Hunt of the Gods

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Hunt of the Gods Page 30

by Amy Braun

  “I got distracted. A couple of people tried to mug me.”

  Bright blue eyes peered deep into mine. Derek was quiet for a long time.

  “I almost feel bad for the muggers,” he finally said.

  I smiled. That was exactly the kind of thing I needed to hear.

  But it’s not enough. I need more.

  I didn’t let myself think about consequences. I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around him. His arms closed against my back a second later. I stood there just absorbing his warmth, smelling his woodsmoke-and-cinnamon scent, letting someone else hold me up for a moment.

  Derek didn’t say anything. He lightly rubbed my back, sending a healing spell into me and easing the rest of my pains. He pressed a light kiss to the top of my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and wished I could unravel myself enough to love him the way he loved me.

  After a moment that was both too long and too short, I released myself from his embrace and stepped back.

  “I’m going to go clean up. Are you staying out here?”

  “Yeah.” He spun the spear in his hand. “We haven’t left here in a couple days. Probably won’t be able to for another few months.” He stopped spinning the spear and looked at it. His eyes traced over the engravings, taking in every word left behind by ancient warrior poets. “I don’t know what’s coming next, but I want to be ready for it.”

  I stepped closer and set my hand over his. I felt him go still. His eyes were on our hands, pale and tanned, with the spear beneath our fingers.

  “We will be ready for it,” I promised.

  Derek looked up at me. The intensity in those blue eyes, the earnestness and trust… they were the reason I wanted to keep fighting for him. My trust had been broken before. So had Derek’s. We both knew that giving it was no small thing. But he had given me his trust long ago, and I’d given him mine. More than that, he’d given me a home, a sense of belonging. He’d never asked for anything in return. He would never use me or push me. He protected me and never got in the way when I stood up for myself.

  His heart was so big for the people he cared about. Too big. To know that I was in it, that he loved me…

  I closed the distance between us and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was brief, no more than the softest touch, but it was enough to startle him and make him blush.

  I smiled at that. Maybe I couldn’t unravel what I felt for him just yet. But I knew that being around him made me happy. I knew he would treasure me. He’d never looked at my past and seen it as something to be concerned about. He just saw me.

  “To lift your spirits,” I said cheekily.

  I slipped my hand from Derek’s and walked toward the cathedral. I didn’t need to use my Sight to know he was still stunned by that small kiss.

  Two thousand years had changed me. My past had intertwined with my future. There wasn’t anything I could do about that. All I could do was move forward and take control of what I wanted. Keep the people I cared about, the people I loved, safe.

  And I would do that. There were shadows in the future, and I doubted it would be easy, but it would be worth it. I hadn’t been allowed to choose my own fate when I was a Trojan Princess. The gods had meddled and chosen for me.

  That would not be the case this time around. This time, I was going to choose. And I dared them, dared them, to stand in my way.


  I WAS SUPER excited to return to the world of Néo Vasíleio with Derek, Liam, Selena, Mason, Corey, and Thea. Returning to a book is always daunting, and I can’t deny that there were times when I was worried I wouldn’t get it done on time. Life often got in the way, but I stuck with it and let the story grow around me, and it took me in a direction I didn’t expect but I am eager to continue the journey.

  Of course, I couldn’t do it without the support of my friends and family. Especially my parents, who are always so enthusiastic and encouraging. If my mom’s not telling everyone she knows about my books, my dad is literally hauling one over his head and across the pool to show the poolside bartender. Love you all!

  Next big thank you belongs to my editor Jen who worked hard, had fun, and helped put together the pieces of this story. You’re the best!

  I can’t be more grateful to Giselle from XPresso Book Tours for her patience, diligence, and professionalism. I’m also blown away again by the fabulous team at Deranged Doctor Design for creating beautiful artwork I continue to gush over.

  I’m so thankful for all the reviewers, bookstagrammers, and fellow bookworms who helped promote and support Hunt of the Gods with their honest opinions. Review sell books, so your opinions genuinely mean a lot to me.

  Finally, I want to thank you, the reader, for enjoying Derek and Liam’s story. I really do look forward to hearing feedback from fellow readers and hope you’ll join me on their next adventure!

  About the Author

  AMY IS A Canadian urban fantasy and horror author. Her work revolves around monsters, magic, mythology, and mayhem. She started writing in her early teens, and never stopped. She loves building unique worlds filled with fun characters and intense action.

  When she isn’t writing, she’s reading, watching movies, gaming, struggling with chocoholism and ice cream addiction, and diving headfirst into danger in Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. Amy can be found online on Facebook ( Twitter (@amybraunauthor) and Instagram (@amybraunauthor).




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