Simone: Second Chances

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Simone: Second Chances Page 2

by Lenise Lee

  “Did you forget about me?”

  A husky male voice dripped over my shoulders. A warm breath trickled over the side of my exposed neck and down toward the center of my chest. The scent of Daniel’s spicy cologne sent my small nostrils into a heated flare. His presence, even without laying my sight directly upon him, was unmistakable and my body reacted unashamedly, quivering slightly at our closeness.

  When our eyes touched, blue irises blazed bright and penetrated deep down into my soul. Something stirred within me. It was a sensual feeling, both foreign and quite natural to the true self lurking beneath my demure façade. Highly erotic and dripping pure energy, my need to connect with this man once again almost stamped out every sliver of my etiquette. I very nearly stood to my feet, balanced myself up on pointed heels, and pushed my arched back and electrically charged hips forward into his waiting and commanding embrace. The surge of desire pulsing through me almost drove me to slide a slender set of fingers teasingly down the curve of his square jaw and tempt him into my greedy hold. I wanted to press my soft lips against him and pour out my secret longing. I knew that his rosy kiss would ignite the flame kindling within me. He had been the only man who had ever successfully drawn my lust up to a full alarm blaze.

  I shook the daydream away and tried to claim lucidity once more. The smile I returned to him was small and polite; it was all I could do to restrain the sudden rush of emotion welling up at being this close to him once again. My lips barely moved but my tongue fidgeted restlessly behind my teeth. Prying eyes lurked all about and more were on the way as, single file and two by two, more of my coworkers dragged tired and overburdened feet across the thin carpet.

  “Of course not,” I eked out softly, still trying to mask my arousal. “I was getting ready to head toward your office, Mr. Kade.”

  I tried to angle myself slowly so that I could shift the rolling chair away from his penetrating gaze. Without another word said between us, Daniel caught the arms of the chair. He dropped down low and crouched before me in a sitting position. As his sapphire gaze stared up at me and while he was nearly on bended knee, our roles were now completely reversed. Suddenly it seemed as if I were the one who commanded control and sway over him. But, I knew that was not exactly true. His handsome face kept me enthralled and his hypnotically masculine presence dared me to reach for him and stroke his seamless and bold features. Seconds ticked by as I sat wordlessly captivated by him.

  “Please call me Daniel.” His tone was low and caressed my senses soothingly. “I never cared for that company rule. I’m still trying to have it omitted from our policy book.” He laughed a little before he speaking again. “In truth, it’s beyond silly for adults to walk around calling one another Mr. and Mrs. all day. After we walk back out of those doors, we’re all the same.”

  My mouth almost refused to say his given name lest my affection advance out of bounds.

  “Okay…Daniel.” I offered him a slight smile. “I was on my way…just trying to get a few tasks done beforehand since I wasn’t sure how long I would be sitting with you.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” his tone was low and filled with sincerity.


  My eyes dropped away as a sudden shame swam around me. No further response dared cross my lips. Whatever I said, whether admission or denial, would not resolve the conflict between the aching need within my core and the guilt that would not retreat from my mind. I almost wished that the memory of our intimate bond would wash away with the next night’s sleep.

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this…issue.” I wasn’t quite sure how else to label our tryst while public ears floated around in all directions. “Your flowers were lovely, and I truly thank you for them…but,” I hesitated, uncertain if I actually meant my next declaration, “I think it’s best that we not mention anything about this situation ever again after today.”

  There, it was all done. Now we could both move forward with our separate lives. No guilt. No regrets. No more wondering what the other person might be thinking or trying to cautiously anticipate our next awkward exchange.

  Again, I tried to turn away and again he would not allow our faces to part ways. Our eyes were locked in a piercing stare, each of us wishing for the courage to bare only truth and honesty about our desire to be reunited, neither able to say the next word.

  It was Daniel who was brave enough to break the tension. As he spoke with passionate emphasis, I understood he would accept nothing except a sincere response from me.

