Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

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Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) Page 23

by Unknown

  A few minutes later he returns with a crazed yet elated look on his face. Um, I wonder what that call was about.

  “Emma, I…I guess I’ll just come right out and say it. We’re getting Michael next week. He’s finally going to be with us, baby,” he says coming towards the bed to sit beside me.

  Michael? His son? Finally coming to live with us? I can’t even express how happy I am. It took long enough! I was beginning to think we would never get him.

  “Aiden, that’s wonderful! It seemed like the custody battle was never ending. I’m so happy and nervous and…” I say.

  “I know, me too. I’m overwhelmed but also so fucking relieved that it’s over. Me fighting for him and having to deal with Jessica is finally over. He can have the childhood he deserves, and we can have a son. Our son,” he says looking into my eyes.

  “I’m so happy for you, Aiden. I know you love him already. I can just see you spoiling him and having father-son outings. So cute,” I say teasingly.

  “More like father-son-mom outings. You’ll be there with us all the way, baby. It will be the three of us,” he says smiling.

  More like the four of us, I think silently, grinning at him. I hope it’s a girl. I feel like if we had a girl, Aiden would freak out. We’d have the ultimate family, the one we all deserve.

  “Fuck, I need to make some calls and cancel some appointments. I was going to surprise you with a work-related trip and belated honeymoon to California. I was going to tell you that we’re leaving next week but now that Michael’s coming, I’ll just have to postpone it,” he says distracted.

  Wow, a real honeymoon? That sounds wonderful. Of course I could do without the work part but I do know that he needs to bring home the bacon. He said that the guy in charge of the record label was doing a good job and that Aiden could just oversee some projects from home. Hopefully nothing went wrong with that arrangement.

  “We can just go on a honeymoon next month. Maybe we could even go to Disneyland and take Michael. I’m sure he would love it and it could be like a family vacation,” I say making suggestions.

  “Good idea, baby. As much as I want it to be just you and me, leaving him with a sitter probably wouldn’t be a good thing for him. He needs stability and time to get used to living and being around us. I love you so much for thinking of him. I really did make the best decision of my life when I married you,” he says smiling.

  “Um, can I ask you something though?” I say worriedly.

  “Sure. What is it?” he says nervously.

  “Is everything okay at the studio? I know that you haven’t been down there in a while and you left Joe in charge…” I say trailing off.

  He rubs the back of his neck, obviously distressed by my question. Yeah, something is definitely going on.

  “Nothing to worry about. There have just been a few artists that he’s found that I’m not particularly happy with. They’re just not what I want and were not making as much profit from record sales as we could be. But Emma, baby, you don’t have to stress about it. It’s my problem and we’re okay with money, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he says not making eye contact.

  “I don’t care about the money, Aiden. It’s never mattered to me. You could be a bum on the street without a penny to your name, and I would still love you. I just feel responsible for you not doing well. The only reason you haven’t gone to the studio is because of me,” I say ashamed.

  “Fuck, Emma. That’s ridiculous! Nothing could ever be your fault. I could’ve left any time I wanted to but I didn’t want to, I couldn’t. I’d rather lose everything than lose you. I had to be here to protect you. My main job, my only job really, is to take care of you. You’re everything to me. Don’t ever blame yourself,” he says coming over to me.

  He wraps me in arms, assuring me that everything will be okay. I smile against his chest, believing and knowing that everything will be fine. I trust him with our life. I know that he will provide for and protect us.

  I start to feel sick again, panicking at the thought of him finding out that I might be pregnant. I think I need to lie down again, just to be safe. Wouldn’t want to toss my cookies all over him and ruin the bombshell.

  “Aiden, do you think you could go to the grocery store now and get the food for dinner?” I say casually as he pulls back from me.

  He looks down at me concerned and I pray that he will go along with my suggestion. I can feel the nausea rising up within me. I hope I can make it to the bathroom after and not a minute before he leaves.

  “Emma, I know I said I’d think about it but…” he says as I cut him off.

