He didn’t want her.

  “Please understand.” He turned, and started to walk away.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, firmly. “Is it because I’m human?”

  He slipped off his bathrobe and draped it over her shoulders. It was the first time she’d seen him nearly naked. His skin was flawless despite the intricate tattoos on either side of his arms. She remembered how gentle his body felt against hers despite hardened muscles. Nick defined perfection, and she wanted him…badly.


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