  “Tell me our time together meant nothing to you.” His deep gaze was trying to evoke my sentiment. His love stricken stare swept over my features and pushed for me to recall the heat we shared. “I’ll walk away and never say another word. I’ll never send another rose from my heart to yours.”

  My sanity wanted to question his motives for refusing to bury our sordid play in the past. Did he honestly wish to carry forward the impassioned link between us or was he only trying to ensure that my silence was guaranteed? Ultimately, it was my spirit that finally meandered over all of the walls I tried so desperately to stack up against my longing to re-ignite the flame with Daniel. What my mind tried to skip over, my heart immediately locked in on. He did not simply say from me to you, he specifically said from my heart to yours. The realization of this tiny fact tugged at my sensitive desires.

  A tiny tremor slid between my breasts, causing my nipples to pebble slightly. I knew the answer I wanted to confess; however, I doubted I had the courage to tell him the same. What would my fellows think of me once they discovered that I had pursued such a taboo liaison? Gold-digger? Temptress? Or would the labels be much worse? More so, although Daniel Kade was the head of this office, he would still have others to answer to regarding his personal relationship with a subordinate. Did he consider a continued romance with me to be worth more than his career? Perhaps he had not even contemplated so far into the future. Lust and love have a tendency to blind even the wisest amongst mankind.

  Suddenly, more heavy footsteps padded in my ears. My eyes darted to and fro as I started to notice the curious stares aimed at us by those passing by. Daniel’s pose mimicked a man about to propose marriage and my flushed face only added to the intensity of emotion being acting out between us. I did not get a chance to bite my lip or flee in any direction, as I had wanted to; Daniel seemed to sense my embarrassment. I truly believe my nervousness at being on display for all the others to observe was the only reason he broke our conversation at such a crucial moment. Before I could answer regarding my true feelings for him, a gentle finger touched the center of my warm cheek. The tender stoke of his hard fingertip sent pulses of hot energy over my face. The skin lining the back of my neck and down through the moist valley at the center of my thighs churned and prickled in response. He craved my attention and now he held every ounce of me at the center of his ocean painted irises. For that single hushed moment in time, no one but we two existed. All others had dropped from our world without further concern.

  “Simone,” he spoke my name with the sweetest note of adoration, “if there’s nothing more to say, all I can do is wish you a good day and a great life.” He leaned in further, bringing his seductive stare and lush rosy lips so kissably close to mine. “But if you want this to be more…like I do…” the sultry breeze from his warm breath immediately captured my mind and forced a hidden dew to creep slowly through my tiny pink opening, “I’ll see you soon.”

  His Mediterranean eyes made one final and elongated sweep over every inch of me. My back lifted slightly as his power worked its way over my senses and through my body. Then, he stood tall and walked away. My heated stare burrowed into his strong back as he made an easy and confident stride up the center aisle walkway.

  My heart and my mind waged war with one another. Daniel had laid out the choice plainly and had left the decision of where our relationship would venture to – or not ­– in my control. If I stayed put, seated in this familiar chair, continued on wi
th my familiar work, and moved forward with my familiar life, all would go back to how simple it had all once been. I could hide my indiscretion at the furthest corner of my memory and have no worries that Daniel would continue his subtle pursuit of me. No one would ever know of our sensuous and covert affair. My common sense and the person I had always known myself to be understood the appropriate path to follow. My heart, however, would settle for nothing less than having a second chance at sharing more than a physical attraction with this man.

  Was there a great chance that our bond would grow into so much more? Yes. Was true love after such steamy sex absolutely impossible? No, it’s not. The answers were bold and certain. My proof that my choice was the correct one – love always resides wherever two hearts seek to become one.

  Every second ticked down to now or never. Dismiss or pursue? Familiar or fate? Suddenly, my resolve was set. A demure smile graced my tinted lips. I abandoned further inward debate, locked my computer, and walked my heels swiftly toward a destination unknown yet filled with passionate possibilities.

