Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition Page 35

by Amber Ella Monroe

  “What must I do to earn a place back in your life?” he asked.

  Arianna broke the connection.

  “No,” he said gently, and lifted her chin so that he could see her face. “Tell me you don’t miss me. Can’t you feel how much I want you?”

  “I’m sure that you do want me, but unlike you, these empty emotions don’t control me.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Empty?”

  “We’ve had this talk before, Jayson.” She pushed against his chest, and this time he stepped back. “Repeating the past is a waste of time.”

  “We don’t need to repeat the past when our future waits for us.”

  A future where her choice didn’t matter…

  Arianna swallowed and pulled completely from Jayson’s embrace. As he used to do in the past, he did not follow her.

  She made her way toward the noisy end of the hallway, this time appreciative of the thick crowd as it swallowed her up.

  No matter which way she turned, something or someone tried to dictate her life.

  Why should two people be fated to spend the rest of their lives together based on some stupid tradition?

  Whatever happened to committing to someone for love?


  “Don’t embarrass me, Arianna,” her father said in a low voice before lifting a finger to ring the doorbell.

  The reason why she’d agreed to go anywhere with him was because she didn’t want to shame him in front of his clients. There was always something that caused her to change her mind and give into her father’s requests. Like this one. Ivan Zeldano was extremely well known. Any investor would give an arm and a leg to get their hands on his money. A client like this one could aid her father in getting his business back on the right track.

  “I prefer not to be here,” she sneered. “You invited me. Why couldn’t one of your interns come along?”

  “Not now,” he warned.


  The doorknob rattled, some locks banged inside, and a maid opened the door. Her thick brown hair was tied up in a bun on the top of her head. Her reading glasses hung from her neck. She stared at them judiciously, and barely cracked a smile.

  “Mr. Klein.” She greeted her father with a nod, and repeated the same gesture for Arianna. “Ms. Klein. Come inside. I am Andrea. La gouvernante. And on duty for tonight. Give me your jackets.” She held out her hand, took their coats, and handed them to another maid behind her. “You are just in time. Please follow me.”

  As they were led down a narrow hallway, Arianna took in the surroundings. The monotonous textured wallpaper and framed paintings hanging from the walls reminded her of her grandparent’s home. Even the smell of it had some kind of woodsy, mothball scent. The wooden floor planks seemed to creak as they walked.

  From what she understood, the home was older than dirt. Although the owner was as young as she was. Ivan couldn’t have been a day over twenty-eight. Last she checked, after his father had fallen ill, he’d taken over the reins of the Zeldano business. Just like the Klein’s, the Zeldano’s had an intricate family history that dated back hundreds of years.

  The maid pushed opened the double doors to a room midway down the long hallway, stepped aside, and let them pass through.

  Ivan was waiting for them in the den, sitting in a deep leather chair, with a leather bound book clutched in his fists. He stood to greet them. “Good evening, friends.” His voice was so powerful and authoritative, that even the servants who were in the room stopped what they were doing to pay him attention.

  His dirty blond hair was groomed neatly and slicked back from his face. He wore a crisp blue shirt and black slacks. The kind one wore to a more formal meeting. There was no doubt that he was mature for his age. It was the least one could expect from a man who was trained in this business ever since he could form a sentence. He was handsome—there was no mistaking that either. And on top of that, his bank account probably attracted more women than he could handle.

  “Mr. Zeldano.” Her father offered his hand, and Ivan shook it.

  “I’m grateful for your presence tonight.” Ivan grinned, showing even pearly whites, and turned to acknowledge Arianna. “And am pleased that your daughter was able to make it this time.”

  This time? Arianna fixed a questioning glare on her father, who managed to avoid eye contact. Did her father promise Ivan her attendance before tonight?

  Ivan offered his hand. “Arianna, you are just as beautiful as I remember.”

  She wouldn’t embarrass her father this time, but next time, he wouldn’t be so lucky.

  Arianna gave Ivan a handshake, surprised at the firm grip. She returned an even stronger grip, and looked at him with what she thought was a sweet smile, albeit a fake one. “Nice to meet you again, Ivan.”

  The last time they met was years ago when her father hosted a Christmas party for all his acquaintances. Even now, Ivan still had a staunched arrogance about him. The man was known for his overbearing nature towards his employees and a competitive drive that earned him his well-known reputation. It was no surprise that he and her father were business partners.

  “I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Klein, but my assistant will not be able to join us at dinner tonight,” Ivan said, leading the way into a dining hall. “Something unexpected happened to him.”

  Two servants were already on standby there in the room. The oblong marble dinner table was set for three. The row of chandeliers hanging overhead sparkled against the expensive wine glasses and fine china.

  “That won’t be a problem, Ivan,” her father said. “This has never stopped us from doing business before.”

  Their seats were pulled out for them, and they settled down with Ivan facing directly across the table from Arianna and her father. Without much hesitation, the glasses were filled with champagne by the maids.