  “Please. I’ll be perfectly safe here. We have the alarm set for the house, I have my phone, and the gun right over here,” I say pointing to the nightstand by the bed.

  “It’s too soon, baby. I’m not sure…” he says weakening.

  “As much as I love you, Aiden, I need to look out for myself. Just ease up on the whole protection thing. I need to feel somewhat independent, you know?” I say firmly.

  I try to sound irritated, so hopefully he will follow my wishes, hoping to avoid an argument. As much as he loves protecting me, he loves keeping me happy even more. I may be a bitch, manipulating him like this, but it’s for a good cause. I don’t use my womanly powers for evil, only for good.

  “Fuck!” he says under his breath, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration.

  He looks up at me and I give him the best puppy dog eyes. I think this does the trick because he starts to crack a smile, relaxing his shoulders in the process.

  “Okay, okay. I get it. You want me to back the fuck off. I’m not okay with it but I’ll budge. At least for today. You won this battle, but there are plenty more to come,” he says smirking.

  “Thank you,” I say to him gratefully.

  “I guess I’ll get dressed and head out then. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he says gently kissing me.

  I return the kiss, smiling at him as he starts rummaging through the drawers for some clothes. I lay back down in bed, closing my eyes, trying to quell the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach. Ugh, morning sickness is just the worst!

  I run my hand down to my stomach, when I feel a warm calloused one rest on top of them. I open my eyes rapidly, seeing Aiden looking down at me with curiosity in his eyes. Before he can say a word, a kiss him on the mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck. His shocked demeanor turns into one of eager participation, as he moans into my mouth, slipping his tongue inside. Before things get too far, I pull away abruptly, our labored breathing filling the air.

  “Goodbye kiss,” I say to him smartly.

  “More like goodbye hard-on,” he says chuckling.

  I look down at his jeans as he stands up, proud by my fast work.

  “Damn, I was wondering why your pants looked shorter. Nice high-waters,” I reply cheekily.

  “Real cute, brat,” he says smirking, trying to adjust himself.

  I chuckle louder, feeling cocky as hell.

  “I’ll see you soon, Emma. Call me if you need anything, and I’ll call you to let you know when I’m on my way home. Make sure to keep your phone near you and answer it when I call. I need to know that you’re safe,” he says, still bothered by leaving me alone.

  “I’ll be fine, but I will make sure to answer when you call. Have fun, Aiden,” I say to him as he reaches the doorway to our room.

  He looks at me, his eyes worried, clouded by distress. I smile at him, trying to reassure him. He nods at me, finally turning away.

  I hear the alarm being set, as the front door slams soon after. I breathe out a long breath, laying back down in bed. My stomach is still in knots but not enough to make a trip to the bathroom. I decide to close my eyes, deciding this is the best way to relax.

  As I start to loosen my muscles, I hear a slight noise outside our bedroom. It sounds like a key being turned into the front door. I hear the beeping start on the alarm and then buttons being pressed, silencing the loud

  Hmmm, Aiden must have forgotten something or decided that he really didn’t want to leave me alone. That would be just like him.

  “Aiden, seriously, I’m fine!” I laugh, reluctantly getting up out of bed.

  It’s so sweet and equally frustrating that he’s back already. It’s been like five minutes! He is going to get an earful from me, that’s for sure.

  “Look, I’m all in one piece,” I say as I freeze in the doorway to our room.

  Cold, soulless black eyes pierce me, a twisted smirk accompanying them. This can’t be happening. I’m having a nightmare. There is no way this is real.

  “I’m real, Emma. Did you miss me?” Marcus says to me.

  Shit, I must have said that out loud. Oh my God, this is real. Marcus is fucking real and he’s in my house, right in front of me.

  My legs shake, the bones in my knees knocking together. I feel sweat beading down my face, my palms moist with fear. The cause of my nightmares has come to life. He’s finally come to finish what he started. His clothes may be dirty, his hair shaggy and greasy, but this is the same Marcus. The same man who destroyed my life and forced me to pick up the pieces and put them back together.