  My eyes were set on my goal and nothing else. My senses effectively blocked out every inquisitive glance I felt rolling in from all sides as I advanced closer to Daniel’s office. Without warning, a broad and manly figure hovered in the rectangular frame ahead of me. Had he somehow sensed my approach or had he given up on my arrival and was moving on with his day?

  Two inches from the open door and my heart, which had already missed several all-important beats, jolted to a brief standstill. Even a glimpse of his presence commanded my full attention. Blue diamonds peered down at me sending a stormy slither of sensual need over my moist skin and pushing out through the tips of my fingers.

  A rush of confusion quickly followed the erotic effect. This was a mistake. I had probably misinterpreted all the signs leading up to this embarrassing point. An abrupt about-face was slinking its way down my unsteady legs.

  Before I could turn away, Daniel reached out and touched the top of my hand. He must have seen my hesitation. The fear of being caught was wrapping itself around my usually serene appearance.

  “It’s all right…come in,” he spoke soothingly. Low enough to escape raised ears but resounding enough for me to advance across the threshold.

  His long and thick fingers gently twined themselves around my smaller ones. I looked up and was met by a sincere and reassuring smile. Silently and delicately, he urged me closer and away from any wayward glances. The instant after Daniel ushered me into his private office, he casually shut the door behind us. A slight click was all I heard then the entire world dropped away.

  The pads of fingers combed through my ear length layers, starting at my lengthy bangs and caressing lightly over the crown of my head and down the back of my scalp. Waves of vibrant tingles shivered and cascaded from the nape of my neck, to the tips of my perky bronzed nipples, and settled deep inside of my womb. I could hold up my resistance against his subtle charm no longer. I fell backward into his mighty and anticipating embrace. As soon as my slim back pushed against the hard outline of his shapely chest, covered only by a fine linen dress shirt and dark tie, the bulging muscles of Daniel’s strong arms flexed to attention as he enfolded me tightly to his body. A hot pair of moistened lips pressed to the tip of my tiny earlobe and my body became so light that I nearly melted right through him.

  “Simone,” he whispered dearly while a heavy breath slipped over my shoulder. “I missed holding you this way.” The tip of his straight nose dragged along the length of my neckline. I heard him inhaling whiffs of my scent deep into his large lungs. “I missed how sweet you smell and how your delicate frame fits so perfectly in my arms.” He stopped; his next words carried a hint of worry. “Have you thought of me at all since then?”

  I knew without a second thought what then he was speaking of.

  “Yes…I have,” the confession tumbled off my tongue. My voice was barely above a controlled whisper when I spoke into the anxious air. Many more words of desperate desire wanted to follow but I held them at bay…at least for the moment.

  He squeezed me tighter and I buried myself deeper into his solid embrace.

  “I thought you hated you me,” were his hesitant and low spoken words. A chaste kiss to my earlobe accompanied his admission.

  “No,” I chanced revealing my real reason for ignoring his floral apologies, “I was…ashamed…slightly…and felt a little…embarrassed.”

  He spun me delicately in his arms so that we were once again face-to-face. He caressed me tenderly with his soft blue irises.

  “Why? If anyone should be ashamed, it should be me.” Daniel gathered me close to his chest and stared deep into my eyes. “It was awful of me to seduce you the way that I did but I have seen nothing else except your lovely face since the day we met.” He stroked my cheek slowly. “I don’t regret having you for my own for those few minutes…I do, however, regret the way it came about.”

  His honesty and sincerity pulsed within me, passing from his mouth directly into the center of my heart.

  I pressed the palm of my hand flat at the apex of his chest. I felt my brow furrow a little as my previous worry crept in once more.