  She took a few sips only to oblige her father. Maybe after securing this deal, he’d be so preoccupied that he’d leave her alone. When business was booming, she hardly ever heard from or was nagged by her father, but now that the money wasn’t flowing like it used to, things were different.

  “I heard that you love lobster, Arianna,” Ivan said, unfolding the cloth napkin and placing it on his lap. “I requested it as our main course of the night just for you.”

  “I do.” She forced a smile. “That was thoughtful.”

  “Your father tells me that you’ve recently graduated with honors from Northwestern.”

  She nodded. “It took countless hours and late nights in the library, but was well worth the efforts.”

  “I could imagine. I even hear that you worked for Drake and Murphy. They are long time colleagues of mine from Harvard.”

  Getting a job offer at that firm had been a challenge. It had taken her numerous inquiries and a few months living in New York City to even get someone to look at her resume there. “I had the privilege of working at the firm for a short while before I returned home.”

  Her father shifted in his seat beside her. “If it wasn’t for my daughter, my recovery wouldn’t have been as speedy.”

  Nearly four months into the position, her father’s doctors had him undergo surgery to remove a brain tumor. With no other choice, she’d resigned from her position to care for him after the procedure. Somehow, her father had convinced her to stay in his home long after he’d recovered.

  “Well, we’re all glad that you’re okay, Mr. Klein.”

  “Okay, yes, but not like I used to be.” He sipped some champagne, before saying, “That’s where progenies like you and Arianna come in. We really root for our offspring to hit the ground running when we hand over the reins.”

  “That’s only if said offspring will accept command,” Arianna said. She knew she couldn’t hold her tongue to prevent shaming her father no matter how hard she tried.

  “Arianna…” her father replied.

  The servants took that moment to bring out appetizers, which were miniature crab cakes with some
type of remoulade sauce on the side.

  “Elaborate, please,” Ivan said, cutting into his cake with a knife and fork.

  “What?” Arianna asked.

  “Are you afraid of accepting the reins of your family business?”

  Arianna was a bit offended that he would ask her something like this. She shook her head. “Afraid? No. You don’t know me well, Mr. Zeldano, but what you ought to know is that I do pretty much what I want to do with my life. If accepting said reins would be beneficial to the plans that I have for myself, then I might do so without opposition. Otherwise, I like to decide my own future.”

  She could almost hear her father’s stomach churn at her declaration.

  Ivan stopped chewing and studied her for several moments. “What are your future plans, then? I know many of your relatives quite well…including the women. They’re not accustomed to working outside the home or having the type of ambitious career that you seek.”

  A sexist idiot! No wonder she never liked him very much.

  “I was not aware that I was the main topic of discussion tonight. The business is between you and my father, is it not?” Arianna waited a few seconds for Ivan to answer, and when he didn’t, she said, “Let’s get down to the real business, shall we?”

  Her father and Ivan exchanged glances before both started eating once again. She followed suit, chewing the food slowly, just hoping the night came to an end quickly.

  After the main dish was served, her father began conversation about the stock markets and Ivan’s portfolio. She listened intently, only because she was curious in the subject matter.

  “Ivan and I have been talking about combining resources,” her father said, finally addressing her.

  Now that was something new…and interesting. Klein and Truman, LP had been around for nearly a century. The firm had always been a part of the Klein family.

  “Combining resources, how?” she asked.

  “As I’m becoming older and closer to my retirement age, I can’t bear to see the business end if I were to step down as a partner. It’s time I chose my successor.”

  “Why am I just now hearing about this?” She knew this would come about sooner or later, but why would he bring this topic up now in front of Zeldano.

  “I thought now would be a good time to tell you…” He cleared his throat. “I plan to step down and take the role as a silent partner. I’ve searched high and low and I feel that Ivan and his associates would lend a great deal of wealth and knowledge to the firm.”

  “Father…” Arianna put down her fork. “The name of the firm is Klein and Truman. Not Klein and Zeldano. Jayson Truman owns forty nine percent of this business.”

  “Jayson and I have had several disagreements. We will end the partnership.”

  “What?” She sat straight up in her chair.

  “It hasn’t been done yet, as details are being ironed out regarding his late father’s estate. Once the legal papers are in order, Klein and Truman will no longer exist. We’ve agreed to dissolve.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, as she looked from a grinning Ivan to her father. “You want to start a new partnership?”

  “Precisely,” Ivan said.

  “Time is of essence. Ivan has an investor willing to put up the initial outlay needed to get the partnership up and running, but there is an expiration date on the contract,” her father said.

  Arianna gawked in disbelief. “You’ve already planned this.”

  “Because of my fifty one percent ownership in Klein and Truman and details regarding the partnership contract, I cannot legally enter into another agreement.” He turned completely in his chair to face her. “This is where you come in. In order to complete the transaction and create the new firm, we want you to be the initial partner. The new firm will be Klein and Zeldano Investments.”