  “Not happy to see me, I guess. I would have wanted a more welcome homecoming. I guess I need to teach you some manners,” he says walking towards me.

  I start to bolt back into the bedroom, but I hear his voice boom behind me.

  “Stop! Don’t fucking move, you stupid bitch!” he yells.

  I freeze in my tracks, hearing a clicking sound behind me, one that I have become accustomed to from being at the shooting range. I pivot around towards him, looking directing into the barrel of a gun. I scream inwardly, knowing that he is in control now, just as he was before. He calls the shots and I have to obey him if I want to survive.

  “Anything you do, every move you make, you do it because I tell you to. I’m getting fucking tired of you doing whatever the hell you want. Sit down on the couch,” he says, his eyes dilating.

  He’s completely lost it. I can only imagine what he’s gone through, avoiding the authorities who were looking for him. Aiden made sure there was a thorough man-hunt, and I can tell that he’s fully snapped from being in hiding.

  “I said, sit the fuck down!” he bellows as I flinch, walking over to the couch.

  I sit down on the cushion, my heart racing and my hands shaking involuntarily.

  He laughs crazily, obviously enjoying the power he has over me. I can only imagine the pleasure he feels for having me here right now. I’m his puppet, his little rag doll that he can do whatever he wants to. I’ll fight him if I have to, but I know I have no chance. One bullet is all it takes to end it all for me. If only I could make it to the dresser and get my gun…

  “Emma, Emma, Emma,” he says tusking my name. “You have no idea how long it took me to get here. You’ve made my life difficult. I could be in Mexico right now, with millions. You had to ruin it for me, because you couldn’t keep your legs closed. You wouldn’t fucking die either, could you? No, you’re like one of those cockroaches; you cut off its head and it still walks around, causing problems. You’re all I thought about for months. I wanted to rip you apart but then I thought, wait, she might be even more useful to me. I heard that you married that crippled asshole,” he says finding the whole situation amusing.

  “You have access to his money now. What’s his is yours, right?” he says chuckling. “Well, since that’s the case, I guess you don’t mind if you share some of it with those who are less fortunate. How about what’s yours is mine? If you do what I tell you, nothing bad will happen to you. Well, nothing more, I guess,” he says admiring his handiwork.

  He walks over to me as I flinch. He presses the tip of the gun under my chin, as he looks at the marks he made on my face. His eyes brighten, obviously enjoying the damaged skin. I look directly into his eyes, my pride making its appearance.

  He smiles slightly and before I know it, the harsh metal of the gun hits the side of my temple, whipping my head to the side. I groan, closing my eyes tightly, biting my lip to dwell the pain. I feel cool liquid drip down my cheek, obviously being cut from the impact. I don’t bother wiping it away, because I know it won’t make any difference.

  “I used to like it when you fought me, but things got old real fast. I’m done playing games. I realized that was my downfall. I played with you too much, took things for granted. Not this time though, Emma. Now, be a good little girl and clean yourself up. As much as the red brings out the color in your eyes, I don’t think the bank will be too accommodating to a bloodied woman,” he says smiling.

  I look at him with confusion, trying to understand what he wants me to do.

  “If you haven’t figured it out yet, then your even dumber than I gave you credit for. You’re going to the bank and withdrawing money that was owed to me. Hurry up, because I know that Aiden will be back shortly. He can keep me company while you go and get it.”

  I blink several times, rising from the couch. I move around it slowly, trying to make my way into the bedroom. Hopefully he will just think that I’m just freshening up and not getting my gun. Before I can reach the doorway once again, I feel a steel grip on my wrist.

  “Uh, uh, Emma. You can clean up in the kitchen sink where I can see you. Don’t push your luck with me,” he says, squeezing my wrist even harder.

  I wince in pain as he practically drags me in to the kitchen. He turns on the faucet, moving his hand up to my face, shoving me under the spray. The brutality of his actions brings tears to my eyes as he lets go of me. I turn my head to the side, washing away the drying blood with my fingertips. He sits down at the kitchen table, his gun pointed at me in warning.