  “After we parted, and as the days passed, I didn’t know what you thought of me. I swear I have never done any like that with anyone else.” I folded my lips in and tried to phrase my thought as carefully as possible. My gaze slipped away before I told him the rest. “It was the same for me…since the day I came to interview here, you have somehow always been on my mind. I mean…my desire for you…but I’m sure you hear that all the time…”

  My voice trailed off while uncertainty riddled through me. A light touch at the tip of my chin coaxed my eyes upward again and suddenly I wasn’t as unnerved as I had been only seconds ago.

  He kissed me. Lightly, at first, then with more simmering passion. Our lips melded into one pair. The taste of sweet cream, possibly from morning oats, rolled from Daniel’s mouth onto mine. A feeling of much anticipated bliss filled my stomach and swayed my thoughts into a calm oasis. My arms slipped around his neck and my fingers twined the short silky strands of his honey blond hair around their tips. The blinds to his windowed back office were open and we were completely exposed to every peaking eye that passed by yet I threw myself further into his loving hold, freely receiving every ounce of the adoration his body was offering to me.

  When Daniel and I finally parted our burning lips, we were slightly breathless. The kiss was a direct result of every passing second of strained and mounting desire that had been reluctantly tucked away within each of us since that sizzling afternoon. A warm and peach shaded brow rested against mine. We shared the quiet glow of our long awaited and tender reunion.

  “Come to my house tonight. Have dinner with me.”

  It was an offer I would be foolish to refuse; however, I quickly considered what he might be expecting after our meal. Passionate play wasn’t all that I was seeking in a relationship. I would not, however, demand that he offer me the possibility of falling in love if those true emotions were not already present in his mind.

  “Dinner only. I’m only asking you to have a meal with me…nothing more.”

  Once again, he had somehow sensed my worry and brushed away my hesitation.

  “Alright,” I smiled up into his gentle stare, “I accept.” A look of relief flashed in his eyes and the tiniest breath passed from his lips and hard chest. “Should I bring a dish? Tell me your favorite food and I’ll see what I can whip up.”

  Our embrace tightened again. A strong pair of arms coddled me like a cherished possession.

  “All I need is for you to bring yourself and I can see to the rest.”

  Another charming sweep of his mouth across my parted lips and I was dangerously close to hitting my arousal’s summit once more. Before that high crescendo forced itself upward and out of my body, I eased out of Daniel’s hold and stepped around him. I could feel that his strong hands were reluctant to let me go but he did
so anyway. Time seemed always to be against us and the office was still pushing toward full capacity. I didn’t glance back as I exited. Tonight there would be much to say; for now, we had to part ways or risk falling under one another’s intoxicating and reckless love spell yet again.

  Daniel and I did not speak again for the remainder of the day. I had to continuously push back thoughts that he had possibly changed his mind regarding our dinner plans and was thinking of a suitable excuse to cancel. Minutes before I logged out of my terminal, an IM with his name in the title flashed in the corner of my screen. A smiling yellow face followed an address and a time for us to meet. I would be a liar if I didn’t admit a feeling of contentment and a spark of schoolgirl giddiness dancing through my mind when I read the short message.

  While driving toward his home, I had expected a man with his level of success to live in some lofty and gated community, far away from mundane community affairs. On this assumption, I was completely wrong. At seven o’clock that evening, as dusk prepared to drape its veiled cloak over our town, I pulled onto a street in a welcoming neighborhood that was only starting to settle down for the oncoming night. Large, brown brick single family homes with tall white paned windows dotted the lane. I drove by a group of teens gathering for gossiping and laughs in front of a garage. Further up two dads, who were wearing hats with their favorite teams’ logo and wrinkled gray sweatshirts, nodded at one another solemnly. I imagined they were not happy with the results of a game or some stats on a star player. A pair of pre-schoolers, most likely the men’s children, ran circles around their long legs as they raced on three wheelers. I smiled as I passed these homely sights and others of the same. They served the purpose of warming my affection for Daniel Kade up another notch or two.


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