  Had her father gone insane? “I will take no part in this mess,” she said, firmly.

  “Mess?” Ivan chimed in. “This is about growing a business. Your father and I have talked about your knowledge in the industry and aspirations to enter this line of work. Plus, here is your chance to have it all—anything you can name. We could do remarkable things. You and I.”

  Arianna frowned and shook her head. “Not like this. Stepping over someone else to gain the upper hand is some shady business.”

  Her father put his fork down. “Jayson and I have called it quits already. It just isn’t on paper yet…but until it is, I’m not waiting around for my bank account to dry up because of someone else’s procrastination.”

  “Is this what this is about?” She stood. “Your bank account?”

  “Arianna, sit down.”

  “No.” She threw her napkin on the table. “This meeting is over for me. I want no part in this.”

  “It’s not over. I’m not ready to leave,” her father said.

  “Fine.” She marched passed the servants who all wore bewildered expressions. “I’ll call a cab.”

  Arianna managed to exit the dining hall, make her way down the hall, and exit the home, when her father stopped her in the driveway.

  “Arianna, you have to listen to what we’re trying to do to understand.”

  She swung around and glared. “I knew you were up to something.” Blood rushed through her veins, and she balled her hands into first trying to control her anger. It was impossible. The powerful spirit within her had taken over.

  “This is our only chance.”

  “Is it about the money?”

  He dropped his gaze, and Arianna knew in that instant that her instincts were correct.

  Ever since her mother had passed away after attempting to give birth to what would have been her father’s first son, he hadn’t been the same. It almost felt as though he resented her and this life. The money hadn’t been flowing into the business as it had been the prior three years. This was her father’s risky attempt to remain in the green, and stay out of the red.

  “We don’t have to do this. If you had told me of your plans before, I could have helped. I’ll take control, and do whatever I need to make the business profitable again, but I can’t accept what you and Ivan have proposed.”

  Her father shook his head, and kept his head to the ground. “The deal is already done, Arianna. The time has now come for me to deliver.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Luther Zeldano and I made a bargain. You were promised to his son, Ivan. A business union between our families and this one would take us to the top of the hierarchy…but a spiritual union would ensure that we remain there.”

  “You’re serious…” She backed away from him. “You can’t do this.”

  “Under the old rules of Caedmon, I can. The Zeldano’s uphold those rules.”

  “Then you too have denounced the new Caedmon leadership.” It wasn’t a question. All of the signs had been there. It wasn’t until after the death of Jayson’s father and the rise of the new Alpha did he begin to voice his frustrations, and blaming the decline in his business on these events. If her father would only open his eyes to reality, he would have seen by now that the old ways and customs were what led him to a dead end. His stubborn ways and resistance to accept meaningful change were what pushed him to agree to this shady mess.

  Arianna turned to leave, but he caught her arm. “Wait. You need time to think. I’ll give you a day, two days for you to realize what good this will do.” He turned a head over his shoulder. “An escort, please. For my daughter.”

  She shrugged away from him. “I can walk.”

  “No, we’re miles away. It would take you hours to get home.”

  “Who told you I was going home?”

  A sleek black car pulled up in front of them. The driver jumped out, opening the back door, and waited.

  “A union in name only,” her father said.

  “I’m almost beginning to think that you lost a piece of your mind as a result of your surgery.” She grimaced. “Scratch that. You’ve lost your whole fucking mind.�

  “You’ve asked how you can repay me.”

  “Not like that.” She turned.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Away from you. Don’t call me or beg me to return home until you’ve returned to your senses. How can you sell me like that?” She paused, and took one more look at him. “I love you, father, but I will never do this.”

  “You’re smart, Arianna. Smarter than I will ever be. Weigh the advantages, and think about how we’ve been cast away as outsiders for decades.”

  It was just like her father to throw something like that out in attempts to justify his actions.

  Arianna frowned, and ducked into the car.

  As far as she was concerned, this arrangement was not made to her advantage.


  One thing was for sure, Jayson found that the best place for people watching was the nightclubs. The crowds were dense. The action was throbbing. And when alcohol was a factor, most people forgot about their reservations and gave into their inhibitions.

  Jayson sat back in the sofa with a drink in hand, just chilling as the vibrant mood overtook him. On this night, all his worries would be put on the back burner. He’d pay for it tomorrow when he returned to work, but he’d worry about that later.

  The couch dipped beside him and he knew someone had joined him. The tantalizing scent of a woman stirred under his nose.

  “Hello, stranger. Need some company?”

  He opened his eyes and took in her appearance with a slow roving gaze. “Depends.”

  She moved closer, crossing her legs toward him. “You looked lonely…and you’re pretty cute. I thought I’d stop by.”

  “Your name?” he asked, placing his drink on the table in front of them.

  “Carly.” Her breasts fell forward, pushing against her top as she leaned in.

  “Carly…are you sure you want my company?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Should I be forewarned?”


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