  “You missed a spot,” he says smiling as I clench my teeth in frustration.

  I rub my face my vigorously, grimacing at the pain. He wants clean, I’ll give him fucking clean. I’ll scrub so hard that I reach my skull. The pain is the only thing keeping me going. He thinks he’s been pushed to the brink by me? He hasn’t seen anything yet. Time to get a taste of your own medicine. First chance I get, I’m getting my revenge.

  I grab some paper towels, mopping the moisture from my face. He starts coming towards me again, when I hear the phone ringing in the background. That must be Aiden, trying to call me. Not answering might be a good thing. Maybe he’ll get suspicious and think something really did happen to me. I hope warning bells are going off in his head, because I don’t want him walking into this house unaware of the danger that awaits him.

  “I’m guessing that’s Aiden. It’s cute how he checks in on you. I’m sure he’s worried that you’re not picking up. Probably is rushing over here right now to see if you’re okay. I can’t wait until he shows up,” he says reaching me.

  He grips my throat with his free hand, applying enough pressure to make me panic but enough to allow me to breathe.

  “I really did a number on you, huh, Emma? I’m surprised Aiden married you after what I did. Although, it doesn’t seem like he has the best taste in women. He’d rather have you over Jessica, who has every asset you don’t. When he fucks you, does he put a bag over your head? Or does he just fuck you from behind so he can’t see your ugly face,” he says eyes twinkling.

  Before I can respond or spit in his face like I want to, I hear the front door fly open. I look over Marcus’s shoulder to Aiden’s crazed expression. Horror, pain, everything I never wanted to see on his face just flashed right before my eyes.

  I see him stride towards us as Marcus tightens his hold on my neck. I cough, trying to get some air from the grip he has on me.

  “I’ll choke her to death or just shoot her in the head if you take one more step towards us. Your choice, Aiden,” Marcus says not breaking eye contact with me.

  I see Aiden halt in his tracks, a helpless look upon his face. He knows that Marcus calls the shots. He can break us if we don’t follow his rules.

  I feel his fingers contract away from my neck, a
s I gasp for air. I cough loudly, rubbing my sore throat.

  “Stop being so dramatic, Emma. We both know you can take more than that,” he says laughing.

  I look up at Marcus, noticing that he’s staring directly at Aiden as he said that. I see Aiden flex his jaw, his right hand clenched into a fist beside him. It’s not enough that Marcus is practically holding us prisoner here, he has to bait Aiden as well.

  “What do you want?” Aiden says, anger dripping from every syllable.

  “What do I want? How about the money that I should’ve gotten months ago. How about my freedom, not having to look over my shoulder everywhere I go. How about finishing what I started,” he says looking at me now.

  I knew that he couldn’t stand me living. No matter what, he wants me dead. Even if we get him the money, he still wants retribution for what I did to him.

  “Whatever amount of money you want, it’s yours. You can hurt me if that makes you feel better, just don’t touch Emma. She has nothing to do with this,” he pleads, anger still lacing his voice.

  “You stupid, pussy-whipped motherfucker! She has everything to do with it! You’ll give me my money, but I think I’ll have a little fun with her first. I think I’ll fuck her right in front of you, while you watch me take her. I’ll ruin her, so much that you won’t even want her when I’m through,” he says smiling.

  Aiden’s face morphs into one of utter rage, as he rushes towards Marcus, jumping over the back of the couch. Marcus moves the gun away from me, trying to aim it at Aiden’s incoming form. Before he can pull the trigger, Aiden bulldozes him, both of them falling to the kitchen floor. I scream in horror, trying to figure out what to do. I see Aiden bash Marcus’s hand against the ground, trying to loosen his hold on the gun.

  “Run!” Aiden yells to me, as he punches Marcus in the stomach.

  My mind catches up with my body, realizing what I have to do. I can’t just leave Aiden here with him and hope for the best. I need to end this right now, for good.


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